All the sexual stuff in Islam really makes me sick. The fact that it focuses so much on sex should be proof enough to anyone that it is solely man-made.
Spot on, that's why woman are only sex objects for them, it's a man cult just the same secret society mason cult, this is why their plenty of Mason Muslims.
they are so obsessed with sex and, they have a lot of uglies . that is why they covet europe . blue eyes and golden hair its like looking at an angel, the sa'ing the angel.
Does not the sky daddy idea come from Indo-European early God ideas, that then gave rise to pantheons in places like Greece, Rome, Iran and India, with the sky daddy god being at the top ? Whereas Abraham and the Hebrews were Semites, a different ethnic group south of the Indo-European zone of influence. Also 1+1+1 would be what someone straitjacketed to be used to pantheons might think if he could not get that out of his thinking, when encountering a simple description of the Trinity. Both ideas are based on uneducated assumptions, it would appear.
@@fiblz5443 three dimensions is totally different from three separate beings. If I have the strength of an elephant it doesn't mean I am a human and a literal elephant it just means I'm strong. If I say that I'm three different beings than I'm mentally ill.
I was a full blown militant atheist with a muslim background and long story short, one night hundreds of demons came and tried to abduct me (i thought it was alien abduction) and something in my spirit (holy spirit) made me cry out to Jesus and all the demons left and I saw Jesus and I was instantly converted to christianty. ALL GLORY BE TO JESUS CHRIST!!!!
@@thirdplace3973 Soon God's glory will hit the earth you will experience it. Jesus appeared to me because I'm slow and He had to be obvious lol God bless you guys!
@@SonoftheLivingGod7 Yeah, like you ‘ve said in your above comment that it was only a dream which is fantasy. Evolution is REAL. According to it, there is no such a thing called FIRST MAN. We humans did not multiply from 2 beings(Adam & Eve). We evolved from one cell to what we are today. I am very sure that you had never been an Atheist. You were, maybe, a nihilist. Think thrice and speak once. ☮️ 👍
NEWS: You can be a CHRISTIAN and ANTI-TRINITY! The trinity is like saying “born again” is LITERALLY out of a mother's womb and boasting of it. God speaking via Moses, Jesus or the burning bush does NOT make them God, ok? Adam and Eve are one, but one what? Family. You didn't find the trinity reading the Bible as a child, did you? Somebody suggested it to you. God the Father de-le-gates via Jesus, as via Moses. "I can't do anything on my own". Hebrews 1:9 “therefore God, your God, has set you above”. The Father is Jesus’ God! Can’t be clearer. Jesus explained we can be called “you are gods” too, we say “our Father", thus we are gods in a sense. “God is NOT a MAN, that He should lie, NOR a SON of MAN”. God sleeps and defecates not, okey? “For there is ONE GOD, and there is ONE mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus”, and John 17:3. Did Jesus create his own mother? Nobody asked Jesus how he created the Earth. Jesus has body, soul, spirit. God is just spirit. How can they be the same essence, they have the same spirit? Go Unitarians! Even muslims mock Christians because of the LITERAL trinity teaching. Why risk implying God has a multiple personalities disorder? Risk being gullible like Eve? (Peter denied Christ x3. Event the first churches needed correction.) A TRINITARIAN is somebody who ignores* all the above, but throws in a verse they like instead. Self-centered? *Contradictions and lies are Impossible for God, He wouldn't be Holy.
the problem is that the muslims think it’s 1+1+1. every single person of the trinity is fully divine. 1x1x1=1. when YHWH spoke to moses through the burning bush was he absent from heaven? was he any lesser god? He wasn’t.
It's funny when they say "Christians dont even understand basic math" when virtually all Maths is done by the Christian world 😂. And then do these abduls even consider that -e^(iπ) = 1 3 completely ridiculously different numbers in nature all bunched together, all of them inatural and very difficult to rationalise by themselves yet they all =1
I want to add one thing, Some Muslims will say that algebra was made by Arab philosophers in Damascus.. That is true. I just wanted to point that out before a muslim does Edit: Ofc philosophy, asterology, and math only existed in the region because it was predominantly Christian.
@@tribedan7429 Yes, I already mentioned Al-Kharizmi, but even that, I am not entirely sure you can attribute it to Islam, specially since Islam usually conquered well developed regions and then claimed their culture and advancements. Because Al-Kharizmi lived in a Persion region which was already developed but later conquered by islam. Also algebra as a concept was "invented" probably even before 1700 B.C. It's easy to see that when it comes to well known mathematicians, muslim countries are practically mute. A muslim mentioning Al-Khwarizmi is equivalent to a feminist mentioning Marie Curie, (i.e. that's all they got). Search for any keywords like "maths, hypothesis" or "maths, identity" or "maths, formula" find who was behind it and study their names and none of them is muslim. That much I can tell you. 😎
There is no such thing as a sunni or shia 'muslim' in islam.Muslims divided themselves into sects and it was never by Gods permission. The humans made the mistake. Blame them,not their religion.
الواحد بلا جمع ليس كاملا لأنه أقل من الجمع. الجمع بلا وحدة الجوهر ليس واحدا بل تركيبا . الثالوث كمال الواحد ليكون كاملا قبل وبعد خلقه أي شيء ، أي الله وكلمته وروحه واحدا ازلا وابدا بلا تركيب ولا انفصال. كل اقنوم هو الله بسبب وحدة الجوهر الإلهي في ثالوث اقانيم الآب والإبن والروح القدس : إسمه الآب لأن الله هو أصل كل شيء ، خالق كل شيء . إسمه الإبن لأن الله الحكيم كليم ازلا وابدا وبكلمته خلق كل شيء ولم يخلق كلامه ليخلق به الكون كله . إسمه الروح القدس لأن الله الحي القدوس واهب الحياة يقدس ولا يتنجس بشيء مما خلق . الاقنوم الإلهي شخص إلهي حقيقي متميز غير منفصل عن جوهره ويمثل صفات الجوهر كلها ويعمل بها، لأن الاقنوم هو ما يقوم عليه الجوهر ، فالخالق كائن بذاته الحي الكليم ازلا وأبدا ، فهو الواحد بذاته الوحيد بلاهوته الأوحد بكماله. الاقنومية للجوهر مثل الظاهر للباطن ، فكل جوهر غير مرئي إلا عبر اقانيمه ، وبما ان الإله الحقيقي لا نظير له فلا يوجد مثال يطابق الذات الإلهية، بل صورته في آدم تشرح الوحدانية الجامعة، فكل إنسان عاقل حي يمثل الجوهر البشري تمثيلا تاما بجسده وعقله وروحه رغم ان كل إنسان منفصل عن غيره ، مع فارق حتمي بين الخالق والمخلوق هو ان اقانيم الجوهر الإلهي غير منفصلة وغير محدودة بينما اقانيم الجوهر البشري محدودة ومنفصلة بعدد سكان الأرض الأحياء . رضوان الله لمن يصدقه ويثق فيه وليس لمن يكذبه ويشكك في كلامه. الوحي الإلهي في التوراة والإنجيل يخص كيفية عودة الإنسان إلى ربه بالصورة التي يريدها ربه، وبفضل كرم الخالق صار الطريق مجانا بلا ثمن بشري ، بهذا له الفضل والدين كله، فلا مظلوم امام الديان العادل . التمايز ليس فصلا ، هذا مطلوب فهمه عند الحديث عن شخص الرب يسوع المسيح، واحد بناسوته ولاهوته بلا انفصال ولا اختلاط ولا تغيير ولا امتزاج، بهذا نفهم اعمال البشر واعمال رب البشر في سيرة حياة يسوع المسيح ، فلا مبرر للتعثر بظاهر يسوع الإنسان لرفض لاهوت المسيح فيه . اليهود تعثروا فأضلوا التفسير ، فاستحقوا غضب الله عليهم بزوال الهيكل وتوقف الغفران لهم منذ سنة ٧٠م، والعاقل يتعظ ولا يقلدهم في إنكار لاهوت كلمة الله المسيح في يسوع الإنسان الذي ذهب طوعا إلى الصليب وتمم نبوءات موسى وداود واشعياء ودانيال التي عند اليهود . الفيصل بين افكار البشر في مقارنة الأديان أن الإله الحقيقي لا يتأثر بشيء مما خلق ، فلا يهمل رسالته ولا يصحح كلامه ولا ينقض وعوده ، بل حجته تامة إلى يوم الدين بلا عذر من أي إنسان عاقل حر . ليس هناك مخلوق أفضل من خالقه في شرح الوحدانية الجامعة، لأن كلام الرب يسوع المسيح عن علاقته بالآب والروح القدس أوضح من تشويهها. عندما قال : ((أنا هو)) قصد أنه يهوه إله ابراهيم واسحاق ويعقوب وموسى، وعندما قال:((أنا والأب واحد)) قصد مساواة الآب والإبن، اقنومين بذات الجوهر الإلهي بدليل معجزات تخص الله وحده لاشريك له في الخلق والمغفرة والدينونة والازلية والتشريع فعلها يسوع الإنسان بقوة لاهوت كلمة الله المسيح فيه، وعندما قال:((أبي يعمل حتى الآن وأنا أعمل )) قصد أنه إبنه بالمعنى المشار إليه في مزمور ٢ وسفر الامثال ٣٠ : ٤ وسفر دانيال ٧ : ١٣و١٤، وعندما قال عن الروح القدس أنه يرسله من الآب، قصد وحدة القرار والإرادة والعمل والمجد والقوة والقدرة والسلطان في ثالوث اقانيم الآب والإبن والروح القدس.
Trinity is a concept created in the council of Nicea by Rome. Read the book of Yaakov (James). He said Elohim can't be tempted by evil and Yeshua was tempted in everything, including by Satan. Just study the origins of the Christianity faith and you will see how you guys are wrong. Mark 12:38 Yeshua also recited Sh'ma Israel, a Jewish prayer We do daily.
It becomes funnier when Uthman tries to use his hisslamic math to calculate the age of Rebecca and comes to the conclusion of her age being 3 years old at the time of her marriage. Somethin' about abdoolMath and the number 3 that keeps popping up again and again😂 I guess that's why their profit goes by the name of MoHAM-math --> pig brained math skills
Here’s an easier way to dumb it down for Muslim friends: I have 1 body, 1 spirit, 1 mind, and still I am only 1 person. Welcome to a new level of understanding. Brava!!! 🦋
It's not a good to use that analogy because it's partialism. The body has a different essence to the spirit. Body is material and soul is and spirit is immaterial. Wheras the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit share the same essence.
David, yesterday I finished Nabel Qurayshi's book "seeking Allah, finding Jesus". May the Lord Jesus bless and protect you brother. İ am also ex muslima
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pmHe studied religions though, so it doesn't matter as what exactly he got raised. There isn't even much difference between ahmadi and all other islamic groups. They just have a mahdi/messiah and are more peaceful.
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pmWhat are American (born and raised) Muslims who don’t hold to the fundamentals outside whatever praise men and degrade women? Are these who smoke weed, sell drugs, fully destructive in the community, push grotesque rappers and the music industry, post inappropriate sexual language, like those in Philadelphia, PA; are those Sunni’s considered true Muslims?
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pm If you read the book, there's an excerpt by Shabir Ally that says that Nabeel's critique of islam is not indicative of a particular type of islam, but rather the religion as a whole. Also I don't know what a Qaidani is but Nabeel was an Ahmadiyya. And the Ahmadi Muslims recite shahada and believe all the pillars of faith. Muhammad supposedly said in the sahih hadith that whoever recites shahada is a muslim, and no one can claim that they are not.
@@ZONE-fj8ly what about them? You got the balls to explain how these few verses in an entire library imply a universal preoccupation with sex, compared to a false prophet whose entire life goal was banging women and underage girls, and political power? The Numbers passage doesn't mention anything close to sex/sexual matters with the women in question and the second one seems to be referring to female servants' rights if their owners decide to give them to their sons in marriage. Care to explain why you mentioned the verses in question?
will you trust whoever believes in 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 x 1 x 1 to audit your accounts or review your taxes, then you will confirm that is not true, and he will immediately turned to be a cursed infidel and whoever taught him that, don't you think that God is more important of your taxes? 🙃
God’s form: God is a spirit person. (John 4:24) He is invisible to humans. (John 1:18) Visions of God recorded in the Bible consistently portray him as having a distinct location. He is never depicted as existing everywhere.-Isaiah 6:1, 2; Revelation 4:2, 3, 8. God’s dwelling place: God resides in the spirit realm, which is distinct from physical creation. Within that realm, God has a “dwelling place in the heavens.” (1 Kings 8:30) The Bible mentions an occasion when spirit creatures “entered to take their station before Jehovah,”a showing that in a sense, God resides at a specific location.-Job 1:6.
@@Truth_Seeker14 You proved my point. You can't grasp the concept. It makes me wonder what Allah was since he was so limited in power. It seems like Allah was a genie whose only purpose was to grant Muhammad's wishes.
@@Truth_Seeker14Even though God, angels are spirits. The bible says there are Spiritual bodies, just as there is earthly bodies. 1 Cor. 15. It's just a higher dimensional plane. Both Quran and Bible said Jesus came out from God. What does Begotten mean? To come out of someone (Only Begotten Son of God).
@@apologeticsroadshow Did you lose the meaning of one plus after saying it 114 times? That's what happens to me if I say a word over and over, eventually it sounds like gibberish
Same substance, different persons. The Holy Spirit of God's Truth is a diiferent person, but same substance of god-man Jesus Christ, who is the same substance but different person, as YHWH - who is the same substance but different person. The Trinity encourages all humans to be like Elohim, Live like Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit. By Christ's Blessings and resurrection All Christians are in the Body of Christ , Children of God, and become part of God. Absorbed but also still individual bodies & souls.
@@gamerabossb1777 soul aren't exactly physical so I won't count it as body I will rather say it's personality cause if you only had a body then it's isn't really you
Jesus did warn us about false prophets who would come after him. He said to watch out for them and not be deceived by their false teachings. It's always important to stay grounded in the truth
yes, NEWS: You can be a CHRISTIAN and ANTI-TRINITY! The trinity is like saying “born again” is LITERALLY out of a mother's womb and boasting of it. God speaking via Moses, Jesus or the burning bush does NOT make them God, ok? Adam and Eve are one, but one what? Family. You didn't find the trinity reading the Bible as a child, did you? Somebody suggested it to you. God the Father de-le-gates via Jesus, as via Moses. "I can't do anything on my own". Hebrews 1:9 “therefore God, your God, has set you above”. The Father is Jesus’ God! Can’t be clearer. Jesus explained we can be called “you are gods” too, we are to call God “our Father". “God is NOT a MAN, that He should lie, NOR a SON of MAN”. God sleeps and defecates not, okey? “For there is ONE GOD, and there is ONE mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus”, and John 17:3. Did Jesus create his own mother? Nobody asked Jesus how he created the Earth. Jesus has body, soul, spirit. God is just spirit. How can they be the same essence, they have the same spirit? Go Unitarians! Even muslims mock Christians because of the LITERAL trinity teaching. Why risk implying God has a multiple personalities disorder? Risk being gullible like Eve? (Peter denied Christ x3. Event the first churches needed correction.) A TRINITARIAN is somebody who ignores* all the above, but throws in a verse they like instead. Self-centered? *Contradictions and lies are Impossible for God, He wouldn't be Holy.
Its not our fault that the Christian God solves the problem of the one and the many. God is so far beyond our understanding that he sent his son Jesus to help us get a grip on the power and majesty of the father. And by his precious blood, we are redeemed and made children of God.
Amen! Beautifully stated! I’m an exmuslim and once I really thought about it and realized that NOTHING is impossible for an omnipotent God, I was able to accept (even if I can’t understand) the Trinity! (Not to mention, archaeology, science and history continue to validate the accuracy and truth of the Bible for the doubters!) It’s been 9 years now since I was rescued from the dark abyss of islam, but I’m still so humbled and overwhelmed by the love of our Father in Heaven Who granted us the free gift of salvation through faith in the the absolving blood of His precious Son, Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for my/our sins and rose from the dead after conquering death! I can’t wait to see my Lord and Savior face to face! To Him be the glory forever and ever, amen! 🙏🏼💖✝️🕊️✨🫶🏻
4:08 that rebuttal was a subtle but perfect burn. As a Christian with many Muslim friends who are older than me, I do pray they convert to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because they are devout Muslims but also very kind, hardworking family men that I respect. And I expect there are millions like them. Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 As per Christianity, God is not nothing, but God is also not everything. Christianity believes in a specific definition of God and divides the nature of God into two components, namely energy and essence.
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 Christianity believes in a God who is said to have definite properties. For example, God is distinct from Evil. God is also masculine, and it is said that men were created in the "image" of God, although this might not be physical image. BTW, Infinite and uncountable aren't the same things. Uncoutability means you can't really define it. Real numbers are uncountable because there is no proper definition of it. Bur Christians identify God through Jesus.
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 BTW, there is even a consensus among the Orthodox that God is unable to do the impossible, as the gift of free will made it impossible for God to see beyond our choices, hence God did not anticipate the need of granting Theosis to Adam and Eve to better protect them from temptation. So yeah... Light+Light will not work here, because there are types of light.
This COULD NOT have come at a better time. Prepping to talk to a Muslim couple who are open to Christianity but can't understand the Trinity. THANK YOU!
You can have biblical faith in the True God and his Messiah with no Trinity. Seeing as there was no such thing as God-the-Trinity until after the 350s AD, you would be in a historically well-grounded theology. It would certainly help your witness to Jews and Muslims. Some earlier Christologies were Dynamic Monarchianism, which was apparently widespread for the 1st-3rd centuries.
I use the RGB idea. When you look at a white pixel on your computer monitor you are actually looking at 3 colors, red, green and blue. The white is actually 3. Might help to get over the conceptual problem with Trinity.
@@gusolsthoorn1002 That would make Jesus (the Green) a part of God (perceiving white), which is actually called Partialism and is not Orthodox (take that how you want, not trying to say what you should believe.)
@@lukejones5272 The problem I have run into with Muslims is a conceptual one. How can there be three in one? It is simply an approach to getting over that hurdle. Obviously it is not orthodox but unless this first hurdle can be overcome, Muslim cannot begin to grasp the Trinity, or specifically who Jesus Christ is.
If you fold a towel into 3rds, you can see 3 layers. But when you open it up and iunfold it, you have ONE towel. That is a good illustration of the Trinity.
@@samup4378 No model ever perfectly replicates the system its modeling. Although I would be snooty and say "well if you have one bath towel, one hand towel, and one face towel, that's one bath set." or something.
Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a Muslim, one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either. The Qur'an is the final testament, true and unaltered he is Muslim because he professed the oneness of his lord in public. Shahada means the bearing of witness. Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity: "And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church" -Homily 17 Section XIX On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said "For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.” -Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5 Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere. The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward." This charge, as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation. The subjects to which the most space or most prominence is given in the sayings attributed, in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized that, calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity. Triune nonsense is straight out of the Roman Pantheon. Hercules, anyone? Cerberus? The trinity of Zeus, Athena Apollo, literally called the Triune. Greek goddess Hecate was portrayed in triplicate, a three-in-one. This was all done to make the creed more digestible, followed by mental gymnastics attempting to reconcile the onsensical with elaborate theories. Why doesn't a square peg fit into a round hole? Answer by saying it's a mystery instead of geometries not lining up. I'll make this simpler, the teachings of Jesus PBUH are only found in Islam. So follow his teachings as they are only found in Islam. God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Even Paul himself only called his teachings "the way" he never referred to it as a new religion, the controversy was surrounding the gentiles who, having no desire for circumsiciion had no willingness to follow "the way" as preached for judeans, another "way" was devised for them, one without the trappings of Mosiac law. Indeed that was the reason why the pharises came after paul in the first place. The first appearance of the collected set of "genuine" letters of Paul was in Marcion's Gnostic Bible, in 130AD. Marcion thought the Hebrew God was a different God than the kindly Father of Jesus. It was the bad creator god. Three centuries later, under the auspices of Constantine, who forbade the celebration of easter, whose arch of victory displays no crosses but a 'sacrifice to Apollo instead', only on his death bed did he verbalise his commitment, Paul was made an apostle by imperial decree, a new creed was devised following the teachings of Marcion, someone that was excommunicated for heresey by the church fathers, who heavily edited the pauline epistles and distanced "the way" further from the original teachings of the prophet Jesus PBUH. Aided with the writings of Augustine of Hippo and John Chrysostom an entirely new religion called christianity was devised, an imperial creed with clear pagan underpinnings most prominent of which is the neoplatonic trinitiy, an idea devised inorder to argue with philosophers at the time for in his words he wanted to distanced his new religion from that of judaism by saying it has nothing to do with these "parasites". Indeed it was during constantine's era that "christians" faced the most repression and persecution. Christendom was always an empirial religion, born under the auspices of constantine, the subjects were converted at the edge of the sword and rendered into slaves for his majesty, often referring to him as their lord. In Islam such slavery is unthinkable. The only lordship is that of the creator, no station into which man was brought into the lands of Islam was to any degree as bad as the repugnant chattel slavery brought by the primitive tribalism inherent in their texts. Constantine chose regularly to refer to himself as the “servant of God” (famulus dei/therapon tou theou) in official writings. By the fifth century, this metaphor of subordination had been redeployed from theological to political contexts as the subjects of the emperor came to refer to themselves as “slaves of the emperor.” And by the sixth, Justinian insisted all his officials swear an oath that they would demonstrate their service to the emperor “with genuine slavehood” (gnesia douleia) building on Paul’s revalorization of the vocabulary of slavery, and particularly the word doulos came to be applied to a variety of hierarchical relationships, even as it also continued to be used specifically of chattel slaves. By the middle Byzantine period, this expansion of the semantic range of the root doul- eventually gave the abstract nominal form douleia, meaning laborer. How can trinitarians believe that the One that decrees that which is a 'sin' and that which is good "die for their sins" ? He is the One who decreed it thus, can decree it not so. To whom is it does the One with whom final authority is sacrifice for? a registrar? No. None are greater than He. Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself. Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted (John 1:29) Jesus was seen (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing Older one is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3). 2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain. It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two small tribes, and the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings. The new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims. In the opening chapters of Acts we find two addresses by Peter, one delivered to the disciples when an apostle to succeed Judas Iscariot was to be chosen, and the other to the Jews on the day of Pentecost. On neither occasion did the speaker mention a new religion, or a church open to Gentiles as well as to Jews, or an abandonment of the Mosaic law. If these ideas had been in his mind at that time, he could not have omitted some reference to them. That the apostles and disciples in Jerusalem continue for at least eighteen years to comply with the requiments of the Mosaic law is proved by the epistle of Paul and also by Acts. In the latter book we read that at time not specified, probably not earlier than 40 A.D Peter went to Joppa and there ate with Gentiles-^that i he violated the Pharisaic interpretation of one of the Mosaic ceremonial rules-and after his return to Jesus; then, he was called to account by his fellow disciple He justified his conduct, not on the ground that Jesus had abrogated the ceremonial law of Moses, or any part of it, but that in a dream he had received a divine communication telling him that all manner of beasts, fowls, an creeping things were clean, and that it was lawful for him to keep company with Gentiles, who were " unclean under the law of Moses. This announcement was accepted as authoritative, but with much surprise, " because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost."' This statement of the revelation to Peter, and of it acceptance by the disciples in Jerusalem, is doubtless a invention of the author of Acts. It cannot be brought into harmony with later passages of his own book, nor with the statements of Paul, who is our only trustworthy witness in these matters. According to Acts, about 51 C. E. a council was held in Jerusalem to put an end to the dissension which had arisen in the church on the questions of circumcision and unclean meats. This council decided in favor of Paul, who was in attendance and the decision as given in a letter addressed not to all Christians but only to: " the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia" - where Paul had been making converts, informing them that they were not required to observe the Mosaic ceremonial law. It is quite clear that no such council would have been held if the matter had been decided ten years before, as Acts says it had been. But this account of the council of 51 C. E. is also a fiction. About eight years later Paul went to Jerusalem again, and his appearance there provoked a riot. The mob wanted to kill him because of his hostility to the Mosaic law, and this mob included Jewish Christians as well as Jews. All the Christians in Jerusalem were zealous adherents of the Mosaic law. Some of the leading brethren, advised Paul to take a false oath that he did not teach his Jewish converts to neglect the law. And, if we can believe Acts, he took that oath. This, however, did not pacify the mob, which would have put him to death if the Roman soldiers had not protected him. They took him to prison and finally to Rome. This story in Acts implies that the apostolic church adopted one rule of discipline for the Gentile and another for the Jewish Christians; that the latter were, and that the former were not, required to comply with the Mosaic ceremonial law. This duplicity of discipline is not recorded elsewhere. It is not known to Paul ; and if it had existed, he could neither have been ignorant of it nor remained silent about it. He tells us that the twelve apostles in Jerusalem, or those of them known to him, favored strict adherence to Moses; and the only way in which he could get along harmoniously with them was by promising to do no missionary work in Judea. He was to labor among the Gentiles," There never was such another epidemic of ecclesiastical forgery. The church was flooded with books attributed falsely to apostolic times and authors. The names of many of these books, and the texts of some, are preserved. Distinguished saints and learned fathers of the faith openly commended the invention and acceptance of false- hoods designed to aid the conversion of the world to what they believed to be truth. Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1 God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Odd that Muslims would limit God to a math equation. If sub atomic particles can exist in two places at once -- and time can be different relative to location -- and so many other things exist that are counterintuitive, how can one accept these ideas yet claim that God must be easier to understand. That's rather egotistical.
One subatomic atom can pass through two slits at the same time. Understand physics is problem. Each cell is an independent living thing that forms an organism in some cases.
@@actuarialscience2283 And yet even that is counterintuitive. Our mind cannot wrap itself around the physics of creation yet there are those who have ego enough to think they can do so with the Creator.
And Christians limit G`d by wrong translations. By the way, many preach that commandments were abolished when the Yeshua himself asked that We must keep it, including the Passover that Christians celebrate one month before as a pagan fast called Easter. If you guys don`t wake up, that prophecy Yeshua said "in that day many will say 'in your name We casted out demons and make wonderful miracles' and He will say 'get out away from here'"
@@Bolaway The topic of the video is Muslim's limiting God to our understanding. Bringing up other topics is a deflection. And "wrong translations" is a made-up claim Muslims have used for a very long time. And nope, there was never a pagan celebration of Christ's resurrection; this is an example of things that are parts of a culture converted/acquired/etc. for a very different purpose. There is no worship of the pagan gods. But back to to the topic of the video, do you have anything on this topic?
This video is awesome as its going to draw people in but touches on all of the "holes in the narritive" and background moral issues as examples! Normalize the problems and get them discussed - brilliant DW!
@@arafatmarius331 Really depends on your philosophy of human nature. Predominant Christian view is probably somewhat Aristotelian or hylomorphic, which means that at least in one sense you are your body, and you are your soul, and you are your spirit. If you take a more dualist position on these things and separate the body and the soul into distinct components that somehow interact or sum to make the human, however, then you would be correct.
@@clintonpelletier9675 Then that's Unitariesm another Heresy The father is fully independent from the son The son is fully independent from the spirit And the spirit is fully independent from the father
@@EvretStudiosits not that the father son and spirit are God separately but they are God by virtue of their shared essence that they share hypostatically
@@EvretStudios but there you go, we can’t be completely separate because we are not God, if He is omnipotent and omnipresent as we say, then He should be able to do just that.
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself. Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted (John 1:29) Jesus was seen (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a Muslim, one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either. Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity: "And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church" -Homily 17 Section XIX On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said "For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.” -Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5 Triune nonsense is straight out of the Roman Pantheon. Hercules, anyone? Cerberus? The trinity of Zeus, Athena Apollo, literally called the Triune. Greek goddess Hecate was portrayed in triplicate, a three-in-one. This was all done to make the creed more digestible, followed by mental gymnastics attempting to reconcile the onsensical with elaborate theories. Why doesn't a square peg fit into a round hole? Answer by saying it's a mystery instead of geometries not lining up. No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims. Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere. The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward." This charge as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation. The subjects to which the most space given in the sayings attributed in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission. Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself. Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted (John 1:29) Jesus was seen (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing Older one is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3). 2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain. It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two small tribes, and the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings. Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1 God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@@NTNG13 Well that is his past life and He is child of God now. Do you know who is psycho in your Islam? Your Allah AKA Mhmd! He wrote everything from his head and says, Allah told me and Jibreel came and delivered this message etc. So you will not find more psycho person then Allah Ok?
I know it’s just a joke to explain a heresy, but I don’t quite get how the example used for the joke is moralism. Ice, Liquid Water, and Steam are forms of Water. The form is changed but the essence is the same. I could introduce steam and liquid into a freezer of ice, they keep their forms (for a time) yet they are all water. Am I making sense?
He inst 4 Persons but he have 4 Persons (or 4 Moments where a Person comes alive) and thats normal in the Reality its called in German "Verhalten"... sorry for my German but i cant explain it in English: Jede Situation ergibt ein gewisses Verhalten und hier kommen dann unterschiedliche Charakterzüge zum Vorschein die den Eindruck hinterlassen man hätte verschiedene Persönlichkeiten doch sind diese nur teil des eigentlichen Hauptcharakters, der Identität.
@@duncanharrell5009 Modalism is an ancient heresy that confesses that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three aspects of God but that God merely reveals Himself in three different forms.
@@FromValkyrie My friend, Foot is also mentioned in Hadith that Allah put his foot in the Hellfire and says Qati Qait (enough, enough) So Alah stand on ONE shin (this is leg bone) but Allah forgot to mention Fibula which is next to shin bone What god Allah is, very forgetful!
Mathematical mockery by Muslims should not be considered as an argument, instead it should be taken as mockery no more no less. 3 persons equals 3 persons however, the 3 persons of the trinity simply share in the one divine essence of God..
Nah they have double standards, muslims when descripting language in quaran : heavens are 500 years marching Muslims Quaran is scientific aaaaaaa, Muslims when the bible says God breathed life and rested on the 7 day: haha silly christians God doesnt breath! Conclusion : Abdools are litarate challanged
2:28 1 person + 1 person + 1 person = 3 persons, not “1 person”. And they wonder why no AbdūI has ever received a Nobel price in a category that requires intelligence! 🙄
3 persons are not 3 BEINGS, that is the difference. You are a man or a woman, a father or mother, a daughter or son , a teacher or a student and there is more . BUT you are ONE Being. With theTrinity it is ONE God, ONE being. Father, person, the Word ( called the Son) another person , not another being , the Holy Spirit not another being but called a person. These three are of the same ESSENCE , one is not less than the other. Since we are also created in the image of God we can apply the same rule to us. One Being but different person.
Okay... Math is math let's keep the discussion there and not make it personal by using terms like 'Abdul' as a slur. It is not Christ-like and it's ignorant of the fact that Algebra was invented by an Arabic Muslim. Please let's keep the comments section respectful.
I'm an hindu from India. A muslim asked me same how can thousand of god be form of same god. Same theory 1+1+1 is not 1. I replied but according to boolean 1+1+1 is 1. So is boolean incorrect. He said no dude boolean is different and basic math is different. Then i said tipic of god and maths are also different. It's the same energy which is expressing itself using different forms and names for a specific task or nature of the devotees.
God in the Bible said the penalty for sin is...eternal death. All we sons of Adam are sinners. And we all have NO ability to pay off our sin debts. We're all screwed! That's where Jesus comes in. Jesus left heaven to become our kinsman redeemer. Jesus was sinless and perfect so He could and DID have the purchase price to pay off ALL of your sins! Trusting in what Jesus accomplished with His death and resurrection, you will receive the gift of eternal life with all of its joys! Please check out the Bible teaching you tube cometh by hearing...and watch the series titled, "change of mind'. After doing so you will understand the topic.
@@predaxgamer6396Jesus , Moses ,Muhammed ,David, Adam , Ibrahim all are messenger of Allah.......Allah made all people finger print for judgement day and resurrection purposes mention in quran
@@Akumu-Kun-0 Sahih Muslim 1602 There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)
@@fuzzybunny3235 Now did I just read that wrong, or am I stupid? Because where did it say that 2 black slaves were worth one Arab, also, some Arabs were black. The owner of the slave demanded 2 slaves in exchange for the Arab one is the more likely scenario but you somehow interpreted it as that? Your Idiocy knows no bounds
@@Akumu-Kun-0 praying for you lil bro. Muhammed was a racist who referred to blacks as raisin heads and said a woman’s witness is worth half that of a man and that there are way more women in hell than men. I choose not to follow a religion started by a racist, mysoginst, sex obsessed dude.
This was really good lol. Talk about using an arguement against itself... Very intellectual. God bless this man he's doing a good job for Christ and all of us 🙏🏽
You can make a thousand videos with scholars destroying Islam but they just ignore the videos just like they ignore Boko Haram and ISIS committing atrocities all over the World but they cry about Gaza.
Islam has awsered David should check how many heresy he got through with that explanation First one Partialism Second one Unitariesm And much more but I won't put them here
@@arafatmarius331 this is a retreat - you lose. In a logical argument between two different theological traditions you don’t win by declaring the other a heretic within your own theology 😂
My Christian brother. you are really amazing. I love your videos and genuinely appreciate everything that you do for all of us. You are somebody that is doing the Lord work. You really are because you are spreading his truth. You are talking about him and trying to make people understand and get to know, Lord, what he says what the truth is and even further, you explain and compare it with mainly Islam and I think that that is such a gift because you expose how Islam even admits that Jesus Christ is the true one. That’s something that I did not know until recently when I watched one of your videos it actually blew me away, but it was something that I believed could be so because well I’ve always had faith and I know that even in times of tough issues and personal trials I still have always accepted the Lord even if I fell short of my expectations, I’ve never turned my back on Christ outwardly never intend to matter how things may get. I do understand enough that the Lord test us, but we also have to be honest and understand that much of what we go through is not the Lord doing. But I can keep going on and on awesome to listen to. It’s really a gift and I love your sarcasm the faces you make and the things you say sometimes with some of the things that not just Islam, but other religions say really does make you wonder of the logic and where it comes from with some of these things, but I love the way you just make them look ridiculous whether you do that intentionally or not. Besides the point, I would argue that you probably do at least a slight degree, either way still very enjoyable and entertaining and you make it fun you make it interesting so may the Lord bless you and yours always sincerely may the Lord keep you in yours and all those that work with you the people that you care about love may keep you all Happy healthy and always prospering sincerely that is for my heart and soul and I mean that with every fiber of my being please do what you do keep doing it and give it everything you got because you really are waiting people up and you are answering questions that I never even thought of thank you my Christian brother peace be with you and may the Lord be with you. God is great. … AMEN & AMEN!
@@lukejones5272 While the quote is from the Nicene Creed, it is in total agreement with the Bible. See verses like John 1:1, John 5:18, John 10:30, John 17:20-22, Philippians 2:6, Colossians 1:15-16, and Colossians 2:9 for example.
@@lukejones5272John 1:1-4 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men."
@@merrickdodge9760 @w.d.gaster3739 Is John 1:1-4 re-writing the history of creation? Or is John bringing to mind when God said "let there be..." and everything came into existence, with his *word*? Very similar to Proverbs 8, where God did not have a female companion named Wisdom, but rather he created *wisely.* Was Jesus speaking in Gen 1, or the Father? John 5:18 - stating the Jews' false opinion. Otherwise, Jesus really broke the Sabbath, and really deserved to die, and therefore cannot be your savior. John 10:30 - Continue reading. Jesus is actually explaining that he is not claiming to be God, but merely the Son of God. He could rightly be called God, just as all "to whom the word of God came," (that's you and me too) but he isn't claiming that. John 17:20-22 "That they may be one *just as* we are one." Are we to become incorporated into the trinity or is Jesus talking about unity of purpose? (See also 17:3 "you, the only True God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.) Philippians 2:6 Jesus gave up appearing as God in favor of appearing as a servant (neither are ontological). "Therefore *God* highly exalted him". Did Jesus exalt himself or did *someone else* exalt him? Col 1:15 - Jesus is the image, not the substance. He established "thrones, dominions, powers, and authorities," not birds, mountains, and trees. This passage is talking about the Authority Structure of the New Kingdom. Col 2:9 Do you not know that the fullness of God dwells in you, believer? See Eph 3:19. How about Romans 5, 1 Timothy 2:5, John 17:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Eph 4:5-6?
@@w.d.gaster3739 Right, God spoke, and the world came into being. "Let there be... and it was so." (See also Isaiah 44:24, Psalms 33:6-9). Were his words actually a person? Or perhaps this is closer to Proverbs 8, where "Lady Wisdom" is not a person, but rather a device to say that God made the world *wisely.* Jesus, not merely speech, perfectly obeyed God's Law (Word), perfectly fulfilled God's prophecies (Word), and perfectly communicated God's message (Word). Jesus is God's Word in the flesh! John 8:40 "You seek to kill me, a *man* who told you what I heard from *God*." -Jesus
If Allah has ONE eye, then he is the dajjal... Narrated Ubadah ibn as-Samit: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: I have told you so much about the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed. Abu Dawud said: 'Amr bin Al-Aswad was appointed a judge. Sunan Abi Dawud 4320
Funny that islam already describe how allah look like. He look like dajjal but he is not one eye 😂🤣 Because all other description did he not comment about only the eye 😂
hello brother in Christ can u share the verse or thr hadith where it says allah has one so i can keep it along w the one u shared abt antichrist having one eye . Thanks brother may the Lord Jesus bless u and keep u in his path . ✝️
@@servus_jesu_christi That's what I heard from the video, then I remembered this hadith. I don't know IF indeed there's a verse like that or if it's one of those things Muslims say to try and make as if their god has non-human features.
Can you see how they repeat same catch phrase?? Like the where did Jesus say "I am God, worship" statement?? They spoon-feed these guys nonsense and they don't even cogitate about these, they just run with it🤦🏽♂️
Maybe it would be helpful to think of it like this: There is me, the whole me which is 1. There is my word which is 1. There is my will which is 1. It's 3 distinct aspects and can have unique characteristics but they are all me, 1.
The Trinity (Tri-Unity) is easier to understand when we know that Jesus is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. God is not separate from His Word or His Spirit. Also, the Word and the Spirit are present throughout the Old Testament. He is one God, not multiple. Jesus the Messiah, the Word of God, fulfills the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament. 💛
What makes this hilarious is the fact that they have the Tauheed. And the Kalam (word) is one of the 13 sifats in the Tauheed which are all Co-eternal. Yet they remain deliberately obtuse about the Trinity. Perhaps because the word of aulloh is transmitted by angels. Whereas the word of Yahweh is a person on his own.
They came into possession of mathematics parchments and played around with them. No one praised me for inventing algebra when I finished my course. We are ever grateful that the Andalusian invaders preserved valuable documents of the ancient world, but don't say you wrote them.
@@smalltownhomesteadACTaking credits for others achiefments is basic abdul behaviour. Erdogan claiming the discoveries of the Americas by turks 😂 And yes it were the Hindus and Greeks that funded mathematics. Not the arabs (or turks 😂).
One of the best arguments I've heard for the Trinity is "Do you not think we would have made it easier to understand if we made it all up?" The nature of the creator of the universe isn't going to be a simple thing that humans can fully comprehend. It would be like two-dimensional people witnessing a three-dimensional being- if three parts of the being intersect with their world, they would see them as three separate beings, when in three-dimensions (beyond what they can see) it's one being.
I love how God answered Job when Job demanded God explain why all that happened to him. God doesn't explain everything, Job probably couldn't even understand if he WAS told. God just said "I am God. Repent"
Using other Form is like one of God ability nothing is impossible to God idk how they even judge God in mathematics matter when God itself is omnipotent 😮💨
Well, some things are impossible for God. God cannot do the logically impossible. For instance, God cannot create a married bachelor, because that’s a contradiction by definition.
@@jensonharris3636 He could, it's just beyond your limited understanding. Think of quantum physics, and the wave/particle experiment. Two things all at the same time.
@@Facts_Are_Facts_Are_Facts No he couldn’t. God is logical. There’s nothing about quantum physics that applies to whether a man is married or a bachelor. He cannot be both. To be a married bachelor would mean one is a “married unmarried man.” It’s nonsensical. Those words put together in that way are simply nonsense. It’s the same reason God cannot create a stone so large he cannot lift it. It’s a nonsensical request. God can’t contradict or defeat his own power. He can’t create square circles. He can’t create a 30-year old man. (He could create a man with the body of a 30 year old, but the man would only have existed for a few seconds, starting from when he was created). You get the picture. These aren’t limits on God’s power. God’s power is limitless. It’s a limit on what is logically and definitionally possible.
same question i always ask the muslims , “God cant be human” oh yeah how do u know? how do u know that the all knowing all powerful God cant do something as simple as entering his creation becoming human and walk amongst his creation? seems like muslims are putting God in their image and us christians just use what the bible says which mentions the existence of a triune God
Some more examples listed below... 1. DW drills a hole in 1 page of the Qran, then the next page... so on and so forth. The drilling goes through the front and back covers too. Did he drill through 1 Qran or many? 2. He drills three holes to make a Mickey mouse. Is one holey Qran = 3 Holey Qran? 3. DW makes one AbuPorker using Qranogami paper. Then he makes many more to perfect his skills. Is one Qran = many AbuPorkers?
Honestly I don’t find it worth an argument online considering I have more important things than internet Muslims being ignorant. Great video, keep it up!
I have used this argument in 2018 in CPs chat, probably when nobody was using it, and I saw muslims glitching to it, and many ppl in the chat started using it. But just to prove the point that we can have better arguments specially when muslims speak about "simple math Christians dont understand", tell them also that -e^(iπ) = 1 which is 3 numbers none of them natural and all of them =1 you have "i" which doesnt even make sense in itself you have π which is transcendant you have "e" which never ends and is infinite as well this is the Euler's Identity who was a Muslim ..... oh wait 🤡 he wasn't. Just like virtually all extremely advanced mathematicians, now and throughout the history. The best they can name is Al-Kharizmi (Algorithms) which I am not even sure if he practically defined mathematically anything... (I'd have to look into that)
Infinity + infinity + infinity = infinity is better. Times means how many sets of something you have. Ex: 2 times a set of 5 bananas = 10 bananas. Now, 1 time a set of 3 different "gods" would be 3 "gods". 1*1=1 just means 1 time a set of "1 god" is "1 god". Of course it is. But the argument from Muslims 1+1+1=1 is pathetic because it does not take into considerstion the capacity of God to manifest Himself in different ways and His capacity to enter creation. Can't Gld take the form a man if He desires? And... God is infinite, the bananas of my example are not.
@@beatrizn.5278 personally I think this -e^(iπ) = 1 is even better, because it shows three different numbers different in nature (different persons by analogy) none of them is natural and doesn't really make sense (cannot be rationalized) yet they all =1
@@greenbird679 Yes, indeed. It bends your mind in many ways. So many concepts of mathematics, sins and cosins and taylor series (infinite series) all combined into one. It's crazy how Euler noticed those patterns.
if you have 1 drop of water, and you add a drop to it, and you add another drop to it, you dont have 3 water drops anymore. You have 1 bigger water drop
If I'm not mistaken, it translates to "unity". And Trinity is the complete unity of the three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In my language we literally say "three-unity".
@@aeriskabkr1110 riiiight… So the Corinthian Creed which even atheist scholars say was written within months of His resurrection was from a time traveler… And I suppose the Christians who died believing in the Trinity in 66AD were reading the KJV on their iPads.. 🙄
The “trinity” remains to be nonsense. It is anti-logic. Three different beings can’t be one ontologically. The catholics coined the term to refer to their mystery as to why the bible insists that there is one God but exalts three figures. Hence the nonsense.
It baffles me that some people believe that the uncreated God, who is outside of space and time, completely independent from the rules of our physical reality, CANNOT do things in that reality that we regard as impossible. This is the God that created the universe, how could he not 'split' himself or his essence up into 2 or three or even infinite parts? I don't understand how you can put a limit on God's abilities.
It is sillier than that. Check out miracles by C S Lewis Anti-Christians believe God can’t do things that occur in nature regularly because such a miracle would be “super natural”
@@lukejones5272 No My friend if you read New Testament Most of the letters from Paul, Peter says, "God the Father AND Jesus Christ" Even those who use" True God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent"
@@ankur7773 But like Mohammad Aisha too cannot be found anywhere in the 7th century doctrine, only in the 9th century doctrine of Islam redacting back to a time that Mecca was nothing but empty space.
@@Debater1 For any Muslm, everyting is illogical but you do not read your Quran which is full of illogical Like> Then Sun is taking dip into the warm spring water Solomon died standing in his bathroom until termite ate his staff (Did he not smell? Or Gavity did not affect him after his death?) You can speak lies as Taqqiya surah 3:28 Hupoo bird is Minister in Solomon's army. An ant is taking with another Ant ( Poor Allah does not know Ant cannot speak! They communicate with chemicals and vibration only) This is your Islamic logic!
AND THE MUSLIMS WILL STILL FIND A WAY TO LET THIS FLY OVER THEIR HEADS!!! Have Grace Upon our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, may all become children of the one true God and shamelessly proclaim Jesus Christ as the world's saviour!
@@georgeh.6373 And Mohammed was only sent to the Arabs? Yet the world has to understand Arabic to read Quran? Nah, Jesus was sent to the World, and He is Returning Again
@@brettmciver432 It is implied - In Christianity, the title "Son of God" refers to the status of Jesus as the divine son of God the Father. It derives from several uses in the New Testament and early Christian theology. The term is used in all four gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Pauline and Johannine literature. Still all fiction and you can also find him denying being god and not knowing what god knows. Due to compilation, different theologies many hands writing and many sources. No use arguing over vary rubbering origins and beliefs.
@stultusvenator3233 Soooo you are basing a major doctrine on an implication? It's not a good foundation to start from, is it . You rely on implied baseless "evidence" where I show why it does not work and cannot work. The Son of God is not the same as God the son. YHWH himself says this is my son in whom I'm well pleased. He does not call him God the son in whom I'm well pleased, does he. See, even YHWH disagrees with you.
@@brettmciver432 I agree, at best an adopted son. BUT of course, it is a man made-up religion you can read into it just about anything you want, every translation is a reinterpretation. It is all a foundation for the gullible, of which I was one to some extent.
All the sexual stuff in Islam really makes me sick. The fact that it focuses so much on sex should be proof enough to anyone that it is solely man-made.
Spot on, that's why woman are only sex objects for them, it's a man cult just the same secret society mason cult, this is why their plenty of Mason Muslims.
The common sense tell you that too much sex is detrimental to your health !
they are so obsessed with sex and, they have a lot of uglies . that is why they covet europe . blue eyes and golden hair its like looking at an angel, the sa'ing the angel.
Bro. There's pornography in the Bible.😭
Muslims use 1+1+1=3 at the same rate atheists say “sky daddy”
Does not the sky daddy idea come from Indo-European early God ideas, that then gave rise to pantheons in places like Greece, Rome, Iran and India, with the sky daddy god being at the top ? Whereas Abraham and the Hebrews were Semites, a different ethnic group south of the Indo-European zone of influence.
Also 1+1+1 would be what someone straitjacketed to be used to pantheons might think if he could not get that out of his thinking, when encountering a simple description of the Trinity.
Both ideas are based on uneducated assumptions, it would appear.
Man is Trinity. (Body, Soul and Spirit)
The possessed mad man had many spirits living in him.
Is that 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1?
@@collybever I don’t think atheists ever put that much thought into it they just say sky daddy to mock theists
lol, they're the try-too-hard-atheists
Casually dropping the whole “aeisha was nine” to make a mathematical point is hilariously brutal
Them using it as a means to permit child marriage is even more brutal.
Moral argument, irrelevant point
The more I hear Muslim arguments, the more I believe in Christianity.
He's acting as if age and three different people are the same thing how does that make you want to be more christian?
same, they're arguments just always have a major flaw or stem from a deliberate misunderstanding of the opposing argument.
@@Michael-zi3kk you have very low IQ my friend thats why you can understand something simple
@@Michael-zi3kk 1 god, three dimensions.
@@fiblz5443 three dimensions is totally different from three separate beings. If I have the strength of an elephant it doesn't mean I am a human and a literal elephant it just means I'm strong. If I say that I'm three different beings than I'm mentally ill.
I was a full blown militant atheist with a muslim background and long story short, one night hundreds of demons came and tried to abduct me (i thought it was alien abduction) and something in my spirit (holy spirit) made me cry out to Jesus and all the demons left and I saw Jesus and I was instantly converted to christianty. ALL GLORY BE TO JESUS CHRIST!!!!
Hallelujah, that’s amazing. I’ve believed in Christ since I was 4 years old and never seen or heard Him once. You’re blessed and highly favored.
Praise the Lord Jesus!
@@thirdplace3973 Soon God's glory will hit the earth you will experience it. Jesus appeared to me because I'm slow and He had to be obvious lol God bless you guys!
Yeah, like you ‘ve said in your above comment that it was only a dream which is fantasy.
Evolution is REAL.
According to it, there is no such a thing called FIRST MAN.
We humans did not multiply from 2 beings(Adam & Eve).
We evolved from one cell to what we are today.
I am very sure that you had never been an Atheist.
You were, maybe, a nihilist.
Think thrice and speak once.
☮️ 👍
Mental health. Likely food poisoning for a weak mind. There are no demons. All of this is mental illness.
I have a feeling I am going to have a dream where I hear a distant voice repeatedly saying, "1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1..."
The trinity is like saying “born again” is LITERALLY out of a mother's womb and boasting of it.
God speaking via Moses, Jesus or the burning bush does NOT make them God, ok?
Adam and Eve are one, but one what? Family.
You didn't find the trinity reading the Bible as a child, did you? Somebody suggested it to you.
God the Father de-le-gates via Jesus, as via Moses. "I can't do anything on my own".
Hebrews 1:9 “therefore God, your God, has set you above”. The Father is Jesus’ God! Can’t be clearer.
Jesus explained we can be called “you are gods” too, we say “our Father", thus we are gods in a sense.
“God is NOT a MAN, that He should lie, NOR a SON of MAN”. God sleeps and defecates not, okey?
“For there is ONE GOD, and there is ONE mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus”, and John 17:3.
Did Jesus create his own mother? Nobody asked Jesus how he created the Earth.
Jesus has body, soul, spirit. God is just spirit. How can they be the same essence, they have the same spirit?
Go Unitarians! Even muslims mock Christians because of the LITERAL trinity teaching.
Why risk implying God has a multiple personalities disorder? Risk being gullible like Eve?
(Peter denied Christ x3. Event the first churches needed correction.)
A TRINITARIAN is somebody who ignores* all the above, but throws in a verse they like instead. Self-centered?
*Contradictions and lies are Impossible for God, He wouldn't be Holy.
That was epic.... DW is crafty and funny how he puts these things together!
This will live rent free in my brain now.
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+ 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Swumpla swumpla swumpla swumpla…
the problem is that the muslims think it’s 1+1+1. every single person of the trinity is fully divine. 1x1x1=1. when YHWH spoke to moses through the burning bush was he absent from heaven? was he any lesser god? He wasn’t.
It's funny when they say "Christians dont even understand basic math" when virtually all Maths is done by the Christian world 😂.
And then do these abduls even consider that
-e^(iπ) = 1
3 completely ridiculously different numbers in nature all bunched together, all of them inatural and very difficult to rationalise by themselves yet they all =1
I want to add one thing, Some Muslims will say that algebra was made by Arab philosophers in Damascus.. That is true. I just wanted to point that out before a muslim does
Edit: Ofc philosophy, asterology, and math only existed in the region because it was predominantly Christian.
@@tribedan7429 weren't they in collaboration with non Muslim philosophers aswell?
@@tribedan7429 Too bad they forgot how to use it
@@tribedan7429 Yes, I already mentioned Al-Kharizmi, but even that, I am not entirely sure you can attribute it to Islam, specially since Islam usually conquered well developed regions and then claimed their culture and advancements. Because Al-Kharizmi lived in a Persion region which was already developed but later conquered by islam.
Also algebra as a concept was "invented" probably even before 1700 B.C.
It's easy to see that when it comes to well known mathematicians, muslim countries are practically mute.
A muslim mentioning Al-Khwarizmi is equivalent to a feminist mentioning Marie Curie, (i.e. that's all they got).
Search for any keywords like "maths, hypothesis" or "maths, identity" or "maths, formula" find who was behind it and study their names and none of them is muslim. That much I can tell you. 😎
God bless u, ur loved ones, and ur ministry!
is that 500k dollars or im tweaking?????????????????
@@corythecorythosaurus1983it's indonesian rupees. About 30€ I believe
@@corythecorythosaurus1983 its indonesian rupiah calm down
@@Domidorm ye im tweaking
1 Sunni Islam + 1 Shia Islam = 0 True religion
1 Sunni islam = 1 True Religion
There is no such thing as a sunni or shia 'muslim' in islam.Muslims divided themselves into sects and it was never by Gods permission.
The humans made the mistake. Blame them,not their religion.
😂 man made religion. lol@@The0neM00n
Simple. 1 person + 1 person + 1 person = 3 persons. 1 essence = 1 essence.
الواحد بلا جمع ليس كاملا لأنه أقل من الجمع.
الجمع بلا وحدة الجوهر ليس واحدا بل تركيبا .
الثالوث كمال الواحد ليكون كاملا قبل وبعد خلقه أي شيء ، أي الله وكلمته وروحه واحدا ازلا وابدا بلا تركيب ولا انفصال.
كل اقنوم هو الله بسبب وحدة الجوهر الإلهي في ثالوث اقانيم الآب والإبن والروح القدس :
إسمه الآب لأن الله هو أصل كل شيء ، خالق كل شيء .
إسمه الإبن لأن الله الحكيم كليم ازلا وابدا وبكلمته خلق كل شيء ولم يخلق كلامه ليخلق به الكون كله .
إسمه الروح القدس لأن الله الحي القدوس واهب الحياة يقدس ولا يتنجس بشيء مما خلق .
الاقنوم الإلهي شخص إلهي حقيقي متميز غير منفصل عن جوهره ويمثل صفات الجوهر كلها ويعمل بها، لأن الاقنوم هو ما يقوم عليه الجوهر ، فالخالق كائن بذاته الحي الكليم ازلا وأبدا ، فهو الواحد بذاته الوحيد بلاهوته الأوحد بكماله.
الاقنومية للجوهر مثل الظاهر للباطن ، فكل جوهر غير مرئي إلا عبر اقانيمه ، وبما ان الإله الحقيقي لا نظير له فلا يوجد مثال يطابق الذات الإلهية، بل صورته في آدم تشرح الوحدانية الجامعة، فكل إنسان عاقل حي يمثل الجوهر البشري تمثيلا تاما بجسده وعقله وروحه رغم ان كل إنسان منفصل عن غيره ، مع فارق حتمي بين الخالق والمخلوق هو ان اقانيم الجوهر الإلهي غير منفصلة وغير محدودة بينما اقانيم الجوهر البشري محدودة ومنفصلة بعدد سكان الأرض الأحياء .
رضوان الله لمن يصدقه ويثق فيه وليس لمن يكذبه ويشكك في كلامه.
الوحي الإلهي في التوراة والإنجيل يخص كيفية عودة الإنسان إلى ربه بالصورة التي يريدها ربه، وبفضل كرم الخالق صار الطريق مجانا بلا ثمن بشري ، بهذا له الفضل والدين كله، فلا مظلوم امام الديان العادل .
التمايز ليس فصلا ، هذا مطلوب فهمه عند الحديث عن شخص الرب يسوع المسيح، واحد بناسوته ولاهوته بلا انفصال ولا اختلاط ولا تغيير ولا امتزاج، بهذا نفهم اعمال البشر واعمال رب البشر في سيرة حياة يسوع المسيح ، فلا مبرر للتعثر بظاهر يسوع الإنسان لرفض لاهوت المسيح فيه .
اليهود تعثروا فأضلوا التفسير ، فاستحقوا غضب الله عليهم بزوال الهيكل وتوقف الغفران لهم منذ سنة ٧٠م، والعاقل يتعظ ولا يقلدهم في إنكار لاهوت كلمة الله المسيح في يسوع الإنسان الذي ذهب طوعا إلى الصليب وتمم نبوءات موسى وداود واشعياء ودانيال التي عند اليهود .
الفيصل بين افكار البشر في مقارنة الأديان أن الإله الحقيقي لا يتأثر بشيء مما خلق ، فلا يهمل رسالته ولا يصحح كلامه ولا ينقض وعوده ، بل حجته تامة إلى يوم الدين بلا عذر من أي إنسان عاقل حر .
ليس هناك مخلوق أفضل من خالقه في شرح الوحدانية الجامعة، لأن كلام الرب يسوع المسيح عن علاقته بالآب والروح القدس أوضح من تشويهها.
عندما قال : ((أنا هو)) قصد أنه يهوه إله ابراهيم واسحاق ويعقوب وموسى، وعندما قال:((أنا والأب واحد)) قصد مساواة الآب والإبن، اقنومين بذات الجوهر الإلهي بدليل معجزات تخص الله وحده لاشريك له في الخلق والمغفرة والدينونة والازلية والتشريع فعلها يسوع الإنسان بقوة لاهوت كلمة الله المسيح فيه، وعندما قال:((أبي يعمل حتى الآن وأنا أعمل )) قصد أنه إبنه بالمعنى المشار إليه في مزمور ٢ وسفر الامثال ٣٠ : ٤ وسفر دانيال ٧ : ١٣و١٤، وعندما قال عن الروح القدس أنه يرسله من الآب، قصد وحدة القرار والإرادة والعمل والمجد والقوة والقدرة والسلطان في ثالوث اقانيم الآب والإبن والروح القدس.
Trinity is a concept created in the council of Nicea by Rome.
Read the book of Yaakov (James). He said Elohim can't be tempted by evil and Yeshua was tempted in everything, including by Satan.
Just study the origins of the Christianity faith and you will see how you guys are wrong.
Mark 12:38 Yeshua also recited Sh'ma Israel, a Jewish prayer We do daily.
@@Bolaway HAHAHAHAHAH 🤣We Found the guy making all the consipracy theories
As a chrsitian please define essence and person
Muslims trying not to misuse arithmetic and algebra challenge: Impossible
It becomes funnier when Uthman tries to use his hisslamic math to calculate the age of Rebecca and comes to the conclusion of her age being 3 years old at the time of her marriage. Somethin' about abdoolMath and the number 3 that keeps popping up again and again😂
I guess that's why their profit goes by the name of MoHAM-math --> pig brained math skills
Playing dumb: the inevitable fallback position of bad faith argumentation. Fitting, for those worshipping "the greatest of deceivers."
algebra didnot invent by them they occuiped that countries and force that person to be muslim before he was jew
11=9=1 islam
Hey im a Muslim and i dont do that,sure it's a joke but dont reference every Muslims...
Here’s an easier way to dumb it down for Muslim friends:
I have 1 body, 1 spirit, 1 mind, and still I am only 1 person.
Welcome to a new level of understanding. Brava!!! 🦋
It's not a good to use that analogy because it's partialism. The body has a different essence to the spirit. Body is material and soul is and spirit is immaterial. Wheras the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit share the same essence.
@@lifes_a_gift But it kinda shows that we are actually made in God's image
@@EdGar-gc7fy However, its not the same as the trinity
@@lifes_a_gift that's why I said image not likeness. It seems like it but it's not exactly like it
I've heard the trinity described as three dimensions
David, yesterday I finished Nabel Qurayshi's book "seeking Allah, finding Jesus". May the Lord Jesus bless and protect you brother. İ am also ex muslima
Nabeel was a Qaidani( A heretical group). Not recognized as Muslims by consensus.
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pmHe studied religions though, so it doesn't matter as what exactly he got raised. There isn't even much difference between ahmadi and all other islamic groups. They just have a mahdi/messiah and are more peaceful.
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pmWhat are American (born and raised) Muslims who don’t hold to the fundamentals outside whatever praise men and degrade women? Are these who smoke weed, sell drugs, fully destructive in the community, push grotesque rappers and the music industry, post inappropriate sexual language, like those in Philadelphia, PA; are those Sunni’s considered true Muslims?
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pm If you read the book, there's an excerpt by Shabir Ally that says that Nabeel's critique of islam is not indicative of a particular type of islam, but rather the religion as a whole. Also I don't know what a Qaidani is but Nabeel was an Ahmadiyya. And the Ahmadi Muslims recite shahada and believe all the pillars of faith. Muhammad supposedly said in the sahih hadith that whoever recites shahada is a muslim, and no one can claim that they are not.
@@LeonEdwards-ij5pm do you think you are Muslim, its funny considering you.. Hahahahha
He knew more than your whole family and whole village combine.
"Islam is very simple: 1 Allah ..." and many problems 🙈
and much evildoing
@@cscind100 "But it can't be evil if it's just following Allah's will."
(It's a bit like George Orwell's "1984": doublethink -> "war is peace", etc.).
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
Turns out worshiping a demon as a god doesn't end up producing a whole lot that's objectively any good, doesn't it?
@@cscind100yes pedophilia, sex slaves, murder by its evil prophet
BRUTAL AND BRILLIANT. Only David Wood could come up with a video like this. Well done!!!
Using Momo's "sexathons" to explain the Trinity to Mus lims is peak David Wood. I need this in a short 😂
I have always found it rather odd, Islam's preoccupation with sex. They talk about it a lot
Isn't that from (Numbers 31;17-19), and (Exodus 21:7-11)?
@@ZONE-fj8ly what about them? You got the balls to explain how these few verses in an entire library imply a universal preoccupation with sex, compared to a false prophet whose entire life goal was banging women and underage girls, and political power? The Numbers passage doesn't mention anything close to sex/sexual matters with the women in question and the second one seems to be referring to female servants' rights if their owners decide to give them to their sons in marriage. Care to explain why you mentioned the verses in question?
One father plus one mother = at least one baby 1+1= at least three explain that with your foolish muslim argument!!!!
@@ZONE-fj8lyexodus doesn't imply sex it says pleases which means alot of things not just that and the verse is more about rights for servants
@@lachydragneel Then would you kindly write down either (Numbers 31;17-19) or (Exodus 21:7-11)?
The most amazing part is that Muslims will watch this, and then comment “but why do you think 1+1+1=1 ?!” Without batting an eye 😂
They have been indoctrinated from infants not to question. The true God of the bible says, Come, let us reason together.
will you trust whoever believes in 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 x 1 x 1 to audit your accounts or review your taxes, then you will confirm that is not true, and he will immediately turned to be a cursed infidel and whoever taught him that, don't you think that God is more important of your taxes? 🙃
You are amazing. Without fruitcakes, life would be dull.
@@sharkfinn6469 Without incest, the middle east could have peace
I'd also like to point out to Muslims that God is omnipresent and that can really ruin their logic.
Omnipresent, Omniscient, and omnipotent. They just can't grasp the idea of all powerful and all knowing being that can be everywhere at once.
@Doug_M said it perfectly bro 👌
God’s form: God is a spirit person. (John 4:24) He is invisible to humans. (John 1:18) Visions of God recorded in the Bible consistently portray him as having a distinct location. He is never depicted as existing everywhere.-Isaiah 6:1, 2; Revelation 4:2, 3, 8.
God’s dwelling place: God resides in the spirit realm, which is distinct from physical creation. Within that realm, God has a “dwelling place in the heavens.” (1 Kings 8:30) The Bible mentions an occasion when spirit creatures “entered to take their station before Jehovah,”a showing that in a sense, God resides at a specific location.-Job 1:6.
@@Truth_Seeker14 You proved my point. You can't grasp the concept. It makes me wonder what Allah was since he was so limited in power. It seems like Allah was a genie whose only purpose was to grant Muhammad's wishes.
@@Truth_Seeker14Even though God, angels are spirits.
The bible says there are Spiritual bodies, just as there is earthly bodies. 1 Cor. 15.
It's just a higher dimensional plane.
Both Quran and Bible said Jesus came out from God.
What does Begotten mean?
To come out of someone (Only Begotten Son of God).
Did I listen 1 + 100 times? Why yes I did. Brilliant David!
114 times!
@@apologeticsroadshow Did you lose the meaning of one plus after saying it 114 times? That's what happens to me if I say a word over and over, eventually it sounds like gibberish
@@apologeticsroadshow awesome video
without lies, islam dies
@@apologeticsroadshow Since 114 = 1, they only listened to it once.
1 Father + 1 Word + 1 Spirit = 1 GOD
Like Human
1 Body, + 1 + Soul, + 1 spirit= 1 Being
So God is 3 different parts in one body?
Same substance, different persons. The Holy Spirit of God's Truth is a diiferent person, but same substance of god-man Jesus Christ, who is the same substance but different person, as YHWH - who is the same substance but different person. The Trinity encourages all humans to be like Elohim, Live like Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit. By Christ's Blessings and resurrection All Christians are in the Body of Christ , Children of God, and become part of God. Absorbed but also still individual bodies & souls.
@@gamerabossb1777 dude is soul and spirit body parts?
@@R0SELLA_officiall they are still different parts of you but even separately they are still you.
@@gamerabossb1777 soul aren't exactly physical so I won't count it as body I will rather say it's personality cause if you only had a body then it's isn't really you
Jesus did warn us about false prophets who would come after him. He said to watch out for them and not be deceived by their false teachings. It's always important to stay grounded in the truth
The apostate paul was a false apostle in his name. He invented the nonsense called xtianity.
yes, NEWS: You can be a CHRISTIAN and ANTI-TRINITY!
The trinity is like saying “born again” is LITERALLY out of a mother's womb and boasting of it.
God speaking via Moses, Jesus or the burning bush does NOT make them God, ok?
Adam and Eve are one, but one what? Family.
You didn't find the trinity reading the Bible as a child, did you? Somebody suggested it to you.
God the Father de-le-gates via Jesus, as via Moses. "I can't do anything on my own".
Hebrews 1:9 “therefore God, your God, has set you above”. The Father is Jesus’ God! Can’t be clearer.
Jesus explained we can be called “you are gods” too, we are to call God “our Father".
“God is NOT a MAN, that He should lie, NOR a SON of MAN”. God sleeps and defecates not, okey?
“For there is ONE GOD, and there is ONE mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus”, and John 17:3.
Did Jesus create his own mother? Nobody asked Jesus how he created the Earth.
Jesus has body, soul, spirit. God is just spirit. How can they be the same essence, they have the same spirit?
Go Unitarians! Even muslims mock Christians because of the LITERAL trinity teaching.
Why risk implying God has a multiple personalities disorder? Risk being gullible like Eve?
(Peter denied Christ x3. Event the first churches needed correction.)
A TRINITARIAN is somebody who ignores* all the above, but throws in a verse they like instead. Self-centered?
*Contradictions and lies are Impossible for God, He wouldn't be Holy.
@@berkesrobert3616 Heresy.
didnt jesus said only father knows about the end of days? funny how jesus could not have been a god
@@Matttski Jesus is God but he limited himself. Allah definitely can't be God because there are many things that he doesn't know.
Its not our fault that the Christian God solves the problem of the one and the many. God is so far beyond our understanding that he sent his son Jesus to help us get a grip on the power and majesty of the father. And by his precious blood, we are redeemed and made children of God.
Amen. Good point.
Amen! Beautifully stated! I’m an exmuslim and once I really thought about it and realized that NOTHING is impossible for an omnipotent God, I was able to accept (even if I can’t understand) the Trinity! (Not to mention, archaeology, science and history continue to validate the accuracy and truth of the Bible for the doubters!) It’s been 9 years now since I was rescued from the dark abyss of islam, but I’m still so humbled and overwhelmed by the love of our Father in Heaven Who granted us the free gift of salvation through faith in the the absolving blood of His precious Son, Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for my/our sins and rose from the dead after conquering death! I can’t wait to see my Lord and Savior face to face! To Him be the glory forever and ever, amen! 🙏🏼💖✝️🕊️✨🫶🏻
@@InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel Amen!
@@InfinitEternaLovEmmanuelLimbs + torso + head = your body. But limbs ≠ torso, torso ≠ head and head ≠ limbs. 😊
This is where UNITS matter. 1 apple + 1 apple + 1 apple = 1 orange... NOT what we say.
One husband, one wife and one child are one family.
@@kathleennorton2228 I’m afraid you didn’t get it.
@@kathleennorton2228 One Body, one Soul and one Spirit is a Human
1 hand = 4 fingers, one thumb, one palm. 1 God, 3 aspects. So sick of this obtuse rejection of logic.
It's Father, Son, and _Holy Spirit._ Mary in not part of the Godhead, and no Christian believes or claims that she is.
4:08 that rebuttal was a subtle but perfect burn. As a Christian with many Muslim friends who are older than me, I do pray they convert to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because they are devout Muslims but also very kind, hardworking family men that I respect. And I expect there are millions like them. Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
Need a 10 hour loop of DW saying "plus one" over and over again.
That's what I was thinking too. 😂
That is why I move the cursor to different frame of the video and listened to the video!
Tie down Muslims and force them to listen to it, they'll believe, one way or another.
Momo's midnight trinity:
Cousin + Daughter-in-law + Wife = 1 Zaynab
God. 😭 😭 😭
allah MECCA IT' SCAM✅✅
she was also his cousin? I didnt even know that. muhamad is really sick!
1 husband + 1 wife + 1 child= 1 family.
I was literally thinking the exact same thing 😂
Everything they do is with the power of the father. I love it
In Islam the child = wife
@@antonpliushch3912 REAL
I think u mean 1 husband, 4 wives, 12 children + whatever the right hand possesses = 4 families + sx slaves for 1.
Air+Air+Air = Air
Water+Water+Water = Water
Truth+Truth+Truth = Truth
Light+Light+Light = Light
Peace+Peace+Peace = Peace
So, what you are trying to say is that God is uncountable?
That might be blasphemy actually.
@ could anyone measure eternity? And much more than that, could anyone measure God?
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 As per Christianity, God is not nothing, but God is also not everything. Christianity believes in a specific definition of God and divides the nature of God into two components, namely energy and essence.
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 Christianity believes in a God who is said to have definite properties. For example, God is distinct from Evil. God is also masculine, and it is said that men were created in the "image" of God, although this might not be physical image.
BTW, Infinite and uncountable aren't the same things. Uncoutability means you can't really define it. Real numbers are uncountable because there is no proper definition of it. Bur Christians identify God through Jesus.
@@Gabriel.Ponce.De.Leon.777 BTW, there is even a consensus among the Orthodox that God is unable to do the impossible, as the gift of free will made it impossible for God to see beyond our choices, hence God did not anticipate the need of granting Theosis to Adam and Eve to better protect them from temptation.
So yeah... Light+Light will not work here, because there are types of light.
This COULD NOT have come at a better time. Prepping to talk to a Muslim couple who are open to Christianity but can't understand the Trinity. THANK YOU!
@@morghe321not only Muslims Jews too
You can have biblical faith in the True God and his Messiah with no Trinity. Seeing as there was no such thing as God-the-Trinity until after the 350s AD, you would be in a historically well-grounded theology. It would certainly help your witness to Jews and Muslims. Some earlier Christologies were Dynamic Monarchianism, which was apparently widespread for the 1st-3rd centuries.
I use the RGB idea. When you look at a white pixel on your computer monitor you are actually looking at 3 colors, red, green and blue. The white is actually 3. Might help to get over the conceptual problem with Trinity.
@@gusolsthoorn1002 That would make Jesus (the Green) a part of God (perceiving white), which is actually called Partialism and is not Orthodox (take that how you want, not trying to say what you should believe.)
@@lukejones5272 The problem I have run into with Muslims is a conceptual one. How can there be three in one? It is simply an approach to getting over that hurdle. Obviously it is not orthodox but unless this first hurdle can be overcome, Muslim cannot begin to grasp the Trinity, or specifically who Jesus Christ is.
For me, its the commitment to count 114 1s🤣🤣🤣 David Wood is a treasure
he HAD to put that on a loop...
I was dancing 😂🤣
I had to to fast forward and just take his word on getting it right.
1+1+1=1 is STUPID
1x1x1=1 so your God Multiplying by 1, WOW, STILL STUPID
Christian Man made Religion Created by the Roman, Haha
David helped my channel grow! Thanks so much. God bless you.
We love you two as well!
Let's get you guys on my channel with some good Arabic stuff.
@@apologeticsroadshowwe would love to!
The sarcasm and math in this video are pure genius. Thank you!
Your comment is a terrible slander on mathematics.
@nexpro6985 libel + slander + defamation = 1 + 1 + 1
@DeSmith-o4b indubitably.
If you fold a towel into 3rds, you can see 3 layers. But when you open it up and iunfold it, you have ONE towel. That is a good illustration of the Trinity.
Not really
@@samup4378 No model ever perfectly replicates the system its modeling. Although I would be snooty and say "well if you have one bath towel, one hand towel, and one face towel, that's one bath set." or something.
I honestly can't tell if this counts as partialism or if it's a good analogy.
Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a Muslim, one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either. The Qur'an is the final testament, true and unaltered he is Muslim because he professed the oneness of his lord in public. Shahada means the bearing of witness.
Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity:
"And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church"
-Homily 17 Section XIX
On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said
"For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.”
-Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5
Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he
" gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them."
This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere.
The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward."
This charge, as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions.
Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation.
The subjects to which the most space or most prominence is given in the sayings attributed, in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission.
None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized that, calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
Triune nonsense is straight out of the Roman Pantheon. Hercules, anyone? Cerberus? The trinity of Zeus, Athena Apollo, literally called the Triune. Greek goddess Hecate was portrayed in triplicate, a three-in-one. This was all done to make the creed more digestible, followed by mental gymnastics attempting to reconcile the onsensical with elaborate theories. Why doesn't a square peg fit into a round hole? Answer by saying it's a mystery instead of geometries not lining up.
I'll make this simpler, the teachings of Jesus PBUH are only found in Islam. So follow his teachings as they are only found in Islam.
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Even Paul himself only called his teachings "the way" he never referred to it as a new religion, the controversy was surrounding the gentiles who, having no desire for circumsiciion had no willingness to follow "the way" as preached for judeans, another "way" was devised for them, one without the trappings of Mosiac law. Indeed that was the reason why the pharises came after paul in the first place. The first appearance of the collected set of "genuine" letters of Paul was in Marcion's Gnostic Bible, in 130AD. Marcion thought the Hebrew God was a different God than the kindly Father of Jesus. It was the bad creator god.
Three centuries later, under the auspices of Constantine, who forbade the celebration of easter, whose arch of victory displays no crosses but a 'sacrifice to Apollo instead', only on his death bed did he verbalise his commitment, Paul was made an apostle by imperial decree, a new creed was devised following the teachings of Marcion, someone that was excommunicated for heresey by the church fathers, who heavily edited the pauline epistles and distanced "the way" further from the original teachings of the prophet Jesus PBUH. Aided with the writings of Augustine of Hippo and John Chrysostom an entirely new religion called christianity was devised, an imperial creed with clear pagan underpinnings most prominent of which is the neoplatonic trinitiy, an idea devised inorder to argue with philosophers at the time for in his words he wanted to distanced his new religion from that of judaism by saying it has nothing to do with these "parasites". Indeed it was during constantine's era that "christians" faced the most repression and persecution.
Christendom was always an empirial religion, born under the auspices of constantine, the subjects were converted at the edge of the sword and rendered into slaves for his majesty, often referring to him as their lord. In Islam such slavery is unthinkable. The only lordship is that of the creator, no station into which man was brought into the lands of Islam was to any degree as bad as the repugnant chattel slavery brought by the primitive tribalism inherent in their texts. Constantine chose regularly to refer to himself as the “servant of God” (famulus dei/therapon tou theou) in official writings. By the fifth century, this metaphor of subordination had been redeployed from theological to political contexts as the subjects of the emperor came to refer to themselves as “slaves of the emperor.” And by the sixth, Justinian insisted all his officials swear an oath that they would demonstrate their service to the emperor “with genuine slavehood” (gnesia douleia) building on Paul’s revalorization of the vocabulary of slavery, and particularly the word doulos came to be applied to a variety of hierarchical relationships, even as it also continued to be used specifically of chattel slaves. By the middle Byzantine period, this expansion of the semantic range of the root doul- eventually gave the abstract nominal form douleia, meaning laborer.
How can trinitarians believe that the One that decrees that which is a 'sin' and that which is good "die for their sins" ? He is the One who decreed it thus, can decree it not so. To whom is it does the One with whom final authority is sacrifice for? a registrar?
No. None are greater than He.
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
[James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
(John 1:29) Jesus was seen
(1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
(Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
(Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
(Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
(Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
(1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
(1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
(Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
(Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
(Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
(Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
(John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
(Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
(Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
(Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
Older one is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3).
2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain.
It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two small tribes, and the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings.
The new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims.
In the opening chapters of Acts we find two addresses by Peter, one delivered to the disciples when an apostle to succeed Judas Iscariot was to be chosen, and the other to the Jews on the day of Pentecost. On neither occasion did the speaker mention a new religion, or a church open to Gentiles as well as to Jews, or an abandonment of the Mosaic law.
If these ideas had been in his mind at that time, he could not have omitted some reference to them. That the apostles and disciples in Jerusalem continue for at least eighteen years to comply with the requiments of the Mosaic law is proved by the epistle of Paul and also by Acts.
In the latter book we read that at time not specified, probably not earlier than 40 A.D Peter went to Joppa and there ate with Gentiles-^that i he violated the Pharisaic interpretation of one of the Mosaic ceremonial rules-and after his return to Jesus; then, he was called to account by his fellow disciple He justified his conduct, not on the ground that Jesus had abrogated the ceremonial law of Moses, or any part of it, but that in a dream he had received a divine communication telling him that all manner of beasts, fowls, an creeping things were clean, and that it was lawful for him to keep company with Gentiles, who were " unclean under the law of Moses. This announcement was accepted as authoritative, but with much surprise, " because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost."'
This statement of the revelation to Peter, and of it acceptance by the disciples in Jerusalem, is doubtless a invention of the author of Acts. It cannot be brought into harmony with later passages of his own book, nor with the statements of Paul, who is our only trustworthy witness in these matters.
According to Acts, about 51 C. E. a council was held in Jerusalem to put an end to the dissension which had arisen in the church on the questions of circumcision and unclean meats. This council decided in favor of Paul, who was in attendance and the decision as given in a letter addressed not to all Christians but only to:
" the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia" - where Paul had been making converts, informing them that they were not required to observe the Mosaic ceremonial law. It is quite clear that no such council would have been held if the matter had been decided ten years before, as Acts says it had been.
But this account of the council of 51 C. E. is also a fiction.
About eight years later Paul went to Jerusalem again, and his appearance there provoked a riot. The mob wanted to kill him because of his hostility to the Mosaic law, and this mob included Jewish Christians as well as Jews. All the Christians in Jerusalem were zealous adherents of the Mosaic law. Some of the leading brethren, advised Paul to take a false oath that he did not teach his Jewish converts to neglect the law. And, if we can believe Acts, he took that oath. This, however, did not pacify the mob, which would have put him to death if the Roman soldiers had not protected him. They took him to prison and finally to Rome. This story in Acts implies that the apostolic church adopted one rule of discipline for the Gentile and another for the Jewish Christians; that the latter were, and that the former were not, required to comply with the Mosaic ceremonial law. This duplicity of discipline is not recorded elsewhere. It is not known to Paul ; and if it had existed, he could neither have been ignorant of it nor remained silent about it. He tells us that the twelve apostles in Jerusalem, or those of them known to him, favored strict adherence to Moses; and the only way in which he could get along harmoniously with them was by promising to do no missionary work in Judea. He was to labor among the Gentiles,"
There never was such another epidemic of ecclesiastical forgery. The church was flooded with books attributed falsely to apostolic times and authors. The names of many of these books, and the texts of some, are preserved. Distinguished saints and learned fathers of the faith openly commended the invention and acceptance of false- hoods designed to aid the conversion of the world to what they believed to be truth.
Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Odd that Muslims would limit God to a math equation. If sub atomic particles can exist in two places at once -- and time can be different relative to location -- and so many other things exist that are counterintuitive, how can one accept these ideas yet claim that God must be easier to understand. That's rather egotistical.
One subatomic atom can pass through two slits at the same time. Understand physics is problem. Each cell is an independent living thing that forms an organism in some cases.
@@actuarialscience2283 And yet even that is counterintuitive. Our mind cannot wrap itself around the physics of creation yet there are those who have ego enough to think they can do so with the Creator.
And Christians limit G`d by wrong translations.
By the way, many preach that commandments were abolished when the Yeshua himself asked that We must keep it, including the Passover that Christians celebrate one month before as a pagan fast called Easter.
If you guys don`t wake up, that prophecy Yeshua said "in that day many will say 'in your name We casted out demons and make wonderful miracles' and He will say 'get out away from here'"
@@Bolaway The topic of the video is Muslim's limiting God to our understanding. Bringing up other topics is a deflection. And "wrong translations" is a made-up claim Muslims have used for a very long time. And nope, there was never a pagan celebration of Christ's resurrection; this is an example of things that are parts of a culture converted/acquired/etc. for a very different purpose. There is no worship of the pagan gods. But back to to the topic of the video, do you have anything on this topic?
@@Bolaway You claimed that Chrisitans limit God by wrong translation, but you didn't provide any example nor reference for your claim
David was even gracious enough to use an illustration of Ali Dawah's infamous white board for Muslims to understand.
He was even gracious enough to use arguments that can easily be debunked!
@@EvretStudioswhich proves his point that the argument is bunk.
This video is awesome as its going to draw people in but touches on all of the "holes in the narritive" and background moral issues as examples! Normalize the problems and get them discussed - brilliant DW!
1 body + 1 soul + 1 spirit = 1 human being
You are a Heretic
Jesus is fully god
The father is fully god and Holy spirit is full god
@@arafatmarius331 you clearly don’t understand the nature of humans. God is not a human, he created human beings.
@@arafatmarius331 Really depends on your philosophy of human nature. Predominant Christian view is probably somewhat Aristotelian or hylomorphic, which means that at least in one sense you are your body, and you are your soul, and you are your spirit.
If you take a more dualist position on these things and separate the body and the soul into distinct components that somehow interact or sum to make the human, however, then you would be correct.
@@clintonpelletier9675 Then that's Unitariesm another Heresy
The father is fully independent from the son
The son is fully independent from the spirit
And the spirit is fully independent from the father
@@WWYG316 Yeah but the Allusion is Heresy because that's Partialism
it’s like laughing at me for saying my body, spirit and soul altogether is one person
Its like laughing at you for saying that your body, spirit, can all be you completely separately.
Right. Did you forget that a human body and soul can be separated and we still be 1 person? 😮
@@EvretStudiosits not that the father son and spirit are God separately but they are God by virtue of their shared essence that they share hypostatically
@@Murk_Matter So a human body can exist independently without a soul?
@@EvretStudios but there you go, we can’t be completely separate because we are not God, if He is omnipotent and omnipresent as we say, then He should be able to do just that.
David saying "+1" on repeat will now be in my head for 3 days now.
Sample it and make a rap song with it
1+1+1 days
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
[James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
(John 1:29) Jesus was seen
(1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
(Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
(Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
(Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
(Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
(1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
(1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
(Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
(Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
(John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
(Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
(Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
(Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
(John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
(Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
(Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
(Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
@@mznxbcv12345 bro is more concerned about trinity than a 9 yr. old Aisha who got Dlcked down by an old p3do.
In presidential form of government, there are 3 branches of equal rights
= 1 Government
Separation of Church and State.
@genoveus i think you've misunderstood my example.
I just gave an example of how 3 could be one.
Partialism, try again
1 shell + 1 yoke + 1 white = 1 egg
Three eggs are one egg 😂
100% shell 100% yoke 100%white =one egg
1+1+1=1 is STUPID
1x1x1=1 so your God Multiplying by 1, WOW, STILL STUPID
Christian Man made Religion Created by the Roman, Haha
Incorrect analogy
Surah Al-Imran Aya 49, of the Quran states that jesus was sent to the israelites, although written over 1,300 years ago in the 19th century (same century bible was only transtalted into Arabic in as well) they came to the same conclusion, independently through textual criticisim, that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion, instead of being the founder of Christianity, he was merely the occasion of its foundation. Till the day of his death he was a "Jew" by belief and practice, as well as by birth. (in quotations for in reality he was a Muslim, one that declares that God is One) He never became a Christian. He never used or heard the words Christian or Christianity or any equivalent of either.
Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity:
"And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church"
-Homily 17 Section XIX
On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said
"For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.”
-Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5
Triune nonsense is straight out of the Roman Pantheon. Hercules, anyone? Cerberus? The trinity of Zeus, Athena Apollo, literally called the Triune. Greek goddess Hecate was portrayed in triplicate, a three-in-one. This was all done to make the creed more digestible, followed by mental gymnastics attempting to reconcile the onsensical with elaborate theories. Why doesn't a square peg fit into a round hole? Answer by saying it's a mystery instead of geometries not lining up.
No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims.
Soon after Jesus had selected his twelve apostles, according to Luke, he " gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And he said unto them: 'Take nothing for your journey, neither staves nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. And whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence depart. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." This is the entire charge of Jesus to his apostles when he sent them out to convert the world, as reported by Luke, who claims to give the address or a portion of it, and that presumably the most important portion, word for word. The language here attributed to Jesus conveys no idea that he had any purpose of founding a new church. Neither here nor anywhere else, in the language attributed to him in the New Testament, does he explain the phrase " the kingdom of God " to mean a new ecclesiastical organization. In several passages he does use it to signify the celestial dominion after the destruction of the world; and this is therefore presumably its meaning everywhere.
The gospel of Matthew is much further than that of Luke in its report of the charge of Jesus to his apostles: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying: 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.", "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I am come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward."
This charge as reported by Matthew omitted nearly all the main ideas that would have been appropriate in an address instructing the twelve to preach the foundation of Christianity. It does not say whether Jesus wished to reform or to supersede Judaism; whether his principal purpose was ecclesiastical, moral, political, or sanitary. The remarks about healing the sick and casting out devils is the most explicit of all the instructions. Certainly no reader can learn from that charge that Jesus intended to establish a new religion; and much less can he learn any feature of the faith or discipline of a projected new church. And this address is that portion of the New Testament where such information should be given most clearly. He made no doctrinal definition and no ecclesiastical organization. He did not use the key words of the original doctrines necessary to Christianity or a new church, nor the keywords of ideas afterwards associated with Christianity, such as Incarnation, Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and Transubstantiation.
The subjects to which the most space given in the sayings attributed in the gospels, to Jesus, are, First, the Mosaic law; Second, judgment day; Third, faith; Fourth, the sins of the Pharisees; Fifth, ascetic morality; and Sixth, his divine commission.
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
[James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
(John 1:29) Jesus was seen
(1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
(Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
(Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
(Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
(Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
(1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
(1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
(Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
(Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
(John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
(Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
(Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
(Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
(John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
(Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
(Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
(Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
Older one is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3).
2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain.
It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two small tribes, and the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings.
Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Brain dead tired and listening to DW say +1 a few hundred times throughout the video, make me feel like I'm being hypnotized by math.
he's really a psycho lmao
@@NTNG13 A very funny psycho.
You're being hypnotized by Christianity, not by math.
@@NTNG13 Well that is his past life and He is child of God now. Do you know who is psycho in your Islam? Your Allah AKA Mhmd! He wrote everything from his head and says, Allah told me and Jibreel came and delivered this message etc. So you will not find more psycho person then Allah Ok?
Here's another riddle, how can 1 man be a brother, a father, a son and an uncle, and yet still be one person? Isn't he four persons?
That's *Modalism,* Patrick!
I know it’s just a joke to explain a heresy, but I don’t quite get how the example used for the joke is moralism. Ice, Liquid Water, and Steam are forms of Water. The form is changed but the essence is the same. I could introduce steam and liquid into a freezer of ice, they keep their forms (for a time) yet they are all water. Am I making sense?
@@duncanharrell5009they’re not all water…
He inst 4 Persons but he have 4 Persons (or 4 Moments where a Person comes alive) and thats normal in the Reality its called in German "Verhalten"... sorry for my German but i cant explain it in English: Jede Situation ergibt ein gewisses Verhalten und hier kommen dann unterschiedliche Charakterzüge zum Vorschein die den Eindruck hinterlassen man hätte verschiedene Persönlichkeiten doch sind diese nur teil des eigentlichen Hauptcharakters, der Identität.
@@duncanharrell5009 Modalism is an ancient heresy that confesses that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three aspects of God but that God merely reveals Himself in three different forms.
Absolutely epic David. Peace of Jesus Christ
This from the people who think the Sun goes down in a muddy pool.
And the people who think s3men comes from the spine
And that satan urinates in your ear every night.
@@infinite-anon5316 3 men coming in your spine?
They don’t literally you polyathiest trinitarian pagan
That’s laughable 😂
Those lucky muslims! One day the leg of their god will apparently be revealed to them. What a joyous day they must all be keenly waiting for
The shin*
There's no mention of a foot, an ankle, a knee or a thigh. 😂😂😂
@@FromValkyrie wow, even less exciting
@@BloodnightStudios 😂😂😂
Did Allah used to do Only Fans or work in a strip club? Why Is Allah teasing Muslims with his shin?
@@FromValkyrie My friend, Foot is also mentioned in Hadith that Allah put his foot in the Hellfire and says Qati Qait (enough, enough) So Alah stand on ONE shin (this is leg bone) but Allah forgot to mention Fibula which is next to shin bone What god Allah is, very forgetful!
Mathematical mockery by Muslims should not be considered as an argument, instead it should be taken as mockery no more no less. 3 persons equals 3 persons however, the 3 persons of the trinity simply share in the one divine essence of God..
Nah they have double standards, muslims when descripting language in quaran : heavens are 500 years marching
Muslims Quaran is scientific aaaaaaa,
Muslims when the bible says God breathed life and rested on the 7 day: haha silly christians God doesnt breath!
Conclusion : Abdools are litarate challanged
They get to answer to God for this. Not going to be fun for them.
It's definitely more than mockery. It's an admission of truth. When you have to mischaracterize your opponent to find fault, then you've already lost.
@damyankuzmic5605no Abdul wonders what's wrong with Christians 😅😅
Not only did he destroy their argument, but he also exposed some of their absurd beliefs. ALL GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH!!!! ❤️🥰☦️❤️🥰☦️❤️🥰☦️
2:28 1 person + 1 person + 1 person = 3 persons, not “1 person”. And they wonder why no AbdūI has ever received a Nobel price in a category that requires intelligence! 🙄
3 persons are not 3 BEINGS, that is the difference. You are a man or a woman, a father or mother, a daughter or son , a teacher or a student and there is more . BUT you are ONE Being. With theTrinity it is ONE God, ONE being. Father, person, the Word ( called the Son) another person , not another being , the Holy Spirit not another being but called a person. These three are of the same ESSENCE , one is not less than the other.
Since we are also created in the image of God we can apply the same rule to us. One Being but different person.
Okay... Math is math let's keep the discussion there and not make it personal by using terms like 'Abdul' as a slur. It is not Christ-like and it's ignorant of the fact that Algebra was invented by an Arabic Muslim. Please let's keep the comments section respectful.
An "Abdool" has literally won a Nobel Prize... his name is... You guessed it... Abdul Salaam 😂
That's why their profit goes by the name of MoHAM-math --> pig brained math skills
@@gregkirschke5559 Take your complaint to Google who deletes 99% of my comments in which I mention the word _Muslim._
Keep up the great work, David ♥️
So David used the 1+1+1 argument against christianity to debunk islam in a myriad of ways.
Genius. ❤
I'm an hindu from India.
A muslim asked me same how can thousand of god be form of same god.
Same theory 1+1+1 is not 1.
I replied but according to boolean 1+1+1 is 1. So is boolean incorrect.
He said no dude boolean is different and basic math is different.
Then i said tipic of god and maths are also different.
It's the same energy which is expressing itself using different forms and names for a specific task or nature of the devotees.
God in the Bible said the penalty for sin is...eternal death. All we sons of Adam are sinners. And we all have NO ability to pay off our sin debts. We're all screwed!
That's where Jesus comes in. Jesus left heaven to become our kinsman redeemer. Jesus was sinless and perfect so He could and DID have the purchase price to pay off ALL of your sins!
Trusting in what Jesus accomplished with His death and resurrection, you will receive the gift of eternal life with all of its joys!
Please check out the Bible teaching you tube cometh by hearing...and watch the series titled, "change of mind'. After doing so you will understand the topic.
Good answer, will use it
@@predaxgamer6396Jesus , Moses ,Muhammed ,David, Adam , Ibrahim all are messenger of Allah.......Allah made all people finger print for judgement day and resurrection purposes mention in quran
dont forget when the hadiths said an arab slave is worth two black slaves, therefore 1 black man + 1 black man = 1 arab man.
Show it. Show the proof. Show the hadith. You all always go quiet when I ask you people to show it
Sahih Muslim 1602
There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)
@@fuzzybunny3235 Now did I just read that wrong, or am I stupid? Because where did it say that 2 black slaves were worth one Arab, also, some Arabs were black.
The owner of the slave demanded 2 slaves in exchange for the Arab one is the more likely scenario but you somehow interpreted it as that?
Your Idiocy knows no bounds
@@Akumu-Kun-0he bought the Arab slave for two black slaves😭😭what don’t you get
@@Akumu-Kun-0 praying for you lil bro. Muhammed was a racist who referred to blacks as raisin heads and said a woman’s witness is worth half that of a man and that there are way more women in hell than men. I choose not to follow a religion started by a racist, mysoginst, sex obsessed dude.
12:40 David enjoying copy and paste “+1” 114 times.
My man literally said “plus one” 113 times! 😂
Love you, David ❤
In principle 113 ;-)
This is one of those times I am willing to just take your word for it because I love the idea that you counted them all. Lol
Ahh, just got to the 113 part of the video. I was hoping you had counted each section and added them up.
This was really good lol. Talk about using an arguement against itself... Very intellectual. God bless this man he's doing a good job for Christ and all of us 🙏🏽
One of the most comprehensive videos I've seen regarding the subject. Great work brother David!
9 wives = 1 bath
Stinky😷 Evil Mohamed 🤮
Gross 🤢🤮
Mohammad never had a bath he shared the oneness of 9.
@@bobfisher1909 LOLLL yap nasty
Islam has been reeal quiet since this dropped ☦️🗿💀
as they should
You can make a thousand videos with scholars destroying Islam but they just ignore the videos just like they ignore Boko Haram and ISIS committing atrocities all over the World but they cry about Gaza.
Islam has awsered David should check how many heresy he got through with that explanation
First one Partialism
Second one Unitariesm
And much more but I won't put them here
@@arafatmarius331 this is a retreat - you lose. In a logical argument between two different theological traditions you don’t win by declaring the other a heretic within your own theology 😂
I always thought it was interesting that Jesus said when a man and woman get married they become "one flesh", yet they are still two different people.
My Christian brother. you are really amazing. I love your videos and genuinely appreciate everything that you do for all of us. You are somebody that is doing the Lord work. You really are because you are spreading his truth. You are talking about him and trying to make people understand and get to know, Lord, what he says what the truth is and even further, you explain and compare it with mainly Islam and I think that that is such a gift because you expose how Islam even admits that Jesus Christ is the true one. That’s something that I did not know until recently when I watched one of your videos it actually blew me away, but it was something that I believed could be so because well I’ve always had faith and I know that even in times of tough issues and personal trials I still have always accepted the Lord even if I fell short of my expectations, I’ve never turned my back on Christ outwardly never intend to matter how things may get. I do understand enough that the Lord test us, but we also have to be honest and understand that much of what we go through is not the Lord doing. But I can keep going on and on awesome to listen to. It’s really a gift and I love your sarcasm the faces you make and the things you say sometimes with some of the things that not just Islam, but other religions say really does make you wonder of the logic and where it comes from with some of these things, but I love the way you just make them look ridiculous whether you do that intentionally or not. Besides the point, I would argue that you probably do at least a slight degree, either way still very enjoyable and entertaining and you make it fun you make it interesting so may the Lord bless you and yours always sincerely may the Lord keep you in yours and all those that work with you the people that you care about love may keep you all Happy healthy and always prospering sincerely that is for my heart and soul and I mean that with every fiber of my being please do what you do keep doing it and give it everything you got because you really are waiting people up and you are answering questions that I never even thought of thank you my Christian brother peace be with you and may the Lord be with you. God is great. … AMEN & AMEN!
Why did I laugh so hard when he was reading out loud the 114 +1s lol what is wrong with my humour...
Dont forget to like and share. This video needs to be watched by all Muslims. GOD BLESS❤
1 Father + 1 Son + 1 Spirit = 1 God
Expected to hear after saying their apologists lie to them, “and we’re proud of that.” How perfect and in tune it would’ve been.
"of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made"
not in the bible...
@@lukejones5272 While the quote is from the Nicene Creed, it is in total agreement with the Bible. See verses like John 1:1, John 5:18, John 10:30, John 17:20-22, Philippians 2:6, Colossians 1:15-16, and Colossians 2:9 for example.
@@lukejones5272John 1:1-4
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men."
Is John 1:1-4 re-writing the history of creation? Or is John bringing to mind when God said "let there be..." and everything came into existence, with his *word*? Very similar to Proverbs 8, where God did not have a female companion named Wisdom, but rather he created *wisely.* Was Jesus speaking in Gen 1, or the Father?
John 5:18 - stating the Jews' false opinion. Otherwise, Jesus really broke the Sabbath, and really deserved to die, and therefore cannot be your savior.
John 10:30 - Continue reading. Jesus is actually explaining that he is not claiming to be God, but merely the Son of God. He could rightly be called God, just as all "to whom the word of God came," (that's you and me too) but he isn't claiming that.
John 17:20-22 "That they may be one *just as* we are one." Are we to become incorporated into the trinity or is Jesus talking about unity of purpose? (See also 17:3 "you, the only True God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.)
Philippians 2:6 Jesus gave up appearing as God in favor of appearing as a servant (neither are ontological). "Therefore *God* highly exalted him". Did Jesus exalt himself or did *someone else* exalt him?
Col 1:15 - Jesus is the image, not the substance. He established "thrones, dominions, powers, and authorities," not birds, mountains, and trees. This passage is talking about the Authority Structure of the New Kingdom.
Col 2:9 Do you not know that the fullness of God dwells in you, believer? See Eph 3:19.
How about Romans 5, 1 Timothy 2:5, John 17:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Eph 4:5-6?
@@w.d.gaster3739 Right, God spoke, and the world came into being. "Let there be... and it was so." (See also Isaiah 44:24, Psalms 33:6-9). Were his words actually a person? Or perhaps this is closer to Proverbs 8, where "Lady Wisdom" is not a person, but rather a device to say that God made the world *wisely.* Jesus, not merely speech, perfectly obeyed God's Law (Word), perfectly fulfilled God's prophecies (Word), and perfectly communicated God's message (Word). Jesus is God's Word in the flesh!
John 8:40 "You seek to kill me, a *man* who told you what I heard from *God*." -Jesus
If Allah has ONE eye, then he is the dajjal...
Narrated Ubadah ibn as-Samit:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: I have told you so much about the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed.
Abu Dawud said: 'Amr bin Al-Aswad was appointed a judge.
Sunan Abi Dawud 4320
Funny that islam already describe how allah look like. He look like dajjal but he is not one eye 😂🤣
Because all other description did he not comment about only the eye 😂
hello brother in Christ can u share the verse or thr hadith where it says allah has one so i can keep it along w the one u shared abt antichrist having one eye . Thanks brother may the Lord Jesus bless u and keep u in his path . ✝️
@@servus_jesu_christi That's what I heard from the video, then I remembered this hadith. I don't know IF indeed there's a verse like that or if it's one of those things Muslims say to try and make as if their god has non-human features.
It is the false prophet of revelation.
I suggest you to go see what 666 is in the codex vatinanus, its really interesting
1 Legislature + 1 Executive Branch + 1 Judicial Branch = 1 US Government
That's partialism Patrick!
David dedicated 50 consecutive seconds of this video adding up 114 individual Surahs... That's dedication.
I skipped that part, I couldn't bear it 😅
I'm pretty sure he just looped him saying it a few times.
@@leesaashton6294I laughed all the way thru it
@scottybreuer wait until you read about his son Solomon
Now ask him to debate with a messianic Jew about this. Not an unicist one that converted from Christianity, a conservative one.
Can you see how they repeat same catch phrase?? Like the where did Jesus say "I am God, worship" statement?? They spoon-feed these guys nonsense and they don't even cogitate about these, they just run with it🤦🏽♂️
Yes, and that gives us an advantage, because we know exactly what they're going to say 99% of the time.
@@apologeticsroadshow It's almost a treat when I hear that 1%, because I can (easily) look up a new refutation.
😂 I love the examples in this video 😂
you guys should do more collabs, id love to see together more often
Maybe it would be helpful to think of it like this:
There is me, the whole me which is 1.
There is my word which is 1.
There is my will which is 1.
It's 3 distinct aspects and can have unique characteristics but they are all me, 1.
The Trinity (Tri-Unity) is easier to understand when we know that Jesus is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. God is not separate from His Word or His Spirit. Also, the Word and the Spirit are present throughout the Old Testament. He is one God, not multiple. Jesus the Messiah, the Word of God, fulfills the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament. 💛
I love that, Beautifully said💛
What makes this hilarious is the fact that they have the Tauheed. And the Kalam (word) is one of the 13 sifats in the Tauheed which are all Co-eternal. Yet they remain deliberately obtuse about the Trinity.
Perhaps because the word of aulloh is transmitted by angels. Whereas the word of Yahweh is a person on his own.
Since God was physically present multiple times in Old testament but Father God is spirit, we can assume it was Jesus being seen.
@@PreparelikeJoseph Precisely. Every appearance of God in the old testament was the pre-incarnate Christ.
As a scientist, I point out the units idea, too, when people object to the Trinity. Great video, David!
And then they go around bragging "we invented algebra alhamdulela"
They came into possession of mathematics parchments and played around with them. No one praised me for inventing algebra when I finished my course. We are ever grateful that the Andalusian invaders preserved valuable documents of the ancient world, but don't say you wrote them.
It was the Hindu’s. Arabs and muslims in general take credit for other’s achievments.
@@smalltownhomesteadACTaking credits for others achiefments is basic abdul behaviour.
Erdogan claiming the discoveries of the Americas by turks 😂
And yes it were the Hindus and Greeks that funded mathematics. Not the arabs (or turks 😂).
@@smalltownhomesteadACMuslim mathematicians were mainly Persian.
@@timmer710then why does Algebra sound Arabic? What a bunch of but hurt fools
One of the best arguments I've heard for the Trinity is "Do you not think we would have made it easier to understand if we made it all up?" The nature of the creator of the universe isn't going to be a simple thing that humans can fully comprehend. It would be like two-dimensional people witnessing a three-dimensional being- if three parts of the being intersect with their world, they would see them as three separate beings, when in three-dimensions (beyond what they can see) it's one being.
I love how God answered Job when Job demanded God explain why all that happened to him. God doesn't explain everything, Job probably couldn't even understand if he WAS told. God just said "I am God. Repent"
How can they say something is impossible for God?
Using other Form is like one of God ability nothing is impossible to God idk how they even judge God in mathematics matter when God itself is omnipotent 😮💨
Well, some things are impossible for God. God cannot do the logically impossible. For instance, God cannot create a married bachelor, because that’s a contradiction by definition.
@@jensonharris3636 He could, it's just beyond your limited understanding. Think of quantum physics, and the wave/particle experiment. Two things all at the same time.
@@Facts_Are_Facts_Are_Facts No he couldn’t. God is logical. There’s nothing about quantum physics that applies to whether a man is married or a bachelor. He cannot be both. To be a married bachelor would mean one is a “married unmarried man.” It’s nonsensical. Those words put together in that way are simply nonsense. It’s the same reason God cannot create a stone so large he cannot lift it. It’s a nonsensical request. God can’t contradict or defeat his own power. He can’t create square circles. He can’t create a 30-year old man. (He could create a man with the body of a 30 year old, but the man would only have existed for a few seconds, starting from when he was created). You get the picture. These aren’t limits on God’s power. God’s power is limitless. It’s a limit on what is logically and definitionally possible.
same question i always ask the muslims , “God cant be human” oh yeah how do u know? how do u know that the all knowing all powerful God cant do something as simple as entering his creation becoming human and walk amongst his creation? seems like muslims are putting God in their image and us christians just use what the bible says which mentions the existence of a triune God
Some more examples listed below...
1. DW drills a hole in 1 page of the Qran, then the next page... so on and so forth. The drilling goes through the front and back covers too. Did he drill through 1 Qran or many?
2. He drills three holes to make a Mickey mouse. Is one holey Qran = 3 Holey Qran?
3. DW makes one AbuPorker using Qranogami paper. Then he makes many more to perfect his skills. Is one Qran = many AbuPorkers?
Father + Son + Holy Spirit = Godhead
Colossians 2:9
@@nelsondavila9072 this quoting do not teach god is three persons at all
You don’t even know what the word Godhead means.
Godhead doesn’t mean a board of members, like you uninformed trinitarians suppose that it does.
@@michelhaineault6654 There are 3 persons and yet they have 1 Essence. We call that Essence, divinity.
Honestly I don’t find it worth an argument online considering I have more important things than internet Muslims being ignorant. Great video, keep it up!
Another hit by David. God bless.
The 1x1x1 is great! After I watched that video I said that to a muslim I was witnessing to and it worked great so thanks 😆
I have used this argument in 2018 in CPs chat, probably when nobody was using it, and I saw muslims glitching to it, and many ppl in the chat started using it.
But just to prove the point that we can have better arguments specially when muslims speak about "simple math Christians dont understand",
tell them also that
-e^(iπ) = 1
which is 3 numbers none of them natural and all of them =1
you have "i" which doesnt even make sense in itself
you have π which is transcendant
you have "e" which never ends and is infinite as well
this is the Euler's Identity who was a Muslim ..... oh wait 🤡 he wasn't. Just like virtually all extremely advanced mathematicians, now and throughout the history.
The best they can name is Al-Kharizmi (Algorithms) which I am not even sure if he practically defined mathematically anything... (I'd have to look into that)
Infinity + infinity + infinity = infinity is better.
Times means how many sets of something you have. Ex: 2 times a set of 5 bananas = 10 bananas.
Now, 1 time a set of 3 different "gods" would be 3 "gods".
1*1=1 just means 1 time a set of "1 god" is "1 god". Of course it is.
But the argument from Muslims 1+1+1=1 is pathetic because it does not take into considerstion the capacity of God to manifest Himself in different ways and His capacity to enter creation. Can't Gld take the form a man if He desires? And... God is infinite, the bananas of my example are not.
@@beatrizn.5278 personally I think this
-e^(iπ) = 1
is even better, because it shows three different numbers different in nature (different persons by analogy) none of them is natural and doesn't really make sense (cannot be rationalized) yet they all =1
@@deleted-u5g That is Euler's identity, one of the beautiful equations in entire mathematics.
@@greenbird679 Yes, indeed. It bends your mind in many ways. So many concepts of mathematics, sins and cosins and taylor series (infinite series) all combined into one. It's crazy how Euler noticed those patterns.
Al + Lah = one
Al + Mannat = one
Al + Uzza = one
Al + Lat = one
So simple, one black Rock.
Who are these people 🤔
@@GoatMode123 Daughters of Al-Lah
@@TaqyaNMutahyou must be a shiite/rafidite 😂
7:05 😂 1+1+1+1.... U r so funny David 😁 I loved it
Please thank your wife from all of us for being OK with you spending time to educate us.
David saying one plus one is going to be stuck in my head for at least 1+1+1 days.
Awesome as always DW 😊 annnnnd......You should be PROUD OF THAT!!!
Ali proud ov dat.
if you have 1 drop of water, and you add a drop to it, and you add another drop to it, you dont have 3 water drops anymore. You have 1 bigger water drop
Ironically “Tawheed” comes from the Christian Ethiopian name “Tawhedo” for the oneness of the Trinity
If I'm not mistaken, it translates to "unity". And Trinity is the complete unity of the three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In my language we literally say "three-unity".
@@LordEsel88 spot on
@@LordEsel88got it right
jesus did not teach the trinity to his companions 😂 this trinity thing sounds like my favorite 3 in 1 coffee.. it came out hundreds of years AD😂
@@aeriskabkr1110 riiiight…
So the Corinthian Creed which even atheist scholars say was written within months of His resurrection was from a time traveler…
And I suppose the Christians who died believing in the Trinity in 66AD were reading the KJV on their iPads.. 🙄
The human body is you and a part of you. The mind is you and a part of you . The soul is you and a part of you . 3 yet one 😊.
Sheikh Dawud back at it again bringing Hikmah to the Ummah. Alhamdullilah.
The “trinity” remains to be nonsense. It is anti-logic. Three different beings can’t be one ontologically. The catholics coined the term to refer to their mystery as to why the bible insists that there is one God but exalts three figures. Hence the nonsense.
Ii was getting annoyed at your math until you successfully drove home your point David!! Amen to that. Sending this message with prayers!!
There is no point being made. Three independent beings are never logically or mathematically one. The trinity is nonsense. God is one only.
It baffles me that some people believe that the uncreated God, who is outside of space and time, completely independent from the rules of our physical reality, CANNOT do things in that reality that we regard as impossible. This is the God that created the universe, how could he not 'split' himself or his essence up into 2 or three or even infinite parts? I don't understand how you can put a limit on God's abilities.
It is sillier than that. Check out miracles by C S Lewis
Anti-Christians believe God can’t do things that occur in nature regularly because such a miracle would be “super natural”
Thank you for putting this into words.
When you think that God is life ofc it makes if his parts also has their own personalities.
Sure, you could think that. But none of that is discussed in the bible. But the line "One God, the Father" is used several times.
@@lukejones5272 No My friend if you read New Testament Most of the letters from Paul, Peter says, "God the Father AND Jesus Christ" Even those who use" True God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent"
Aishaa + muhammadd = 2 people
9+54=2 when muhammad split the moon of aisha. 😅😅
I bursted out laughing
Bruh 😂
@@ankur7773 But like Mohammad Aisha too cannot be found anywhere in the 7th century doctrine, only in the 9th century doctrine of Islam redacting back to a time that Mecca was nothing but empty space.
The answer I've adopted to that 'criticism' is "Yeah, just like 9 equals age of sexual consent for your 'prophet'"
1 imaginary friend + 1 misunderstanding + 1 hallucination = 1 delusion
Infinity + Infinity + Infinity = The Holy Trinity 😏👍✨
Amen ❤
@@Debater1 For any Muslm, everyting is illogical but you do not read your Quran which is full of illogical Like>
Then Sun is taking dip into the warm spring water
Solomon died standing in his bathroom until termite ate his staff (Did he not smell? Or Gavity did not affect him after his death?)
You can speak lies as Taqqiya surah 3:28
Hupoo bird is Minister in Solomon's army.
An ant is taking with another Ant ( Poor Allah does not know Ant cannot speak! They communicate with chemicals and vibration only)
This is your Islamic logic!
Infinity can't add up to be a trinity. What craziness.
@@Debater1 How? 😅
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 Care to elaborate? 🫵🧐
AND THE MUSLIMS WILL STILL FIND A WAY TO LET THIS FLY OVER THEIR HEADS!!! Have Grace Upon our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, may all become children of the one true God and shamelessly proclaim Jesus Christ as the world's saviour!
Jesus was sent to the Israelities only. There only one true God, Allah.
Yeah.. adam eat a slice of apple -----> god had to sacrifice his own son . What a plot
@@georgeh.6373 And Mohammed was only sent to the Arabs? Yet the world has to understand Arabic to read Quran? Nah, Jesus was sent to the World, and He is Returning Again
@@Tarjamat_fekria It's a Great read ;)
God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son, in Jesus Mighty name!
It was a common name at the time and he was at best another loser messiah wanna be.
Where is Jesus called God the son?
It is implied - In Christianity, the title "Son of God" refers to the status of Jesus as the divine son of God the Father. It derives from several uses in the New Testament and early Christian theology. The term is used in all four gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Pauline and Johannine literature.
Still all fiction and you can also find him denying being god and not knowing what god knows.
Due to compilation, different theologies many hands writing and many sources.
No use arguing over vary rubbering origins and beliefs.
Soooo you are basing a major doctrine on an implication? It's not a good foundation to start from, is it .
You rely on implied baseless "evidence" where I show why it does not work and cannot work.
The Son of God is not the same as God the son.
YHWH himself says this is my son in whom I'm well pleased.
He does not call him God the son in whom I'm well pleased, does he.
See, even YHWH disagrees with you.
I agree, at best an adopted son.
BUT of course, it is a man made-up religion you can read into it just about anything you want, every translation is a reinterpretation.
It is all a foundation for the gullible, of which I was one to some extent.
Bro him talking in such a dumb downed way and that kindergarten dry erase board had me crying lol 😂
yea that made me laugh out loud