@darkmaxiron il est vrai qu'a priori les groupes comme dimmu et Cradle ont perdu l'âme de leur début contrairement à des groupes comme Nehemah ou Hate-Forest, et j'en passe qui eux, restent trés intégre. Certains ont eu la notoriété qui a pris le dessus, malheureusement...
Doesnt really sound like Graveland, the riffing is more Norwegian sounding, like a mix between Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal riffing. The drums are also way too professional sounding compared to Graveland.
@Destronr surtout le vrai black a l'encienne quoi et francais en plus ! parceque bon les dimmu burger et cradle of shit ! c'est pas du black metal ca !
Great and true black metal!!!
isso é o puro black metal na sua mais pura arte !!!!!!!!
Du pure bon black Français venu droit de nos montagnes enneigée...
very intense drums
Watch these!
A fucking Classic!
excellent track from an excellent band
Ah lala ces français sont vraiment forts .
Great 🤘🤘
@darkmaxiron il est vrai qu'a priori les groupes comme dimmu et Cradle ont perdu l'âme de leur début contrairement à des groupes comme Nehemah ou Hate-Forest, et j'en passe qui eux, restent trés intégre. Certains ont eu la notoriété qui a pris le dessus, malheureusement...
this track at 3:00 am makes me spit like a demon \m/ HAIL
awesome stuff
Beautiful, thanks for posting.
2:41 does anyone know where is this from? It seems that it's also on a Fields of the nephilim track.
infernal hails 🤘
@darkmaxiron : ouais c'est clair, vive le Black Metal....
@NigraHerder wow you can count pretty high. but truthfully... this song kicks infinite ass. the whole album does.
Fuck Yes!!! \m/ HAIL
Hammergeiler Song
fucking brutal
Sounds like Graveland, and not just a little. But what the hell...Black Metal.
LoL, no, this is good and Graveland sucks.
Doesnt really sound like Graveland, the riffing is more Norwegian sounding, like a mix between Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal riffing. The drums are also way too professional sounding compared to Graveland.
2009 Re-Released!!!
@Destronr Vive le TFBM !
I can find a bit of Hellhammer influence after 4 min
Why'd you stop counting there?
whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt cannibal corpse venezuela
How many kinds of ass does this song kick? Thirty-eight at my count,.
@Destronr surtout le vrai black a l'encienne quoi et francais en plus ! parceque bon les dimmu burger et cradle of shit ! c'est pas du black metal ca !
Liked it, until the vocals kicked in.
18:01, nomenumEAH.
Copycats 😆