Get to know the various types of lures for fishing in fresh water
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 พ.ย. 2024
- Lure #popper #swimbait #pencilbait #stickbait is a tool used in fishing to attract fish and tempt them to eat. Lures can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, rubber, metal, and other materials. Some popular types of lures include jigs, spoons, crankbait, and topwater lures.
A spoon is a spoon-shaped lure made of metal or plastic, and is usually used to lure predatory fish such as salmon or trout. Spoons come in a variety of sizes and colors, and can be used by lifting and lowering or sticking them to the seabed.
Crankbait is a lure shaped like a small fish made of plastic or other materials, and is usually used to lure predatory fish such as bass or pike. Crankbait come in a variety of sizes, colors, and mouth types, and can be used either by being driven into the seabed or being lifted and lowered in the water.
Topwater lures are lures used to fish on the surface of the water, such as topwater poppers or topwater walking baits. Topwater poppers are made of a lightweight material such as plastic or rubber and have sections that can be pressed underwater to produce a sound that seduces fish. Topwater walking baits are made of a lightweight material such as plastic or rubber and have a section that can be moved left or right to create a seductive motion for fish.
Apart from that, there are also lures made specifically for fishing certain fish, such as fly for fishing small fish by attaching the bait to a fishing line, or live bait such as worms or shrimp which are used to lure fish by using live bait.
Selection of the right lure will greatly affect the success of your fishing.
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Gak bahas soft lure om?
sangat edukatif dan mudah dipahami
terima kasih om. semoga membantu
kalo minnow apa om?
Wah mantap infonya bang , mau tanya bang, kalau untuk perairan dangkal cocoknya pakai yang minow singking lidah panjang apa pendek
Kalau dangkal enak yg lidah pendek kak. Tp benerapa kasus ikan makan didasar, jadi pake lidah agak panjang dikit
@@awik1212 wah terimakasih pencerahannya bang, sebagai pemula masih butuh banyak informasi
sama om, saya juga masih pemula wkwk
Bang mau tanya nih.. saya punya 2 jenis lure sinking cuma masing" punya perbedaan yaitu SINKING 1 ( langsung teggelam mirip jiging ) SINKING 2 ( Tenggelam tapi dia tetap berdiri walaupun menyentuh dasar air )
Tolong penjelasannya makasih.🙏
Bener om, lupa dijelasin. Itu ada model fast sinking, ada tipe fast sinking. Yg dia cepet tenggelam.
Ada juga minnow lip, tapi floating, seperti maria fakebait minnow, jadi dia meskipun action nya down to deep tapi basicnya dia floating.
Kalau berdasarkan karakter action tenggelamnya, memang ada minnow yg wobble dan flutter. Nah untuk bisa mendapatkan action wobble memang produsen membuat pemberatnya hanya bagian ujung / pangkal, sehingga terkesan masih berdiri saat di air.
Sedangkan yg bener2 tenggelam, dia ngejar untuk dapat action flutternya.
Btw untuk target apa kak?
@@awik1212 terimakasih info nya bng..
Cuma ingin mendalami tentang macam" lure
Biar ga salah target lagi
Untuk target masih main tarpon sama red devil😁
@@Anger_Kalem muantappp. pengen nyobain mancing tarpon juga saya.
@@awik1212 ya si raja mocel🤣
@@Anger_Kalem wkwkwk iya nek lihat konten mancing tarpon, pasti pada mocel. asik sekali.!