A weekend is 2 days = 48 hours. This movie has a runtime of 1 h 36 min, however, we can cut out the credits, so let's say the movie is 1.5 hours long. (48 hours/weekend)/(1.5 hours/movie) = 30 movies/weekend. Therefore, it is impossible to watch this movie more than around 30 times in one weekend. If you see this, then I'm curious to know when the last time you saw rio was, since this comment was 7 years ago. Rio is my favourite movie ever.
that im planning on living in Rio and hopefully buy me a male and female blue macaws and raise them and name them blu and jewel cause i loved the movie so much it made me feel as if i was in the movie
I too wanted to go hang gliding after the film. Perhaps take a powered hang glider to the route they take in Rio 2. Unless I am a successful bodhisattva and am able to fly, perhaps even be reincarnated as a bird! haha!
I love Blu and Jewel
dude tell Anne Hathaway and Jesse Eisenberg im a huge fan and that this user seen thier Rio movie 50 times in a row.
same here I almost have all of blu and jewels voices down since ive watched it 46times in one weekend
A weekend is 2 days = 48 hours. This movie has a runtime of 1 h 36 min, however, we can cut out the credits, so let's say the movie is 1.5 hours long. (48 hours/weekend)/(1.5 hours/movie) = 30 movies/weekend. Therefore, it is impossible to watch this movie more than around 30 times in one weekend. If you see this, then I'm curious to know when the last time you saw rio was, since this comment was 7 years ago. Rio is my favourite movie ever.
Can't wait for Rio 2! Comes out 2014!
How was the movie man
Man 😭 time flies
O tempo voa
I Love this interview
I love this movie!
me too bro..i cant forget the movie and the music is still singing in my mind :DD
that im planning on living in Rio and hopefully buy me a male and female blue macaws and raise them and name them blu and jewel cause i loved the movie so much it made me feel as if i was in the movie
for the love of God man, if you're going to do an interview with the lovely Anne hathaway, iron your shirt first.
I too wanted to go hang gliding after the film. Perhaps take a powered hang glider to the route they take in Rio 2. Unless I am a successful bodhisattva and am able to fly, perhaps even be reincarnated as a bird! haha!
I am similar to Blu in almost every way, but I have Jewel's openess.
I dont actually think blue macaws are real... :D
Nonsense they are real search up hyacinth macaw and spix macaw you'll find it
Haven't we all? JK