Nws lub npe tag ntsho yog hu li no Heej leej pov Sws txaam Es nej puas paub hais tias heej leej pov Sws txaam puab plaub kwv tij no nyob rau tiam twg ob
Get help with your friends have hi all just the other side the other day that you have received your friends to join your company to see the opportunity and would appreciate the other side and a 🥰 to me and it will
What's the guy with the dyed hair name? I'm also looking for an old war hmong movie that he (not kwm lis) starred in, that he and 3 other hmong guys with red ribbons tied to their foreheads, fight the Vietnamese during the war. What's that hmong movie called again? Please help. Thanks!!
Ntev los yeej tseem zoo saib kawg li
Hes fast .😊
25/8/2021 los yeej tseem zoo saib kawg nkau li os
Rov qab saib zoo luag tu siab kuag
được nhiều hơn ❤❤❤❤
Xav laug kawg li o
Nyb zoo os phj ywg as ua tau zoo kawg li os phj ywg as sib rub tes thiab os nb
Nias kj lawm pab nias kv thiab nawb
Zoo kawg li tuaj caum koj lawm ho tuaj caum kuv thiab ua tsaug nawb sib pab caum
Zoo ❤
Puas kam pab thiab og py aw.kuv ua ntej tshawb koj lawm
thaum is me ma xav saib kawg hnov luag tej tso nrov mas kub siab lug .tseem noj mov los tso kiag diav tseg es khiav mus saib ...tsi noj ..hi hi
Khwv ua xib fwb MA khw kawg nawb
Zib pab os
nco txog hnu b neej hmoob qub2 thaum i kawg li os saib cov nam qub no na. koom kj lawmos py
Tij laug kwm lis
Xyoo 2023 tseem saib
Zoo heev li o ຂໍຕິດຕາມນ້ອງໄດ້ບໍຂໍອາ້ຍແທ້ແທ້
Phim hăy nhât
peb sib pab nawj phooj ywg kuv pab koj lawm pab kuv thiab nawj
5555 I'm dead laughing on this one 😆 🤣 😂
Tij laug kuv saib koj daim nam no ma saib tsi dhuav li os xav saib tas li xwb os
Great movies! please upload the full movie . Will subscribe (:
Good movie stunts
Quav dev xwb txuj dev tsuas zis ok😊
Ok thich phet
Lol i remember this movie but i forgot he was in here lol. The bamboo scene was very funny.
Looks interesting! Can you upload the full movie ?
Kuv twb saib rau koj lawm thov pab rau kuv os
ดีมาก. มาก
Thov pab tshawb npa kuv thiab os phooj yws aw
Lols high kawj
Nws lub npe tag ntsho yog hu li no
Heej leej pov Sws txaam
Es nej puas paub hais tias heej leej pov Sws txaam puab plaub kwv tij no nyob rau tiam twg ob
Cas koj tseem paub tshaj lawv lawm thiab na
kuv pab nias koj lawm vam tias koj yuav pab kuv hnawb
is it possible for you too upload this movie please
Ai con xem ko ta
Get help with your friends have hi all just the other side the other day that you have received your friends to join your company to see the opportunity and would appreciate the other side and a 🥰 to me and it will
the bamboo is the scary part lol
hmongBoYz hmong,ua,noj,ua,haus,toj,siab
hmongBoYz phim hmony
xem thêm vào
phim Hmông đua
well you upload the full part from 1-3?
Võ kiểu gì vậy
could you uplaod the full movie?
Can you upload the whole movie?
Man I wish I can do the dragon body turn but I know is hard for big people to do it only small and skinny people can be able to do it only
What's the guy with the dyed hair name? I'm also looking for an old war hmong movie that he (not kwm lis) starred in, that he and 3 other hmong guys with red ribbons tied to their foreheads, fight the Vietnamese during the war. What's that hmong movie called again? Please help. Thanks!!
lwm xyooj.
thov pab txhawb kuv thiab os tl