The DISGRACEFUL Treatment Of Mary Queen Of Scots' Body

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Mary Queen of Scots was the Queen of Scotland for around 25 years until she was forced to abdicate the throne in favour of her son. She was just 6 when she inherited the throne, and her life was dominated by a tragic love life, and also by political scheming and power plays. She was then forced to leave Scotland before being imprisoned in England by her cousin Elizabeth I. Mary for many Catholics across the nation served as a possible Queen of England, and they wanted her to be Queen over Elizabeth, and Mary would take part in a number of plots to oust and assassinate Elizabeth, including the Babington Plot which led to her execution. Inside the walls of Fotheringhay Castle on the 8th February 1587, the former Queen of Scotland walked into the Great Hall for her date with the executioner, and she was confronted by the executioner’s block and also the executioner with his axe. It was a sorry sight with many witnesses seeing the end of a Queen’s life, and the decision to execute Mary would haunt Elizabeth I until the day she died herself. But following her execution, Mary’s remains and body was treated in a terrible way, and she was not given initially the respect she deserved for who she was.

ความคิดเห็น • 72

  • @joshuafess4295
    @joshuafess4295 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Elizabeth was grievously cruel to the last will and wishes of those who she had the final say of ensuring a fair burial service that was due to their ranks as Queens in both Mary I and Mary of Scots. Also another fun fact a lock of Mary of Scots hair actually survived intact to this day.

  • @NCKrypotonite33
    @NCKrypotonite33 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Not condoning any of Mary's actions, but can you blame her for seeking freedom after so many years of captivity? I think any of us would feel the same way.

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว

      Queen Mary's actions were to be free having been illegally imprisoned, she had every right to plot to be free. It was Queen Mary who was wronged from day one by Elizabeth not the other way round, please read the correct historical facts not those coming from the English narrative which often are biased to suit their views.

    • @raumaanking
      @raumaanking ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree and if she was waiting to be queen she would have waited for 16 more years and would have to wait until Elizabeth the 1 died in 1603 so she could have gotten everything back or she could have escaped England and moved to France or Spain I even feel sorry for Lady Jane Grey a teenage girl I can’t say anything for her since her being executed was not anything she could control I mean if she was speared and still alive in 1603 then she could have been the new queen of England

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@raumaanking Queen Mary wud have succeeded had she been alive in 1603 no doubt about it. Hence why her son James VI did. yes it was tragic for Lady Jane Grey the tool of ruthless and selfish men like so many women then. But LJG wud not have been Queen she was never the rightful heir to Mary I of England . The Stuart claim trumped both the Gray sisters and Elizabeth Tudor who was illegitimate and a usurper of the English crown. Both Stuart claims of Queen Mary I of Scotland and Arabella Stuart were superior

    • @raumaanking
      @raumaanking ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SALeppard yeah thanks it’s interesting isn’t it I mean I can only see Lady Jane Grey being queen in 1603 by Henry the 8 will and everyone supported it including the Stewart’s it would be interesting had both ladies Lady Jane Grey and Mary queen of Scots were both alive in 1603 time and it would be interesting then on James the 6 decision on whether or not this final time he will side with Mary queen of Scots or say for example the English court Scottish court and other Protestant countries would back Jane Greys claim interesting or do you think she might have ended up the same way like she did when Mary the 1 got the throne back in your opinion just in general who would be a better queen in 1603 Lady Jane Grey or Mary queen of Scots thanks for your opinion

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@raumaanking There would have ben one Queen in 1603 had she been alive ie Queen Mary. The Grey claim was although legitimate was inferior to the Stuart Claims of both James VI and Arabella Stuart. Nobody took Henry VIII will seriously even Elizabeth Tudor remarked She knew of no better claim than that of Queen Mary of Scotland to succeed her, which was very generous considering Mary Queen Of Scots was the rightful Queen not her. Edward VI barred both Mary( I of England) an Elizabeth, rightly so in her case from the throne in favor of Lady Jane Grey, but the English people refused to accept LJG as queen and supported Mary Tudor as their rightful and legitimate Queen , the will of the people in England proved more effective than that of a monarch. Henry VII was a horrible tyrant and he only barred the Stuart claim out of spite as he and his sister Queen Margaret did not get on but Queen Margaret's line prevailed ie the Stuarts. The English people welcomed King James in 1603 as their king as he was the legitimate and rightful King

  • @GeorgiaGrown90
    @GeorgiaGrown90 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Justice for my 14x great grandmother. How she was treated both in life and after death is so sad

  • @Nana-vi4rd
    @Nana-vi4rd ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Catherine Medici would never have allowed it, for she dispised Mary. She was buried next to Katherine of Aragon, so she was shown some respect. And since there were no Catholic churches left in England it was better than nothing. Why she wasn't taken back to Scotland to be buried I never understood, they apparently didn't want her either. Nor was any attempt made by any of the Scots to retrieve their former Queen's body for burial in Scotland. Instead, years later, her son James I had her remains brought to London and had her buried close to Elizabeth I's tomb.

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Queen Mary's tomb would have been violated by protestants in Scotland, something she knew as had her ancestors. As A catholic Queen Mary wanted to be buried in a church abbey etc of the religion she believed in not a Protestand church, which ultimately happened, though protestants' never built and such places, they destroyed them. Queen Mary was very aware of that. Queen Mary wanted to be buried beside her mother in Reims in France. Catherine De Medici would not have refused that as Queen Mary was a dowager Queen of France therefore would have had evry right to be buried there, particularly beside her own mother but Elizabeth was cruel even in death to Queen Mary . Yes Queen Mary was given a royal state funeral from the very state that murdered her, never has that being known but it was out of guilt and the knowledge the had foully murdered Queen Mary, their lawful Queen. It is very fitting Queen Mary lies buried in Westminster Abbey her rights as Queen have been fully exonerated and vindicated. It is Queen Mary's line that survives and reigns to this day in the UK and in European monarchies, not the barren Elizabeth >.Queen Mary lies in the most magnificent tomb of all in Westminster Abbey surrounded by her descendants, many of who share her tomb

    • @muttstersmart
      @muttstersmart ปีที่แล้ว

      Mary wanted to be buried in France. Her will was completely disrespected by Elizabeth. The French actually wanted Mary’s body to be brought to France to make her a Saint.

    • @lorikadas3719
      @lorikadas3719 ปีที่แล้ว

      Poetic Justice

    • @GrannyG63
      @GrannyG63 ปีที่แล้ว

      She wanted to be buried in France next to Frances...Elizabeth denied the request.

  • @michellebruce5092
    @michellebruce5092 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, how are you? I'm doing well. Awesome live history video. I enjoyed it. Have a great day see you next video greetings from Canada 😊 your videos are always enjoyable

  • @jakubkuzminski5670
    @jakubkuzminski5670 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Super Film

  • @bborj
    @bborj 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Elizabeth 1 has the Boleyn DNA cunning, scheming, cruel and ruthless. Like her mother who was very indecent and greedy one could only expect that her reign will procure all those atrocious traits and execute them as is. Her half sister Mary whom they called bloody Mary has influence in her too because they grew up together. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    Mary of Scot did not deserve that kind of demise despite of.

  • @kiwigirl5634
    @kiwigirl5634 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yes, it's sad how Mary of Scots died, but she'd brought the whole thing on herself, getting involved with a number of plots to assignnate Elizabeth I.
    Rest In Peace 🕊️

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว

      Queen Mary was not involved in a plot to kill Elizabeth, the Babington Plot was engineered and so called evidence was fabricated by Walshingham, Cecil and Elizabeth to kill Queen Mary. There was no proof that can stand up to prove that . Queen Mary plotted and rightly so to be free having being ilegally detained and imprisoned in England, of which she was the rightful and legitimate Queen. Queen Mary was content to succeed at the right time. I suggest you read further ingo the facts of who conspired to kill who. Elizabeth did and she is responsible for the murder of an anointed Queen. Queen Mary was vilely abused and treated by those who should have supported her

    • @muttstersmart
      @muttstersmart ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hardly! There’s no evidence that Mary was involved with the plots. The casket letters could have been forged by Elizabeth’s advisors. The casket letters mysteriously disappeared after Mary’s execution.

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว

      @@muttstersmart the casket letters have nothing to do with rbe Babington Plot. Your getting mixed up here. The casket letter relate to Queen Mary's illegal removal from the Scottish throne in 1567 by traitors liars, murderers who framed Queen Mary for something she was not involved with. The casket letters were forgeries and are largely discredited as such. They suited the personal agenda of the treacherous Scottish protestant nobility and at the time even the English nobility with exception of Cecil etc gave them no credence at the conference of York. They were last in the possession James VI of Scotland in 1584 and promptly disappeared from history no doubt destroyed by James. If those letters were indeed genuine why were they not kept as it would have given some legitimacy to James claim to be King which of course is why they have disappeared as they were forgeries and established Queen Mary as the innocent victim of treacherous men. James himself felt threatened by his mother's rightful claim as the legitimate Queen of Scots. It suited him perfectly to have his mother and sovereign out of the way. Poor Queen Mary has been vilely abused by traitors and Elizabeth Tudor is equally responsible for Queen Mary's vile treatment. But like the rest of the traitors Elizabeth Tudor will answer for her crime of the murder of God's anointed Queen, of Scotland and rightly of England

    • @bbybella9937
      @bbybella9937 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@muttstersmart The evidence of Mary's plotting, however obtained, was genuine. She approved of it.

    • @muttstersmart
      @muttstersmart ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bbybella9937 I still think the casket letters were forged. And if they were forged, then there is no evidence of Mary approving of the plots. And even if Mary was plotting (which I don’t think she was) can you blame her? She’d been in prison for 19 years despite agreeing to accept Elizabeth as Queen and her son as King. Elizabeth I was at fault. And if Mary was plotting then I agree she was at fault as well (but I don’t think she was plotting).

  • @elisabetta611
    @elisabetta611 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    As much as I can (somewhat) understand where you're coming from, there is a huge elephant in the room you've ENTIRELY missed: What do you think Mary would have done with Elizabeth's body had her "six gentlemen" and Babington succeeded in their treachery? You think she wouldn't have done what Mary I. did to Edward VI & give her a Catholic Requiem Mass? Unless she'd have had remains burned for her heresy (Yes, they did burn corpses too to send a message)? You think she'd have buried Elizabeth in a cathedral like Peterborough? This is what happens when you force 2023 mores and views on 16th century Europe, it just doesn't work bc no matter which way you slice it, you'll find SOMETHING "disgraceful" or whatever other clickbaity terms you use in your video titles.

      @JOHNESNEIDER00 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I totally disagree with you on this. Elizabeth has put Mary into hell helping her as a prisoner for half of her life.
      Let’s all remember why she fled to England after the Scottish nobles refused Mary’s throne.. she went to England to find support in her cousin, her family and yet, Elizabeth could only think of a thing that would have been in her favour.

    • @elisabetta611
      @elisabetta611 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JOHNESNEIDER00 Nothing of what you've said here actually contradicts what I said though? Nvm that Mary should have fled to FRANCE, not the kingdom whose Queen she has actively sought to depose ever since Mary I. passed away.

    • @joshuafess4295
      @joshuafess4295 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Fun fact about Peterborough cathedral Queen Mary the grandmother of QE2 and wife of King George V actually had the burial site of Catherine of Aragon redone to pay respect due to her as her rank of Queen

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You equally have missed a very valid point. Had Elizabeth been killed and Queen Mary enthroned on her rightful throne, would have ensured Elizabeth was given a burial that reflected her religious belief. Queen Mary unlike most of her fellow rulers and many after her, was a more tolerant ruler, nobody was persecuted under Queen Mary's personal rule for their religious views unlike Henry VIII, Mary I or Elizabeth Tudor , France or Spain etc. Only two people were executed under Queen Mary's warrant in Scotland both were Catholics, John Gordon for treason against the crown and Pierre de Bocosel de Chastelard for attempting to compromise Queen Mary's reputation. Queen Mary in fact upheld the religious settlement she found when she arrived in Scotland and even financed it as Queen. It was Queen Mary who was ruthlessly persecuted for being catholic in both Scotland and England. As for the six gentlemen, they were Catholics and to them Elizabeth was rightly a usurper and illegitimate and had no right to be Queen, Mary was the legitimate Queen so it was not treason from their point of view. Regardless Queen Mary Stuart was the rightful Queen of England, Elizabeth knew that and was why she treated Queen Mary so badly and ultimately had her murdered. Queen Mary again showed her tolerance as she was content to wait to inherit the crown in due course and made several attempts to reach a compromise with Elizabeth ho was like henry 8th a bully and tyrant. Queen Mary plotted rightly to be free as was her right, she did not plot against Elizabeth, the Babington Plot was total fabrication, by Cecil Walsingham, Phellepes and Elizabeth herself

    • @bbybella9937
      @bbybella9937 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SALeppard Mary had actively schemed to get Elizabeth’s throne in the past and continued to do so despite the guise of “sisterhood.” Elizabeth was under no obligation to help Mary (lol why would she be? The very thought that she was is so silly) and Mary came uninvited to England. Still Elizabeth negotiated with the Scottish government for Mary’s return but the Scottish were unwilling and Mary’s participation in the Ridolfi plot put an end to it. And she wasn’t imprisoned. Elizabeth also could’ve easy killed Mary the moment she stepped foot in England but she didn’t.
      Mary didn't have the better claim, Elizabeth was Henry's daughter, illegitimate or not. She outranks a random great-niece who wasn't even in the line of succession. Elizabeth was the rightful Queen and went down in history as the Queen of England.
      The evidence of Mary's plotting, however obtained, was genuine-and if Mary's plots had succeeded she would have become queen of England and Elizabeth would have been killed. This is also relevant to the legalities of Mary's captivity; freeing her would have harmed English political interests. Mary was well aware of the rules of the political game in which she was engaged, and in claiming that Elizabeth had no jurisdiction over her, she was playing another card in that game.
      According to you, Mary could plot however and whatever she liked and she remains a “completely innocent” special snowflake, and apparently Elizabeth must have tolerated all that and played her nanny, marvelous. Mary stans in their denial must have completely lost the sense of reality.
      Also the reason Mary didn’t kill more people is because she barely cared about Scotland and Scottish people in the first place.

  • @M.A.C.01
    @M.A.C.01 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would not like to die like Mary

    @JOHNESNEIDER00 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This is all on the Protestants by those times. Shame on you! And shame on you Elizabeth I.

    • @elisabetta611
      @elisabetta611 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      No. This is on Mary Stuart joining the Babington plot. After that there was no way back. And I'm saying this as a Catholic.

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว

      @@elisabetta611 that is ridiculas Mary did not participate in the so called plot to kill Elizabeth. She plotted to be free it was fabricated and with falsified by Cecil. Walsingham, and Elizabeth. Queen Mary was murdered because she was the legitimate ad rightful Queen not Elizabeth . read the facts before stating incorrect facts. Why was Queen Mary given a Royal state funeral paid for by the english goverment?

    • @muttstersmart
      @muttstersmart ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@elisabetta611 there’s no evidence for Mary being part of the plots. The casket letters could have been forgeries.

    • @Dak36
      @Dak36 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mary was Queen of Scots and former Queen Consort of France. She was not a subject of Elizabeth and could not be a traitor to the English crown. She was held captive and killed because she was a threat to Elizabeth’s power. The casket plot has been proven to a plot by Elizabeth’s advisers to push Elizabeth to execute Mary.

  • @suejuede525
    @suejuede525 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Elkexabeth 1 was as much a monster as ger father

  • @oldsilver6035
    @oldsilver6035 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @momof2momof2
    @momof2momof2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Elizabeth the first was pure evil

  • @martinisherwood2854
    @martinisherwood2854 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Queen was not executed with an axe she was with a sword and took 8 Strikes to take her head off.

    • @dianakirkpatrick6789
      @dianakirkpatrick6789 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The eye witness drawing made at the time shows an axe.

    • @SyntaxError83
      @SyntaxError83 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've never heard that particular recounting regarding Mary. Might you be confusing her with Margaret Pole?

    • @SALeppard
      @SALeppard ปีที่แล้ว

      It was an axe not a sword

    • @martinisherwood2854
      @martinisherwood2854 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dianakirkpatrick6789 Royalty was always executed by a sword the sword was so blunt it took 8 strikes to take her head off and on hearing this news Elizabeth felt physically sick and while breaking out into a rage.

    • @dianakirkpatrick6789
      @dianakirkpatrick6789 ปีที่แล้ว

      Can you please give your source for that?

  • @janetwatson7966
    @janetwatson7966 ปีที่แล้ว

    Elizabeth 1 was worse then her father. She was a heartless queen. Her father had people lying to him, always in his ear. Elizabeth had no excuse. She was driven by greed