This is the very best of review about this boat. I'm happy I found it. I like, that you made this video after a long time of use. It's good to see, she is in good condition even after 4 years. I just bought one of this boat. Your advices are great. I planned to buy an electric motor, but I already know I will buy that Suzuki 2,5HP model. The same as yours. I will use the boat in Croatia. There are lots of little islands close to the main coast. I would like to visist these places. Of course I don't want to go far to the open sea. My little brother has a much bigger boat, and he knows all about the paperworks in the port's office. Fortunately I don't have to worry about the administration. The question of the wind power and the size of the waves is very interesting. I think I will have to get experience.
Thank you! 😀 I think that good review can only be made after extensive usage of the product. Don't focus on Suzuki. Check Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and other brands. The best one for you is the one that has great service nearby your location. Wind/waves ratio has been established long ago by Irishman, Beaufort. Check his scale:
Poštovani svaka čast na odličnoj prezentaciji kako sadržajno tako i kvalitetnog zvuka i slike. Razmišljao sam o nabavci ovakvog čamca i Vaša prezentacija mi je dosta pomogla da rešim neke nedoumice. Pozdrav.!
Hvala Dušane na odličnoj prezentaciji! Najbolji mali čamac za balkanske rijeke i jezera ali i za priobalje. Posjedujem isti od 2014. sa Yamaha 2 ks (težina samo 10 kg ali zato nema mjenjaca što meni za ovaj čamac i ne treba). Sreća pri registraciji u Bosni ne traže JCI ali traže CoC (Certificate of Conformity) koji sam dobio direktno od proizvođača kada sam prijavio kupovinu na nj vebstranici i upisao broj trupa. Na rijekama u Bosni me niko nije kontrolisao. Jednom na Boračkom jezeru, a bio sam tamo nekih 10 puta. Takodjer sam bio u Hrvatskoj tri puta sa 20 plovidbi i nikad me patrola nije zaustavljala mada su bili nekoliko puta tik uz mene. Isto toliko puta sam bio u Valoni u Albaniji gdje me takodjer nije niko kontrolisao. Hoću reći mali čamac koji nije upadljiv a služi svrsi. Uvijek preporučujem da se registruje i da se vadi potrebna vinjeta ako idete van. Ja sam prezadovoljan kako se ponaša na vodi a pogotovo kako se prilagođava valovima. Uvijek ga prevozim na krovnom koferu a penta ide u gepek. Najveća pomoć su mi mala trgovačka kolica na kojima skladištim pentu ali kada sam na odmoru prevozim čamac sa motorom i svim stvarima (na moru ga ne rasklapam svaki dan). Jednostavno ih podbacim pod čamac i pritegnem kaišom za stezanje. Takodjer sam se učlanio na iboat portal koji ima stotinjak stranica komentara i prijedloga modifikacija i upotrebe ovog malog zmaja. Siguran sam da je ovo najbolje odnos uloženog dobijenog. Sretno!
Хвала! Тај CoC може врло лако да се скине са њиховог сајта, али нажалост, у Србији то не признају. Хвала и на корисним информацијама. И ја сам сазнао нешто ново из Вашег коментара, а свакако значиће и онима који наиђу на овај видео у жељи да се информишу пре куповине. Све најбоље!
Postovani, koji motor preporucujete da se postavi na Intex mariner 4 osim Suzuki-ja koji je instaliran na ovaj na prezentaciji? Da li preporucujete elektricni motor i koji. Koja je procedura pri registraciji. Gdje ja registrujem motor i camac ako zivim u Sarajevu. Imam položeno za B kategoriju upravljanja motornim camcima. Hvala unaprijed na odgovorima
@@jasmincengic7606 Poštovani, svaki motor, bilo sa unutarnjim sagorijevanjem bilo sa strujnim pogonom, čija snaga ne prelazi 3ks je prikladan. Ako planirate veći motor onda su potrebne preinake ali i atest što je komplikovano. Brend je nebitan. Sve se registruje u nadležnoj kapetaniji. Ako ste u Sarajevu onda je to Ostrožac gdje ste vjerujem polagali za vodiča brodice. I motor i čamac moraju imati urednu dokumentaciju porijekla i plaćenih pristojbi/poreza državi. Sretno!
@@jasmincengic7606 Било који мали мотор чија маса не прелази неких 15kg. У том рангу имате Honda мотор од 2,3 коњске снаге, па Yamaha мотор од 2,5 коња а сличне праве и Mercury, Tohatsu, Parsun итд. Можете и већи, јачи и наравно тежи, ал' ја лично не препоручујем. То што се тиче ових што раде на бензин. А за електричне не могу много да кажем, јер их нисам користио на овом чамцу. Знам само да Вам један већи акумулатор издржи око 2-3 сата вожње, што је сат-сат и по у једном смеру. Довољно за језера ил' неке мирне реке, ал' слабо и кратко за море осим ако ћете се шврћкати поред обале. Што се регистрације тиче, врло радо бих помогао, али не познајем законе у БиХ и не знам колико се разликују од оних у Србији. Препоручујем да пробате преко интернета да дођете до закона, уколико је то јавно доступно и да прочитате сами. Или, да свратите до најближе капетаније и да се распитате. А ако је случајно исто као и у Србији, онда се чамац региструје у Капетанији, са свим потребним папирима, добије се дозвола у коју се онда упише и мотор. Регистрација сада иде на сваке 3 године. Ово је ископирано из закона који важе код нас, а ту пише шта је од папира потребно: Vlasnik uz zahtev za upis čamca, odnosno plovećeg postrojenja podnosi: 1) ispravu kojom se dokazuje vlasništvo na čamcu, odnosno plovećem postrojenju (ugovor o kupoprodaji,račun o kupovini, izjavu o samogradnji i dr.); 2) ispravu kojom se dokazuje vlasništvo na pogonskom uređaju, odnosno motoru čamca (ugovor okupoprodaji, račun o kupovini i dr.); 3) carinsku deklaraciju za čamac, odnosno ploveće postrojenje i motor, odnosno pogonski uređaj ako su uvezeni iz druge države; 4) ispravu o izvršenom osnovnom pregledu; 5) ispravu o baždarenju za čamac, odnosno ploveće postrojenje; Такође, не знам каква је процедура при регистрацији ако имате електрични мотор. Надам се да сам помогао. Поздрав!
Great people congratulations for making such beautiful useful film about the boat, motor places etc. I really apreciate the way you share your experience. You are very talented and for sure you'll be succesful making more films about your new excursions. ❤️
Nice review! Just got the Mariner 3, but not actually sure how Mariner 3 or 4 will accommodate 3 or 4 people in reality. Two people and a dog at the most imo. Will chek it tomorrow though :)
Great video and beautiful beaches! I am deciding between the Intex Mariner 4 and Excursion 5. Since we only wanna use it on lakes and slow rivers to relax and sunbath with 2 people I would prefer the bigger Excursion... but I like that the Mariner seems sturdier especially with the solid floor. I am probably going to use an electric trolling motor between 40-70 lbs with it.
Thank you! Those beaches are on Thassos. Beutiful place. Excursion 5 is like a pool float. An absence of a sturdy floor and saggy material is a no for me. I had an Intex Seahawk II or III (not sure) and it's the same as Excursion. Same "balloon" material and it behaves as an air bed on the water. On the other hand, with electric motor there should not be any significant difference. It will be slow and silent :)
@@janred94 Actually, that is one big pro for Excursion and con for Mariner. You can't lay down in Mariner, it's just uncomfortable. But you can sleep in Excursion 🛶➕🛏=😴
I have an Excursion 5 and Seahawk 500. Both have very thin material. The height of the Excursion 5 from waterline is very low and it always take water if there is 0,3 m wave or if a big boat passing nearby (even in long distance, they create big waves). It is not possible to sit the main tube on them and steering the motor. When you sit inside, you have to have an octopus arm to reach the handle while facing bow of the boat or you have to drive backwards :-) I made 8 mm thick plywood for the inside of the floating floor, so it is better to stand on the boat. But you have to make it foldable 2 or 3 part to easily carry and put into car truck. Summary: Mariner 4 is better than Excursion 5 or Seahawk and I would like to planing to buy one. The price here in Turkiye is around 350 Euros. But the registration is very difficult as they want same documents and procedure for them just like 25 m super yachts, because they are in same class according to laws.
Really good review man. I really appreciated it. I just bought a mariner 4 and am debating between the suzuki 2.5 and a 55lb thrust electric trolling motor. Do you have any further insight since making this video? Which would you go with? Do you think the electric would give up much performance? Thank you again for the great video.
I sold it last year. And I bought a bigger inflatable boat and a stronger outboard motor. To answer your question, I think that both are good options, it only depends on what will you be using it for? If it's on some river or sea, then definitely go with petrol engine. If you only planning to use it on some lakes and short runs, electric one will suffice. I tried once an electric motor, it's ok, but for spending the whole day on the river/sea driving from one beach to another I would not take chances with the electric one. For fishing it's awesome. I hope I helped you.
@@dragoljubsklabinac8761 На брзим рекама попут Дунава искључиво са мотором. Веслање није опција, али треба свакако имати весло у чамцу за сваки случај. Прамац је низак па треба избегавати сечење таласа од глисера јер хоће вода да улети. Сем тога, може се њиме ићи по поменутим рекама без проблема, најбоље кад је лепо време и то без јаког ветра.
I wouldn't. Instead I would recommend a rigid small boat (around 2,6m) that you can hook on a bike and haul it as a trailer (you have to put two wooden boards and through them two bicycle wheels for support). I have one like that, and I used it for fishing, I just haven't made a video about it. Intex Mariner 4 would not be a good choice as you would have hooks inside while fishing, as well as fish with sharp fins and you would probably have to moor somewhere next to the reed and this boat is prone to punctures so I think that would not be a great idea. And just think of the time you would spent inflating and deflating the boat. And you say that you often go fishing. I hope I helped.
hi, thanks for your video, really well done. I wanted to ask what kind of Suzuki 2.5 engine did you use. a long stem L, or a short stem S? A thousand thanks
@@cirorusso3245 Allora, scriva in italiano 🙂 L'ho studiato qualche anni fa. No Google translate per me 🙂 Se si trova alcuna parola che non capisco, la cercherò sul internet 😎
Хвала. Та два чамца нису баш за поређење. Mariner 4 није толико за весла а може много више у њега да стане, што људи, што хране, опреме...може тенда да се стави 😉 Ал' по мору не препоручујем без мотора 💶 Ови кајаци из Декатлона веома пристојно изгледају, а и цене су им мало јаче. Предност кајака је што може да оде где овај Маринер не може и заузима далеко мање места. Стане у ранац па може да се носи на море чак и ако се иде аутобусом. Али, све зависи од тога за шта ће теби користити. Није један бољи од другог, већ сваки има нешто другачију намену. Пиши како би ти на воду, где, како тамо замишљаш да проводиш време па ћу моћи боље да ти помогнем око одабира. Свакако, ја имам обе врсте, јер свака нађе примену код мене.
My suzuki handle accelerator cable is touching the motor support, I need to raise the handle to be able to turn on the handle side...did you raise the motor a bit more with something?
Good question! At first I didn't, so I had to raise the handle over the mount with each turn. Eventually I got sick of it and just raised a motor for one hole. On the mount there are multiple holes, or at least there were on mine. I did buy the mount used so maybe the previous owner drilled one or two pairs extra due to the same issue. But, when putting together the mount, just can choose in which holes you want to stick those U shaped clamps. Just choose a lower one than what is currently sitting on. If there is a need for something in between, be free to drill a hole through that plastic board. Just leave some space in between, at least quarter of an inch.
Around time stamp 22:34 you were just sitting by the boat talking. The motor is horizontal to the boat. I am brand new to inflatable boating and rafting with trolling motors. How is it that the weight of the motor doesn’t just pull the boat down while it’s on the beach. It seems like the backside with the motor would be hitting the beach and the front would be pointing upwards.
Well, it's not a child's toy. The boat weights 75 pounds and motor only 28. The other thing is that the surface of the boat and how motor is connected to it doesn't allow even a bigger one to lift it up.
@@porodicaVorgic I do wonder with the weight of the battery and the trolling motor how this is all going to work with the Intex Challenger 3 but there are lots of videos of people with the same set up making it work . Any advice for first time launches off of shallow beaches ?
@@floridavideosbyjeffreyscot6910 The combined weight of the trolling motor and battery for it can't affect stability of the boat neither on the water or shore. Advice for any launch in the water is very simple. Do not put all the things in the boat before you put it in the water. In other words, your feet will have to get wet. Also, avoid any shore that has sharp rocks and most importantly, do NOT drag the boat on anything else except sand or grass when launching or pulling the boat out of the water. Ми смо користили овакав чамац на Ади, и није било проблема. Колико знам, по правилима не би смело да се користи било какво пловило, ни СУП даска нити било какав чамац. По правилима. У пракси, може свашта. Виђао сам људе у кајацима на надувавање, на СУП даскама и сл. Ово јесте мало већи чамац па би можда привукао нежељену пажњу...можда.
Није за то прављен. Сигурно не би издржао. Поцепао би се врло брзо на камењу. Чамци за рафтинг су од далеко дебљег и више гумираног материјала. Колико ја знам ценe за рафтинг чамце су од 2000 евра па навише. Једном је у Маринеру било 6 особа. Мршавијих :) Званично, може 4 особе. Кад би га регистровао, то би био максимум. Иначе може да носи око 480 килограма терета, људи и опреме.
As far as I know you can't register a boat in someone else's country. You have to register it in your own and then bring it with you. And, what about Bulgaria?
Hello! How do clean it after each use? I imagine deflating it, putting it into the car, then going to a fresh water fountain to re-inflate it and wash it :s
Nope. I don't clean it before using it. When I finish with driving, I deflate it first, remove the floor (and put it aside vertically (make a circle with it)) then I turn the boat upside down, let it dry a bit and then a use a piece of cloth to remove any excess moisture or water. Then I fold it and put it back in the bag until next use.
Also, one time we finished the season with a drive in the salt water and it stayed in the closet till the next spring all salted a bit. Didn't affect the performance at all.
Grazie mille! Io penso che Mariner Quattro sia una barca migliore. Ha un materiale più resistente di quello dell'Explorer Cinque. D'altro canto, Explorer Cinque non ha un pavimento robusto e per questo, se non si usa al mare ma sui laghi può essere come un materassino. Per rilassarsi. Quando parliamo di caratteristiche, Mariner Quattro è molto meglio. Principalmente perchè ha quinta camera d'aria sotto il pavimento che forma scafo in forma a lettera V. Explorer Cinque ha un scafo piano.
Pozdrav, da li je ovo motor sa dugom ili kratkom osovinom? Imam isti čamac i htio bih da kupim ovu pentu, samo ne znam koja dužina osovine odgovara? Hvala
Искључиво кратка чизма. И што краћа, то боље. Сваки произвођач се мало разликује кад је у питању дужина чизме. Не много, сантиметар два у односу на неког другог произвођача. А разлика између кратке и дуге чизме је велика.
Odlicno uradjen video, svaka cast. Imas glas tv spikera 😁. Imam Mariner 3 par godina i koristim ga slicno kao i ti. Problem mi je sto se mali ventil na podu camca sam otvara i izduvava. Da li si imao slicno iskustvo i kako si se izborio sa tim? Hvala unaprijed 😁.
Хвала :) Нисам имао таквих искустава са вентилом кобилице. Јесте ту комору мало теже надувати, али после кад се вентил затвори, може и да се некако „сломи” на унутра. И онда га не можеш случајно закачити док се возиш чамцем. А не би требало ни да се сам од себе отвори. Нешто слично попут оних вентила код мишица за децу, шлауфа, душека и слично. Ал' ако је такав од почетка био, онда можда није фабрички добро урађен. Ако се то десило касније, онда му се можда нешто десило (сунце, оштећење) ал' нажалост ништа што бих ја знао како да те посаветујем да решиш :/
@@porodicaVorgic Hvala na ekspeditivnom odgovoru. Ventil se od pocetka sam otvarao, nije pomagalo sto ga "slomim" unutra. Vjerovatno je u pitanju fabricki feler. Nista, kao i do sad, pumpa pa pumpaj ponovo 😜.
Perfect, spot on review! I'd like to use the mariner 3, little smaller and lighter, for sea fishing with another person, with a 2.5 hp motor. Do you think it's good, or would you still advise to get mariner 4?
Thank you! If you think you can manage to put all the gear you need in Mariner 3, it's a perfect option. It's made out of same material and it's just a little bit smaller than Mariner 4. If you have an opportunity to see one in person or to try it on the water before buying, that would be a deciding factor. Hope I helped.
@@porodicaVorgic Another topic: can you go full throttle with the 2.5 hp motor? I see that people on mariner 3 are only able to use half throttle. I'm trying to understand if this is also valid for mariner 4. Looking at them on video, the size of tubular looks the same...
@@MustRunTonyo You can. After half throttle, you just get a noisy motor, but not a significant speed increase. So, I do not see why you couldn't go full throttle with Suzuki 2.5 on Mariner 3. It ain't gonna go much more than 10km/h which anyhow, is not that much. And as far as I know, Mariner 3 is just smaller in length and width, but not in tube diameter as you said.
@@porodicaVorgic Very clear, thanks! Last question i promise :) Do you deflate and inflate it each time after use? I'm scared to damage the material, but if you did so and it went good for 5 years, I'd not be worried!
@@MustRunTonyo I did, every f*****g time. I live in the apartment so, no trailer, no garage, no place to store the boat inflated. And believe me, I wish I could just have thrown it from the trailer on the water. You shouldn't be afraid, it's not gonna damage the boat. What will damage it is overinflating it and/or storing it whole day on the sun. Sun drain flexibility from materials, makes them dry after long period of exposure, so be sure to store it somewhere in the shade if you plan to keep it inflated. On the end, I sold it, not because something went wrong, but because I needed a bigger boat. And then, I also had to change the motor. So I sold Suzuki as well. To finalize, I had it for 5 years, but in total, this boat saw only about 30 or so inflating and deflating.
Não tenho certeza de onde você pode comprar este barco localmente. Quer dizer, estou na Sérvia, você está no Brasil ou em Portugal e me pergunta onde comprar? Droga. Por favor, use o Google.
Not sure what should be the specs for a rescue dinghy, but I am pretty sure that this one would not qualify. So, that's a no for me. The material is too thin, you can't pull it and it can't pull another boat or person. And the most important thing, you can't put a big motor on it, and therefore, you can't reach any decent speed in order to be called a rescue boat.
I would recommend paddling only on lakes. On rivers, only if both of adults are experienced paddlers, and I am talking about mild rivers, not whitewater ones.
@@danilokoprivica1345 Мислим да не би био добар за то. Превише је танак и осетљив. Гумењаци који се користе за такве ствари су далеко скупљи јер су направљени од дебелих и издржљивих материјала.
It is good enough for occasional use. I do not believe it can survive everyday use. If you also look at the price, you are getting a lot of bang for your buck.
Hi, Thanks for the great review Maybe you mentioned this in the video, but what is a shaft length required for Intex Mariner 4? What is a shaft length of your motor? Thank you
It's a short shaft motor. There is an option to adjust the position of the outboard on its mount by adjusting the height of the transom. So maybe, just maybe, you can use a long shaft motor. Hope I helped.
Planiram da kupim takav ili tome slican camac. Motor verovatno nebi uzimao. Dozvolu za upravljanje camcem nemam,tako da mi i registracija camca ne pomaze. Kakva su tvoja iskustva, dali si imao prilike budes zaustavljen i kontrolisan na vodi? Dali da se drzim zakonskih dimenzija do 3m ili da rizikujem.
Много пута сам сретао речну полицију на потезу, Мост на Ади - Панчевачки мост. Ту ваљда најчешће патролирају. Али сам увек био у кајаку, тако да нит' се они занимају за мене нит' ја за њих. Дозволу можеш релативно лако да добијеш, и за не тако велике паре. Пријавиш се у твојој локалној Капетанији за полагање. Полаже се само писмено и усмено јер су практично укинули (по последњем како је било у Београдској Капетанији) и то кошта 10.000 динара. Твоје полагање нема никакве везе са регистрацијом чамца. Као што можеш да поседујеш регистрован аутомобил а да немаш возачку дозволу. Неко други те воза :) Ако ћеш рецимо да возиш Тамишем, Тисом и још нећеш да рецимо пецаш, већ само да се возиш, тешко да ће те неко заустављати. А за Дунав и Саву, не могу да гарантујем. А мотор да не узимаш, слажем се, само ако ћеш га возити по неким стајаћим водама, тј. језерима.
This is the very best of review about this boat. I'm happy I found it. I like, that you made this video after a long time of use. It's good to see, she is in good condition even after 4 years. I just bought one of this boat. Your advices are great. I planned to buy an electric motor, but I already know I will buy that Suzuki 2,5HP model. The same as yours. I will use the boat in Croatia. There are lots of little islands close to the main coast. I would like to visist these places. Of course I don't want to go far to the open sea. My little brother has a much bigger boat, and he knows all about the paperworks in the port's office. Fortunately I don't have to worry about the administration. The question of the wind power and the size of the waves is very interesting. I think I will have to get experience.
Thank you! 😀
I think that good review can only be made after extensive usage of the product.
Don't focus on Suzuki. Check Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and other brands. The best one for you is the one that has great service nearby your location.
Wind/waves ratio has been established long ago by Irishman, Beaufort. Check his scale:
Prelep i poučan video. Svaka cast
Thanks for the info, Intex should send you a care package
This in the best video of how to lounch your intex boat for the first time. Congratulations! Soon I will the be the next but with solar motor.
Poštovani svaka čast na odličnoj prezentaciji kako sadržajno tako i kvalitetnog zvuka i slike.
Razmišljao sam o nabavci ovakvog čamca i Vaša prezentacija mi je dosta pomogla da rešim neke nedoumice.
Хвала. Драго ми је да сам помогао.
Hvala Dušane na odličnoj prezentaciji! Najbolji mali čamac za balkanske rijeke i jezera ali i za priobalje. Posjedujem isti od 2014. sa Yamaha 2 ks (težina samo 10 kg ali zato nema mjenjaca što meni za ovaj čamac i ne treba). Sreća pri registraciji u Bosni ne traže JCI ali traže CoC (Certificate of Conformity) koji sam dobio direktno od proizvođača kada sam prijavio kupovinu na nj vebstranici i upisao broj trupa. Na rijekama u Bosni me niko nije kontrolisao. Jednom na Boračkom jezeru, a bio sam tamo nekih 10 puta. Takodjer sam bio u Hrvatskoj tri puta sa 20 plovidbi i nikad me patrola nije zaustavljala mada su bili nekoliko puta tik uz mene. Isto toliko puta sam bio u Valoni u Albaniji gdje me takodjer nije niko kontrolisao. Hoću reći mali čamac koji nije upadljiv a služi svrsi. Uvijek preporučujem da se registruje i da se vadi potrebna vinjeta ako idete van. Ja sam prezadovoljan kako se ponaša na vodi a pogotovo kako se prilagođava valovima. Uvijek ga prevozim na krovnom koferu a penta ide u gepek. Najveća pomoć su mi mala trgovačka kolica na kojima skladištim pentu ali kada sam na odmoru prevozim čamac sa motorom i svim stvarima (na moru ga ne rasklapam svaki dan). Jednostavno ih podbacim pod čamac i pritegnem kaišom za stezanje.
Takodjer sam se učlanio na iboat portal koji ima stotinjak stranica komentara i prijedloga modifikacija i upotrebe ovog malog zmaja.
Siguran sam da je ovo najbolje odnos uloženog dobijenog.
Тај CoC може врло лако да се скине са њиховог сајта, али нажалост, у Србији то не признају.
Хвала и на корисним информацијама. И ја сам сазнао нешто ново из Вашег коментара, а свакако значиће и онима који наиђу на овај видео у жељи да се информишу пре куповине.
Све најбоље!
Postovani, koji motor preporucujete da se postavi na Intex mariner 4 osim Suzuki-ja koji je instaliran na ovaj na prezentaciji? Da li preporucujete elektricni motor i koji. Koja je procedura pri registraciji. Gdje ja registrujem motor i camac ako zivim u Sarajevu. Imam položeno za B kategoriju upravljanja motornim camcima. Hvala unaprijed na odgovorima
@@jasmincengic7606 Poštovani, svaki motor, bilo sa unutarnjim sagorijevanjem bilo sa strujnim pogonom, čija snaga ne prelazi 3ks je prikladan. Ako planirate veći motor onda su potrebne preinake ali i atest što je komplikovano. Brend je nebitan. Sve se registruje u nadležnoj kapetaniji. Ako ste u Sarajevu onda je to Ostrožac gdje ste vjerujem polagali za vodiča brodice. I motor i čamac moraju imati urednu dokumentaciju porijekla i plaćenih pristojbi/poreza državi. Sretno!
@@jasmincengic7606 Било који мали мотор чија маса не прелази неких 15kg. У том рангу имате Honda мотор од 2,3 коњске снаге, па Yamaha мотор од 2,5 коња а сличне праве и Mercury, Tohatsu, Parsun итд. Можете и већи, јачи и наравно тежи, ал' ја лично не препоручујем. То што се тиче ових што раде на бензин.
А за електричне не могу много да кажем, јер их нисам користио на овом чамцу. Знам само да Вам један већи акумулатор издржи око 2-3 сата вожње, што је сат-сат и по у једном смеру. Довољно за језера ил' неке мирне реке, ал' слабо и кратко за море осим ако ћете се шврћкати поред обале.
Што се регистрације тиче, врло радо бих помогао, али не познајем законе у БиХ и не знам колико се разликују од оних у Србији. Препоручујем да пробате преко интернета да дођете до закона, уколико је то јавно доступно и да прочитате сами. Или, да свратите до најближе капетаније и да се распитате. А ако је случајно исто као и у Србији, онда се чамац региструје у Капетанији, са свим потребним папирима, добије се дозвола у коју се онда упише и мотор. Регистрација сада иде на сваке 3 године.
Ово је ископирано из закона који важе код нас, а ту пише шта је од папира потребно:
Vlasnik uz zahtev za upis čamca, odnosno plovećeg postrojenja podnosi:
1) ispravu kojom se dokazuje vlasništvo na čamcu, odnosno plovećem postrojenju (ugovor o kupoprodaji,račun o kupovini, izjavu o samogradnji i dr.);
2) ispravu kojom se dokazuje vlasništvo na pogonskom uređaju, odnosno motoru čamca (ugovor okupoprodaji, račun o kupovini i dr.);
3) carinsku deklaraciju za čamac, odnosno ploveće postrojenje i motor, odnosno pogonski uređaj ako su uvezeni iz druge države;
4) ispravu o izvršenom osnovnom pregledu;
5) ispravu o baždarenju za čamac, odnosno ploveće postrojenje;
Такође, не знам каква је процедура при регистрацији ако имате електрични мотор.
Надам се да сам помогао. Поздрав!
Hvala za info
Great explanation, clear and precise
Svaka cas brate za objasnjenje kupio sam mariner 4 odlican je
Pozzz iz makedonija
Great people congratulations for making such beautiful useful film about the boat, motor places etc. I really apreciate the way you share your experience. You are very talented and for sure you'll be succesful making more films about your new excursions. ❤️
I have this boat seance 2019 and i use a outboard of 2,5ph, also. I agree 100% with this excellent review. Greetings from Greece !
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!
its good quality? do you recommend it for long term?
Kalimera, does this boat and motors need registrations in Greece?
Excelente!!! Saludos desde Pasto Colombia. (Excellent, tour welcome from Pasto Colombia)
Gracias! :)
Ti si car, ne znam da li sam gledao bolji review!
Хвала 😄
Thank you 😊, this is a very helpful video !
Nice review! Just got the Mariner 3, but not actually sure how Mariner 3 or 4 will accommodate 3 or 4 people in reality. Two people and a dog at the most imo. Will chek it tomorrow though :)
fajnie to pokazales i mimo ze jestem polakiem czasami Cie rozumialem.😀
Wszyscy jesteśmy słowiańskimi braćmi 🤗
Very good, thank you.
Sounds like a good review. Wish I spoke whatever he's speaking.
Great video and beautiful beaches!
I am deciding between the Intex Mariner 4 and Excursion 5. Since we only wanna use it on lakes and slow rivers to relax and sunbath with 2 people I would prefer the bigger Excursion... but I like that the Mariner seems sturdier especially with the solid floor.
I am probably going to use an electric trolling motor between 40-70 lbs with it.
Thank you!
Those beaches are on Thassos. Beutiful place.
Excursion 5 is like a pool float. An absence of a sturdy floor and saggy material is a no for me. I had an Intex Seahawk II or III (not sure) and it's the same as Excursion. Same "balloon" material and it behaves as an air bed on the water.
On the other hand, with electric motor there should not be any significant difference. It will be slow and silent :)
@@porodicaVorgic Wow, thanks for the quick answer! :)
"Air bed" sounds good for relaxing tho 😅
@@janred94 Actually, that is one big pro for Excursion and con for Mariner.
You can't lay down in Mariner, it's just uncomfortable. But you can sleep in Excursion 🛶➕🛏=😴
I have an Excursion 5 and Seahawk 500. Both have very thin material. The height of the Excursion 5 from waterline is very low and it always take water if there is 0,3 m wave or if a big boat passing nearby (even in long distance, they create big waves). It is not possible to sit the main tube on them and steering the motor. When you sit inside, you have to have an octopus arm to reach the handle while facing bow of the boat or you have to drive backwards :-) I made 8 mm thick plywood for the inside of the floating floor, so it is better to stand on the boat. But you have to make it foldable 2 or 3 part to easily carry and put into car truck. Summary: Mariner 4 is better than Excursion 5 or Seahawk and I would like to planing to buy one. The price here in Turkiye is around 350 Euros. But the registration is very difficult as they want same documents and procedure for them just like 25 m super yachts, because they are in same class according to laws.
@@izzetkirbas why is the Excursion 5 not in the same class as the Mariner 4?
Both inflatable rubber boats...
Really good review man. I really appreciated it. I just bought a mariner 4 and am debating between the suzuki 2.5 and a 55lb thrust electric trolling motor. Do you have any further insight since making this video? Which would you go with? Do you think the electric would give up much performance? Thank you again for the great video.
I sold it last year. And I bought a bigger inflatable boat and a stronger outboard motor.
To answer your question, I think that both are good options, it only depends on what will you be using it for? If it's on some river or sea, then definitely go with petrol engine. If you only planning to use it on some lakes and short runs, electric one will suffice.
I tried once an electric motor, it's ok, but for spending the whole day on the river/sea driving from one beach to another I would not take chances with the electric one. For fishing it's awesome. I hope I helped you.
sjajan video sve lepo objasnjeno planiram da kupim jedan koji bih koristio na savi,tisi i dunavu pa me zanima iz tvog iskustva kako bi se ponasao
@@dragoljubsklabinac8761 На брзим рекама попут Дунава искључиво са мотором. Веслање није опција, али треба свакако имати весло у чамцу за сваки случај. Прамац је низак па треба избегавати сечење таласа од глисера јер хоће вода да улети.
Сем тога, може се њиме ићи по поменутим рекама без проблема, најбоље кад је лепо време и то без јаког ветра.
@@porodicaVorgic hvala mnogo na odgovoru koji sam se i nadao da procitam...porucujem
Me and my friend fish a lot and we would love to have a boat like this to transport in a bike trailer, would you recommend this boat
I wouldn't. Instead I would recommend a rigid small boat (around 2,6m) that you can hook on a bike and haul it as a trailer (you have to put two wooden boards and through them two bicycle wheels for support). I have one like that, and I used it for fishing, I just haven't made a video about it. Intex Mariner 4 would not be a good choice as you would have hooks inside while fishing, as well as fish with sharp fins and you would probably have to moor somewhere next to the reed and this boat is prone to punctures so I think that would not be a great idea. And just think of the time you would spent inflating and deflating the boat. And you say that you often go fishing. I hope I helped.
hi, thanks for your video, really well done. I wanted to ask what kind of Suzuki 2.5 engine did you use. a long stem L, or a short stem S? A thousand thanks
A short one.
@@porodicaVorgic thanks, very nice. I’m looking forward for put the new motor on my mariner 4
@@cirorusso3245 Are you Italian?
@@porodicaVorgic yes I’m Italian
@@cirorusso3245 Allora, scriva in italiano 🙂
L'ho studiato qualche anni fa.
No Google translate per me 🙂
Se si trova alcuna parola che non capisco, la cercherò sul internet 😎
Odlična rezenzija👌😎
E sad... Šta je bolje uzeti?
Taj Mariner 4 ili kajak iz Decathlona za 3 osobe ITIWIT? 😀
Та два чамца нису баш за поређење. Mariner 4 није толико за весла а може много више у њега да стане, што људи, што хране, опреме...може тенда да се стави 😉
Ал' по мору не препоручујем без мотора 💶
Ови кајаци из Декатлона веома пристојно изгледају, а и цене су им мало јаче.
Предност кајака је што може да оде где овај Маринер не може и заузима далеко мање места. Стане у ранац па може да се носи на море чак и ако се иде аутобусом.
Али, све зависи од тога за шта ће теби користити. Није један бољи од другог, већ сваки има нешто другачију намену.
Пиши како би ти на воду, где, како тамо замишљаш да проводиш време па ћу моћи боље да ти помогнем око одабира.
Свакако, ја имам обе врсте, јер свака нађе примену код мене.
My suzuki handle accelerator cable is touching the motor support, I need to raise the handle to be able to turn on the handle side...did you raise the motor a bit more with something?
Good question!
At first I didn't, so I had to raise the handle over the mount with each turn. Eventually I got sick of it and just raised a motor for one hole.
On the mount there are multiple holes, or at least there were on mine. I did buy the mount used so maybe the previous owner drilled one or two pairs extra due to the same issue.
But, when putting together the mount, just can choose in which holes you want to stick those U shaped clamps. Just choose a lower one than what is currently sitting on.
If there is a need for something in between, be free to drill a hole through that plastic board. Just leave some space in between, at least quarter of an inch.
Que praia linda!!!!!
Around time stamp 22:34 you were just sitting by the boat talking. The motor is horizontal to the boat. I am brand new to inflatable boating and rafting with trolling motors. How is it that the weight of the motor doesn’t just pull the boat down while it’s on the beach. It seems like the backside with the motor would be hitting the beach and the front would be pointing upwards.
Well, it's not a child's toy. The boat weights 75 pounds and motor only 28. The other thing is that the surface of the boat and how motor is connected to it doesn't allow even a bigger one to lift it up.
@@porodicaVorgic Wow . The motor is only 28? I bought a Minn Kota 55lb electric . I will be using it with the Intex Challenger 3 .
@@porodicaVorgic I do wonder with the weight of the battery and the trolling motor how this is all going to work with the Intex Challenger 3 but there are lots of videos of people with the same set up making it work . Any advice for first time launches off of shallow beaches ?
@@floridavideosbyjeffreyscot6910 The combined weight of the trolling motor and battery for it can't affect stability of the boat neither on the water or shore.
Advice for any launch in the water is very simple. Do not put all the things in the boat before you put it in the water. In other words, your feet will have to get wet. Also, avoid any shore that has sharp rocks and most importantly, do NOT drag the boat on anything else except sand or grass when launching or pulling the boat out of the water.
@@porodicaVorgic Ty for the information. 👍
Zna li neko dal je dozvoljeno na adi korišćenje ovakvog plovila ili je ipak bolje kupiti sup i ne razmišljati o zabranama? Ми смо користили овакав чамац на Ади, и није било проблема. Колико знам, по правилима не би смело да се користи било какво пловило, ни СУП даска нити било какав чамац. По правилима. У пракси, може свашта. Виђао сам људе у кајацима на надувавање, на СУП даскама и сл. Ово јесте мало већи чамац па би можда привукао нежељену пажњу...можда.
@@porodicaVorgic pa to...a sup daske se i iznajmljuju na adi pa pretpostavljam da ne bih privlačio pažnju...
Boa noite irmão,pode falar o site pra comprar por favor?
Sabe se entrega para o Brasil?
Da li moze da se koristi za brze vode, kao za raftinge i to.... I koliko osoba moze stati????
Није за то прављен. Сигурно не би издржао. Поцепао би се врло брзо на камењу.
Чамци за рафтинг су од далеко дебљег и више гумираног материјала. Колико ја знам ценe за рафтинг чамце су од 2000 евра па навише.
Једном је у Маринеру било 6 особа. Мршавијих :)
Званично, може 4 особе. Кад би га регистровао, то би био максимум.
Иначе може да носи око 480 килограма терета, људи и опреме.
@@porodicaVorgic haha hvala vam.... Znam da je dalko daleko skuplji za raftinge ali eto da upitam, dzabe bi bacio pare.... Hvala vam puno
So if I come to holiday to Bulgaria with the boat and the engine in the trunk I have to register the boat before using it?
As far as I know you can't register a boat in someone else's country. You have to register it in your own and then bring it with you.
And, what about Bulgaria?
Hello! How do clean it after each use? I imagine deflating it, putting it into the car, then going to a fresh water fountain to re-inflate it and wash it :s
Nope. I don't clean it before using it. When I finish with driving, I deflate it first, remove the floor (and put it aside vertically (make a circle with it)) then I turn the boat upside down, let it dry a bit and then a use a piece of cloth to remove any excess moisture or water. Then I fold it and put it back in the bag until next use.
Also, one time we finished the season with a drive in the salt water and it stayed in the closet till the next spring all salted a bit. Didn't affect the performance at all.
@@porodicaVorgic oh well, good to know :) thanks again mate!
Great video! Do you Watch Intex Explorer 5? It's Better than mariner 4 about materials/ features? Thanks
Grazie mille! Io penso che Mariner Quattro sia una barca migliore. Ha un materiale più resistente di quello dell'Explorer Cinque. D'altro canto, Explorer Cinque non ha un pavimento robusto e per questo, se non si usa al mare ma sui laghi può essere come un materassino. Per rilassarsi.
Quando parliamo di caratteristiche, Mariner Quattro è molto meglio. Principalmente perchè ha quinta camera d'aria sotto il pavimento che forma scafo in forma a lettera V. Explorer Cinque ha un scafo piano.
Pozdrav, da li je ovo motor sa dugom ili kratkom osovinom?
Imam isti čamac i htio bih da kupim ovu pentu, samo ne znam koja dužina osovine odgovara?
Искључиво кратка чизма. И што краћа, то боље. Сваки произвођач се мало разликује кад је у питању дужина чизме. Не много, сантиметар два у односу на неког другог произвођача. А разлика између кратке и дуге чизме је велика.
Odlicno uradjen video, svaka cast. Imas glas tv spikera 😁.
Imam Mariner 3 par godina i koristim ga slicno kao i ti. Problem mi je sto se mali ventil na podu camca sam otvara i izduvava. Da li si imao slicno iskustvo i kako si se izborio sa tim? Hvala unaprijed 😁.
Хвала :)
Нисам имао таквих искустава са вентилом кобилице. Јесте ту комору мало теже надувати, али после кад се вентил затвори, може и да се некако „сломи” на унутра. И онда га не можеш случајно закачити док се возиш чамцем. А не би требало ни да се сам од себе отвори. Нешто слично попут оних вентила код мишица за децу, шлауфа, душека и слично.
Ал' ако је такав од почетка био, онда можда није фабрички добро урађен. Ако се то десило касније, онда му се можда нешто десило (сунце, оштећење) ал' нажалост ништа што бих ја знао како да те посаветујем да решиш :/
@@porodicaVorgic Hvala na ekspeditivnom odgovoru. Ventil se od pocetka sam otvarao, nije pomagalo sto ga "slomim" unutra. Vjerovatno je u pitanju fabricki feler. Nista, kao i do sad, pumpa pa pumpaj ponovo 😜.
I klika mu je cena?
Perfect, spot on review! I'd like to use the mariner 3, little smaller and lighter, for sea fishing with another person, with a 2.5 hp motor. Do you think it's good, or would you still advise to get mariner 4?
Thank you!
If you think you can manage to put all the gear you need in Mariner 3, it's a perfect option. It's made out of same material and it's just a little bit smaller than Mariner 4. If you have an opportunity to see one in person or to try it on the water before buying, that would be a deciding factor.
Hope I helped.
@@porodicaVorgic Another topic: can you go full throttle with the 2.5 hp motor? I see that people on mariner 3 are only able to use half throttle. I'm trying to understand if this is also valid for mariner 4. Looking at them on video, the size of tubular looks the same...
@@MustRunTonyo You can. After half throttle, you just get a noisy motor, but not a significant speed increase. So, I do not see why you couldn't go full throttle with Suzuki 2.5 on Mariner 3. It ain't gonna go much more than 10km/h which anyhow, is not that much. And as far as I know, Mariner 3 is just smaller in length and width, but not in tube diameter as you said.
@@porodicaVorgic Very clear, thanks! Last question i promise :) Do you deflate and inflate it each time after use? I'm scared to damage the material, but if you did so and it went good for 5 years, I'd not be worried!
@@MustRunTonyo I did, every f*****g time. I live in the apartment so, no trailer, no garage, no place to store the boat inflated. And believe me, I wish I could just have thrown it from the trailer on the water.
You shouldn't be afraid, it's not gonna damage the boat. What will damage it is overinflating it and/or storing it whole day on the sun. Sun drain flexibility from materials, makes them dry after long period of exposure, so be sure to store it somewhere in the shade if you plan to keep it inflated.
On the end, I sold it, not because something went wrong, but because I needed a bigger boat. And then, I also had to change the motor. So I sold Suzuki as well.
To finalize, I had it for 5 years, but in total, this boat saw only about 30 or so inflating and deflating.
Boa tarde, poderia me dizer onde posso comprar esse barco?
Me envie o site por favor?!
Não tenho certeza de onde você pode comprar este barco localmente. Quer dizer, estou na Sérvia, você está no Brasil ou em Portugal e me pergunta onde comprar? Droga. Por favor, use o Google.
Can i use this for emergency rescue in a river ?
Not sure what should be the specs for a rescue dinghy, but I am pretty sure that this one would not qualify. So, that's a no for me.
The material is too thin, you can't pull it and it can't pull another boat or person.
And the most important thing, you can't put a big motor on it, and therefore, you can't reach any decent speed in order to be called a rescue boat.
@@porodicaVorgic Thank You for the quick response ... Appreciate
How did you mount the umbrella?
Didn't mount it. It has its own plastic stand filled with water. So it's just standing on its own on the floor of the boat.
Lindo video . Km/h ? Gracias thank
Puede moverse hasta 10 km/h con este motor.
Kakav je za reke - Uvac, Tara...? Mislim na verziju bez motora.
Тара? Никако. Чамац није за брзаке. Они који јесу коштају по 2000€.
За Увачко језеро, зашто да не. Али без мотора на воду која се креће никако.
Great review. Would it be good to paddle with 2 kids + 2 adults in lakes or rivers? I want less thing to carry and not use any motor if possible.
I would recommend paddling only on lakes. On rivers, only if both of adults are experienced paddlers, and I am talking about mild rivers, not whitewater ones.
@@porodicaVorgicSta mislis, da li je pogodan za Drinsku regatu?
@@danilokoprivica1345 Мислим да не би био добар за то. Превише је танак и осетљив. Гумењаци који се користе за такве ствари су далеко скупљи јер су направљени од дебелих и издржљивих материјала.
@@porodicaVorgic Hvala na brzom odgovoru!
is this good quality that will last or garbage quality?
It is good enough for occasional use. I do not believe it can survive everyday use. If you also look at the price, you are getting a lot of bang for your buck.
Is it beter than a Ozeam 300? Thanks :)
Not sure as I have never had a chance to see it in person. It should be better just because it has a proper transom. That's a big thing.
Thanks for the great review
Maybe you mentioned this in the video, but what is a shaft length required for Intex Mariner 4?
What is a shaft length of your motor?
Thank you
It's a short shaft motor. There is an option to adjust the position of the outboard on its mount by adjusting the height of the transom. So maybe, just maybe, you can use a long shaft motor. Hope I helped.
Planiram da kupim takav ili tome slican camac. Motor verovatno nebi uzimao. Dozvolu za upravljanje camcem nemam,tako da mi i registracija camca ne pomaze. Kakva su tvoja iskustva, dali si imao prilike budes zaustavljen i kontrolisan na vodi?
Dali da se drzim zakonskih dimenzija do 3m ili da rizikujem.
Много пута сам сретао речну полицију на потезу, Мост на Ади - Панчевачки мост. Ту ваљда најчешће патролирају. Али сам увек био у кајаку, тако да нит' се они занимају за мене нит' ја за њих.
Дозволу можеш релативно лако да добијеш, и за не тако велике паре. Пријавиш се у твојој локалној Капетанији за полагање. Полаже се само писмено и усмено јер су практично укинули (по последњем како је било у Београдској Капетанији) и то кошта 10.000 динара. Твоје полагање нема никакве везе са регистрацијом чамца. Као што можеш да поседујеш регистрован аутомобил а да немаш возачку дозволу. Неко други те воза :)
Ако ћеш рецимо да возиш Тамишем, Тисом и још нећеш да рецимо пецаш, већ само да се возиш, тешко да ће те неко заустављати. А за Дунав и Саву, не могу да гарантујем.
А мотор да не узимаш, слажем се, само ако ћеш га возити по неким стајаћим водама, тј. језерима.
Motor's shaft is to long for the Mariner 4
Hello, do you have a short shaft or long shaft motor?
It's a short shaft motor.
👏Esse chaõ do forro vc fez como esplica☝
Mim dar um adaptador desse do motor🙌de presente.pois comprei um barco imflavel vai chegar dia 7 de fevereiro🙌😘