Doug Batchelor - The Days of Noah and Lot
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Dive into the Word of God with these inspiring 60-minute sermons from Pastor Doug at Sacramento Central Church. The perfect program for every Bible student!
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I am not a religious person, but I am a Christian. I think Doug is an amazingly sincere and commited teacher and proclaimer of the Word. I get so much from his sermons. Thanks for posting these videos.
Give all for Jesus. Put God above all else in your life.
thank you much, indeed these r the days of Noah & Lot...Help us Lord to remain faithful!!
Thank you Pastor Doug for having the courage to share the Truth with us.
I praise God for transforming my life.
If He can do it for me, He can do it for you friend, just ASK Him to save you!!!
Every day each of us comes closer to forever.
Amen ❤️
Thanks Pastor Doug👈🩸👈👈👈👈
God bless you Doug I love to listen to the sermon is like sitting in church
Thank you Pastor Doug, the word of God is never changing but the world we living in has rapidly changed and we see prophecy being fulfilled.
God bless you, love your insights.
Thanks for preaching The Word Of The Holy God.q
Love this sermon. May God bless you.
Greeting from Thailand/
Wow, love this one , god bless Mr. Doug
Jesus Christ is the only way any of us can be saved! Thank you Doug Batchelor for the truth that you speak!
13 yrs ago ..Praise the Lord❤To God be the Glory❤
I thank God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. For my Humility.
Wow then years ago! The Lord is good
And in the last days, anyone who calls upon the Name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.
It Starts with people who Keep a LOVE RELATIONSHIP with God thru Jesus Christ, THEY, who call upon the Name of Lord In the Last Days will be saved 🙏 🙏🙏 ❤
AFTV. org ❤
i just love to hear lots of scripture
When someone takes a verse of scripture, and creates a whole new FALSE theory Gen. 6:2 and doesnt read on,
thats a problem ! (see @ 28:31) he never continued, he built his own theory on 1 verse.
joe piciotta - You are so sure you aren’t the one that is wrong. Angels cannot breed with human women. Read Martin Luther’s expose on Genesis 6. God gave him tremendous light after centuries of darkness. You believe the Satanic, Gnostic-written books of Enoch too, probably. God forbade the Sethite lineage to breed with the Cainite lineage. The Sethite lineage was the lineage that Christ Jesus would come through. They were God fearing, and Cain was SELF seeking. Can was fallen flesh only, and did not want to obey God. He wanted his way - not God’s way. God had sent Cain away from Adam and his posterity and they were to never mix, or God’s pure ‘church’ would become corrupted like Papal Rome did. You cannot mix truth with error or good with evil, or self-deluded paganism with God’s pure church (bride). Well, once Adam ands Seth passed away, the sons of God SAW the daughters of men (Cain’s lineage) and they lusted after the dolled up gals that showed their form and flesh and painted their faces and adorned themselves with gold and jewels, especially in their hair. So the Sethite young men fell into lust of the eye and lust of the flesh, which led them to pride of life. These are the very things that caused Lucifer’s fall. Wake up and REALLY study your Bible and forget this Star Wars nonsense.
That National Geographic article about over-eating should be a wake-up call for us all.
What a beautiful people to kneel before the Lord.
Wake me up my soul! .
Thank u♥♥
I love how everyone is humbley on their knees
I would love to see you brother in the last day. I'm in poverty, I thank god for nature.
I have been having this dawning feeling against society that we all including myself are just not cutting it and are living so immorally!
What a message, thank you
There needs to be. A restoration of the Church!!!
Reform to Daily Bible Study and Praying to God .
Start with You first, then talk to others in your church by sharing BIBLE TRUTH😊
Ephesians 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Thank you to Pastor Doug for spreading the gosepl "the good news" the holy spirit is the best and only teacher and in his teachings we know who is leading. Precept upon precept everything must line up with the word of God all biblical truth is how you neednto study.
God bless him. This is profound!!!
help us/me Lord / thank You
6 years ago! Praise the LORD!
Put it all together and there is nothing else to believe.
No need to turn the page.
You are that good.
May God Bless Doug Batchelor, but May the People of the Most High God take this message to heart and Proclaim the Glorious Gospel of Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ!
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You. Can Proclaim the Gospel . Talk
Watching this in oct 2022
Amazing how God can use a video 3 years old!
And. In 3/ 2024 ❤
Watching 2024
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person
b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God
b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction;
# Thank you Father for calling us (Christians) to present you, our final Ark, Yeshua Messiah, to a dying world. Thank you for allowing us to share Your Perfect Love through your Law and Prophets found within your Holy of Holies, Heart Hearts, and Ark of Your Everlasting Covenant: the Godhead Bodily and Gospel of the Almighty!!! (Revelation 1:8)
Amen and Amen !!!
I know that historicaly the &th day Adventists have had some hoky doctrine but,Ive listened to doug balchelor on many occaisions.He seems right on scripturaly.
Thank you. I've debated with many people and Doug, though an SDA, teaches from scripture. People get hung up on his affiliation and do not loook at the doctrine he is teaching.
you are welcome. it would be nice if people would get at the heart of the matter. not surface issues you know.
mastersduhgree if you like him try mark finlay
mastersduhgree I agree! I'm a denominational Christian and I've even heard the 7th day Adventists described as a cult however, I really appreciate doug bachelor and have a great respect for his knowledge and passion for scripture. I listen to him often and spiritually I am fed.
mastersduhgree wait till he starts quoting wack job Ellen White like it’s scripture then you’ll understand why you thought that
Without Jesus Christ we have nothing. We need to live accruing to the word of God in heaven. Our only way to Him is through Jesus Christ. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are followers of the devil.
"close of probation" ?
Salvation is a GIFT ! arminianism is very strong in this one,indeed strong
That first page of the "BIBLE" is quite telling.
Your reply does nothing to challenge the clear logic I presented. Kindly explain the flaw in my argument.
"Either GOD* is gonna' have to apologize to the inhabitants of SODOM* & GOMORRAH* or something truly "DRAMATIC" is gonna' have to happen!!!"
SOLITARY MAN READ* carefully Revelation 17 as it speaks specifically about the "EMERGENCE" of the 7TH BEAST* power that will "RULE* the world for a very "BRIEF" period then go into PERDITION*!!!
As you are well aware (I'm sure) that the 4 BEASTS KINGDOMS of Daniel 2 cited: (1)BABYLON, (2) MEDO-PERSIA (3) GREECE & (4) ROME (PAGAN* - THEN PAPAL ROME 5TH BEAST* POWER)...
Rev 13: 1 - 10 opens & brings into "VIEW" the (5TH)BEAST* of the DARK AGES (538 AD - 1798 AD) where the PAPACY* ruled with a heavy ecclesiastical hand but received a "DEADLY" wound according to the PROPHECY* that by 1798, Napoleon through General Berthier took the Pope captive out of the Vatican and he died in exile...
The 6TH BEAST POWER* is then referenced in Rev 13: 11-18, where #AmeriKKKa lands on the scene of action in the 1700's as the 5th BEAST* POWER was going into captivity...
This LAMB-LIKE* BEAST* with 2 horns would one day "SPEAK" as a DRAGON* causing all the world to "WORSHIP" the 5TH BEAST (or the 1st BEAST* of Rev 13:1-10) whose DEADLY WOUND* was healed...
As POWER* is then FULLY* restored to the 5TH BEAST* POWER* - all the world will be forced to "WORSHIP" this BEAST* who will emerge as the 7TH BEAST* of Rev 17 (THE SCARLET-COLORED BEAST*) having GLOBAL* authority over all - with the exception of 144,000 (JOEL'S ARMY of chapter 2) and the Great MULTITUDE* of Rev 7:9 who will NOT* worship the BEAST* or his IMAGE* or receive his MARK* or have the "NUMBER" of his NAME*...
In the sounding of 6TH TRUMPET (Judgment) of Rev 9:13 -16: ONE-THIRD* of mankind DIES* by war & supernatural destruction (2.5 to 3 BILLION souls DIE) leaving TWO-THIRD alive on the planet...
Of the TWO-THIRDS left - ONE-THIRD* will accept CHRIST* (MESSIAH OUR SAVIOUR*) and this is the GREAT MULTITUDE of Rev 7:9 that no man can number called out of SPIRITUAL BABYLON* & SPIRITUAL SODOM* by the 4TH ANGEL* of Rev 18:1 - "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" is the call of the 144,000 "SAVIOURS" of Obadiah 1:21 (those same ONES* are the same who STAND* on MT. ZION* with CHRIST* THE LAMB* in Rev 14:1)...
The final ONE-THIRD* of HUMANITY* are the VILE*, MOST EVIL* & CORRUPT* who will be gathered for the GREAT & DREADFUL DAY* of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS) according to (Malachi 4:4-5) to be SLAIN* by the "BRIGHTNESS" of HIS COMING* as a SHARP-TWO-EDGED-SWORD emerges from HIS* MOUTH to level JUST JUDGMENT* on the HATERS* of GOD!!!
This is the "PROPHESIED TIME" we read of pertaining to the "VALLEY OF JEZREEL" where the BATTLE* of the GREAT DAY of GOD ALMIGHTY* sees the WICKED* gathered for ARMAGEDDON* in the VALLEY OF JEHOSOPHAT* to receive their just recompense for all the WICKEDNESS* that they have done upon the earth!!!
***** That is "TRUTH"!!!
+Dreamstarworld 1 The USA takes good care of our poor, actually. We aren't like Sodom at all. Not even close.
Bruce Peters
So because #Europeans have a SOCIAL SECURITY safety net from Norway & Sweden to the UK that somehow it is a harbinger for the POOR* in these countries?
#AmeriKKKa is no different!
For FOODSTAMPS* is no BUFFER* against POVERTY* when millions live below the POVERTY-LINE* but at the same time, the #SuperRich have gotten FILTHY* rich off the backs of the working class & the poor...
Time for those with their heads in the sand - to PULL-UP* & see what are the REAL ISSUES*...
As for SPIRITUAL SODOM* - no country on earth exemplifies ancient SODOM* like #AmeriKKKa - a reLIE*gious nation that is duplicitous in her nation's espousal of Biblical values while dancing fortutiously with the DEVIL*...
No wonder few are able to see their own nose bridge!!!
That is one of the BEST ways I have heard that section of Revelation described. Could not have done it better myself. Blessings to you
your 100% correct people nowadays fail to read their bible for themselves they just take everything they hear as law.
it possible that I found this topic subtitle in spanish or other way, please I live in chile and He like me so much.
The bible doesnt speak about being religous. It simply says we are saved by grace through faith. Its not about me you or religion its about jesus. Hes the way back to our father.
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. Job 2:1 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:7
Heirloom tomatoes are a great example of a broad gene pool. You can get many varieties from the parents. By selectively breeding you can get a particular variety. The same goes for people. Genetics is very simple.
can you categorically "prove" that universal love will connect the world?
John20 chapter20:24-31 thats faith!!!!. Romans 14:22,23
The Lord Reigns.
Prepare to meet Christ soon...Be ye Holy
Which question is that the answer to?
What does GOD's promise in Hosea 2:11 and Colossians 2:14-17 have in common???
+One True Faith
Zach Johnson More than you know or your 1863 "man made" church wants you to know being just another one of 35,000 and growing divisions stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther.
For instance, what Baptism really is per Romans 6:3-13. In CONTEXT of what BAPTISM is can you list out FULLY Romans 7:6 and interpret for me???
One True Faith
Are you a Catholic?
Zach Johnson Yep. 110% the original Bible Christians. Who do you think gave you your Bible??? Albeit minus 7 Books Martin Luther removed to blind you Protestants to the FULL TRUTH.
Now, Romans 7:6 FULLY listed out and in CONTEXT of what Baptism is per Romans 6:3-13???
One True Faith
I know who gave us the Bible. Satan has also given us this awful cursed life on earth, but we are told by God to enjoy it because it does not corrupt us.
Not everything bad comes from Satan, so just because you gave us the Bible, it does not mean you are correct. The Bible itself points to the Catholic church being the Beast.
time 28:28 Maybe a odd question,, Bynow i saw a bunch of the amazingfacts series, that i really liked and learned..but i know for sure that ''Doug'' said in a other episode. that not the seth people are this but fallen angels.. So why does he say those where decendense from ''seth''? And not nephilim , what was a other statement..
Thanks those, who invest time to answer,, God bless
I'm having trouble following your thought. Are you saying that no one alive on earth is saved ? That I am not one of the children of God?
He used the word vomitorium incorrectly 14:07. It doesn't mean a place to vomit, but a passageway into and out of an amphitheater.
Ah yes Annie...a perfect example of scripture... "...and they were given over to REPROBATE minds."
December 14, 2019
Holy Ghost is a name used by those that wrote the KJV, it was used widely in the British kingdom in those days. The original Greek means sporot.
Is there any where i can get the sermons in another language?
Thank you Ningyoariel
Wow- I wonder if Noah received this kind of comments when he preached to the people of the near destruction to come.
Which of you are right and which one of you are wrong?
+jh til Can you show me a single verse that says "Noah preached to the people of the near destruction to come"? I find that nowhere in scripture. In fact, I see that God had 100% determined to destroy ALL of the people on earth (and animals) except for Noah and his family. Noah was not commanded to warn anyone, there is no scripture that says he did so, and God would not have saved anyone else anyway.
Bruce Peters - Then look in your Bible commentary and a concordance. Noah certainly did preach for 120 years, while building the ark. He told the antediluvians that their probation would end in 120 yrs. They actually witnessed him building the ark. He told them what God was planning to do; however, they were too far gone. They had all hardened their hearts against God and had grieved the Holy Spirit. They felt secure - that God had not done anything up till then, so they doubted He ever would. They wanted to follow their own will, not the will of God.
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Gen 6:2 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same [became] mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Gen 6:4 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. Job 1:6
Notice how the Holy Spirit connects the angels that sinned with not sparing the world but saving Noah in the same verse.What I said was that the later church leaders went to the "Seth" theory because the angel theory was uncomfortable to teach, even when they knew it was true. The early church and Jews all understood that the sons of God were fallen angels. Luke 20 doesn't say angels CAN'T marry or procreate, just that they DON'T.
Hi there. First, I come in peace, OK? :) Just wanted to ask you a couple questions... 1 - Can you produce evidence of one animal transforming utterly into another animal over time, and tell me why it would need to rather than simply adapting better to it's current environment?
2 - Can you produce evidence that a big bang caused the universe, when there has not been one instance of an explosion manifesting order? In fact the opposite is invariably the case.
All evo and big bang lit is invalid
Luke 20 :34-36 "And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. " ! So the "sons of God " are those who obey God and they will be as equal to angels in heaven
This sermon is so true and to be taken to head. How many were on the arc during the great flood... How many left Sodom? Three three people. I dated a woman until I found out that she loved her male dog in a pervert way. THINK ABOUT IT
In Romans 8: , Paul speaks about those who receive Holly Spirit and after that they are transformed in a new person , from "sons of man" to "sons of God " and in verse 21 "Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" KJV Paul says the same thing . ( I use only Bible - King James Version who is the best translation from masoretic text )
you are right , but the other are just as beautiful :D
4:55 - Pastor Doug was talking about the fall of Rome. I'm sure he is aware that Rome still exists today.
8:28-10:00 - He is not selling fear. He is reading from the Bible. If you are right with the Lord, you have nothing to fear.
14:00 - Again, he is reading from the Bible.
15:34 - It seems that he mentioned this to say that people have become obsessed with food. With so many people being obese, this may be true.
Sodom and Gomorrah were actual cities near the Jordan River.
Also in the old and new testament when you read "sons of God" it means also people from this earth ( humans ) who love God and obey Him ! You can understand if they are from this earth or not from the context . In Job is very clear that the "sons of God " are not from this earth , because Jesus said that "And no man hath ascended up to heaven " John 3:13 . God Bless You
Excuse me Pastor, but can you answer a question?
Did Jesus Christ write Leviticus?
Or did he give the Jews/Gentiles a new law?
Who wrote Leviticus? Who wrote Genesis? Or the book of Lot?
And if Chist gave us the new law - a better understanding of G*d's expectations for his children - where in the Gospel does He say anything other than "love one another?"
If we are created in the image of G*d, why do you condemn 10% of that creation?
So when Aldous Huxley wrote "A Brave New World" he kind of knew where we were headed.
alguem pode traduzir
Pastor Ron Wyatt has both discovered the Noah Ark and the Ark of the Covenant. Our Lord Jesus will come any time. National Sunday Law is a blue law in USA. Sister White said the end time events will be rapid. "Prepare to meet thy God." Amos 4:12 KJV
You're obviously an atheist, so maybe you should contact Pastor Doug through the Amazing Facts website and ask him these questions. However, the Bible does say "Fear the Lord and keep his commandments."
you also got the quote about what faith is wrong NitWit. Faith IS the evidence.............................. what you dont know would apparently fill VOLUMES
Exactly, it is very clear when we read:
Jesus says "When the dead rise, they will neither MARRY nor be given in marriage; they will be like the ANGELS in heaven." Mark 12:25
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they MARRIED any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with "MAN" forever, for he is MORTAL; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
Hi Pr Doug, Leviticus says Jesus is coming on the Feast of Tabernacles 2017. The band U2 just released a new video hinting at the destruction of NY on Oct 4, 2017. Then a watchmen called Zab Paschke said she had a dream where there was a loud explosion and Jesus said he was coming within 1-2 days of that explosion. So let's say an explosion goes off in NY tomorrow (4th Oct), that would mean Jesus would translate us home on the Feast of Tabernacles. My understanding is the Feast of Trumpets is where you send out the wedding invitations; the Day of Atonement is when the bride puts on her white bridal gown; and Feast of Tabernacles is the wedding day. The 5-7 of October is exactly one week after the day of Atonement (Leviticus says the Day of Atonement is the actual day that God commanded the announcement of the Jubilee is to be announced - Day of Atonement 2017). Remember how Noah sat in the Ark for seven days before it rained to test his faith - well from the Day of Atonement to the Feast of Tabernacles 2017 is a one week tarrying time to test our faith like old Noah. May we be ready from Oct 4-11 2017. God bless Kerensa
Erin I'm not talking about religion but about Jesus and they're NOT comparable. If you think not agreeing or accepting something means you don't love, then darlin you must not know love.
I want to be sure I understand. Are you saying that the sons of God were alien life?
just because you have a medical issue that causes your body to store more fat or a medication causes your body to store more fat does not mean you are a glutton or a sinner. Plus a lot of overweight people lack proper nutrition and that is the truth!
It is now.
Alas, it is the greed of mankind and the earth's resources that are not being shared with one another that is one of the many sins that causes others who were created in YHVH's image to starve.
How many of us are willing to give up what we have in order for other's to eat well, have clean water, and be clothed, fed and educated? Are we selfish or not? Are we giving or not?
We are our brother's keeper and failing miserably.
Galatians 3:26 (MKJV) For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
Luke 20:36 (MKJV) Nor can they die [any] more, for they are equal to the angels, and are the sons of God, being the sons of the resurrection.
Romans 8:14 (MKJV) For as many as are led by [the] Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Philippians 2:14-16 (MKJV) Do all things without murmurings and disputings,
so that you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. Among these you shine as lights in the world,
holding forth the word of life, so that I may rejoice with you in [the] day of Christ, that I have not run in vain nor labored in vain.
The Seventh Day Adventist have trained Doug Batchelor very well.
I know better.
al len 2 Timothy 2:15
being in the "Age of Grace" why do you still follow a Hebrew law of the Sabbath ?
joe piciotta Jesus himself said that he didn't come to change the law but to fulfill them. Grace doesn't exclude order.Blessings to you !
Joe! We can only understand "God Grace", if we first understand His judgment. The bible tells us that when Jesus comes again He will come to judge (Matt. 25:31-46). So if grace as you have put it we will be saved no matter what. Then why is there a judgement? Who will He judge? Grace is the opportunity to repent. Repent of What? Sin. What is sin? The transgression of God's Law (1 John 3:4). What is God's Law? His commandments.
10 commandments is the law of love. First 4 is about loving God, the other 6 is about loving one another. It's not a constraint, it's not to cage us but rather to save us from the constraints of our sins. It is to transform our lives.
@@Bnchmf63 1. Love your Lord thy God with your whole heart, soul & mind......
2. Love your neighbor as yourself..........
Matt. 22:37-40
joe piciotta because sda is a works based religion . They have to earn their way to heaven
Mesopotamian view of the world was as a flat, circular disc with land in the center and water extending out to the edges. The Bible does not refer to the heliocentric spherical globe we accept today, but rather it refers to the "circle of the earth." In so far as early Hebrew mythology owes much to Babylonian cultural advances makes its at the very least plausible that the writers of the Old Testament, who were not speaking to the 21st Century's educated, were evoking imagery of local customs.
10:21 signs and holds the Eye of Horace with his left hand. 10:41 signs 666. 11:04 holds the Fist until 11:33. 11:44 holds fist. 13:08-13:16 holds the 666. 14:01-14:07 Devil's Horns. He's a Wiccan wizard casting spells.
is there any evindence of gay marriage during the times of noah?
All of creation groans. Romans 8:21 the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay.
I can't read intelligent life into the Hebrews passages. It just isn't there regardless of the version you use. What does the fact that we find no other life have to do with a quarrantined earth? Alot of speculation and what ifs. The reason we don't get visited is because there isn't anyone to visit...except angels...which is the point of Genesis 6.
Genetics is incredibly simple. Just look at husbandry or cross pollination. Through selective breeding you can produce any desired combination. Jacob selectively breed sheep when he let his spotted ones breed with the unspotted ones. The same holds true for mankind. Over time the choices for marrying became a custom of only marrying within a particular nationality or ethnicity. The "races" were a result of a selective breeding process and the gene pool became thinner from over time.
The world we exist in is the collateral damage of Lucifer wanting to be above YHVH. No human answer will satisfy you. YHVH loved His number one angel Lucifer and our history will attest to the long-suffering and patience of God towards His creation, no matter how full of pride, sin, or wicked intent.
Sometimes a parent allows their children to go through "bad" things in order for them to learn something, and learn something well. There are 1/3 of angels that are learning something right now.
They commited a sin so bad that they are held in chains.Reference 2 Peter 2:4-5 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; Fallen angels didn't have sex with women, the men they inhabited did.
The eating, drinking, marrying that our Lord JESUS mentioned as one the signs of the end of this world (HIS second coming) has literal and spiritual meaning. These signs that our Lord JESUS CHRIST mentioned are more of spiritual, meaning they did not believe the message of Noah but continue to their life as usual (eating, drinking,marrying, etc.) like life goes on without repenting their sins (lawless deeds such as homosexuals, etc.). The THOUGHTS of the people during that time of Noah and Lot were evil but NOT in the sight of the people but in the sight of GOD because they rejected the SPIRIT OF GOD that will make them righteous in the sight of GOD. Homosexuals, killings, stealings, lyings, are just the obvious sins, but the problems were more than that during the time of Noah and Lot. The entire society (authorities, law givers, governments, all aspects of life) were under the spirit of satan which was normal in the world during that time. And in this last generations, you have been living in a world WORST than the time of Noah and Lot, because not only this world practice these sins obviously and became normal in the society but the worsts is, what is normal in this world are to deceive, persecute and then cover up their evil works while pretending to be christians such as papacy (beast) and america (false prophet). READ MY TESTIMONY on facebook. Here is my name Marlon Degamo Cabahug
Matthew 4:8 states "the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;" indicating the Earth is flat; on a sphere, it is impossible to see all surfaces from any single point regardless of height.
-evolution wiki
Check out Rachel's Challenge you can Google it she was a Christian Rachel Joy Scott how I can see still goes on