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[Piano Music] November Sunshine 放下是你不再糾結、釋懷是你坦然接受。 | ATASHINCHI HOME
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music
Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME
►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home
✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder
#pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulmusic #healingmusic #readingmusic #studyingmusic #softmelody #dailymusic #lazyday #refreshing #alonetime #missing #piano #motivation #calm #calmingmusic #memories #lonely #relaxing #rainsounds #emotional #relaxingsounds #cafe #whitenoise #rainstorm #whitenoise #restmusic #christmasmusic
มุมมอง: 0


[Piano Music] Healing Vibes 好好地愛自己,比什麼都重要。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 104วันที่ผ่านมา
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Autumn Morning 真正的「放下」並不是丟掉,而是終於也可以把那份「曾經」,好好地放在記憶裡了。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 81วันที่ผ่านมา
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Memories Of Wind 感情沒有「對錯」,只有「愛或不愛」,讓回憶隨風飄散。 | ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 5314 วันที่ผ่านมา
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Calm Time 謝謝那些被好好傾聽,好好接住的時候,謝謝那些分享瑣碎日常有人聽著的時候,謝謝你,來到這樣的我的身邊。 | ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 54หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Jazz Music] Study Cafe 如果眼前找不到答案,那不如就先放下那件事吧。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 138หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Rest Time 你沒必要一直裝堅強,有些事情,淚水洗過後才會看得更明白。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 80หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Relaxing Time 你值得擁有愛,值得永遠被愛著。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 176หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Alone Moment 你是美麗又獨特的存在,月亮孤獨地在天上,仍舊皎潔明亮。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 136หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Christmas Music 總會有場相遇,是帶著溫柔奔赴而來。聖誕快樂。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 109หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Peace Flow 總有一天,我們會成為別人的回憶,盡力讓它變得美好。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 393หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Piano Music] Calm Heart 愛一個人的意義,是在他愛另一個人時,能有放他走的勇氣那才是愛。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 157หลายเดือนก่อน
Atashinchi Home - Study Music, Relaxing Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music Heal the corners of the soul and all emotions will be relaxed. @ATASHINCHIHOME CREDITS ►Music by Atashinchi Home | All music is under the authority of Atashinchi Home ✔This image has received special permission directly from the artist and rights holder #pianomusic #relaxingmusic #meditationmusic #sleepmusic #peacefulm...
[Sleep Music] Deep Sleeping 有些事儘管不如所願,那是因為你值得更好更棒的。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 52 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Sleep Music] Deep Sleeping 有些事儘管不如所願,那是因為你值得更好更棒的。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Rain Sound] For Study,Sleep,Relaxation 純雨聲,最單純的環境,讓身心得到專注和平衡。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 32 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Rain Sound] For Study,Sleep,Relaxation 純雨聲,最單純的環境,讓身心得到專注和平衡。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[432hz] Meditation Music 此刻靜觀自己,放下一切的念頭,感受當下的自己。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 32 หลายเดือนก่อน
[432hz] Meditation Music 此刻靜觀自己,放下一切的念頭,感受當下的自己。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Smoth Jazz] Sleeping Music 今天辛苦了,請溫柔地無條件去愛你自己,接納自己所有的情緒,晚安。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 52 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Smoth Jazz] Sleeping Music 今天辛苦了,請溫柔地無條件去愛你自己,接納自己所有的情緒,晚安。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Chopin Classic Piano] Study Time 一次又一次的失敗,一次又一次做錯了選擇,只要用心去修正,從錯誤中學習,你就會有所成長。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 13 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Chopin Classic Piano] Study Time 一次又一次的失敗,一次又一次做錯了選擇,只要用心去修正,從錯誤中學習,你就會有所成長。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] Peaceful Night 後來才明白,原來要活得快樂,不是努力,努力,再努力,而是隨便,可以,沒關係。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 23 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] Peaceful Night 後來才明白,原來要活得快樂,不是努力,努力,再努力,而是隨便,可以,沒關係。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Jazz] Lazy Monday Vibes 禮拜一的你,辛苦了。所有的人事物,我都已讀不回,我只想慵懶地在家耍廢,不要問我為什麼,你懂的。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 13 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Jazz] Lazy Monday Vibes 禮拜一的你,辛苦了。所有的人事物,我都已讀不回,我只想慵懶地在家耍廢,不要問我為什麼,你懂的。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] When Day Breaks 真正的放下就是和自己的內心和解,與情緒共處,是放過自己的方式。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 33 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] When Day Breaks 真正的放下就是和自己的內心和解,與情緒共處,是放過自己的方式。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] The Story Of Us 喜歡,是看到一個人的優點;愛,是接受一個人的缺點。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 23 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] The Story Of Us 喜歡,是看到一個人的優點;愛,是接受一個人的缺點。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[White Noise] Study In Rain 把喜歡的事,想做的事,一件一件的慢慢找回來,因為我選擇我要的生活。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 23 หลายเดือนก่อน
[White Noise] Study In Rain 把喜歡的事,想做的事,一件一件的慢慢找回來,因為我選擇我要的生活。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Soft Music] Relaxing Piano 專心走完自己選擇的路,每一個選擇,都是最好的決定。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 13 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Soft Music] Relaxing Piano 專心走完自己選擇的路,每一個選擇,都是最好的決定。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Wave Sound] Beach Memories 記得那一夜的海浪聱,沒有城市的喧鬧,只有溫柔的浪聲,也只有我們。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 63 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Wave Sound] Beach Memories 記得那一夜的海浪聱,沒有城市的喧鬧,只有溫柔的浪聲,也只有我們。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Nature Sound] Autumn Forest 沒有秋天的童話,沒有我你會比較輕鬆,但是,有你我會比較快樂。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 13 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Nature Sound] Autumn Forest 沒有秋天的童話,沒有我你會比較輕鬆,但是,有你我會比較快樂。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] Dreaming Again 又做了一場夢,是甜是苦,就去經歷,然後去後悔,去做你想做的,去選你愛的,而不是別人眼裡正確的,去做一場夢吧。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 33 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] Dreaming Again 又做了一場夢,是甜是苦,就去經歷,然後去後悔,去做你想做的,去選你愛的,而不是別人眼裡正確的,去做一場夢吧。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Chopin Classical Piano] Study Time 你最偉大的成就,就是成為你自己。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 2173 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Chopin Classical Piano] Study Time 你最偉大的成就,就是成為你自己。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[In a Daze] Emotional Release 遺憾,另一個層面來說,賦予那段回憶一層新的色彩。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 213 หลายเดือนก่อน
[In a Daze] Emotional Release 遺憾,另一個層面來說,賦予那段回憶一層新的色彩。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] Breeze of Longing 思念是一種很玄的東西,如影隨形,無聲又無息出沒在心底,轉眼吞沒我在寂默裡。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 623 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] Breeze of Longing 思念是一種很玄的東西,如影隨形,無聲又無息出沒在心底,轉眼吞沒我在寂默裡。| ATASHINCHI HOME
[Piano] Happiness Time 爬山不是為了讓世界看見你,而是為了讓你看見世界。| ATASHINCHI HOME
มุมมอง 1483 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Piano] Happiness Time 爬山不是為了讓世界看見你,而是為了讓你看見世界。| ATASHINCHI HOME


  • @aisahberuntung
    @aisahberuntung 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    happy enjoy day thanks for sharing ❤❤musik

      @ATASHINCHIHOME 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@aisahberuntung Thank you for your support, I just hope everyone can be healed by my music.

  • @cesarchen7663
    @cesarchen7663 3 หลายเดือนก่อน
