Where can I buy the upgrade ssd hardrive you put? Also what laptop do you recommend, I bought this one like 2 or 3 years ago for like 600, dollars you recommend something around 400 or so. I found a “Apple MacBook Pro 15.4-inch, Touch Bar, Core i7, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Space Gray” on eBay for like 400. I can’t find what year or if is good. Any recommendations. Awesome video by the way 🎉
you're very descriptive & easy to comprehend
No problem. Thanks for the support!
Where can I buy the upgrade ssd hardrive you put? Also what laptop do you recommend, I bought this one like 2 or 3 years ago for like 600, dollars you recommend something around 400 or so. I found a “Apple MacBook Pro 15.4-inch, Touch Bar, Core i7, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Space Gray” on eBay for like 400. I can’t find what year or if is good. Any recommendations. Awesome video by the way 🎉
How much storage do you want?
What year model is the MacBook?
@@ItsBinhRepairedtbh, I just want it to run faster.
@@ItsBinhRepairedI’m not sure, it doesn’t say. I’m guess 2017-2020
@dokisuki9411 the recent MacBooks don't have any upgradeable parts.
hey Binh I'm not well off but I did sub...maybe in the near future i could contribute