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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 28 ส.ค. 2011
I post videos I take at concerts I go to, expect a lot of Avenged Sevenfold, Pierce the Veil, and various of rock / post hardcore bands. Sometimes there's also some MGK, Macklemore, and some country thrown in there too ! Check it out! Watch, comment, like, favorite, anything :)
A Day to Remember - Sometimes Your the Hammer (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 144 ปีที่แล้ว
Jeremy in the crowd.
Falling in Reverse - Popular Monster (St. Petersburg, FL 2/11/20)
มุมมอง 424 ปีที่แล้ว
The Drug in Me is Gold Tour
A Day to Remember - Monument (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/27/19)
มุมมอง 424 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando
A Day to Remember - All I Want (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 855 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - Sometimes You’re the Hammer Jermey crowd (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 535 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - If It Means A lot to You (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 1455 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - Same About You (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/27/19)
มุมมอง 1.5K5 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 2 11/27/19
A Day to Remember - If It Means A lot to You (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/27/19)
มุมมอง 655 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 2 11/27/19
A Day to Remember - Holdin’ it Down for the Underground (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/27/19)
มุมมอง 2.8K5 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 2 11/27/19
A Day to Remember - Monument (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/27/19)
มุมมอง 1.3K5 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 2 11/27/19
A Day to Remember - Sticks and Bricks (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 1.6K5 ปีที่แล้ว
Jeremy says this is a super hard song to sing live which is why they never play it anymore. House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - Resentment - 1st Time Played Live (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 11K5 ปีที่แล้ว
ADTR - Resentment First time new song has been played live House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - Rescue Me (House of Blues Orlando, FL 11/26/19)
มุมมอง 2085 ปีที่แล้ว
House of Blues Orlando Sold out Homecoming shows - Day 1 11/26/19
A Day to Remember - Self Help Fest Orlando
มุมมอง 427 ปีที่แล้ว
A Day to Remember - Self Help Fest Orlando
A Day to Remember - Exposed Ending : Self Help Fest Orlando
มุมมอง 957 ปีที่แล้ว
A Day to Remember - Exposed Ending : Self Help Fest Orlando
Metallica - Master of Puppets : Orlando, FL
มุมมอง 167 ปีที่แล้ว
Metallica - Master of Puppets : Orlando, FL
Lars drum set emerges - Metallica - Seek and Destroy
มุมมอง 797 ปีที่แล้ว
Lars drum set emerges - Metallica - Seek and Destroy
Metallica - Seek and Destroy : Orlando, FL
มุมมอง 217 ปีที่แล้ว
Metallica - Seek and Destroy : Orlando, FL
Pierce the Veil - The Divine Zero : House of Blues Orlando
มุมมอง 388 ปีที่แล้ว
Pierce the Veil - The Divine Zero : House of Blues Orlando
Pierce the Veil - Circles : House of Blues Orlando
มุมมอง 698 ปีที่แล้ว
Pierce the Veil - Circles : House of Blues Orlando
Pierce the Veil - Kissing in Cars : House of Blues Orlando
มุมมอง 1718 ปีที่แล้ว
Pierce the Veil - Kissing in Cars : House of Blues Orlando
Welcome to Rockville - Asking Alexandria Mosh Pit
มุมมอง 9438 ปีที่แล้ว
Welcome to Rockville - Asking Alexandria Mosh Pit
Welcome to Rockville - Bring Me the Horizon : Shadow Moses
มุมมอง 3408 ปีที่แล้ว
Welcome to Rockville - Bring Me the Horizon : Shadow Moses
Welcome to Rockville - Escape the Fate : Gorgeous Nightmare
มุมมอง 1478 ปีที่แล้ว
Welcome to Rockville - Escape the Fate : Gorgeous Nightmare
take me back !
lol craig mabbitt could never, He's such a fake a$$ Pu$$y who acts hard on the internet and is dying to be like ronnie radke
HU played this again last Sunday same venue 🤟 how time flies right?
A nothing but Homesick and For Those Who Have Heart Tour would be amazing 👌
Bringing Homesick on the house my man Jeremy knows it
This is what male chimps do in the wild as a threat display. It's basically, "listen to how powerful I am! Don't mess with me!"
He's a legend for doing this and i love him but I'm kinda mad at how he can hit the notes but sings in a completely different way than he used to. Like it seems like he's just goofing around. Anyone else feel this way?
i think it's cool tbh
Nah fr I was think the same thing
Lovely Mum having me time with her baby without the rest of the group. 🍂🍂🍂🍁🍁🌾💫
Petit trésor ♥️
I can see myself in the crowd. These were the days😢
Thanks for uploading this awesome.
Not many about there all in the cage maybe love to watch this video thanks
7 years later this popped back up on my recommended and I'm still the only comment
I miss this show omg
Total alpha beast hell yeah brother
I miss, Jackie, Derek and Ryan
I remember seeing them back in the day it was fun... glad to see they are still having fun and kicking ass
When you take COVID-19 way too seriously.
"darling you'll be okay" <3
Yesssss!!!! I love them so much!!!
If I went to the bar and this is the shit they had playing I wouldn't ever have walked in.
Rude but ok my guy
Bruh. I appreciate your opinion. But it’s not right to hate. If you have a reason, please tell me. But from what I’m seeing is people loving this band and you think it’s appropriate to hate on them because of that. I’m very disappointed that some people act like this. It’s just nasty. 👎
"Yea i would like a travis scott burger"
Beautiful :)
I love Brendon Urie 🌟♥️
I love this song ♥️⚡
Damn he is literally just giving
1 day before my birthday 😂, I went to see them the 26th and it was amazing
Was there. So good
Fucking banger
I'm so mad I missed all 4 of the dates they had. I was hell bent on going at 8 months pregnant 😂😂 it was sold out too damn quick Thanks for the vid, least I can pretend I was there
Disappointed that bass line before the breakdown at 2:37 and in the beginning is prerecorded
Matthew Gaffney false. Kevin Skaff player both parts
Lame ass pit
@kblunt18 underøath killed writing on the walls tho
@kblunt18 I was there for the 26th and I wanted to go to the mosh pit but decided not to so I just stayed on the balcony area lol
Wish I could see them at a smaller show like this! Thanks for sharing.
It actually is a pretty big venue I was there on this day it holds close to a thousand people
@@awelee8902 Good to know, that's a large House of Blues! Hope it was fun. For the past 5-7 years I've been seeing them at Self Help and all these huge amphitheaters, so 1000 people is still pretty small. I Remember seeing them at Bamboozle Left in 2006 or 2007, and that was for sure a small show. Like 100 of us in front of a small side stage. Truly A Day To Remember.
@@thomholio 2008 at The American Legion in Pensacola with a crowd of roughly 2-300 😭😭
I know I’m late to the party, but I just posted a drum cover of this song! Please give it a watch! th-cam.com/video/qRPiX35TR3I/w-d-xo.html
SOOOO SICK TO SEE THEM BRINGING THIS BANGER BACK IN 2019!!! I really hope they keep alternating "deep cuts" into their setlists. so good.
i went tonight and it was amazing!!
this show was so sick
God I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. The first ADTR song I've loved since What's separates me from you
Why does that video has such a few likes and views comparing to Craig's performance of that song?
because ppl search as "escape the fate reverse this curse" instead of falling in reverse or ronnie radke
because its ronnies fucking song
its knocking. not banging.
i be flossing
Yep hes freaking out
I am amazed.... I almost drowned in my water.
I don't want to start anything but I saw a video of the other guy dining this song and got mad like Ronnie does it so much better!
well it his song...
Crazy to think I was there, in person it's a whole different experience, lost my voice for a week