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  • @daryamalinovskaya8836
    @daryamalinovskaya8836 ปีที่แล้ว

    11 лет без тебя,😢люблю и помню,Береги Господи мою Винницу❤

  • @anna_akeliana
    @anna_akeliana ปีที่แล้ว


  • @cyberghost88
    @cyberghost88 ปีที่แล้ว

    Самый красивый город в Украине…

  • @romkovujko
    @romkovujko 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @user-it4fd4rm7z
    @user-it4fd4rm7z 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Я уехал с города 20 лет назад. За это время город улучшился в лучшую сторону. В клипе моя родная Винница, та которую я помню. Хорошая песня, хороший город.

  • @user-tu7jo2ot5m
    @user-tu7jo2ot5m 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Нахожусь сейчас в луганской области, воюю немного, маврова услышал , посмотрел нашь город . Хочу домой винница самый хороший город, и девушки наши самые и самые класные

  • @libertywarrior9981
    @libertywarrior9981 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lviv a Rus-Ukrainian city, founded & built by King Danylo Halytskiy Romanovich of the Kyiv Rus Ruryk dynasty. King Danylo was crowned King by Pope Innocent who sent the crown from Rome. The city is named after Danylo's son Lev & christened LVIV in 1245. It is the most partiotic of Ukrainian cities where only Ukrainian is spoken except for tourists. Slava Ukrayini !!** Always WAS and IS a Rus-Ukrainian city.

  • @NataliMerlin
    @NataliMerlin 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Я действительно не знаю где Вилково.Да и в Виннице не разу не была. Просто много друзей оттуда, вот и сделала клип.

  • @MrKottigra
    @MrKottigra 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Во Львове в бывшем костеле Бернадинцев св.Андрея есть большой 1700труб 33регистра барочный орган гениального мастера Каспарини, однако этот уникальный исторический инструмент сегодня заброшен и никак не используеться, к нему не допускают музыкантов, его не позволяют ремонтировать, Львов рискует потерять самый ценный исторический орган и никому нет до этого дела, неужели среди элиты этой огромной страны нет никого ктобы возвысил голос??!!!

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    but I'm more than sure that you won't read. Again, next your proofs would be about UPA murders, Great Ukrainians show, penises and other stuff, which isn't relevant to subject at all. Jumping off the subject is a typical behaviour of "people" like you, who do not have real proofs. That's why it's enough to lose time with you. For a farewell, read it well: LVIV WAS OUR, IS AND WILL BE. Forget about this city. And don't come, we don't need drunk Polaks, who swim in Austrian fountains.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa also you claim that Orthodox church was built on some your rotunda, which is a lie too, cause first Catholic temple was a church of John the Baptiser, built by Prince Lev for his Hungarian wife. It exists still. There weren't any other Catholics here till Kazymyr conquered Lviv for second time and brought here Germans. Not even Polaks. That were Germans who built German church of Maria the Snowy and a started building cathedral on the place of burnt Orthodox church.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa you operate with the wrong translations, which do not have any good sense and you built your debile facts. You cannot accept the originals, but being brainwashed, accept the false translations as original. True. Now you claim that you were in Lviv and on Fredro's tomb, but you're lying, cause it's clearly to be seen. You weren't on the both places, otherwise you would see broader. You don't. Typical example of a wanker, who never leaves its home and believes to other debils like itself

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa all the time you speak about 981, but you dont have enough brains to understand my words, that what we took in 981 - we gave it back. Now you have Peremyshl, what's the problem? Such morons as you should see, what happened in 982, next year - the chronicle clearly says that Volodymyr conquered Croats - that are Galician lands, I named you the tribes, who inhabited the area. And even Peremyshl wasn't your - it was conquered by a prince from Greater Poland

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa speaking about complexes - I never mentioned shit so many times as you did mention the penis. So anyone could see who has a real lacking complex. And canalization was a prove of your non-ability to do something, when penises do not have anything to do here. Back to subject: you lied about Polish buildings - and your proofs on Jura cathedral were the painters. Not the architects, neither the sculptors were Polish, but still you claimed it as yours. Totally incorrect.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa I will be back in 3 weeks due to my vacation, so don't write here any new arguments like "Ukrainians don't have internet". Cya soon ;)

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa with the picture of dead Gypsy children from 192x years, claiming them as the victims of UPA. We know the fact of Volhynian massacra and we are sorry about it, but lynches in Lviv - that's absurd. deportations of Ukrainians to Siberia - no comment. You told enough. Be thankful, that this destiny passed you by. Really. Even if you were deported - you were deported to your country, to normal houses (even if they were German).

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa ofc you didn't know. In 1664 Subotiv was taken by Czarnecki, who plundered the tomb. Now you dont know. But it's another fact you can be proud of. Fredro's remains are reburied during independent Ukraine, what else do you want? Have you ever visited the place? Did you put at least one candle? I'm sure you do not.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa cathedal, which we were building were taken from us. You did not return it to us, like we returned you some of your cathedrals here, so we took it. In 1412 our cathedral in Peremyshl was given to Catholics by Jagello. Which churches we destroyed? Once more - your opinion is only your opinion. It doesn't change anything. Lviv is still our and Uniates still use Jesuit cathedral :) You know what to do.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa you made a mistake with data, ruler and the subject. Not knowing an original text, believing to some unprofessional translation claiming it as a fact. If Lviv would be destroyed by own ruler, how it would prosper in future, being a capital? Have you even tried to think logically, or it is too hard for you? Earthen ramparts were destroyed, which later let build stronger ones. Strong polonization started in after Union and nobles started to trait their roots to become true Polaks.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa few days ago you told that Danylo was ordered to destroy Lviv in 1261, now you speak about Lev and 1259. You have no idea what are you talking about. You cannot sum the facts. Propagandists think instead of you, you just blindly follow their arguments. Read more and read original sources, not those, which are translated by a moron like you for little debils like you, because your translation doesn't follow the original.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa he wasn't going to capture the city, he took redemption of city and left it. only few buildings included castle, which you do not mention. There was no need for Cosacks to murder Ruthenians, we aren't Polaks who fight against own brothers.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa german documentation clearly shows that germans were main nation in XV ct in Lviv. only in XVI documentation slowly became Polish. Don't jump around. Back to fact: there is a style, called "Cossack baroque" - that are buildings of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Subotiv, built by us. So dont spread bullshit. Your cathedral is Gothic style, so it should belong to Germans now?

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa that's why you new king in 1764 even didn't menttion it in his Constitution, because Krakau and Zamosc universities didn't need any universities in Lviv. Austrians reopened university, granting him a title (ADOPTED, larvo) adding medicine. Ofc, for such idiots like you chirurgy was less important as scholastic.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa show me original, I don't trust your polak translation. Why? Take a look above.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa another bullshit. Jura wasn't destroyed, even Polish sources do no say anything about that. Lviv wasn't destroyed at all, only castle was taken.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa and those shows claim someone not by nationality, but by the things, which were done for Ukrainians. Anyone here claims that Lenin was Ukrainian nationality. Only such dumbs as you can think it, having only one reason - TV-Show. Anyone here makes an impression of your police by "13th police station". But you would do, I'm more than sure. Stupid bitch who cannot come and take a look, reads some unknown sources and watches TV. lol @ you

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa once more - deportation was in eastern direction. You didn't have any KZ on the way to Poland, you could take your things and go to Poland free. Who wanted - could stay, but almost no one wanted to stay. That's why Polish population here is only 1%. They are nothing, as you are. You just escaped. Like your army just gave up to USSR in 1939 without any fight. Loosers.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa any proof. Everywhere here UPA are heroes, we respect them. We dont have any problem like you have AK and AL, you had one heroes, now you have another. UPA were our all the time. UPA couldn't fight for Lviv in 1920, 1939, cause it was created in 1942. In 1918 we fought for our Lviv. We never hoped that Polaks would do smth, cause we know that it is impossible for you.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa Vyshneveckyj parents (read better) was plundered bu him, cause he took the bones and baptized them, so he could became borned Catholic. True polak, indeed. in 1917 there was a war, if you don't know, and almost everything was destroyed. Not by us. Wisla action was done by: AL, Obywatelska police, UB. Which Soviets are you talking about?

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa girl, you really have some complex. Try to find some bf, maybe that will help to you. back to subject. You didn't give any quote, just a wrong date with wrong information. You are not able to copy&paste. Or you don't want cause everyone will see that you're lying. No wonder, I heard already so many lies about the Lviv, that any your "fact" becomes another lolz.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa don't read such "history". Or maybe your "Scientist" level doesn't let you read normal works? Because your facts clearly show where are they taken from. You operate with some old mythical facts, knowing almost nothing of Lviv history. Any normal date, any normal proof, just typical fanatical polak propaganda like "we defended Europe", "Solidarity" and USSR etc. You should first know what are you talking about and don't repeat any bullshit like "lack of hot water".

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa you dont see the difference between Ukrainians and Soviets. Eaglet cemetery was destroyed in USSR times, now it's rebuilt. You however, destroyed all our USS/UHA graves in 1920-1939. Take a look on video in your message I sent, dumbass and don't ask me, what you destroyed. You weren't deported, you escaped. USSR didn't deport to Poland, only to East. Our prisoners managed to make 2 rebellions even in Siberia while you were leaving our lands in a hurry.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa none of my family works as prositute or plumber, we aren't polaks. back to history: I understand, that I will never get a proof from you about chronicles, you're too far away. Read real historicians, not unknown ppl from Carpathian mountains. In that case you would know, that in 1259 (!) Lviv's wooden walls were destroyed, not the city in 1261. Order of Tatars was about fortifications, not towns, you moron.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa aha, now German architect Meretyn became Polak? New fact. Or maybe Pinsel, whose nationality is still unknown became a Polak? whole Lviv? Stupid girl, we built cemetery for your Eaglets, now we finish building of monument to professors, while you can only destroy what we built in Poland.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa we don't know him. Our historicians are Subtelnyj, Krypyakevych and other. But now I see, which literature you read. Even more - we don't say that those people are Ukrainian, however some of them have Ukrainian roots. We don't recognize as Ukrainians people who betrayed their parents and faith (like Vyshnevetskyj) - we leave those traitors for you to make a true polak nation We try not to read yellow press

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa ofc they encourage, plumbers are needed everywhere, as in UK and Ireland, so in Germany too. ofc Czechs stole Zaolzie, any of your neighbours only steals your lands))) Germans built all, incl. walls and Market square. Lviv is one of the examples of German city-building system - Market square with 2 streets from each corner. Aha, now Jesuits are Polish. Can't stop laughing at you. Conquistadors were Polish too. Town was rich because of "warehouse right", have you ever heard it?

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa during Austria rule that were Poles who destroyed castle. That all you could do. Now you speak 5th time about water, which is lie, cause we DO have water 24/7. Yes,we had problems before, but not now. You're operating with too old facts. Ossolineum was given to you in 1947, anotehr fact about Lviv and history you don't know. No wonder. You're polak. With so high level of "Science". I'm sure you were studying at best European university.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa another bullshit. Tatars wanted to have defensive walls destroyed, because as they said, they would defense any town better than walls. Any town wasn't destroyed. So you sucked again. there are any proofs of your "pipe" civilization, there is one fact, which I told you already. How monks of Catholics orden became Polish? Can you explain? Loyola was Polish too?

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa aaa, you blocked wall :) get a message take a look on the video and shut fucking up about your culture, you barbarian

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa It was Kazimir, who conquered and burnt ancient Lviv and rebuilt it with a help of German colonists. Germans built a city, within which walls polaks used to live 400 years, without any (!) attempt to make city bigger, broader and cleaner.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa and those your uprisings did nothing. I wonder if Germans even realized, that there was an uprising somewhere in polish marches. AntYfeudal rebellions - oh yeah, that's how a war 1918-1920 can be called. Bravo, another example of polak "Science". We didn't "were include", Galician kingomd had its centre in a land, which never was "ancient Polish" before.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa we do, read the news. Bandera is the hero because of waging a war against occupants. you destroyed all graves of USS and UGA after 1920, nowadays you destroyed the monument in Sagryn, where AK murdered whole our population. When your monuments still stay here. Eaglets cemetery was build again in independent Ukraine, there stays a cross on Vuleckys hills, where professors were killed. Bitch, dont speak about things you do not know. After 17.09 Nazis were just hunting down you :)

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa ofc you should bitch :) Cause you always write such a bullshit, that I would really love to see at least one your prove. You knowing of Lviv history makes me laughing, your knowing of "Science" does the same. Btw about languages - Galician langauges. You told it doesn't exist, but there is an officialy recognized language of the subgroup of Ruthenian origin, inhabiting this territory. Recognizing of another languages is just the question of time.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa that were lands of Germany, which were in German land before the war started. Western Ukrainian lands, part of ZUNR were given back to Ukraine, continuing the Act of Union of 1919, when ZUNR and UNR united. Stalin even gave you some more land before Sian, although ethnic border goes on this river. I told you about the majorities, it's not my fault, that you do not read (or do not understand English).

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa first this state has to have a land. Which you didn't have. 4th time in history. Poland was divided almost without any fight, again. As always. You can only fight with someone's strong support. Germans without Soviet help managed to get to to new Soviet border in not whole 3 weeks, lol, what are you dreaming about? About some new Polak myth about non-defeatable Polak cavallery who won air and panzer battles? after 39? xD, what was it? Immigrant army? Or the army of escapers? :))

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa lol, you still think that if country is divided between foreign armies it exists, because some morons managed to escape? xD Germans suffered from bloody battles? :D lol which ones? Germans conquered you so quick as possible (even impossible), you even couldn't finish call-up to army :) Only thanks to soviets you were able to get some prisoners and make some "army" to join red army, which later let you steal eastern German lands

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa you can't help to yourself, and now you try to say that you :D helped us in creation of Ukrainian religion? :D lol, you you are stronger every day)) there could be some poles, they are like a gipsies, now there are alot of polish plumbers in UK, but UK isn't your (at least for now, maybe in 50 years Polak history will also claim British throne), but huge part of them were moved to Volhynia after 1920. We didn't accept it and you know results. Which, however, didn't teach you.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa Peremyshl land, you moron. But not the Lviv lands, which were our before you arrived here in 14 ct. Nestor doesn't say anything about deporting, you stupid one. Prove your words. our genocide? Are you dare to speak about such things after operation "Wisla"? How miserable are you.

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa anoher your stupid argument) You do not see the difference between visit and escape, don't you? 17th September Germans and Soviets have met on the line, where Poland had to be divided. 22th they already marched together in Brest. If some loosers still were shooting, it doesn't mean that country wasn't conquered. total repair? After what? Cavallery? xD Dont make me laugh, equipment was sent to Western front to conquer France

  • @myrkogalego
    @myrkogalego 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @odoslawa revealed? lol, it was stolen from our monastery, to which it was brought as the gift for our Prince Lev. You stole it and now your history says "revealed", and you still trying to speak about propaganda?))) catholics, praying to Orthodox icon oh, it's hilarious, abd all of those centuries, seems smbd has worked well with google. Good one, go further.