
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ส.ค. 2021
  • From female slaves under the brutal rule of the Dalai Lama to masters of the country. Basang, a Tibetan female cadre who witnessed China's democratic reforms: Being a slave is not destined!
    In 1956, Basang was 19 years old. She was still a slave girl in Dangba Village at the foot of the Drepung Monastery in Lhasa. In Basang's previous thinking, they were destined to be slaves in their previous life. Opposite the Drepung Monastery are the Bayi Farm of the Military Region and the July 1 Experimental Farm of the Tibet Working Committee. There are many Tibetan workers on the farm. They go to and from get off work every day, walking around singing and singing, carefree. Basang thought these people were real people, and how good she could be like them. So Basang ran away and went to find the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Later, when she enrolled in a Tibetan public school, the shackles of slavery in her mind were released, not by fate, but by the social system. This is her greatest ideological gain. After finishing school, she decided to return to Tibet to participate in democratic reforms. Basang, who returned to Tibet, has no longer had the fear and worries about the serf system. Since then, she has gradually grown into a Tibetan female cadre with firm beliefs. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, former slaves and serfs have become masters of the country and Tibet. Until 1984, Basang, then deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, evoked 28 years of memory in a condolences event. It turns out that her former serf owner also struggled with her own hands to become a ten-thousand yuan household. Basang said: "I used to hate (the serf owner) in my heart. I didn't fall asleep all night after I came back. I think it's not just the millions of serfs who were liberated, but those who depended on slaves for food and clothing are now also fighting with their hands. Became a ten-thousand-thousand household. I think the Chinese Communist Party is very great, and the hatred in my heart has disappeared." The serf system is dead forever, and the Tibetan people who live for freedom like Basang. They are unforgettable witnesses to the liberation of Tibet.

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