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adam's eden
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 12 พ.ค. 2014
A day with the ducklings.
They appear and then disappear. This morning there were no ducks of any sort to be seen - most unusual. But finally all appeared. So lovely to have them (almost) all back again.
We have to take care walking the paths around the garden. If we suddenly come across the ducklings Mother Duck goes into scare mode - looking very fierce! But she is getting more used to us, and if we approach slowly and carefully, she doesn't get upset.
Here's hoping we'll see them reach maturity!
We have to take care walking the paths around the garden. If we suddenly come across the ducklings Mother Duck goes into scare mode - looking very fierce! But she is getting more used to us, and if we approach slowly and carefully, she doesn't get upset.
Here's hoping we'll see them reach maturity!
มุมมอง: 287
The ducklings are back! Or are they?
มุมมอง 3419 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
They have returned…at least we think they have. After disappearing a week ago they were back at the gate. Mother duck and six ducklings. So we let them in. An hour or so later another duckling at the gate! So we let it in and it headed straight for mum - still six ducklings. Later that afternoon mother duck and only one duckling outside the fence! How are thy doing it? We'll have. to keep an ey...
More ducklings
มุมมอง 13014 วันที่ผ่านมา
The island sank and one of the two ducklings disappeared. I'd put the island up in a hurry so the ducks would have a safe refuge but it lacked sufficient roofing and the intense rain flooded and sank it. So I modified it with a full roof and it has survived the recent heavy rain. Then, amazingly, we found another family with eight ducklings outside the fence near the gate. With the gate opened ...
Ducklings have settled in.
มุมมอง 18421 วันที่ผ่านมา
The two remaining duckings and the mother duck have taken up residence in the floating island. Hopefully it will help them survive.
7 Ducklings on the Dam
มุมมอง 243หลายเดือนก่อน
As happened last year we had 7 ducklings on the dam. The next day only three. Same this year. By day three there were none. I'm hoping that won't happen this year. To help we have built a floating island for them. They haven't completely adopted it as their home yet. And I have replaced the ramp so there is no slippery part!
Egg Shells
มุมมอง 163 หลายเดือนก่อน
I try not to waste anything compostable - but eggshells never used to decompose. Until I ground them.
Nestbox Lid
มุมมอง 153 หลายเดือนก่อน
Easy access to the nesting boxes is essential as they get checked daily - more than once. The counterweight makes it much easier to open and close the lid.
Gutter Cleaner
มุมมอง 103 หลายเดือนก่อน
Not my favourite job but it has it's benefits - cleaner water and more ingredients for the compost.
Toilet Roll Pots
มุมมอง 83 หลายเดือนก่อน
Another great way to recycle. The rolls are a decent size to produce seedlings and will disintegrate when planted out. The roots will even start to grow through the tubes before planting out. No need for any origami to seal the bottom of the tube - the soil will do it.
Tarp Clips
มุมมอง 103 หลายเดือนก่อน
Another recycling thing! It's the only idea I've had so far to reuse the rings. Let me know if you have any other ideas!
Snipper on Trailer
มุมมอง 143 หลายเดือนก่อน
My Whipper snipper once jumped off the trailer and was destroyed. So I wanted a way to ensure that could never happen again. Here's my solution. I know there a heap of commercial tool clamps for trailers but this one did the job quite nicely.
Fridge Shelf Cages
มุมมอง 143 หลายเดือนก่อน
Perhaps not the most elegant way of protecting seedlings - but effective! Good for keeping off possums and larger rodents but not so good for cabbage white moth.
Intro to No Turn Compost Bioreactor -better soundtrack!
มุมมอง 444 หลายเดือนก่อน
Had a comment about the poor sound on the earlier version of this video so I've removed a lot of the background noise. Didn't want to delete the earlier version cos it's had a lot of hits and I don't know how to edit in youtube - anyone know how to do it?
Bioreactor #8
มุมมอง 874 หลายเดือนก่อน
One of the early changes in the making of a Bioreactor. A bit has changed since then but the basics are there. I neglected to include the addition of worms after the pile has cooled - an essential part of the process! A lot of work is done by the worms over the 9 months process.
Great idea to fill in the big container first 👍👍👍
Wow. Simple and straight to the point. How often do you water it? How much?
I run the dripper daily for 15 minutes - we're on a gravity fed system. I've tried various durations for the watering and this works best for me.
Thank you very much!
I feel seen.
I hope that's a good thing!
Neat! Hard to hear you, though.
Thanks Jacob. I've uploaded an easier to hear version!
I think I'm going to use a large enough sump to put a small pump in there to circulate the water. I pumped out the water in my 4ft deep wicking bed & it stunk. Definitely anaerobic, though being anaerobic it might have stored certain nutrients that my plants have access to now that it's drained. An air pump or water movement would allow for oxygen to be in the water for the roots to live in wet-conditions. I almost want to run airlines under the lawn & use air-lift pumps to aerate & circulate the water.
Was the wicking bed actually 4 feet - 1.2m - deep? My understanding is that the maximum depth of a wicking bed should be 600 mm - just under 2ft. That could have something to do with the anaerobic state.
@@adamsedenWoodend Yes & the water was probably 900mm deep. I wanted to test growing on a drained wetland. Things like ammonium are created & stored in wet cold soil so I am playing with the idea.
@@SlackerU Sounds like an interesting experiment.
So i,m not the only compost nutcase 😂 Fantastic
Good to know there others out there!
Thank you uploading composting method with RESULTS which is a pleasant change from all the videos on YT that lack the final product. I do a very similar method myself but its always nice to see others which have success in their methods. Hopefully One day I will master the art of video recording also. Keep em coming !
Thanks Robert, making the videos adds another level of excitement to the whole gardening agenda - well worth giving it a try. And, yes, the final result is so often missing - one of the many things that drives me crazy with YT!