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문의, 광고, 제휴는 여기로 보내주세요.
이메일: lcjaewon@naver.com
안녕하세요. 미니멀영어 성재원입니다.
올바른 방법으로 꾸준히 하면 누구나 영어로 말할 수 있습니다.
여러분의 페이스메이커가 되어서 함께 달리겠습니다.
여러분의 영어 도전을 응원합니다.
저는 미국인는데 이 영상으로 한국어를 배우고있어요 그래서 고마워요~
믿도 보는 미니멀영어ㅎㅎ 저 같은 초보자도 해외가서 써먹으면 너무 좋을 것들만 싹 모아주셨네요^^
저는 현재 언어교환101 다니면서 해외여행 준비겸 그냥 프리토킹을 잘하고 싶어서 열심히 공부중인데 아주 큰 도움이 됩니다!
확실히 이런 표현들을 그냥 암기만 하고 끝내지 않고 실전에서 외국인들이랑 사용해보면서 내껄로 만드는게 제일 중요한것 같아요!! 인풋과 아웃풋 병행이 포인트!
I usually go to the gym in the morning ❤감사합니다
나는 보통 아침에 헬스장에 갑니다.
2024년 10월 5일 토요일입니다.
주말이 시작되는 아침 복습 강의 잘 들었습니다.
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
Can I ask you a question?
I’m busy with my new job.
How did this happen?
Do you have any interesting plans for this weekend?
수고 하셨습니다. 좋은 하루 되세요.
I go to the gym in the morning ~
I could speak today's all sentences within 3 seconds ~~
I am always grateful to you ^*^
Enjoy your weekend ~♡
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
Thank you so much!!
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
Thank God it's Friday!
Let's keep in touch.
Wish me luck.
행운을 빌어줘요.
I couldn't agree more.
It was nothing, really.
Can I ask you a question?
I have never heard anything like this.
It's not like I'm an expert or anything.
I thought maybe we could try that new restaurant.
I haven't seen that movie, either.
Let's meet at the park this afternoon.
Let's give it a try.
It's not a big deal.
별거 아니예요
I'm not in the mood.
May I come in?
It's my mistake.
Don't be afraid.
I'm busy with my new job .
I can't afford to eat out every day.
Are you eating breakfast at this hour?
I'm used to traveling alone.
이책을 읽어보는 걸 추천해
I recommend that you read this book.
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
Thank you for teaching~☆
야 금요일이다!
Thank God it is Friday
Thank God it's Friday!
Thank God it's Friday!
행운을 빌어줘요
Wish me luck.
Wish me luck.
Wish me luck.
전적으로 동의해
I agree completely.
I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more
헬스장에 가입할까 고민중이에요
I was thinking about joining a gym.
I was thinking of joining a gym.
I was thinking of joining a gym.
I was thinking of joining a gym.
Ithoufht maybe we could try that new restaurant
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
Thank God It's Sunday
시간이 이렇게 일렀는데 벌써 아침을 먹어요?
Are you eating breakfast this early?
Are you eating breakfast at this hour?
Are you eating breakfast at this hour?
Are you eating breakfast at this hour?
저는 혼자 여행하는 것에 익숙해요
I'm used to traveling alone.
I'm used to traveling alone.
I'm uaed to traveling alone.
I usually go to the gym in the morning.
모르지, 그가 마음을 바꿨을지도.
For all I know, he might have changed his mind.
For all I know, he might have changed his mind.
For all I know, he might have changed his mind
히해즈어웨이위드취일드런 아이들을 잘 다룹니다.
너도 예전에 너처럼 그랬었어
I used to be like you.
아직 준비가 안됐어요
I'm not ready yet.
I'm not ready yet.
I'm not ready yet.
그는 애들을 잘 다뤄요.잘 지내다
He has a way with children.
He has a way with children.
He has a way with children.
토요일에 일 하나요?
Do you work on Saturdays.
Dp you work on Saturdays.
이번 주말 괜찮으세요?
Are you okay this weekend? 상태나 건강
Are you free for this weekend?
Does this weekend work for you?
Does this weekend work for you?
Does this weekend work for you?
나 다음주 월요일에 쉬어
I'm taking next Monday off.
I'm taking next Monday off.
I'm taking next Monday off.
한국의 영어 교육에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요?
What do you think about the English education in Korea?
오늘은 헬스장에 가고 싶지 않아요
I don't feel like going to the gym today.
주방 청소해 드릴까요?
Would you like me to clean up the kitchen?
포 올 아이 노우.내가알기로는
그럴리 없어요
It couldn't happen.
It's never gonna happen.
It's never gonna happen.
It's never gonna happen.
너는 이런것을 들어본적이 없어요.
I have never heard anything like this.
나도 그 영화 못 봤어
I didn't see the movie, either.
I haven't seen that movie, either.
I haven't seen that movie, either.
I haven't seen that movie, either.
미쳐 버릴 버릴것 같아요.
너무 놀라고 당황스러울때 머리가 너무 아프거나 무서울때
I'm freaking out.
I'm freaking out.
I'm freaking out.
컨디션이 안좋다
I don't feel well.
I'm not feeling well.
저는 매일 외식할 여유는 없어요.
I can't afford to eat out every day.
I can't afford to eat out every day.
I can't afford to eat out every day.
별거 아니에요
It's not a big deal
It's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal.
어쩌다가 이렇게 됐어요?
What happened like this?×××
How did this happen?
How did this happen?
How did this happen?
당신을 더 일찍 만났더라면 좋았을 텐데요.
I wish I had met you earlier.
I wiah I had met you earlier.
I wish I had met you earlier.
우리는 가방을 다 쌋어요
We are done packing our bags.