This is definitely a great time and cost saver, especially for indie/generalist developers & artists! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼 Now we can use Adobe/Mixamo fuse again and add the facial expressions 👌🏼
This is good stuff for sure, i did buy this plugin pro version for about 75$, it is on sale right now. I was in search of some plugin which can do face rigging automatically, and this is just great solution for me, also it even autogenerate some random face shape keys) For some people this price can be too much even with discount, but it is worth every dollar, honestly.
I know im late, but at 4:20 how did you make the tongue stick out with face cap. The face capture of the app looks like it supports only the teeth and mouth. Is there something im missing?
I mean the last iPhone model have a sensor that works for 3d photoscans. That same technology can work to do tracking. The x model have a sensor similar as well.
@@leonardo.2254 okey so there is no problema if You are of that ppl that comes from the 5th dimensión. Very easy to find some of that ppl just need to feed your mouth with marijuana. 100% real information.
he might be polish or eastern european. i’ve noticed they sound very clear and almost robotic if that makes sense. at least when they speak with in english
hi, about the creation of the shape keys I could not help you. However, I have been using an add-on called ReveRig for some time which is very useful for creating very expressive facial expressions.
not necessarily. depends on what you need. you can easily rig your face with this without having to use an iphone, I think you can even generate the shape keys without one. You only need the iphone if you wanna animate based on your face, for nothing else I think.
naaah all those still depend on blender internal automatic weight painting and it' still abysmal AI generated weight painting compared to the weight painting done correctly. any kind of "automated rigs" available is still heavily depend on how good is the actual automated blender weight painting is to given the good results. it can be cheaper if blender automatic weight painting is 100% accurate and reliable and you can just copy some pro rigged facials rigs and shape keys from other models and used it on any models in similar shapes.
the voice goes very well with the videos. Also, tysm for the helpful videos keep it up!
YOOOOOOOO This face it add on is an amazing concept. I really like that idea.
This is definitely a great time and cost saver, especially for indie/generalist developers & artists! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼
Now we can use Adobe/Mixamo fuse again and add the facial expressions 👌🏼
This is good stuff for sure, i did buy this plugin pro version for about 75$, it is on sale right now. I was in search of some plugin which can do face rigging automatically, and this is just great solution for me, also it even autogenerate some random face shape keys) For some people this price can be too much even with discount, but it is worth every dollar, honestly.
hi, is their preset expression like anger happy etc
@@arunachalpradesh399 Just watch this video, there is answer to your question)
@@shadow_dancer too long bro please answer as you said you use
@@arunachalpradesh399 it's too long so you rather wait a whole day or more for an answer?
i don't understand, blender is free but addons...
Fantastic... very clear and easy to understand. Keep a good job and thanks.
I know im late, but at 4:20 how did you make the tongue stick out with face cap. The face capture of the app looks like it supports only the teeth and mouth. Is there something im missing?
can you show us the full workflow from recording with the phone to using it with faceit?
Great addon
Doesnt work on blender 4.1
What technology do iphones have that android phones do not have in order to use these facial motion capture addons?
Depth camera
@@JaidevCGartist some androids do, my front camera has depth but seeing as it's not common I doubt there are apps that can take advantage of
@@drumboarder1 yes, but Apple has arkit and android doesn't. These addons use arkit to drive blendshapes.
I mean the last iPhone model have a sensor that works for 3d photoscans. That same technology can work to do tracking. The x model have a sensor similar as well.
@@germanrudecindo3382 I think photoscanning technology is different than facial expression recognition.
whos the artist from the Thumbnail?
Nice !
How difficult would it be to use this to rig a character with three eyes? Is it possible yet with Faceit?
@@leonardo.2254 lol
@@leonardo.2254 okey so there is no problema if You are of that ppl that comes from the 5th dimensión. Very easy to find some of that ppl just need to feed your mouth with marijuana. 100% real information.
Oh a character in blender with three eyes?
So like a wholesome Pixar like animation, right? ^^
So like a wholesome Pixar animation, right…….? ^^;
Alternatives to iPhone capture that work with this for Android users?
Can this be combined with body animations? Or will the facial poses I save become deformed if I move my entire body?
I can't seem to get the ARKIT app on iPhone to create live animations.
When i go to bind it crashes every time :(
This facial rig is more complicated and accurate than Auto Rig Pro addon. :)
Because you never used ReveRig LOL
@@nikomozz8147 :)
Great video. Is it possible to use the addon with auto rig pro? Does that even make sense?
After I did how I link the head with body?? I hope that you answer me
can i upload my own a photo and maek the changes ?
So does this only work with iPhone? I have a galaxy am I SOL?
Does anyone know what this accent is? He sounds like the next generation of human
i'm guessing slavic, maybe polish
he might be polish or eastern european. i’ve noticed they sound very clear and almost robotic if that makes sense. at least when they speak with in english
Sounds like dutch. Slavic is way harsher. (source: am slav, know dutch people)
He sounds like a robot to me
It’s called meta
All in the mony
So if thosse things are all in a do you add normal keyframes?
You can animate the shapekeys using the addon ReveRig. It' definitely a time saver
sad u need iphone to get the record mocap :(, the rest pretty cool tho
Is this software compatible with Mac OS?
Can you connect the bones FaceIt makes to your existing skeleton for import?
Does it work with Auto Rig Pro and RIgify rigs?
For sure it works with ReveRig
is it possible to add that into a Vroid?
Could you use this with a 3d face scan?
With my Gtx580 i can barely open the program and design a stupid desk.
Is there any add-on similar to this which helps to construct 3d stylized face????
hi, about the creation of the shape keys I could not help you. However, I have been using an add-on called ReveRig for some time which is very useful for creating very expressive facial expressions.
It's unfortunatelly needs iPhone (( but this addon must have i think in the animation
not necessarily. depends on what you need. you can easily rig your face with this without having to use an iphone, I think you can even generate the shape keys without one. You only need the iphone if you wanna animate based on your face, for nothing else I think.
Costs 99$. Fyi
all those still depend on blender internal automatic weight painting and it' still abysmal AI generated weight painting compared to the weight painting done correctly.
any kind of "automated rigs" available is still heavily depend on how good is the actual automated blender weight painting is to given the good results.
it can be cheaper if blender automatic weight painting is 100% accurate and reliable and you can just copy some pro rigged facials rigs and shape keys from other models and used it on any models in similar shapes.
It's super expensive.
Too expensive.
*sigh*….. how much.
How shame to take work of someone else and put it as your main cover video, that artwork rig is from maniacarta!!!
The problem is......
Odysee > TH-cam
If you don't remove that image without asking it's creator i am going to report it to youtube.
ok karen
Use within public domain buddy
LoL .d
So far it is an awful app. Dude goes through it to fast to understand how to set it up.
you should work on your presentation.
How difficult would it be to use this to rig a character with three eyes? Is it possible yet with Faceit?