So far, I’ve only tried the brite tone from my tumbler kit. The liquid micas have just been sitting there taunting me since everything arrived last week! LOL. I think today I’ll experiment with them and try to find a perfect pewter to use on the body of my son’s new bass. Having basically unlimited color choices and a blank “canvas” is very exciting!
hi, id like to paint a guitar with this metallic pain/colors. the gun i have is hvlp from eastwood, concourse model with 1.0 needle. i was told the 1.0 will work for britetone but everything ive read about spraying metallics says ineed a 1.5 size tip. theres a gun on eastwood with 1.3 sized tip, its on sale now and i wanted to ask if i can spray these with the 1.0 i have... or if i should get a designated gun for the metallics and if the 1.3 will work or do i need a bigger size tip. they do sell 1.5, 1.7 and other tip kits to fit that gun. what do you recommend?
Here is a link that takes you to our info page. Best advise is stick to the basics. Thin coats. 2 wet mill or 2 sheets of paper thick per coat. 2 hours or more between coats in above 68 degrees ambient temp. Practice on a scrap piece till you get a feel for Brite Tone before you jump onto your main project. You may do fine with your set up as is. Everyone has a different skill level and equipment. Hope this helps.
@@meleaiamurphy2098 Well I don't have that skill level but I bet you do. We always recommend doing a test cup or 2 to get a feel for the products and how they will work for you. And be sure to come over to Facebook and check out our Tumbler group. 1000s of awesome projects in there.
Try a small amount. Should not be a problem. It just depends on which of the dozen or so epoxy manufacturers in the world made it and what they used to make the epoxy.
Good morning. Most of our products can be found on Amazon. The CraftNique Metallics are one of our products that are not listed on Amazon. You can find all our products at
I really appreciate you showing what the colors look like on different bases.
Oh my gosh. These colors are game changers. So pretty!!!
So far, I’ve only tried the brite tone from my tumbler kit. The liquid micas have just been sitting there taunting me since everything arrived last week! LOL. I think today I’ll experiment with them and try to find a perfect pewter to use on the body of my son’s new bass. Having basically unlimited color choices and a blank “canvas” is very exciting!
The rose metallic with blue! Omg!! 😍😍
Thank you! I just bought liquid mica but was clueless. I didn't buy the gold but I just might have to!!
Can this gold mica liquid be used to dip/marble dye white canvas sneakers?
Can the liquid mica be used straight with a stencil over fabric, or should it be mixed with Bright Tone first?
It should work just fine.
Do these need a base under them or can they be used directly on the prepped stainless?
Hi. The Brite Tone acts as a premium binder that could be used as a basecoat.
hi, id like to paint a guitar with this metallic pain/colors. the gun i have is hvlp from eastwood, concourse model with 1.0 needle. i was told the 1.0 will work for britetone but everything ive read about spraying metallics says ineed a 1.5 size tip. theres a gun on eastwood with 1.3 sized tip, its on sale now and i wanted to ask if i can spray these with the 1.0 i have... or if i should get a designated gun for the metallics and if the 1.3 will work or do i need a bigger size tip. they do sell 1.5, 1.7 and other tip kits to fit that gun. what do you recommend?
Here is a link that takes you to our info page. Best advise is stick to the basics. Thin coats. 2 wet mill or 2 sheets of paper thick per coat. 2 hours or more between coats in above 68 degrees ambient temp. Practice on a scrap piece till you get a feel for Brite Tone before you jump onto your main project. You may do fine with your set up as is. Everyone has a different skill level and equipment. Hope this helps.
Can use the BT and Micas as the base and then glitter over it?
You sure can.
Thank you! Could you possibly do a plaid with just these mixes and no glitter? Sorry im a newbie lol
@@meleaiamurphy2098 Well I don't have that skill level but I bet you do. We always recommend doing a test cup or 2 to get a feel for the products and how they will work for you. And be sure to come over to Facebook and check out our Tumbler group. 1000s of awesome projects in there.
Can it be mixed with epoxy?
Try a small amount. Should not be a problem. It just depends on which of the dozen or so epoxy manufacturers in the world made it and what they used to make the epoxy.
do you guys sell your products off of amazon too?
Good morning. Most of our products can be found on Amazon. The CraftNique Metallics are one of our products that are not listed on Amazon. You can find all our products at
Can you do crackle over the micas?