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熊猫媳妇 Panda's Wife
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 22 ก.พ. 2010
1. 老豆腐一盒
2. 色拉油少许
3. 盐
4. 各色辣椒
5. 淡酱油
6. 大蒜 5-6 瓣
1. 辣椒切丁,大蒜切小丁
2. 老豆腐切大厚块 (一盒大约切成 10-12 块)
3. 不粘锅里倒两到三大勺的色拉油,摆入豆腐块。然后开火,锅热后转中火。
4. 豆腐两面煎金黄后,倒入 1 -1.5 大勺左右的淡酱油。翻一下,让每块豆腐都粘上点酱油。 然后取出放入盘里待用。
5. 锅里下一点色拉油,不用太多。开最大火, 油热后,加入辣椒丁和大蒜丁倒入翻炒几下,放一点盐和几滴酱油。 爆炒大概一分钟,反正就是辣椒不能炒久了,刚断生就起锅。确保辣椒颜色的鲜艳。辣椒倒豆腐块上,就可以享受啦!
注: 如果你用食物搅拌机打碎辣椒丁,炒的时候可能出的汁比较多。吃是差不多啦,不过口感和卖像会差一点点。
1. 老豆腐一盒
2. 色拉油少许
3. 盐
4. 各色辣椒
5. 淡酱油
6. 大蒜 5-6 瓣
1. 辣椒切丁,大蒜切小丁
2. 老豆腐切大厚块 (一盒大约切成 10-12 块)
3. 不粘锅里倒两到三大勺的色拉油,摆入豆腐块。然后开火,锅热后转中火。
4. 豆腐两面煎金黄后,倒入 1 -1.5 大勺左右的淡酱油。翻一下,让每块豆腐都粘上点酱油。 然后取出放入盘里待用。
5. 锅里下一点色拉油,不用太多。开最大火, 油热后,加入辣椒丁和大蒜丁倒入翻炒几下,放一点盐和几滴酱油。 爆炒大概一分钟,反正就是辣椒不能炒久了,刚断生就起锅。确保辣椒颜色的鲜艳。辣椒倒豆腐块上,就可以享受啦!
注: 如果你用食物搅拌机打碎辣椒丁,炒的时候可能出的汁比较多。吃是差不多啦,不过口感和卖像会差一点点。
มุมมอง: 1 005
Pan-fried Tofu with Peppers
มุมมอง 435วันที่ผ่านมา
This dish turned our tofu-hating grandpa into a fan! For a gluten-free version, just use gluten-free soy sauce or skip the soy sauce entirely. Ingredients: 1. Firm Tofu - 1 block, cut into large, thick pieces 2. Colorful Peppers - mixed varieties (spicy or non-spicy, based on preference), chopped 3. Salt - to taste (adjust based on the amount of peppers) 4. Light Soy Sauce - a few drops at two ...
Laugavegur Trek in August
มุมมอง 1.4K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
Laugavegur Trek Classic 5-day trek from Landmannalaugar to Thórsmörk ➢ Duration: 5 days, 4 nights ➢ Total walking distance: 59 km (37 miles) ➢ Altitude: 200-1100 m (650-3600 feet) ➢ Maximum Ascent: 600 m (1900 feet) Best times to hike this trail: July & August. Day 1: Public bus from Reykjavik - Landmannalaugar Hike from Landmannalaugar to Hrafntinnusker (12 km /7.5 mi.) Day 2: Hike from Hrafnt...
Laugavegur River Crossings
มุมมอง 454หลายเดือนก่อน
The Laugavegur Trail is Iceland's most popular multi-day (normally 4-day) hike, known for its stunning landscapes and diverse terrain. Along the way, hikers will encounter many river and stream crossings, with four major ones where you’ll likely need to remove your shoes: Day 2: Grashagakvísl Day 3: Bratthálskvísl Day 3: Bláfjallakvísl (the coldest crossing) Day 4: Þröngá (the widest crossing) ...
川味香肠 /四川麻辣香肠/SiChuan Sausage
มุมมอง 3.1K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
原材料 1. 肥猪肉和瘦猪肉(肥瘦比例为3:7,我一般是用 boneless shoulder meat 再额外加些肥肉。) 2. 辣椒面: 猪肉的重量的0.7%-1.5%(最好用现磨的辣椒面。把辣椒用小火炒炒,然后用机器打细) 3. 冰糖面 1% (可以把冰糖先敲小点,然后用coffee grinder 打成粉。中国超市有时也能买到冰糖粉。实在没冰糖就白糖) 4. 高度白酒 1% - 2% (度数低点的酒比如 40度的可以放2%,度数高的酒56-60%的 1%就够了 5. 白胡椒面 0.5% 6. 花椒面 0.7%-1.5% (最好用现磨的花椒面。如果自制花椒粉请看这视频。) 7. 盐 1.2%-1.5% (口味淡的用 1.2%,但是盐也不能用得过少,盐太少肉容易坏。 ) 8. 酒酿汁 2% 9. 猪肠衣 10. 棉线 特别声明,这个方子里辣椒和花椒的用量差别很大,因为每种辣椒的辣...
Tombstone Territorial Park Backpacking
มุมมอง 1.2Kปีที่แล้ว
Tombstone Territorial Park is located in Yukon, Canada. This park is huge but most people visit the route with 3 campsites by lakes. Grizzly Lake, Divide Lake, and Talus Lake. You can walk in and out in one day but it will be a long and exhausting day. Normally people stay at each campsite for 1 night. For a round trip that would be 6 nights and 7 days. You can also fly in and fly out. I opted ...
Simple but Delicious Lamb Skewers/正宗新疆羊肉串
มุมมอง 1.5Kปีที่แล้ว
The most delicious lamb skewers only require 3 or 4 ingredients 1. Boneless lamb leg 2. Salt 3. Cumin powder 4. Hot pepper powder (optional) 视频里的大厨是科罗拉多吃核团的新疆大厨。他烤的羊肉串是我吃过最好吃的。特别是就着美景和好友一起分享的羊肉串,绝对的人间美味。 The most crucial ingredient is top-quality lamb meat. We prefer boneless lamb legs. We usually get Australian lamb legs from Restaurant Depot in Denver or fresh ones from Arash International Ma...
Brooks Camp/Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park
มุมมอง 3.5Kปีที่แล้ว
Join us on a video tour of Brooks Camp in Alaska's Katmai National Park. Watch as brown bears, also known as grizzly bears, catch fish and engage in fascinating fights. We'll take you through the picturesque Brooks Camp Campground and guide you to the renowned Brooks Falls, a must-see attraction. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible wildlife and stunning natural beauty of this extraordinary d...
Rustler Gulch Trail - One of the Best Wildflower Hikes in Colorado
มุมมอง 1.3Kปีที่แล้ว
There are many great wildflower hikes in Colorado. Among them, one trail that you definitely don't want to miss is Rustler Gulch. Add it to your bucket list! Direction: From the Town of Crested Butte, head north on CO 317 also known as Gothic Road for about 11 miles, until you reach the Rustler Gulch Road sign. Once you see the Rustler Gulch Road sign, park your vehicle along the road. There wi...
Governor Basin - THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Wildflower Hike/4-Wheel Drive in Colorado
มุมมอง 1.7Kปีที่แล้ว
Governor Basin (37.969568, -107.775522) Trail is THE best wildflower hike in Colorado. The peak flowering time is the last 2 weeks of July and 1st week of August. Direction: 1. Begin by heading south on US-550 S/ Main St for approximately 0.6 miles. 2. Turn right onto Camp Bird Rd and continue for about 4.7 miles. 3. After 1.3 miles, take a slight right onto Co Rd 26. 4. When you reach the inte...
How to Make Kale Salad Tasty/如何制作美味的羽衣甘蓝沙拉
มุมมอง 4.1K2 ปีที่แล้ว
羽衣甘蓝又贵又难吃,但是被超模捧上天的菜。他的营养价值就不需要我来重复了,大家都知道。 其实这是大家不知道怎么做。 今天我来介绍我家的做法,不是自吹,真的比其他 何沙拉都好吃。 现在是我家最爱吃的沙拉。 其实这做法还是小爱班长的姐姐介绍的,我一吃就爱上了。后来我介绍给其他朋友,朋友家现在也是抢着吃的沙拉了。 材料: 羽衣甘蓝叶子(杆子不要)250 克 盐 1/2 - 1 小匙 橄榄油2大匙 大蒜4-5瓣 半个中等大小柠檬 或者 一小匙 何果醋 1/4小匙 黑胡椒粉或者不带盐的你喜欢的调料。 做法: 1. 羽衣甘蓝去掉杆子,只要叶片。 2. 大蒜压成泥。 柠檬压汁。 3. 大蒜,盐,柠檬汁或者果醋,胡椒粉或者喜欢的调料比如我这种California Citrus 调料, 和橄榄油加入碗中,搅拌均匀。 最重要的一步! 4. 拌好的调料倒入羽衣甘蓝叶片里,戴上手套使劲揉捏。 直到叶子看...
Organic Apple Sauce/Apple and Pear Sauce
มุมมอง 3202 ปีที่แล้ว
材料: 5-5.5 磅苹果和去皮后的梨。(这是最后去核,去掉烂的部分后,可用的苹果肉的重量)还可以加些草莓。混合水果里,苹果当然是占大多数。 1个中等大小柠檬的柠檬汁 1/2茶匙肉桂粉 (可省) 50-100 克冰糖(可省) 做法: 1. 苹果洗干净后,去核,去烂掉的,去被虫子咬过的,然后切厚片或者大块。没打过药的苹果当然是皮要留下来。梨去皮,切大块。准备一大盆清水,加点柠檬汁,把切下来的果肉放水里过一下,防止水果很快变棕色。 2. 果肉,冰糖,柠檬汁放入高压锅里,按煮米饭档。 3. 煮好的苹果稍微冷却点,用搅拌机把苹果就打烂。新鲜的苹果酱热的冷的都好吃。 可以留一碗放冰箱里,一周内吃完。 4. 多的苹果酱可以自己密封好。 专门用来做罐头的玻璃瓶和盖子用洗碗机洗过,消毒。 5. 苹果酱倒入玻璃瓶, 不要装太满,否者加压时会溢出来。瓶口用干净的布或者纸擦干净。 拧紧盖子,很紧,然后再往...
Blue Lakes Trail in Colorado
มุมมอง 1.9K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Blue Lakes Trail is one of the most scenic hikes in Colorado. It ranks #2 equal to Columbine Lake Trail on my list. The Lower Blue Lake is a turquoise alpine lake and also the most gorgeous one. Most people stopped at the Lower Blue Lake, but a short hike, 1 more mile to Middle and Upper Blue Lakes will be more rewarding. This trail can be accessed either via Mt. Sneffels trailhead on the Ouray...
四川酸辣粉 Sichuan Spicy and Sour Yam Noodle
มุมมอง 2.1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
四川酸辣粉酸酸辣辣,不管是冬天还是,来上一碗安逸得很哦。 猪骨汤材料: 1. 猪大骨一根。最好买已经切成段的。 没有猪大骨,牛大骨,排骨或者鸡都可以。 2. 3-5颗葱的葱白 3. 1/4 小匙白胡椒粉 4. 1 大块姜,拍破 6. 盐 7. 清水 骨头汤做法: 1. 猪大骨用冰水泡过夜,或者半天,最好换3-4次水。这样慢慢泡,可以把骨头里的血水去得比较彻底。这样处理后,还是需要用开水把骨头煮几分钟,然后把血泡全部洗掉,汤锅也洗干净。 2. 汤锅加葱白、白胡椒粉、姜、猪骨和开水。水要没过所有材料。 小火熬到3-4小时,最后加入盐。 肉臊子材料: * 稍微肥点的猪肉绞肉500克 *郫县豆瓣一大匙,剁碎。 * 甜面酱一大匙 * 3-5颗葱的葱白部分,切丁 * 姜末1小匙 * 清酒/料酒 1大匙 * 油一大匙 * 白糖一小匙 (用了甜面酱,这个可以省) 肉臊子做法: 1. 绞肉放入葱白丁和...
美式鸡汤面 / Chicken Noodle Soup from Scratch
มุมมอง 3.4K3 ปีที่แล้ว
美式鸡汤面 / Chicken Noodle Soup from Scratch
走为上计/Thirty-Six Stratagems Family Interpretation
มุมมอง 1.2K3 ปีที่แล้ว
走为上计/Thirty-Six Stratagems Family Interpretation
Stir-fried Brussel Sprouts with Bacon/培根甘蓝
มุมมอง 6153 ปีที่แล้ว
Stir-fried Brussel Sprouts with Bacon/培根甘蓝
正宗重庆豌杂面/Chongqing Noodle with Meat Sauce and Yellow Peas
มุมมอง 4.5K3 ปีที่แล้ว
正宗重庆豌杂面/Chongqing Noodle with Meat Sauce and Yellow Peas
莴笋肉丝/Chicken Stir Fry with Stem Lettuce
มุมมอง 6203 ปีที่แล้ว
莴笋肉丝/Chicken Stir Fry with Stem Lettuce
Best Place to See Colorado's Fall Colors (1) - San Juan Mountains
มุมมอง 4.1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Best Place to See Colorado's Fall Colors (1) - San Juan Mountains
如何做花椒粉/How to Make Szechuan Peppercorn Powder
มุมมอง 8K3 ปีที่แล้ว
如何做花椒粉/How to Make Szechuan Peppercorn Powder
Great video, which camera do you use? Thank you
Photo were taken using Nikon Z8 and video were by GoPro and iPhone 13. Overall, videos taken by GoPro are nicer.
你怎么堆肥呢,我在Costco 买过番茄🍅,辣椒无论在地里还是重新换盆里都长得不好
很多方法。堆肥箱当然是首选。如果没有也没关系。如果你能找到大桶,比如种树留下来的,或者就是那种买玫瑰花什么留下来的大桶也可以。 你把桶底剪掉,放地里,下面和土有接触的地方。 然后一层土一层厨余, 树叶什么的。可以去咖啡店拿些咖啡渣,让土更黑。时不时往里面加些水。上面用黑色塑料袋盖着,这样温度高,分解更快。蚯蚓自己很快就过来了。如果有蛋壳什么的,用 vitamix 打烂直接倒土里。明年买的土和堆肥混合,这样也不用买特别多的土。辣椒开花时记得加些肥,就那种蓝色颗粒加水融化的就可以。 这样种茄子和大萝卜都可以。
@ 万分感谢🙏
Islandia, simplemente mega hermoso! excelente decisión para viajar, mi mejor viaje fuera de México.
谢谢分享!小熊猫解说的真好,真能干,厉害了! 还记得小熊猫曾经酱油过敏吧,现在好啦
有四川口音,随我了 :D
@ 就喜歡這種,腔正字圓說不出川話的幽默
小熊猫的解说越来越专业了 🐱
Fantastic 🙂
@@pandaswife 那反应很快讲解相当老练哦。以后可以做podcast,youtuber啦。刚才在文学城也给你留言了。旅游公司ISK32500 相当于$236), 这个价包5天的吃住和导游听起来不错唉
@@lijunchen5000 嗯嗯,人家已经立志往后去当旧车销售员。:D
great video👍❤
What a beautiful hike and a happy group! 🐈⬛
你看视频下面说明,里面有 link. 我们 8/4-8/8 去的。最佳时间是七月和八月。六月和九月道上可能有很多雪。
blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/48821/202411/5637.html 博客有更详细的信息
@ 谢谢你!
It was a pleasure to experience this adventure with you and your family!! Beautiful memories! John E.
That was an amazing adventure with you guys! I will be posting drone video soon.
My feet went numb just thinking about those river crossings!
Your voice is so cute! Love your videos. Thank you ❤
It's a special place nicely captured by you. Hiked this area back in September 1999 with no developed trails or campsites. Grizzly Ck carpark was a remnant dump site. From Grizzly Lake we headed SW on slopes above Wolf Creek valley, then over to the Tombstone River via a steep route near Tombstone Mt. Then turned right to Talus & Divide Lakes and on down the N Klondike to the current visitor centre. Not one person seen enroute. Magic!
There appears to be one more spice in the video, than you have listed. Can you please confirm if the ingredients you listed are all there, or you forgot to add one? I am referring to the 2 bowls with brown spice in them; are they the same spice or two different ones?
I love it but it is not in English and I can't understand it😢😢.
I can add a close caption soon.
which drone did you use to capture the amazing views?
Drone is not allowed there. This was shot from a helicopter.
太实用了!谢谢你的分享!❤ 想请教下,是Aspen经crested buttee和owl creek pass到telluride看风景更好,还是反方向走更好呢?
Aspen -> via 133 -> Crested Butte -> Ohio Pass -> Owl Creek Pass -> Telluride. 现在最好的时间。今年的秋色特别棒。
@@pandaswife 谢谢回复,正好在路上!
Gorgeous content!!
Fourteen years after it's release, I finally saw True Grit. I told myself that I would like to visit the area where it was filmed. Years later (2015) I made the visit to the Ridgway area and went back 2 more times after that. Been to all the places yo show on this video. Was never able to visit during the colors, as my wife was a public school teacher. She is now retired. Tomorrow, we are headed down to the Ridgway area to see the colors. I think we may be a bit too early this year. If so, it just gives us an excused to try again next year! Regardless, that area is is just plain beautiful. We'd live there if could afford it. Thanks for the video!
😊小朋友们棒棒哒!kiddos are so cute
看起来很好吃, 一定要试一下,
真美!小朋友太厉害了👍 今年的花期怎么样呢?另外 蚊子多吗?谢谢!
@@pandaswife 谢谢 你们那边真的美景太多了
@@pandaswife 对了 你说丹佛附近有一条人少景美的trail 是哪里呢?谢谢
@@sarahlan9186 我也想不起来了,现在离城里近点的地方到处人山人海,和10年前完全不一样了。
@@pandaswife 今年是好像哪里人都不少,谢谢了😊
美不胜收!小熊猫讲解超级棒👍👍 山上草丛挺高的,会有蛇吗?
从wxc赶过来点赞!哇!好棒!媳妇的游记非常厉害,要么不写,一写就是大片…好久不见啦。 小熊猫的解说棒棒哒,超级junior ranger,and youtuber! the voice of the boy is super cute!thanks for sharing
More bears please.
Beautiful , 小熊猫讲解的很好
Who is making that child wear that worthless mask out in the wide open woods.? Beyond ridiculous!!!!
That was his choice even though I told him to take it off. It was 2020.
@@pandaswife yes Sir, I understand! The government had a lot of people scared for no reason. I really liked your video, keep up the good work.I apologize if I offended you!!!!
@@ronnie32567 No. Not offended. That was the time kids still wear mask at school and he had this on his mind. You know sometimes just give up on persuading a stubborn kid is much easier on both sides. :)
@@pandaswife yep, lol
Schools serve kool aid
Thank you for sharing your experience with these beautiful places, and for the information.
Thanks for sharing! nice video!