Causal Scientest
Causal Scientest
  • 19
  • 27 621
How to make jump scares (Bedrock Minecraft)
In this video Casual Scientist shows you a tutorial of how to make a jump scare in Bedrock Minecraft.
List of animations-
List of sound effects-
Commands in description coming sometime probably
มุมมอง: 635


How to make custom camera angles (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 6833 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thanks for watching Here is how to fix the bug with command blocks: Commands from the video coming some time
How to make custom Mech's with commands (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 1.3K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Commands coming soon ish Guppy Duck's Video: #minecraft #mctutorial #tutorial #commandstutorial
How to make custom ranks in MC
มุมมอง 6115 หลายเดือนก่อน
Guppyduck's video: Titleraw @a[scores={Rank=1},tag=!touch] actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":" §4§0§l•Medevil-§0Skygen•. §3 §d§ §d§d§lOWNER= Casual Scientist §r §3§l§3TH-cam= Causal Scientist §3 §2§2Your Balance "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"Money"}},{"text":" §8Rank: Untouchable "}]} /scoreboard players set @a[tag=touch,scores={Rank=!2..}] Rank 0 /sc...
How to custom random mob loot (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 6595 หลายเดือนก่อน
Guppyduck's Video: Randomizer: /execute unless entity @e[type=husk] run scoreboard players random @e[name="random"] mobloot 1 5 /execute if entity @e[name="random",scores={mobloot=1}] at @e[type=husk,tag=totem,hasitem={item=totem,quantity=0}] run structure load loot #bedrockguide #minecraft #tutorial #mctutorial #tutorial
How to make custom tools (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 2K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
/execute at @a[hasitem={item=brick,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run tp @e[type=item,r=10] @p /effect @a[hasitem={item=leather_boots,location=slot.armor.feet}] speed 1 5 true /execute if entity @p[hasitem={item=clock,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] at @e[tag=!Time] run tp @e[c=1,r=1] /tag @s add Time /tag @e[type=item] add Time
How to make loot crates (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 3.7K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sorry for the late video any ways here is the commands. /execute unless entity @p[scores={Loot=1..}] run execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="§lUncommon Key"] run scoreboard players random @p Loot 1 5 /execute if entity @a[scores={Loot=1}] run clone 1~ 1~ -10 -59 4 /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="§lUncommon Key"] run structure load A1 2~ /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="§lUncommon Ke...
How to make a plot system (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 7K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Plot generate: /execute if block ~-1 air run structure load Plot ~-9 Plot Buy:/scoreboard players remove @p[scores={Money=100..}] Money 100 /scoreboard players set @p Plot 1 /fill -2~ air Teleport in plot: /tp @p[r=3,scores={Plot=1}] -1 Teleport out: /tp @p 9 Plot buy announce: Tellraw @p {"rawtext":[{"text":"§4Sever§r §rYou have purchased a plot"}]} /playsound random.levelup @p
How to make particle trails (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 5078 หลายเดือนก่อน
/execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="Note Particle"] run scoreboard players set @p Particle 1 /kill @e[name="Note Particle"] /execute at @p[tag=Particle,scores={Particle=1}] run particle minecraft:note_particle -.2~ scoreboard players remove @p[scores={Money=100..}] Money 100 /tag @p add Particle /execute at @p run /particle minecraft:cherry_leaves_particle 1.7~ /execute at @p run /particle mi...
How to make a skygen beginner tutorial (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 3.7K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Angled brackets= ! fill command: /fill air Exploding cows: /execute at @e[type=cow] run summon ender_crystal setworldspawn 1~ cool particle: /particle minecraft:shriek_particle 2~ Get rid of command message:/gamerule commandblockoutput false /gamerule sendcommandfeedback false /setblock 2~ wood Raid night system: say §4Raid Night effect @a[r=250] weakness 1 255 true Load chunks: /tickingarea ad...
How to make custom thumbnails with commands (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 4389 หลายเดือนก่อน
For some reason it won't let me put angled brackets so %= angled brackets /effect @p invisibility 5 255 true /particle minecraft:campfire_smoke_particle 1~ Titleraw @a actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":" §4§0§l•Medevil-§0Skygen•. §3 §d%§ §d%§d§lOWNER= Casual Scientist §r §3§l§3%%TH-cam= Causal Scientist §3§2%§2Your Balance "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"Money"}},{"text":" §4%%Kills "},{"score...
How to make a custom boss (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 56410 หลายเดือนก่อน
Teleport ride: /ride @e[type=evocation_illager,r=5] start_riding @e[type=ravager,r=5] teleport_rider Fight Start chain: /execute unless entity @e[r=50,type=villager] unless entity @e[r=50,type=witch] run structure load Easy 4~ /execute at @e[r=40,type=villager] run summon lightning_bolt /effect @e[name="§2§lAngry Villager"] regeneration 5 10 true /execute unless entity @e[hasitem={item=totem},t...
How to make custom commands in MC
มุมมอง 43410 หลายเดือนก่อน
VIPman's video: Sethome: /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="Sethome"] run clearspawnpoint @p /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="Sethome"] run spawnpoint @p /kill @e[name="Sethome"] Home: /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="Home"] run kill @p Tp to Spawn: /execute at @p if entity @e[r=3,name="Spawn"] run tp @p 53 -60 30 Give money: /execute at @p ...
How to make a RGP Level up system (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 39511 หลายเดือนก่อน
Scoreboard: /Titleraw @a actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":" §lLevel "},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"Level"}}]} Give player level: /execute unless entity @p[scores={Level=1..}] run scoreboard players add @p[hasitem={item=diamond,quantity=10..}] Level 1 /title @p[hasitem={item=diamond,quantity=10..}] title §e§lLevel Up! /playsound random.levelup @p[hasitem={item=diamond,quantity=10..}] Level di...
How to make a custom mob arena with commands (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 35711 หลายเดือนก่อน
/clear @p snowball /execute if entity @p[r=50] run summon zombie 3~ /execute at @p[r=40] if block -1~ moss_block run fill 51 168 411 51 168 411 redstone_block /execute at @p[r=40] if block -1~ mossy_cobblestone run fill 51 168 411 51 168 411 air /replaceitem entity @e[r=40,type=zombie] slot.weapon.offhand 0 iron_block /kill @e[r=50,type=!player] /kill @e[r=50,type=item] /clear @a[r=50] snowball...
How to make a shop system (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 1.4K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
How to make a shop system (Minecraft Bedrock)
How to make a hub system in (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 2.2K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
How to make a hub system in (Minecraft Bedrock)
How to Ban items in Your World (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 58611 หลายเดือนก่อน
How to Ban items in Your World (Minecraft Bedrock)
10 Easy Commands for your Minecraft realm (Minecraft Bedrock)
มุมมอง 707ปีที่แล้ว
10 Easy Commands for your Minecraft realm (Minecraft Bedrock)