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【傳送門】BTS j-hope的一天 (ft, 睡前和雞米的玩樂時光) / One day with j-hope / Happy j-hope's Day
มุมมอง 193ปีที่แล้ว
YT超愛ban人,完整版傳送門➡️www.bilibili.com/video/BV1so4y1a7Mu/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=dfab749e8e2546ecec81a08be42cd205 前陣子在網路節目公開自己一天日程的j-hope,真是精實滿滿到嚇死阿米!厚比就快入伍了(一起哭😭),我自己也想在以後想念他的時候能看看他的一天,影片內容是從記憶中各個片段組合的,其他生活小細節各位阿米就…自行腦補囉😉畢竟除了成員外,誰都沒有真的和他共渡一天嘛~希望大家喜歡這次的影片,and 우리 호비 생일축하해😘 Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/B...
【BTS中字】221130 j-hope MAMA直播/年度最佳男歌手賞/BTS白金大賞
มุมมอง 1032 ปีที่แล้ว
大家都看了嗚哩接厚帥氣的MAMA solo舞台了吧? (네 )不愧是年度最佳男歌手,制霸舞台也是小菜一碟。頒獎典禮後按慣例嗚哩接厚也開了直播和阿米們聊天,雖然又餓又累還是和阿米暢聊了25分鐘(暖) 因為他直播時很累講話實在是"太溫柔",這次翻譯的好辛苦啊我(淚) 如果有翻的不好的地方請多多包涵!! 所有翻譯都是辛苦的血汗,請勿二轉或盜用影片內容。要使用請先告知 ,謝謝。
【BTS歌詞中字】J-Hope Jack in the box | STOP | 停止 | 세상에 나쁜 사람은 없다
มุมมอง 652 ปีที่แล้ว
J-Hope Jack in the box | STOP | 停止 | 세상에 나쁜 사람은 없다 影片翻譯都是自己辛苦翻的,如果有錯歡迎指正。要借用請先打聲招呼,感謝! Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS/All brands mentioned 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS及各品牌所有 #Jackinthebox #JHope #BTS #제이홉 #방탄소년단 #Stop #防彈少年團
【BTS中字】220726厚比芝加哥直播 / 您的希望男友已上線 / weverse直播沒字幕 / 快訂閱頻道吧
มุมมอง 1742 ปีที่แล้ว
不愧是我們貼心的厚比,為了不讓阿米們擔心,一到芝加哥就開直播了呢! 我們鄭股東也認真的請開發組做出不會卡卡的直播平台,但除了不卡卡,是不是也做一下開放粉絲幫直播加字幕的功能呢? 為了讓大家感受厚比滿滿的愛,臣妾我也用愛發電的努力趕翻譯片了,大家請多多訂閱唷!! 也歡迎留言和我分享對防彈們的愛,你們的每一則留言都是我做影片的動力唷! 莎啷嘿唷 사랑해용💜 影片翻譯都是自己辛苦翻的,如果有錯歡迎指正。要借用請先打聲招呼,感謝! Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS/All brands mentioned 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS及各品牌所有 #JHope #Lollapalooza #BTS #BTS直播中字...
【BTS歌詞中字】J-Hope ARSON / 縱火 / solo album
มุมมอง 852 ปีที่แล้ว
請多多支持J-Hope最新Solo專輯 - Jack in the box🥰 影片翻譯都是自己辛苦翻的,如果有錯歡迎指正。要借用請先打聲招呼,感謝! Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS所有 #BTS歌詞中字 #BTS #ARSON #J-hope #鄭號錫 #solo album
【BTS歌詞中字】J-hope "MORE" / solo single / Jack in the Box
มุมมอง 1292 ปีที่แล้ว
影片翻譯都是自己辛苦翻的,如果有錯歡迎指正。要借用請先打聲招呼,感謝! lease do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS #J-hope #제이홉 #more #BTS #방탄소년단 #鄭號錫 #防彈少年團
【BTS歌詞中字】2022 FESTA - My You by JK / 防彈9週年 / 給阿米的歌 / 柾國的情歌
มุมมอง 5052 ปีที่แล้ว
我們忙內真的長大了! 把去年生日時臨時做給阿米的歌完成,變成9週年給阿米的情歌,真的讓人不能不愛田柾國啊💜 #BTS #BTS FESTA #BTS歌詞中字 #방탄소년단 #防彈少年團9週年 #My You _ 翻譯內容皆為本人心血,要使用請先告知。 _ Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS所有
【BTS歌詞中字】BTS For Youth 歌詞中字 / 防彈少年團For Youth歌詞中字 / 阿米情歌 / BTS9週年
มุมมอง 3582 ปีที่แล้ว
Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS所有 #BTS #방탄소년단 #foryouth #yettocome
【Run BTS中字】防彈KTV(上集)-那些在Run BTS唱過的歌/防彈特有的情境式練歌房/喝醉的閔部長/什麼歌都能唱/700人團大合唱
มุมมอง 11K2 ปีที่แล้ว
我們國際巨星在跑彈中真的唱了好多好好聽的歌啊!每次都很不道德的把別人的歌唱得像自己的一樣好聽😂 700人團的音量真的不是蓋的,大家聽到快歌和大合唱請自行注意音量🤣 疫情期間少出門,在家和BTS一起唱KTV吧!😉 頻道未來會陸續新增厚比和成員們不同主題影片,請多多支持唷! This channel will share J-Hope and all members fan made video. If you like my video, please subscribe me and share it. Thank you for your support. Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/H...
Happy Hope's Day- 我眼中的J-Hope / Hope in my eyes / 내 마음속에의 제이홉 / 218 J-Hope / 호비에게 편지 (EN/KR/CH)
มุมมอง 562 ปีที่แล้ว
大遲到的生日片... 218是這個無法讓人不愛他的男人-鄭號錫J-Hope生日(拍手)👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 J-Hope (aka. 舞蹈隊長) 連防彈們自己都說沒有他可能防彈就垮了😁 他是閔PD的行動電源和B群、南俊哩斗的左右手、忙內line的好玩伴、幫大哥完成粉紅時尚的庫洛魔法使還有阿米的希望💜 和你一起過的第六次生日很幸福,謝謝一直記得在生日的第一秒就要和阿米一起過的鄭厚比,生日快樂~ 頻道未來會陸續新增厚比和成員們不同主題影片,請多多支持唷! This channel will share J-Hope and all members fan made video. If you like my video, please subscribe me and share it. Thank you for your support. Please do not re...
【ENG Lyrics】BTS V 自創曲 / ig限動新歌 / 방탄소년단 뷔 작곡 / BTS V composed song / 創作小神童泰泰自創曲太好聽 ig上傳限動 是兜風聽的歌
มุมมอง 3.8K3 ปีที่แล้ว
創作小神童泰泰的mixtape真的是讓阿米等到花兒也謝了… 今天竟然在ig限動上傳了分段式新歌大量劇透版😆 大家應該都跟我一樣覺得聽不夠吧? 忍不住剪成完整版(自己幫泰泰加歌尾) 無限回放按下去 享受泰泰迷人的歌聲吧! #BTS #V #金泰亨 #泰泰自創曲 #mixtape #Vig #ig限動影片 頻道未來會陸續新增厚比和成員們不同主題影片,請多多支持唷! This channel will share J-Hope and all members fan made video. If you like my video, please subscribe me and share it. Thank you for your support. Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original ...
【RUN BTS中字】防彈的魷魚遊戲 / 방탄의 오징어게임 / 零血腥暴力只有滿滿的可愛和爆笑 / 95s好危險 / 新年快樂版一二三木頭人
มุมมอง 138K3 ปีที่แล้ว
最近超紅的魷魚遊戲大家看了嗎? 裡面的遊戲其實阿米們應該都不陌生,我們彈們時常玩啊! 打畫片、一二三木頭人、做椪糖…但其實拔河和走高台也有類似的遊戲出現在RUN BTS中喔!🤣如果防彈參加魷魚遊戲,大家覺得誰會是最後抱走獎金的成員呢? 我個人想押黃金忙內小國獨得456億😂不過7位股東應該是沒把這456億看在眼裡啦,哈哈哈!好玩最重要🥰 頻道未來會陸續新增厚比和成員們不同主題影片,請多多支持唷! This channel will share J-Hope and all members fan made video. If you like my video, please subscribe me and share it. Thank you for your support. Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit...
【BTS廣告中字】#傳送門 那些你絕對不會按略過的BTS廣告2019-2021 / 阿米們買起來 / BTS廣告聯名一起來 / 品牌們的最愛BTS / 最新的Fila搶爆
มุมมอง 4883 ปีที่แล้ว
因為版權很多片段被卡掉😭尤其是最近最可愛的FILA Dynamite呀!可以到下面看完整版喔!👇🏻 #完整版傳送門 www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pb4y117nE/ BTS的廣告真的多到好驚人啊!!到底都哪裡擠出來的時間拍廣告… 2019年開始的廣告應該蠻多阿米都很熟知了,家裡的角落是不是也都有七星汽水的空罐、每天吃著Lemona的維他命C酸粉?更不得了的可能已經開著現代汽車、家裡裝了Coway淨水器、手裡拿著Samsung Galaxy了吧😂 不管是什麼產品,只要出現BTS的聲音和臉,阿米們一定是捨不得按略過的呀!其實除了廣告以外,幕後花絮也好精采😁希望之後可以剪一支各種可愛搞笑的彈們幕後。請大家多多支持喔!!🥰 影片翻譯都是自己辛苦翻的,如果有錯歡迎指正。要借用請先打聲招呼,感謝! lease do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止...
【BTS廣告中字】那些你絕對不會按略過的防彈廣告 2016-2018 / BTS TVCF / 生活大小物防彈都包辦 / 年度最佳帶貨代言人BTS / BTS廣告合集
มุมมอง 31K3 ปีที่แล้ว
有沒有人和我一樣,如果youtube影片前出現的是BTS的廣告,那顆「略過廣告」的按鍵真的點不下去?😂真心捨不得啊!!! 防彈的廣告多到數不清,尤其是2019開始訂單接不完了! 因為真的太多決定分上下集,這篇是2016-2018年的廣告合集 下一集會是2019-2021。 沒看過以前BTS拍的可(搞)愛(笑)廣告的阿米們快快來看看七位國際巨星以前還代言了哪些品牌吧! 中字翻譯都是自己翻的,需要使用中字內容請先告知。 Please do not re-upload. 此影片僅作為分享使用,禁止二改、二傳。 Credit to the original video owner/Bighit/HYBE/BTS and all CR 影片所有權及板權皆為BigHit/HYBE/BTS及各品牌所有
2021 Happy RM Day / 金南俊生日快樂 / 阿米的人生導師 RM / 생일축하 김남준
มุมมอง 673 ปีที่แล้ว
2021 Happy RM Day / 金南俊生日快樂 / 阿米的人生導師 RM / 생일축하 김남준
2021 Happy JK's Day / 전정국 생일축하 / 果國生日影片
มุมมอง 873 ปีที่แล้ว
2021 Happy JK's Day / 전정국 생일축하 / 果國生日影片
【BTS中字】和防彈一起開箱Butter專輯 /防彈式開箱與阿米的開箱 / 得到6年來第一次得到的小卡
มุมมอง 2473 ปีที่แล้ว
【BTS中字】和防彈一起開箱Butter專輯 /防彈式開箱與阿米的開箱 / 得到6年來第一次得到的小卡
【英中歌詞】Blackbear- Smile Again再有笑容
มุมมอง 973 ปีที่แล้ว
【英中歌詞】Blackbear- Smile Again再有笑容
【韓中歌詞】이구이-생일축하합니다 그냥 IGWI- Just, Happy birthday IGWI-只是,生日快樂
มุมมอง 8343 ปีที่แล้ว
【韓中歌詞】이구이-생일축하합니다 그냥 IGWI- Just, Happy birthday IGWI-只是,生日快樂
【Run BTS中字】Fun BTS EP 2 防彈辯論會 各種胡說八道 沒有上限的爆笑 被雞米嫌醜的薄荷巧克力 淪陷大海中的厚比 泰泰語大爆發
มุมมอง 14K3 ปีที่แล้ว
【Run BTS中字】Fun BTS EP 2 防彈辯論會 各種胡說八道 沒有上限的爆笑 被雞米嫌醜的薄荷巧克力 淪陷大海中的厚比 泰泰語大爆發
【BTS】Permission to dance-Happy ver. 防彈謎舞剪輯
มุมมอง 423 ปีที่แล้ว
【BTS】Permission to dance-Happy ver. 防彈謎舞剪輯
【BTS中字】#傳送門 不能沒有雞米的J-Hope / J-Hope can't live without Jimin CC請看資訊欄
มุมมอง 1833 ปีที่แล้ว
【BTS中字】#傳送門 不能沒有雞米的J-Hope / J-Hope can't live without Jimin CC請看資訊欄
[RUN BTS剪輯] #傳送門 FUN BTS EP 1 No English please 不能說英文的防彈 cc請看資訊欄
มุมมอง 3233 ปีที่แล้ว
[RUN BTS剪輯] #傳送門 FUN BTS EP 1 No English please 不能說英文的防彈 cc請看資訊欄
ARMY's hope - J-Hope / 阿米的希望 - J-Hope / 아미의 홉 - 제이홉
มุมมอง 903 ปีที่แล้ว
ARMY's hope - J-Hope / 阿米的希望 - J-Hope / 아미의 홉 - 제이홉


  • @Sweetemily721
    @Sweetemily721 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    好可愛的他們😊~ 重複看~好快樂 期待2025他們合體! 基快到了!

  • @Lucasss857
    @Lucasss857 24 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @fungcarol1541
    @fungcarol1541 หลายเดือนก่อน

    非常感謝分享💜 BTS 世界天團實在太太太精彩了😍😍😍😍😍😍😍看到每人由幼嫩到現在的輝煌成就💜💜💜實在難能可貴🫶🏻

  • @張簡方欣
    @張簡方欣 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @顏玉珠-k8v
    @顏玉珠-k8v 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @顏玉珠-k8v
    @顏玉珠-k8v 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @顏玉珠-k8v
    @顏玉珠-k8v 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @AysimaUnuvar-wm2ce
    @AysimaUnuvar-wm2ce 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Çok komik siniz hepiniz😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @elizabethgarciamunoz6207
    @elizabethgarciamunoz6207 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    los que recorreron el camino primero fueron B T S

  • @JazminCH-g7n
    @JazminCH-g7n 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    De 😭❤️🤍💙🌹🇰🇷🇰🇷💓

  • @ngakiChhangte
    @ngakiChhangte 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @y.z_611
    @y.z_611 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @張簡方欣
    @張簡方欣 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @UdinMohdsabar
    @UdinMohdsabar 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This no Chinese this Korea

  • @mijeonglee185
    @mijeonglee185 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 너무 귀엽다

  • @mdamin1497
    @mdamin1497 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    তুমি দেখতে এত সুন্দর জিমিন 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  • @林怜岑
    @林怜岑 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @kikihuang1692
    @kikihuang1692 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @陳瑞芬-b4c
    @陳瑞芬-b4c 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @battershu1
    @battershu1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @陳偉芬
    @陳偉芬 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    謝謝你的整理 我一面看一面哭又笑 太想這7個寶貝了😭😭💜

  • @李季恩小薰
    @李季恩小薰 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @1darmira
    @1darmira 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Каждый раз думаю, какие дальновидные Пума🎉, реклама БТС тогда и сейчас, это совершенно разные деньги

  • @楊瑩-g2h
    @楊瑩-g2h 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @張簡方欣
    @張簡方欣 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @su714986
    @su714986 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @世新方絲佳
    @世新方絲佳 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @張簡方欣
    @張簡方欣 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @張簡方欣
    @張簡方欣 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @milagrigoreva6393
    @milagrigoreva6393 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Сними таже реклама удивительная, хочется смотреть

  • @uyihanyu827
    @uyihanyu827 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @naomi7898
    @naomi7898 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @naomi7898
    @naomi7898 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Pp-vg4jt
    @Pp-vg4jt 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @rajcomariekallie5622
    @rajcomariekallie5622 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ❤I ❤love ❤you ❤all ❤my❤BTS ❤guys ❤with ❤all ❤my❤heart ❤forever ❤and ❤ever ❤love ❤and ❤kisses ❤from ❤me❤too ❤you ❤all ❤forever ❤and ❤forever ❤-❤❤❤❤❤

  • @PinarSiler
    @PinarSiler 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jin'in rap'inın üstüne rap'çi tanımam.

  • @PinarSiler
    @PinarSiler 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rm'in mum gibi durmasi.V'nin her defasin'da yakalanması.Jungkook'un akrobatik hareketleri ve Jin'in sevimli tatlı yüzü.😅

  • @sholawatmagnetrezekiamoore7281
    @sholawatmagnetrezekiamoore7281 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Facts about #park jimin #Jimin Bts. Born in Busan, October 13 1995, #JIMIN became the last BTS member to enter BIGHIT on January 13 2013. The fastest trainee was only 6 months before debut on June 13 2013. He had to catch up with other members who had been trainees for 2-3 years. In a short time. Jimin had to learn everything from 0. Dancing, singing, Choreo. In the past, BIGHIT didn't give him a vocal teacher because at that time (management) wanted #Jimin to be a RAPPER. So, he taught himself to sing by watching Jungkook during practice. This is different from Jungkook, who was sent by the company to Las Vegas, America, to spend 1 year taking vocal lessons there. So only #Jimin is truly learning to be independent. According to all members #Jimin spends his days practicing. The member who is hardest on himself. He is the member who wakes up the earliest and the last to sleep. He only sleeps 3 hours outside of school time. Even so, his academic grades are still good. Since elementary school #Jimin has been known as a smart student who always won 1st place and was class president during middle school and high school, participated in student exchanges and was often a substitute teacher, good at mathematics and science/physics. He received the title of Best Graduate "Certificate of Honor"(equivalent to a Master) from his university. He is also a Black Belt in Taekwondo, Kendo, Hedo, Hapkido, karate, martial arts from 3 countries =China, Japan & Korea. Thank you to Allah SWT. Individually outside the group he is always no.1 This is in line with the statement of RM (Leader)and all the members who said that the member who played the biggest role in bringing BTS to the top was #Jimin. BTS wouldn't be as big as it is today without #Jimin they say. Starting from the abs (sixpack) choreo when BTS first debuted viral/Trending search No.1 on social media with the keyword "What is the name of the man who has good abs(sixpack) abs"which made BTS's name a trending topic #Jimin with many nicknames such as:Opening master, part killer, fancam king, 333 boy choreography, 434 and many more. - August 2013 #Jimin was the only BTS member to receive the"Best New Idol" award and became the king of SNS/social media. The term"I don't know what Kpop/BTS is,but I know who #Jimin is" appears because he often passes by on my social media timeline. Congratulations #PARKJIMIN for achieving victory in various votes on various world's largest voting sites such as: 1. Won as "KING OF KPOP"for 8 consecutive years called "FATHER OF KPOP"Since 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 2. Win as"Asian Celebrity of the Year"(Acoty 2022-2023-2024) 3. Won as"Korean Celebrity of the Year" 2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 4. Won as"Best Kpop Male Highest Vocalist/Vocal Range King" 2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 5. Won as"Dance King/Best Male Kpop Dancer" 2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 He was also directly chosen by the entire BIGHIT staff "As the King of Dance"because he mastered various types of dance:Contemporary (Modern), hip-hop, pop, free style, ballet, popping & locking. 6. Nicknamed "IT BOY KOREA/GLOBAL IT BOY" 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2021-2022-2023-2024 7. Won as"king of the stage/performer/Stage Genius"at MAMA/Mnet 2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 8. Won as "Kpop Visual King/Most Handsome Male Idol" 2021-2022-2023-2024 9. Win as"King of Social Media /Emperor of Twitter/Viral/TRENDING(Sns, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google)2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024 10. Voted as"King of sold out" 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022-2023-2024 11. Won as"Top King Of Fashion/Best Men's Stilysh Fashion" 2019-2020-2022-2023-2024 as stated by the founder of LVMH, especially the Louis Vuitton brand, that they collaborated with BTS in 2019 because of Jimin. 12. As"Top brand power king or Ambassador(BA)&GLOBAL AMBASSADOR(GA)"most popular member" 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022-2023-2024 Since January 2019 Jimin has been ranked No.1 in brand reputation/Idol Ranking by The Korean Brand Reputation Research Institute. Boy/girl group member for 59 consecutive months-64 months overall(-/+5 years)until July 2024. He is the only BTS member included in the Bof 500 in 2019=people who are considered to have a big influence in the world of fashion. Jimin's strength has an impact not only on the fashion industry, but on all brands from various fields. Whatever the product, Jimin has the power to make it sell out in just minutes. all fashion brands are scrambling to make him a Brand Ambassador. 2019 Dior won #Jimin and made history, the largest share increase from 37%-470% The highest in Dior's 31-year history. 13. Nicknamed the King of "Rookie Bible/Idol of Idols/Role Model" 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022-2023-2024 There are around 163 Korean idols who confirmed that being Army Jimin is their bias in BTS. And more than 50 American singers, artists, rappers, presenters, musicians, directors, producers and cameramen who idolize him.Such as: Tetris, Ar Ameen, Emenuela Noguera, Edward Barsamain, Thomas Mier, Julie Mason, Andrea Mitchell, Jimmy Falon, James Corden, Ginger Zee, Gus Van Sant, Marie Lu, Noelle Devoe, J Jones, Lesso, Cardi B, Candase Sossa, Dr Parker etc.The term JIMERICA=Jimin Fever Appears in America, Every BTS is present in America.#Jimin will rock the internet with the keyword:What is the name of that attractive man? Source : Google, Twitter, King Choice, Shining Award, Urban Dictionary English-American, Mubeat, KDOL - 케이돌, Choeaedol, Fancast, FanPlus, Fans Star, MNET MWAVE, Danmee, Dabemee Music Award, DC inside(Website), Star Male Idol Ranking, Nehan (Male Idol Popularity), My Celebrity Link,TH-cam, Naver, Googlekorea, Tiktok, Leaf, IDOLCHAMP, Wikipedia, Nate Media Outlet Korea Star New etc. Park Jimin's popularity can already be seen. - Since 2016 Jimin was ranked 1st as the most popular idol in an annual survey conducted by Gallup Korea. he is nicknamed 'The Most Loved Idol in Korea' therefore he is the only idol who is nicknamed IT BOY KOREA/GLOBAL IT BOY in the 3rd generation Until 2017-2018-2019 - His achievements don't stop there. In 2018, Jimin became the 9th & 8th celebrity tweeted by world musicians. He is the only BTS member to be voted best boy band member by The Guardian. Won the monthly Peeper x Billboard Award for Top K-Pop Artist - Individual. Jimin became the first male idol to rise to number 1 and the only one to occupy number 1 for 6 consecutive years until 2024. Since then, the term has emerged that songs starting with #Jimin's voice will be successful. #Jimin's vocals and dance are the essence of BTS's performance.For example, the song "Blood, Sweet and Tears" ALL KILL iTunes No.1 in 119 countries because of #Jimin. #Jimin is the only BTS member who has a wax statue made at Madame Tussauds Nashville Sydney Singapore. #He is also the only BTS member whose name is inscribed on the famous Hollywood Walk On Fame, Los Angeles, California, United States. #Jimin's face has become an inspiration for painting, drawing and sculpture artists and is the only BTS member whose face painting is stored in the world historical museum "Carroussel Du Lauvre" Paris-France.Joining the historic Monalisa-Leonardo Davinci painting. #Jimin's #Spotify streaming is also the highest, reaching 4B even though his Spotify account was most recently created in 2022 and was inaugurated in 2023.This is different from other members who have had personal Spotify accounts since 2016-2018. #Member with the most Guinness World Record awards. #Jimin will also be king of Itunes until 2024. All killed No.1 in 119 countries with 9 songs and in the UK 14 songs surpassing BTS No.1 in 119 countries 1 song and in the UK 12 songs. In fact, Jimin is amazing. thanks to support from the Army,especially the Korean Army. #Jimin, both individually and with his group BTS,was born as the pop icon"KING OF KPOP"and the end of Kpop this century.

    • @PinarSiler
      @PinarSiler 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bir ekleme jimin'6-7 yıllık dans geçmişi vardır.Dans etme ve şarki söyleme geçmişi olmayan kendini sıfırdan yetiştiren tek üye Jin'di.Sevgilerimle.

  • @顏玉珠-k8v
    @顏玉珠-k8v 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @MaríaguadalupeVazquesramos
      @MaríaguadalupeVazquesramos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      así es en la escuela amor es esa medida está bien en la escuela amor w❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 0:39

    • @MaríaguadalupeVazquesramos
      @MaríaguadalupeVazquesramos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      así es q no que no está en el grupo de q me quiero ir al q si que no quiere y el otro en verdad q si ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 1:30 ❤😊

  • @purplejin0913
    @purplejin0913 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @妡16瑋
    @妡16瑋 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @0722Mindy
    @0722Mindy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    謝謝妳的用心翻譯和製作影片 看哭聽哭了

  • @郭尚霆
    @郭尚霆 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @alisontseng1992
    @alisontseng1992 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mandylifefff1010
    @mandylifefff1010 ปีที่แล้ว

    😭這歌詞 謝謝你的翻譯

    • @hobis9846
      @hobis9846 ปีที่แล้ว

      不愧是旻式風格,總是把阿米感動的不要不要的 ~~謝謝你喜歡!

  • @朴曉婷
    @朴曉婷 ปีที่แล้ว

    怎麼看了歌詞覺得心酸酸的 有點想哭 我真的捨不得他們去當兵 號錫哥哥去當兵的隔一天有哭一下 可是我一直把碩珍哥哥說的話謹記在心 但我還是忍不住 碩珍哥哥說不要因為他不在就哭 我好想防彈喔😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @hobis9846
      @hobis9846 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @朴曉婷
      @朴曉婷 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hobis9846 真的太習慣有他們的陪伴了 想他們😭😭😭😭😭

  • @j.u.n.g.k.o.o.k.901
    @j.u.n.g.k.o.o.k.901 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @hobis9846
      @hobis9846 ปีที่แล้ว

      阿米的心只有防彈懂,防彈的心也只有阿米懂! 雞米的詞真的寫得非常好啊!!第一次翻譯歌詞邊翻邊哭…

  • @jeanho1335
    @jeanho1335 ปีที่แล้ว

    炸蔬菜少年團的合照永遠令我淚目 最近又剛送hobi去當兵.. 我們玩具小分隊的隊長..嗚嗚嗚 想到跟hobi很好的忙內line一定很不捨 再配上 "不要離開 就待在我身邊" 這段歌詞😭😭😭😭😭

    • @hobis9846
      @hobis9846 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @智旻的老婆
    @智旻的老婆 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @rain-k3i
    @rain-k3i ปีที่แล้ว

    謝謝HOBIs辛苦剪了這支影片! 在今天這個天氣和日子又聽了一遍真的覺得很感動又感謝 最後一段放了好多的演唱會後合照,真的眼淚流到早餐優格都變鹹的 😭🥲 希望我們彈都能平安健康當完兵~~💜

    • @hobis9846
      @hobis9846 ปีที่แล้ว
