I still live with my parents and I display my collection, but I do it by rotating by either theme or trilogy. For example, Spring: Prequal. Summer: Classic, Fall: Expanded Universe, Winter: Sequals. Someday when I get my own house, I will make a Star Wars Collectable Fortress somewhere so I can display the mother load from vintage to current. This hobby, I will enjoy forever and never let go.
I still live with my parents and I display my collection, but I do it by rotating by either theme or trilogy. For example, Spring: Prequal. Summer: Classic, Fall: Expanded Universe, Winter: Sequals. Someday when I get my own house, I will make a Star Wars Collectable Fortress somewhere so I can display the mother load from vintage to current. This hobby, I will enjoy forever and never let go.
"If I can't display it, I'm gonna get rid of it" is a pretty good philosophy when collecting stuff.