Oh, here we go! I've been waiting for NOFX to hit your channel! I'm sure you'll pick through the last 30+ years of NOFX songs, but make sure you finish up on The Decline. Their magnum opus.
This is one of my favorites of the newer nofx songs, at 2:21 when the music kicks in is just incredible. And I know a lot of people like to hate on Fat Mike, but you can't deny he's a pretty damn amazing songwriter.
Fat Mike is a wordsmith when it comes to lyrics. Unfortunately most people get hung up on lyrics and disregard the music. NOFX as musicians are amazing especially for a punk band. Loved the jump scare, great reaction. More NOFX in the future please. Start with earlier stuff and work your way through their massive collection.
Oh hell yeah. I've been following from the beginning and been waiting for NOFX. I don't think MrLBoyd has experienced the energy and message common in a lot of punk, but I think he'd dig it.
Fantastic! I couldn't wait to see his reaction when the hammer would drop, because that slow piano music was music was not going last😂😂😂😂 I'd love to see him do a deep dive on NOFX.
Oxymoronic,Blasphemy (The Victimless Crime), Creeping Out Sarah, You’re Wrong, The Decline. Check out any of these even if we don’t get a reaction I think you’ll enjoy them!!
Mad respect for reacting to this kind of music! Never thought I'd see some Nofx on here
NOFX on MrLboyd?! I’m so F-img here for it - let’s gooo! 🤘
Oh, here we go! I've been waiting for NOFX to hit your channel! I'm sure you'll pick through the last 30+ years of NOFX songs, but make sure you finish up on The Decline. Their magnum opus.
This is one of my favorites of the newer nofx songs, at 2:21 when the music kicks in is just incredible. And I know a lot of people like to hate on Fat Mike, but you can't deny he's a pretty damn amazing songwriter.
Thanks for listening and enjoying the jam! Fat Mike is the best!
Fat Mike is a wordsmith when it comes to lyrics. Unfortunately most people get hung up on lyrics and disregard the music. NOFX as musicians are amazing especially for a punk band. Loved the jump scare, great reaction. More NOFX in the future please. Start with earlier stuff and work your way through their massive collection.
Oh hell yeah. I've been following from the beginning and been waiting for NOFX. I don't think MrLBoyd has experienced the energy and message common in a lot of punk, but I think he'd dig it.
Who the hell does NOFX reactions?? Thank you so very much!
Fantastic! I couldn't wait to see his reaction when the hammer would drop, because that slow piano music was music was not going last😂😂😂😂 I'd love to see him do a deep dive on NOFX.
Yaaay. What a surprise❤😊
more nofx pleaaaaase
Oxymoronic,Blasphemy (The Victimless Crime), Creeping Out Sarah, You’re Wrong, The Decline. Check out any of these even if we don’t get a reaction I think you’ll enjoy them!!
Can we get a lil
“Don’t call me White” by NOFX?..!!!
2:30 Get ready!
Great choice.
You should watch Genz by them as well. The video is amazing
That's the best reaction I've seen of you (next to terrible). Hahaha. Go listen to more NOFX now!! Bob is another great one you should check out.
I heard they suck live
they've actually gotten worse live
@@Punk·Fischsaw em the other day, was a bit of a coaster