I’m skint so I just used a slip lead and twist the figure of 8 like you do over the nose. My 5 month old felt like she could pull a truck on every walk. Within 10 minutes she walked amazing.. zero pull and I mean zero. Slight slack on the lead with her shoulder to my thigh. Sits at every kerb we go to. As I walk I say heal and everything is perfect. 2 days in and it’s worked like magic, I really can’t believe it. I will see how she is in a weeks time with just the slip lead held high. Zero treats are given and just praise and even then I don’t over do it. Love from the U.K ❤️👍🏻
Thank you for doing this video with a dog that wasn't already a perfected walker. A lot of people make these videos with dogs that are behaving perfectly, and it doesn't help us see what to do when your dog does all the things that Quest does in the video. Those videos seem to teach what your dog should be doing, and many of us know our dog should be right beside us, and its attention should be on us, but we don't know how to get there sometimes. This video was very helpful and encouraging. I'm anxious to apply these techniques with my two dogs. No-brainer subscription.
I really appreciate you walking through this. I am struggling with heel with my 5 month old right now and your tips and tricks are easy and practical for me to do with my lab and I am excited to give it a shot! I want to get that slip lead now!
I’ve been using a choker with mixed results. I wanted to give this a try since so many of the SSK videos have been so helpful. My new easy lead arrived in the mail yesterday. Tried it out on our 5 month old lab, and saw an immediate improvement pulling and heeling on our walk. Thank you!!!
Morning all, I received my easy lead about 4 days ago. It has literally transformed my 8 month old Sproodle pup. Still early days to get to new stages, but with the figure of eight set up in place, he is walking by my side without any effects at all, head up and proud. It's ridiculous how well this works on our dog. We now have total confidence in walking him and being able to control him. Thanks very much
fantastic tutorial. I used my own leashes with my eight months two females treeing tenneesse (one at a time ) and just two sesions were enough for both because they almost keep the heel position into a very hard distraction enviroment in downtown. The way you do it and explain it is awesome. Thank to the whole team, specialy you ! 😍
Just bought one of these easy leads for my 4yr old Brittany and she already learned so much in her first session. Won’t be long and she will be heeling off leash.
Is there an Easy Lead sized for 3 month old puppies? We have a three month old Brittany. I see that you start training with an EZ lead at 5 to 6 months. My wife wants to be able to walk the pup in the neighborhood without it pulling and straining against its collar. I like the fact that the Easy Lead allows one to use the same lead as either a standard lead attached to the collar around the neck or neck and muzzle for more control. Should we hold off for another two months before attempting to take the pup for walks or is there another option?
Just used this for the first time with my 15 month old Rottweiler Mix pup who weighs about 90 lbs. Worked like a charm, honestly I was surprised at how quickly it corrected his walking. This seems to be the real deal.
How does that differentiate from a good old tried and true choke chain. When used properly, the choke collar does the exact same thing with the exception of around the nose. It provides light stimulation and releases when the dog complies in the same manner as the easy lead. What is the benefit to around the nose.
Michael Pratt great question! They are for sure similar in using a pressure on/pressure off technique to work.... but with our lead being utilized in a head halter style, you have two points of contact and complete control over the dogs head! This requires drastically less pressure and allows you to develop a behavior of not pulling faster.
Hi, thanks for the great video. I have been doing a few sessions using the easy lead with my 9 month old Weimeraner puppy. He is comfortable wearing the lead and I am able to get him moving sideways using my body. However when I try to walk forwards he just freezes and doesn't want to walk forwards no matter how many tugs I give him. Wondering if you have any other videos or tips that would be relevant? Thanks! Lucas
I have a 14 week old Brittany and just recently purchased the EZ lead. Is she to young/small to be using this lead? She is constantly pulling at her collar/harness whenever she goes on a walk and I really want to work on correcting this I would just like some advice on when the appropriate time might be. Thanks for all the great videos!
We typically recommend waiting until at least 5 months old before starting to teach puppies to heel with the EasyLead. Keep in mind, just like any new behavior we are working on we first need to teach the behavior with positive reinforcement (so clicker training your puppy now to swing into the heel position), then as they get older we can work on heeling with the EasyLead and making corrections for pulling. But just as with every other obedience behavior, we need to keep in mind that the length of time a puppy will be able to focus and stay in a heeling position will take time and lots of reps. And then when we add additional distractions like going on longer walks where other people and dogs are and lots of smells to sniff, it will be difficult to keep your puppy's focus in those high distracting environments, so it will take more time to proof the heeling behavior as well.
Just got my Easy Lead from Standing Stone today. As advertised my GSP who would pull the the point of choking herself hoarse was in 2 minutes heeling as was desired. I'd been doing a ton of heeling work with her too, but it just wasn't taking... at least not quickly and with 100% reliability. This was a night a day difference. FYI, for those looking to purchase... I'm in Ohio and I chose the cheapest $7 USPS shipping and it arrived in 1 day. I wouldn't pay for the more expensive shipping options.
Your guys videos are awsome! Just got a wired hair pointing griffon pup this year! He’s now 17 weeks I will be becoming a patron soon🤩 Also little question he loves playing fetch inside 5-8 reps then I stop but when I try to play outside with him (not playing fetch all day with him) he will retrieve one maybe two but then he’s just not interested and rather go find somthing to chew on lol
My girl is work in progress. She can remove this type of lead quick. Grace is 4, picked up last year. Heel position is still not great. Environment wins. Been using positive reinforcement with clicker. Tips welcome.
I’m having trouble finding where I can buy the Easy Lead. Any suggestions? I’m in Canada but can purchase on line. Thank you for your take on when to train a heal without hindering the dogs drive to search.
Just got our easy lead today and am so excited to try it out. We've been using a simple rope slip collar so I'm excited to see if there is a difference with our rescue GSP.
I'm so happy I came across this video, and Standing Stone Kennels. I ordered an easy lead today and I hope this will make our walks a lot more enjoyable for our GSP!
when is the best time of day to train with easy lead? every time going for walk? first walk of the day? what if he is just too amped up and I worried about hurting him?
I used your approach and it worked wonders. I have been using a slip lead it was good but required a lot of corrections. Only had minor corrections with little resistance to the face loop thanks for your info my puppy is an English Springer Spaniel
I purchased one of your easy leads a few months ago. how often do you recommend doing these training sessions for healing. Our female GSP is just now 7 mths old.
Definitely what I'd need for my 6month old GSP, however the trainers at our dogschool are reluctant towards this because of the health risks for the neck and head. Currently using a harnas to avoid pressure on the neck/throath What would you argument/advise? Kr
Matthias Maes first off thanks for watching and commenting. In my opinion harnesses are designed for pulling which is not an enjoyable walk. Next there is merit for sure to any leash attached to a dogs collar or slip style around the neck could cause neck/throat issues if used improperly. With this leash once the pup is comfortable with it on, it takes so little pressure to make a correction there is virtually zero chance of any injury. Also just for clarification it would take a considerable amount of force to cause issues with any style of leash. If you are using that much force you aren’t doing it right. Hope this helps!
How long does your pup wear it each time. The first time we went on a walk we went about .5 miles and she sat down most of the walk cause she didn’t want to participate
Thank you for reaching out to us! We love the fact that you are a fan and trust us with your questions! Due to the overwhelming number of questions we get from our followers and supporters, we spend an average of 3-4 hours per day replying to messages, texts, emails and phone calls. We pride ourselves on being available to our clients as readily as possible. We invite you to join our growing community of clients, even if you don’t have a dog in for training with us now! We have set up a membership level through Patreon specifically for Q & A for $10/month. We hope you’ll join us there for questions, answers, and some special perks that our current clients are already enjoying! www.patreon.com/StandingStoneKennels
What would you recommend for a dog that doesn't respond to the feeling of pressure? I have a Weimaraner and GSP (7 months & 4 months) and neither of them will stop pulling even with feeling the pressure. If anything, they start to pull more😭
I’m learning a lot from your videos. I have a new 10 week old English setter. I have a 4 year old Brittany also. I’ve never worked a field with 2 dogs in the field. The Britt recalls to “come”. Should I use a different word with the new dog or simply use his name then say “come”? Or maybe just use his name as come? How do you handle this?
Andrew Ransom we want to make sure our puppies are bold and confident and hunt the field independently before we put too much emphasis on heeling. If too much emphasis is put on heeling and staying close prior to the puppy exhibiting an independent field search we can create a clingy hunting dog that doesn’t venture far from us or even walks beside or behind us in the field which makes it difficult for them to find birds!
My pup does not like the easylead over his nose and will rub his face against you to try and rub the leash off.. what would you recommend doing in that case?
When taking an 8 week old out for a walk, I would assume a leash is necessary, but if not leash training, will the puppy develop bad habits that will be difficult to break once leash training has started later when he/she is older?
My lab starts to whine and yelp once i put it on without applying any pressure. Then sits down and refuses to move. Yelps and whines when i apply slight pressure and encourage him to take a few steps with me. Only 4 months old but bold as ever on a leash. What am i doing wrong?
I have a (barely) 7 lb mini-dachshund. Your lead is way to big for her. Do you have a teeny size for a teeny dog? She's pretty good already, but because of her size being close to me is important for her peace of mind (and it may at some point be a matter of safety as well). Thanks, Jim
Is it to soon to use it on a 4 month vizsla? I've been using a slip lead and she stopped pulling. But she is always one step ahead I sometimes have to hard for her to slow down for like 20 sec then she is back at a little one step ahead. She is not going to be a hunting dog. More a mtb trail dog.
My Vizsla was the same way - ALWAYS one step ahead. She always stayed close to me off the lead, but when I put the lead on, she always wanted to be one step ahead. I just got the easy lead and will try it on my Brittany. She pulls much worse than my Vizsla.
We have 10% off our entire store (HOLIDAY2018) and 20% off if you are a patreon member (promo code is on patreon) through the end of the year. Here’s the link to our store: www.standingstonekennels.com/store Here’s the link to our patreon account: www.patreon.com/StandingStoneKennels
Please help as I am at my wits end. My 6 month old Retriever is fine walking with the lead...until a peron/s walk by then he lunges to go to them making his front legs rear up as I try and pull him back. I prepare him if I see them coming by stopping and telling him to sit, which he does and i stand next to him and a little in front but...when they walk by or come close he lunges excitedly refusing to sit and jumping madly so I cannot hold the lead up as you are doing behind the ears. He doesnt jump up at them as such [I have trained him not to jump up) but because he is lunging toward them and I have to pull him back, his front legs rear up and he does not calm down until they pass. He is very strong despite his months and I cannot hold him back, even if i stand in front of him he is pushing past my sides I always tell the peron not to stop and totally ignore him or pet him only when he sits which I try and make him do but he gets so ecvited he dosent listen anymore,if it is someone he knows he still does this and once they pet him he is calm and will sit beside them! I am small and weigh just 8 stone, soon he will be too strong and pull me over completley if I cannot get this sorted. {If he is off the lead in a field, he will run to them despite my calling him back, running round their legs but no jumping up then sit very excitedly tail wagging madly then lying down on his back for a tummy rub until they pet him,...then he comes back - if they ignore him and move on he will run back to me )
It's risking injury to the dog's trachea when you had the leash attached directly to the flat collar at the beginning of the video and the dog was pulling. Only a choke chain is worse than having the leash directly to a flat collar. As a safety to the slip lead, sure, flat collar is fine.
Hi i got my easy lead yesterday, been using a few times only for my gsp to get used to it, he's about 4 months old. He's doing the normal stuff like pawing at the lead and stopping. I was just wondering if whining is also normal? I can tell the lead doesn't hurt him.
4 months may be a little young depending on the dog. A little whining is that abnormal though. Just take it slow and she will he walking great in no time at all!
Haley Belenski yes as well as live Q/A sessions, and early access to all of our new videos!
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Hi. Thanks a lot for this video! I have a 3-month-old GSP. When should I start training this? I fear hurting his throat? I tried it once and he immediately either jumped or pulled his head down to move the leash to the bottom part of his neck. No idea what to do or if I should wait a couple months. Thanks!!
It’s funny when you’re originally working through this with every single one of the dogs it seems like they act like you are taking their first birthday. Lol my dogs always look at me like I’m the most shameful insulting thing ever each one that I have to go through this with.
50 billion dog training videos on the internet not worth 5 seconds of this video, thank you for showing how to train a dog and not selling how to train a dog
I certainly like this video(s). You are using a "green" dog who basically doesn't have the heeling skills necessary to enjoy a walk. Your dog demonstrates all the proclivities, so to speak, that my dogs are doing.Which of course I was pulling my hair out trying to solve a problem. I just bought your leash. I'm glad you pointed out some handler error mistakes on putting the lead on the dog, and to maintenance on the leash so the dog's head doesn't slip away. And I'm certainly glad that your dog is acting just like my dogs----- a I'm not going to do it, you can't make me do it-- type attitude. I like the suggestion of teaching the lateral movement of the dog before you teaching the forward movement of the dog. We'll give that a try today see how that works. What I do notice is that you're not using any kind of food reward it's all in your voice and touching the dog. that certainly will make things a little bit easier it's kind of hard to manipulate the leash, the dog and being able to get a food reward down there just at the right time. My dogs aren't German Short hair hunting dogs my dogs are German Pinscher working dogs. We do tracking but I still need the proper heeling skill walking to and from the tracking fields and just the simple enjoy a daily walk with the dogs. I will persevere!.😊
To me that looks like when you apply pressure that cross part under the chin looks like really pulls on her chin and throat. Don't think I would do that. That looks awful to me.
all of these contraptions just to get a pup to walk on a lead properly i hate stuff on dogs faces just not neccasary im sat here watching this in my 30 years training dogs ive never seen such a big deal gettin a dog to walk on a lead.
We are attempting to help those without 30 years experience training dogs :). Also the muzzle phase is only the first part of developing proper leash manors!
You mean, saying...don't pull 40000 times doesn't work lol 😂. No good advice though. And the return method you in another video my 75 year old down the way taught me that same method. Except he had my use a whistle his reasoning being that if they got out of the range of the caller they come back anyway. Only thing about these pointers you Blow That Whistle you better be braced cuz they come back running 100 miles an hour LOL
Thank you for reaching out to us! We love the fact that you are a fan and trust us with your questions! Due to the overwhelming number of questions we get from our followers and supporters, we spend an average of 3-4 hours per day replying to messages, texts, emails and phone calls. We pride ourselves on being available to our clients as readily as possible. We invite you to join our growing community of clients, even if you don’t have a dog in for training with us now! We have set up a membership level through Patreon specifically for Q & A for $10/month. We hope you’ll join us there for questions, answers, and some special perks that our current clients are already enjoying! www.patreon.com/StandingStoneKennels
I’m skint so I just used a slip lead and twist the figure of 8 like you do over the nose. My 5 month old felt like she could pull a truck on every walk. Within 10 minutes she walked amazing.. zero pull and I mean zero. Slight slack on the lead with her shoulder to my thigh. Sits at every kerb we go to. As I walk I say heal and everything is perfect. 2 days in and it’s worked like magic, I really can’t believe it. I will see how she is in a weeks time with just the slip lead held high. Zero treats are given and just praise and even then I don’t over do it.
Love from the U.K ❤️👍🏻
Thank you for doing this video with a dog that wasn't already a perfected walker. A lot of people make these videos with dogs that are behaving perfectly, and it doesn't help us see what to do when your dog does all the things that Quest does in the video. Those videos seem to teach what your dog should be doing, and many of us know our dog should be right beside us, and its attention should be on us, but we don't know how to get there sometimes. This video was very helpful and encouraging. I'm anxious to apply these techniques with my two dogs. No-brainer subscription.
I really appreciate you walking through this. I am struggling with heel with my 5 month old right now and your tips and tricks are easy and practical for me to do with my lab and I am excited to give it a shot! I want to get that slip lead now!
I’ve been using a choker with mixed results. I wanted to give this a try since so many of the SSK videos have been so helpful. My new easy lead arrived in the mail yesterday. Tried it out on our 5 month old lab, and saw an immediate improvement pulling and heeling on our walk. Thank you!!!
Absolutely spot on and the correct way to train a dog to walk at heal. No stupid harness required. Great advice.
Thanks for watching!
A harness would never work. It's designed for pulling.
Absolutely correct, that’s why eskimos use them! Great for pulling!
Morning all, I received my easy lead about 4 days ago. It has literally transformed my 8 month old Sproodle pup. Still early days to get to new stages, but with the figure of eight set up in place, he is walking by my side without any effects at all, head up and proud. It's ridiculous how well this works on our dog. We now have total confidence in walking him and being able to control him. Thanks very much
That’s sooooo awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Such a gorgeous pup 🥰
Thank you!! 😊
fantastic tutorial. I used my own leashes with my eight months two females treeing tenneesse (one at a time ) and just two sesions were enough for both because they almost keep the heel position into a very hard distraction enviroment in downtown. The way you do it and explain it is awesome. Thank to the whole team, specialy you ! 😍
I couldn’t be any happier to have the easy lead-tried everything to walk my two GSPs and this is the only way I can. A lifesaver for me! Thank you!!
Just bought one of these easy leads for my 4yr old Brittany and she already learned so much in her first session. Won’t be long and she will be heeling off leash.
Thank you for making this product and video. You've saved my sanity trying to heel with my 6mo brittany.
You are so welcome! Thanks for watching!
I just received my easy lead today. Cant wait to try it out on my GWP. Thanks Standing Stone.
Absolute life savor! Our 6month old is amazing now with the easy lead
Is there an Easy Lead sized for 3 month old puppies? We have a three month old Brittany. I see that you start training with an EZ
lead at 5 to 6 months. My wife wants to be able to walk the pup in the
neighborhood without it pulling and straining against its collar. I like the
fact that the Easy Lead allows one to use the same lead as either a standard lead attached to the collar around the neck or neck and muzzle for more control. Should we hold off for another two months before attempting to take the pup for walks or is there another option?
Should I be using this as my dog's primary lead anytime we go for a walk as I am working on heeling training?
Just used this for the first time with my 15 month old Rottweiler Mix pup who weighs about 90 lbs. Worked like a charm, honestly I was surprised at how quickly it corrected his walking. This seems to be the real deal.
Thanks for trying it!!
Love your training videos, thank you!!! Just ordered the easylead. Can't wait to get it and start teaching my pup to lead!
Thank you for your support!
Been binge watching your videos today. Another great one. Thanks
tyatwd happy to help
How does that differentiate from a good old tried and true choke chain. When used properly, the choke collar does the exact same thing with the exception of around the nose. It provides light stimulation and releases when the dog complies in the same manner as the easy lead. What is the benefit to around the nose.
Michael Pratt great question! They are for sure similar in using a pressure on/pressure off technique to work.... but with our lead being utilized in a head halter style, you have two points of contact and complete control over the dogs head! This requires drastically less pressure and allows you to develop a behavior of not pulling faster.
This was great. My easy lead doesn't release as well which I don't like. This lead looks both effective and gentler on the dogs muzzle.
That is a wonderful trick. Tried it today. Changes everything
Got an easylead recently for our GSP pup and really like it, will most likely be ordering another for our older GSP as well.
Tristan Johnson that’s awesome! Glad you like it!
Just placed an order!!
is easy lead also works for an 8-wk old puppy? do you advise giving a puppy a treat while doing the easy lead technique ? thx a lot.
Hi, thanks for the great video. I have been doing a few sessions using the easy lead with my 9 month old Weimeraner puppy. He is comfortable wearing the lead and I am able to get him moving sideways using my body. However when I try to walk forwards he just freezes and doesn't want to walk forwards no matter how many tugs I give him. Wondering if you have any other videos or tips that would be relevant? Thanks! Lucas
Great value and nice dog!! Thanks!!!
We received our new lead today thankyou so much.. looking forward to trying it out on the new pup...cheers
Thanks for being and fan and for the business!
I have a 14 week old Brittany and just recently purchased the EZ lead. Is she to young/small to be using this lead? She is constantly pulling at her collar/harness whenever she goes on a walk and I really want to work on correcting this I would just like some advice on when the appropriate time might be. Thanks for all the great videos!
We typically recommend waiting until at least 5 months old before starting to teach puppies to heel with the EasyLead. Keep in mind, just like any new behavior we are working on we first need to teach the behavior with positive reinforcement (so clicker training your puppy now to swing into the heel position), then as they get older we can work on heeling with the EasyLead and making corrections for pulling. But just as with every other obedience behavior, we need to keep in mind that the length of time a puppy will be able to focus and stay in a heeling position will take time and lots of reps. And then when we add additional distractions like going on longer walks where other people and dogs are and lots of smells to sniff, it will be difficult to keep your puppy's focus in those high distracting environments, so it will take more time to proof the heeling behavior as well.
I like the way easylead works
Just got my Easy Lead from Standing Stone today. As advertised my GSP who would pull the the point of choking herself hoarse was in 2 minutes heeling as was desired. I'd been doing a ton of heeling work with her too, but it just wasn't taking... at least not quickly and with 100% reliability. This was a night a day difference. FYI, for those looking to purchase... I'm in Ohio and I chose the cheapest $7 USPS shipping and it arrived in 1 day. I wouldn't pay for the more expensive shipping options.
Looks like a great method. I'm going to buy one and train my 4 m/o GSP pup after he gets older and has been hunting.
Do you have to switch to an e collar as you progress? I'm thinking of buying this lead and starting this process with my new 4 year old pit bull?
Your guys videos are awsome! Just got a wired hair pointing griffon pup this year! He’s now 17 weeks I will be becoming a patron soon🤩 Also little question he loves playing fetch inside 5-8 reps then I stop but when I try to play outside with him (not playing fetch all day with him) he will retrieve one maybe two but then he’s just not interested and rather go find somthing to chew on lol
My girl is work in progress. She can remove this type of lead quick. Grace is 4, picked up last year. Heel position is still not great. Environment wins. Been using positive reinforcement with clicker. Tips welcome.
Great real example video, thank you !
Thanks for the video! How do I get my puppy to respond to the word “heal”
Evan Gordon once your dog understands the behavior then we apply the cue heel.
You have to show them how to read
Great vid! Is it ok to just use a slip leas for this training ?
I’m having trouble finding where I can buy the Easy Lead. Any suggestions? I’m in Canada but can purchase on line. Thank you for your take on when to train a heal without hindering the dogs drive to search.
Check them out at standingstonesupply.com
Just got our easy lead today and am so excited to try it out. We've been using a simple rope slip collar so I'm excited to see if there is a difference with our rescue GSP.
Thanks for being a fan! Keep us posted!
I'm so happy I came across this video, and Standing Stone Kennels. I ordered an easy lead today and I hope this will make our walks a lot more enjoyable for our GSP!
Let us know how we can help!
when is the best time of day to train with easy lead? every time going for walk? first walk of the day? what if he is just too amped up and I worried about hurting him?
I used your approach and it worked wonders. I have been using a slip lead it was good but required a lot of corrections. Only had minor corrections with little resistance to the face loop thanks for your info my puppy is an English Springer Spaniel
I purchased one of your easy leads a few months ago. how often do you recommend doing these training sessions for healing. Our female GSP is just now 7 mths old.
Once a day should be perfect!
I think that would be very helpful with my 7month weimaraner
Thanks for watching we sell our leads at www.standingstonesupply.com/store?store-page=EasyLead-p295688450
Just received my Easy Lead in the mail today
Stephen D'Amico enjoy! Let us know if you have questions!
Definitely what I'd need for my 6month old GSP, however the trainers at our dogschool are reluctant towards this because of the health risks for the neck and head. Currently using a harnas to avoid pressure on the neck/throath
What would you argument/advise?
Matthias Maes first off thanks for watching and commenting. In my opinion harnesses are designed for pulling which is not an enjoyable walk. Next there is merit for sure to any leash attached to a dogs collar or slip style around the neck could cause neck/throat issues if used improperly. With this leash once the pup is comfortable with it on, it takes so little pressure to make a correction there is virtually zero chance of any injury. Also just for clarification it would take a considerable amount of force to cause issues with any style of leash. If you are using that much force you aren’t doing it right. Hope this helps!
@@StandingStoneKennels sure thanks for replying.
I'll give it a try and give you feedback on the progress.
Matthias Maes good luck!
Looks good.
How long does your pup wear it each time. The first time we went on a walk we went about .5 miles and she sat down most of the walk cause she didn’t want to participate
What length easy lead are you using in the video? 4.5 or the 6ft?
Looks like the 4.5 by nothing but my eye.
How and when do you add the que “heel” and also then go to the e collar? Great videos and thanks for the info!
Thank you for reaching out to us! We love the fact that you are a fan and trust us with your questions! Due to the overwhelming number of questions we get from our followers and supporters, we spend an average of 3-4 hours per day replying to messages, texts, emails and phone calls. We pride ourselves on being available to our clients as readily as possible. We invite you to join our growing community of clients, even if you don’t have a dog in for training with us now! We have set up a membership level through Patreon specifically for Q & A for $10/month. We hope you’ll join us there for questions, answers, and some special perks that our current clients are already enjoying!
At what point do you introduce the heel command?
What would you recommend for a dog that doesn't respond to the feeling of pressure? I have a Weimaraner and GSP (7 months & 4 months) and neither of them will stop pulling even with feeling the pressure. If anything, they start to pull more😭
I’m learning a lot from your videos. I have a new 10 week old English setter. I have a 4 year old Brittany also. I’ve never worked a field with 2 dogs in the field. The Britt recalls to “come”. Should I use a different word with the new dog or simply use his name then say “come”? Or maybe just use his name as come? How do you handle this?
Urban Hunter thanks for watching the videos! We just use the individual dogs names in conjunction with “here” or “come”
Where can I purchase the Easy:dad?
Great video, super helpful. Curious why you wouldn’t start heel training earlier, like as a younger puppy?
Andrew Ransom we want to make sure our puppies are bold and confident and hunt the field independently before we put too much emphasis on heeling. If too much emphasis is put on heeling and staying close prior to the puppy exhibiting an independent field search we can create a clingy hunting dog that doesn’t venture far from us or even walks beside or behind us in the field which makes it difficult for them to find birds!
How can I purchase your easy lead leash. I can’t seem to find one like you show.
Thanks for watching! Check out standingstonekennels.com
My pup does not like the easylead over his nose and will rub his face against you to try and rub the leash off.. what would you recommend doing in that case?
Jason Chang we would love to see a video of you working with your pup!
When taking an 8 week old out for a walk, I would assume a leash is necessary, but if not leash training, will the puppy develop bad habits that will be difficult to break once leash training has started later when he/she is older?
Could I also use this for everyday walking?? Not just training sessions.
why the left side? and not the right? just a curious question...
Can't find the eady lead,, Can you send link?
My lab starts to whine and yelp once i put it on without applying any pressure. Then sits down and refuses to move. Yelps and whines when i apply slight pressure and encourage him to take a few steps with me. Only 4 months old but bold as ever on a leash. What am i doing wrong?
I have a (barely) 7 lb mini-dachshund. Your lead is way to big for her. Do you have a teeny size for a teeny dog? She's pretty good already, but because of her size being close to me is important for her peace of mind (and it may at some point be a matter of safety as well). Thanks, Jim
Jim Scheltema that’s a great idea. I believe we can get a thinner material let me check in to this!
Is it to soon to use it on a 4 month vizsla? I've been using a slip lead and she stopped pulling. But she is always one step ahead I sometimes have to hard for her to slow down for like 20 sec then she is back at a little one step ahead. She is not going to be a hunting dog. More a mtb trail dog.
My Vizsla was the same way - ALWAYS one step ahead. She always stayed close to me off the lead, but when I put the lead on, she always wanted to be one step ahead. I just got the easy lead and will try it on my Brittany. She pulls much worse than my Vizsla.
Do you have a promo code for discounts??
We have 10% off our entire store (HOLIDAY2018) and 20% off if you are a patreon member (promo code is on patreon) through the end of the year.
Here’s the link to our store: www.standingstonekennels.com/store
Here’s the link to our patreon account: www.patreon.com/StandingStoneKennels
How do you teach them to be bold and confident in the field?
Experience and time!
Were can I buy a easy lead
Adrian Garcia www.standingstonekennels.com/store2 thanks for watching the videos here is a link to order yours today!
Befor the easy lead what were you using?
We used just a standard slip leash or prong collar.
How can i get a easy lead like the one she is using
Thanks for watching!!
Where do you get an easy lead?
Please help as I am at my wits end. My 6 month old Retriever is fine walking with the lead...until a peron/s walk by then he lunges to go to them making his front legs rear up as I try and pull him back. I prepare him if I see them coming by stopping and telling him to sit, which he does and i stand next to him and a little in front but...when they walk by or come close he lunges excitedly refusing to sit and jumping madly so I cannot hold the lead up as you are doing behind the ears. He doesnt jump up at them as such [I have trained him not to jump up) but because he is lunging toward them and I have to pull him back, his front legs rear up and he does not calm down until they pass. He is very strong despite his months and I cannot hold him back, even if i stand in front of him he is pushing past my sides I always tell the peron not to stop and totally ignore him or pet him only when he sits which I try and make him do but he gets so ecvited he dosent listen anymore,if it is someone he knows he still does this and once they pet him he is calm and will sit beside them! I am small and weigh just 8 stone, soon he will be too strong and pull me over completley if I cannot get this sorted. {If he is off the lead in a field, he will run to them despite my calling him back, running round their legs but no jumping up then sit very excitedly tail wagging madly then lying down on his back for a tummy rub until they pet him,...then he comes back - if they ignore him and move on he will run back to me )
Is it even possible to ship your product to Europe? How does that charge?
Yan Kai yes! We just updated our store to allow for this option!!
It's risking injury to the dog's trachea when you had the leash attached directly to the flat collar at the beginning of the video and the dog was pulling. Only a choke chain is worse than having the leash directly to a flat collar. As a safety to the slip lead, sure, flat collar is fine.
How oportune. I think you put this video up again bcs you know I just purchased the lead from you.
Hi i got my easy lead yesterday, been using a few times only for my gsp to get used to it, he's about 4 months old. He's doing the normal stuff like pawing at the lead and stopping. I was just wondering if whining is also normal? I can tell the lead doesn't hurt him.
4 months may be a little young depending on the dog. A little whining is that abnormal though. Just take it slow and she will he walking great in no time at all!
My gsp puppy is confident but only 4 months old....is that too young to use this?
Wanting to teach good walking on leash behaviors.
We typically recommend waiting a little longer but have started pups and early as 4-5 months old!
Ok. Thanks! Can I find more of this type of info on your patreon account?
Haley Belenski yes as well as live Q/A sessions, and early access to all of our new videos!
Hi. Thanks a lot for this video! I have a 3-month-old GSP. When should I start training this? I fear hurting his throat? I tried it once and he immediately either jumped or pulled his head down to move the leash to the bottom part of his neck. No idea what to do or if I should wait a couple months. Thanks!!
It’s funny when you’re originally working through this with every single one of the dogs it seems like they act like you are taking their first birthday. Lol my dogs always look at me like I’m the most shameful insulting thing ever each one that I have to go through this with.
50 billion dog training videos on the internet not worth 5 seconds of this video, thank you for showing how to train a dog and not selling how to train a dog
Thanks for watching.
Since it is a hunting dog and sniffing is their life for searching, won't it disable the dog of his natural ability to not sniff at all?
There is a time for sniffing and a time for heeling!
I certainly like this video(s). You are using a "green" dog who basically doesn't have the heeling skills necessary to enjoy a walk. Your dog demonstrates all the proclivities, so to speak, that my dogs are doing.Which of course I was pulling my hair out trying to solve a problem. I just bought your leash. I'm glad you pointed out some handler error mistakes on putting the lead on the dog, and to maintenance on the leash so the dog's head doesn't slip away. And I'm certainly glad that your dog is acting just like my dogs----- a I'm not going to do it, you can't make me do it-- type attitude. I like the suggestion of teaching the lateral movement of the dog before you teaching the forward movement of the dog. We'll give that a try today see how that works. What I do notice is that you're not using any kind of food reward it's all in your voice and touching the dog. that certainly will make things a little bit easier it's kind of hard to manipulate the leash, the dog and being able to get a food reward down there just at the right time.
My dogs aren't German Short hair hunting dogs my dogs are German Pinscher working dogs. We do tracking but I still need the proper heeling skill walking to and from the tracking fields and just the simple enjoy a daily walk with the dogs. I will persevere!.😊
To me that looks like when you apply pressure that cross part under the chin looks like really pulls on her chin and throat. Don't think I would do that. That looks awful to me.
all of these contraptions just to get a pup to walk on a lead properly i hate stuff on dogs faces just not neccasary
im sat here watching this in my 30 years training dogs ive never seen such a big deal gettin a dog to walk on a lead.
We are attempting to help those without 30 years experience training dogs :). Also the muzzle phase is only the first part of developing proper leash manors!
You mean, saying...don't pull 40000 times doesn't work lol 😂. No good advice though. And the return method you in another video my 75 year old down the way taught me that same method. Except he had my use a whistle his reasoning being that if they got out of the range of the caller they come back anyway. Only thing about these pointers you Blow That Whistle you better be braced cuz they come back running 100 miles an hour LOL
How old is she in this video.
Why is it so expensive???????
$30 bucks for a well made lead isnt all that expensive
Is a dog ever "too old" to teach this type of technique? I recently acquired a 3 y/o rat terrier-mix and I'd really like to teach her this.
Mr. Aragon I think it’s harder to teach an older dog than it is to teach a puppy. But you can, but it will probably take more time.
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Damn. The dog is hating this. Theres so many better ways to train a dog, and this is not one.
Thumbs down for the self-promoting ad in the middle of the video