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John Blahnik
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 9 ต.ค. 2011
Walk through Paradise Beach - Dec 2024
มุมมอง 5714 วันที่ผ่านมา
Paradise Beach beach club, Cozumel Mexico
Mayan Princess, November 2018
มุมมอง 14K6 ปีที่แล้ว
Mayan Princess, Roatan Honduras, all inclusive resort, royalcaribbeanblog.com
SBGC Feb 2018, Random uh I'm going to go with 'dancing'
มุมมอง 716 ปีที่แล้ว
SBGC Feb 2018, Random uh I'm going to go with 'dancing'
SBGC Feb 2018, What the big & lil dawgs do when the hot rub is closed
มุมมอง 476 ปีที่แล้ว
SBGC Feb 2018, What the big & lil dawgs do when the hot rub is closed
SBCG Feb 2018, Halee's birthday entrance, Jarvis suite
มุมมอง 656 ปีที่แล้ว
SBCG Feb 2018, Halee's birthday entrance, Jarvis suite
SBGC Feb 2018, The Pope arrives for sailaway in the Jarvis Suite
มุมมอง 1536 ปีที่แล้ว
SBGC Feb 2018, The Pope arrives for sailaway in the Jarvis Suite
Oasis of the Seas - time lapse leaving Falmouth, Jamaica
มุมมอง 2818 ปีที่แล้ว
Time lapse view from Oasis of the Seas cabin 11730 aft balcony leaving Falmouth, Jamaica, September 2015
Oasis of the Seas 11730 cabin tour September 2015
มุมมอง 17K9 ปีที่แล้ว
Oasis of the Seas 11730 cabin tour September 2015
What's the deal with rhe dogs I keep seeing? Not really into dogs. Do they leave you alone?
@@juliekunes9169 The owners of Maya Chan have rescued these dogs and they didn’t bother us (or anyone that we noticed) at all and we’re not really dog people.
I wanted to ask how much did you pay for this cabin😊
Great room. Enjoyed in March 2022. They have replaced the tub with a shower in 11730. Same room as the 2019 Josh Harr video which is of 11330. 11th floor aquas are larger than 12.. and don’t even bother with deck 14
Nice suite. A bit surprised one at this level only has one bathroom, not really that large and only one sink! Definitely poor power management but I always bring along a couple extension cords to get outlets where I want them.
Excellent and simple video. Thank you for posting.
Muito bonito o espaço... esses navios são verdadeiras cidades no mar ...
Booked my cruise for this summer. Are all the restaurants inclusive?
In 2018, it only included a buffet lunch near the bar. I would suggest going to their website today and find out what is included. There may be multiple options at different price points, I’m just not sure what offers they currently have.
Honduras is beautiful
How people does it sleep?
I’m not sure. The couch makes into a bed so I’d guess at least 4.
Wow unbelievable to see a stateroom even bigger than the size of a regular hotel room. That rooms looks big enough to not feel like you are on a cruise ship where space has to be conserved. Major cruise lines like Royal Caribbean and Carnival have their biggest staterooms seem smaller than this.
All cruise lines and ships have suites bigger than a hotel room. You just gotta pay 10-20x as much!
Hi John, We cruised the Celebrity Edge with you guys in 2019 and met on the FB roll call. What a gorgeous suite. How was the cruise? I have read mixed reviews but, the MSC fleet just keeps getting more and more impressive. Was the food tasty? How did it compare to suite class on the Edge? I definitely notice some similarities to the Retreat. Have subscribed to your channel. Stop by my channel and say hello. Stay safe and see you on the high seas.
Hey, John - good to hear from you again! Our first MSC cruise was Divina when she was new in 2014 and it was not the best experience. Fast forward to 2018 and since then, we've done Yacht Club several times on Seaside and Divina and we loved them all!!!
Yo me quedé en Mayan en Diciembre. Todo incluido
Bigger than my house 😂
I have a question : what is the price of a Royal Suite ? Because me and my grand parents are searching the price of a Royal Suite.
Call MSC or your travel agent - it varies from sailing to sailing, depends on the number of people, which ship, etc.
Just watched this video today. Are all MSC cabins decor bland?
Some might like the design and some might not. Hopefully the video allows you to determine the best decision for you.
@@johnblahnik8012 thanks for the feedback. Have a great day. Your video was very informative. I have not sailed with MSC; but am looking at all options
Cool video! We did a couple on Maya Chan on our channel also
great how many money you have at work?? ist not good for other to see you ritch live stoped thanks !
Hi. Yo. Voy. Pronto. Si. Dios. Permite
Wow. You really focus on outlets. :-) Fisheye lens distorts more than I’d wish.
Hey, Mats! Hahaha - agree in hindsight regarding the outlets. It was a hot topic at the time this was made. Agree on the fisheye effect of the GoPro, but personally prefer it to the cell phone sliver shots. Thanks for watching and your feedback!
amazing cabin, about a month after that video we went on the Pacific Jewel for the second and last time before it was sold to india.
hey ive been trying to find an open sailing for this suite but cant. was just looking for an approximate price.
Las nevera que en la habitación las cogran también al que si
It's the best place on earth.
will be visiting December 2019
How many does this sleep? We’re booking for 5
Not sure - my guess would be at least 4, not sure beyond that. I'm sure MSC or your travel agent can check and let you know for sure.
Thanks for the video - we will be in this cabin on the 15th of June :)
It's now been a while for us - if you can, come back after the cruise and let us know what you think! Wish you a great time!
We have be in YC of MSC Seaview last September and know all Other ships with YC by MSC ..... 😀😀😀 we Love it ..... First Time Royal now
Thanks for the video just left MSC Seaside but had a regular balcony room with fantasia. Wanted to see what the yacht club rooms looked liked. Thanks 😀
We are booked in this suite on the November 16th. sailing. Can't wait. Now all we have to do is make friends to hold a get together there
Couldn't even watch this trash...GET RID OF THAT FUCKING FISH EYE LENS
Hermoso hotel iré en semana santa 17-21 de marzo
Do the sofas convert to bed, If there are 4 people (2 adults + 2 kids) in the room?
Sameer Apte I believe he said they did.
So sorry I just saw this after several weeks!!! At least one of the sofas does convert because there is bedding and pillows inside the cabinet next to the couches. No problem for 4 people.
Thanks Cari D and John for your replies!
In confronto alle altre navi, l'arredamento è molto spartano
Thanks John! I was on Matt’s group cruise as well. We were not on this excursion but were thinking about it for a upcoming cruise.
Hi, Anna! We had such a great time!
Thanks for sharing thinking about visiting on 4/15
How much was it to stay a night in that type of room? And how close towards the top was the room located?
Hey, Breana - cost varies depending on date and itinerary - specific info either on the website, or you can call your travel agent, or MSC direct. Location is deck 16 (18 is the top deck with cabins, Yacht Club pool is on the top, deck 19 (no deck 17).
Good Afternoon John, I think I watch this video once a month. Question for you - was there any storage space for the luggage underneath the bed?
Hey, Fred! So sorry for the delay in responding . . . and yes, there is storage under the bed - we just didn't know it when we were there. After we returned I saw another video (don't recall where) that showed how to access the space and I don't recall exactly how it worked, but I'm sure the stateroom attendant can show you. My wife and I stood our suitcases up in the closets and it worked out fine, but under the bed probably would have been easier. Certainly no lack of storage overall in this suite.
Thanks @@johnblahnik8012. 193 days until we embark aboard.
no chance against NCL Norwegian Epic Owner Suite.
Thank you -
But, you know what I like best about the Seaside Royal Suite? The Price.
We will be in this room this Saturday. I have viewed this video several times and just can't wait. Thanks so much for making such an excellent video of the room.
Excited for you, Bill!!! Very much appreciate the kind words and hope you enjoy your time every bit as much as we did!
How was your cruise in this suite?
how many money you have at your Work ?? that you can be the king :-(
A bit austere. For now we will stick with the NCL Haven suites and the owners suites on RCL. Maybe they will begin with higher grade decor at some point. Thanks for sharing!
Thank You for making and sharing this video. This is what a suite should look like. The sofas in one room and the bed in another. Far too often cruise companies try to pass off large balcony cabins as suites.
There isn't one type of suite.
Just came off Seaside Yacht Club 2 week cruise. Took a tour of 16037 (it was taken when we booked). The ship is amazing, and the Yacht Club is the best cruise experience you could imagine! Say hi to your butler 'Roy" for us. He was AMAZING.
Good preview of the Royal Suite. Thanks. My wife and I have that suite (16037) reserved summer 2019.
Thank you so much! Hope you have an amazing time!!!
Frederick Folson Awesome! My grandparents, sister, and I will be sharing that room this fall. Can’t wait! The room looks great.
You guys are going to love it! My wife, daughters and I cruised aboard MSC Divina in the Royal Suite last summer. The MSC Yacht Club is an amazing experience! Have fun! You guys will have access to one of the cabanas up on deck at the One Pool (pool for yacht club passengers).
Frederick Folson Oh, fun! Thanks. 😊 I’m super excited. It honestly looks so awesome. I’ve only ever been on a Carnival cruise so this is definitely a step up!
We've got a Facebook Group out there just for people who have cruised or are cruising on the Seaside if you'd like to join. There are tons of pictures and comments from people who have cruised or are on her right now. It's called 'MSC Seaside Cruise Nation'. There's also a group out there just for the MSC Yacht Club - "'MSC YACHT CLUB - Seaside, Divina, Meraviglia, Bellissima, Seaview, et al."
Looks like a fun time!!!
this makes my heart so happy lol
Just booked this room - orig was deck above it - but this video made this room look a little larger than deck 12. so pumped - THANKS! could you see all the water shows well? GREAT VID!
Water shows were awesome - the high diver was right at our balcony height and divers would give us a wave as they waited to make their dives. Hope you enjoy this cabin as much as we did!!!
3 weeks and counting till we leave on this! Oct 21st! I keep showing everyone this video as it's still THE BEST one I've found. Just wanted to say again - THANKS for making this most exciting for my kids wife and myself.
Thank you so very much! Your video was, by far, the most useful. And, I have seen them all! We have been hesitant to book this suite as our first choice was the two bedroom Aqua Theater but, alas, they are all booked.
Thank you, Cynthia - so glad this info was helpful! If you could live with this suite, might not be bad to book it and then waitlist the 2 bedroom.
Great Video
Thank you!