I used to listen this song and all others when Ali Nadem was freshly dropping them. I used played WoW while listening to those bangers. Having best battlegrounds fights while listening to them.
Que nostalgia volver a escuchar esta rola, recien entraba a secundaria cuando los empecé a escuchar a Ali Nadem, Dimitry G y Navi G escuchándolos todo el dia era lo mejor ❤️🩹
@ToxikMuzik Had a party yesterday that I was mixing for at my college, and I must say that I've never seen a crowd get so shitty to a song until I played Electro Gladiator v1. Thanks for the free tracks, I'm handing your name out to everyone.
2023. Thank you for liking my comment from earlier so i cant revisit this masterpiece
ali, you made me dance electro 13 years ago, , still listening to it tho :D
Essa pega legal até hoje !!!!
Meu ali nadem e muito top, 2020 alguém?
*---* Ali Nadem lenda
@@oflodnil2 2021
2024 meu mano, escutava essa quando tinha 8-9 anos, saudades de um tempo que não volta mais
I used to listen this song and all others when Ali Nadem was freshly dropping them. I used played WoW while listening to those bangers. Having best battlegrounds fights while listening to them.
essa musica e pft marcou meus roles ..minhas baladas Ea Dança Free step ❤💟
i remember listening to this song 8 years ago, still lit
Essa música é extraordinária de boa!
2023/ Brazil seu fã
Que nostalgia volver a escuchar esta rola, recien entraba a secundaria cuando los empecé a escuchar a Ali Nadem, Dimitry G y Navi G escuchándolos todo el dia era lo mejor ❤️🩹
En mi opinión Navi G no se me hizo tan bueno, creo que SparKOFF era mejor, pero sin duda Ali nadem era el mejor en este género.
Lol, I remember listening to all of ali nadem's when i was younger and it brings me so much nostalgia
Alguém 2023
Free step não morreu Caraiooooookkk
2021 quem ai se lembra dessa música nas meet up de Free Step ? Bons e velhos tempos
Ali nadem resident evil 6 actualizada 2019
Indeed, a super mario remix would be awesome !!!!! thumbs up
Thanks for best musics, Ali Nadem.
from Brazil
Damn, RE6 wasn't even out yet... Good times
muito lokooooooo manolo ce eh foda ali andem (ali nadem u are greatttttt)
omg still found this remix since 2014 ❤️🥺 forever a RE Fan🔐!!!!!!!
ouvia isso na minha adolescência, top demais
Ali Nadem ruled!!!
Ali Nadem is the best!
Please add this to Spotify 😎
This is easily my favorite song from Alex. SO WICKED!
"Seven Minutes. Seven Minutes is all I can spare to play with you"
@ToxikMuzik Had a party yesterday that I was mixing for at my college, and I must say that I've never seen a crowd get so shitty to a song until I played Electro Gladiator v1. Thanks for the free tracks, I'm handing your name out to everyone.
unreal song, always throwing out bangers :)
2022 y aun sigue siendo una de las pocas joyitas motivadas de esa epoca uu
Aqui é até hoje tamo junto 👊🏿
I love the fact u share your music with everyone really nice of you to do that bro.
I have no words to describe how i love this song, the best hard eletro ever made. The beat on 4:40 is just unsurpassed
I like all of Ali Nadem's songs :))
king king king !!!!! THIS IS ALI NADEM !!!
porraaaaaaaaa , ali nadem é mto fodaah , as música as edições , mto massa parabeéns aií !!!!!! apoio máximo meu
FACK! blasting this on my iphone to my steroe as i make the streets SCREAMM!!! whoo keeep it up man!!!
Thank u for liking this comment and bringing me back in a time when things were simpler. Hope your doing well bro
electro powaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh peruuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
RE forever and i LOVE this. Blast it in my truck on the way to college
Me sigue facinando ❤️😎🎶
That and Your Dragonball (9000) remix is The best . Very good
Ali Nadem oooowwwwnnnnssssss
Ali you make the best ever songs.
2015 for the song!! is the best old hard electro!
im still vibbing to this one today 😎
Classic 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
freestep da joinha
Awesome kick the bass :3 Also Wesker is love. Go see the new movie they got Wesker mostly right was fun seeing him own people :P
Add it in spotify please
Ive always loved this brotha!!!!!!
id like to say this is still a banger
Perfect sound 💕😍
Forever Ali Nadem ;DDDDD taip tai lopas :DDDDD
geiles lied und resi6 ist eh der knaller :D
Holy shit!! Great 'dirty' sound! Keep up the amazing work! :D
the best songggggggggg awesome...........
dats awesome man :D keep it up :D
absolutely brilliant xD
keep it up man :D
Excelent Ali Nadem
dude this is pretty on point epic.
ali nadem é muito bom junto duas coisas q eu gosto musica boa e electro+resident evil
Essa e bruxa 😎
Ali Nadem! youre the best! :D
best remix ever
nice tune man
Excelente música, Ali Nadem... sigue así ;)
Just awesome....
This is still a bop💕
really good song ali nadem *__* omg!!
no te cansas nunca, eres un krak!!!
ths is epic :DDD lol XD keep up the good work Ali!! XD lol
wtf ,
nice nice,
directo a favoritos , ali nadem i love you
Wow,niiiice dude!!
Sick music i love it!
Best Remix Ever!❤
2021 sigue siendo una joya 💗
WoW! Really cool! ;D
at the begining of the ... WHAT A TRACK ¡¡¡
Epic win ! ;)
Nice music! :)
epic dude!
o_O good buenisima sound jaja! :)
very good stuff
Omg, i've been searching of this remix forever. Thank GOD for Michael James!
Sick tune... i just cant stand lovin it :D
La mejor cancion de Resident Evil asta el momento Like (Y)
I will play this at least 4 times every set xD
the love for electro brought me here
''So you've made it this far..too bad you won't make it much further'' BOOM JIZZ
still holds up 12 years later
like the bass.
stan bui buenos tus videos padres chingones la neta
@boymyfeetsmell it's fine, all songs can be promoted, they're all free to download
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee ali nadem =D
Good VDO dude
haha looks like resident evil 6 came out earlier than we expected
muy buena rola
bam bam bam Oo nice
Wesker FTW
"From this song i remember, absolutely nothing at all" - Ali Nadeem