A somewhat sickly sort at seventeen, I drew art with dry ink and pen Patching and sewing, a Mother Goose; The night cries endlessly, I'll see you again An android with spinning springs, My voice and head are hollow both I'm always in the worst of moods, So I wish that you would love me... Sick leave all through seventeen; Never clouding, I put today in a can An empty detonator and paper bag; Like a fool, I packed my breath inside And as always, to the android, You conceal yourself with truthful lies I'm a ghost, it's true, So I suppose I'm not visible to you... Singing about these things and that, This ghost ship marches on Good or bad soon to be no more, To the quiet town we go... Be the text on the news ticker; Go forth and find faint words Tear down the doors along the railway; Even if you can't see me, believe me Boy soldier, weave words with your voice; Hide away the most miniscule of exits It's a good luck charm from long past, But I rather suddenly start to laugh... I rather suddenly start to laugh... A somewhat sickly sort at seventeen, Today's another movie-like trance There's no love in the landscape, And whatever you dream, there's no helping that An android with spinning springs; Garbage, delinquent, nuisance, melancholy I want you to know, know everything, So I'm taking your hand and heading back Singing about these things and that, We're on a ghost ship with our eyes peeled Forward and back soon to be no more, So then just forget it all... Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! To the solar system's center we march; Take a plunge, reach out on one, two, and three Tear down the doors along the railway; I'm telling it how it is, so believe it Shout all the way back to your tonsils; See, look how riled up they all get It's a good luck charm from long past, But make the most of it while it lasts... Make the most of it while it lasts... Let 3000 years of grudges fly, Hop, leap, everyone with a megaphone Tear down the doors along the railway; It's the truth, so believe it The ghost ship scatters hatred; Look at it - it's degraded into a riot this time It's a good luck charm from long past, But know it's just an awful lie... Know it's just an awful lie...
Chapter 11で3人の友情というか絆がより深く知れたと思ったらふいにこの方の動画見たくなった。ありがとう
コミカライズ見て戻ってきました 一生3人でいてくれ!!!
コレのフルちょー見たい。 無限に見れる
7章チャプター10見て戻ってきた 人魚リーチ実装おめでとう...
天才すぎます😭😭😭 あまりにも😭😭😭
コミカライズ発売記念で帰ってきた オクタ、可愛いよ、オクタ ずっとさんこいちでいておくれ……
What’s this song called?
Amazing and beautiful absolutely adore the art. Keeo Going
I love the manga art style!!!
2:25 ここの構図と不敵な笑み好きすぎる、、、、、米津さんも大好きなのでまじでありがとうございます、、、、、
This is so amazing! I love how everyone was drawn!
スキルも 味方全員に特効&防御バフ 特定の相手にバフ&敵にデバフ 確率で無敵防御バフ付与なんだよなぁ
A somewhat sickly sort at seventeen, I drew art with dry ink and pen Patching and sewing, a Mother Goose; The night cries endlessly, I'll see you again An android with spinning springs, My voice and head are hollow both I'm always in the worst of moods, So I wish that you would love me... Sick leave all through seventeen; Never clouding, I put today in a can An empty detonator and paper bag; Like a fool, I packed my breath inside And as always, to the android, You conceal yourself with truthful lies I'm a ghost, it's true, So I suppose I'm not visible to you... Singing about these things and that, This ghost ship marches on Good or bad soon to be no more, To the quiet town we go... Be the text on the news ticker; Go forth and find faint words Tear down the doors along the railway; Even if you can't see me, believe me Boy soldier, weave words with your voice; Hide away the most miniscule of exits It's a good luck charm from long past, But I rather suddenly start to laugh... I rather suddenly start to laugh... A somewhat sickly sort at seventeen, Today's another movie-like trance There's no love in the landscape, And whatever you dream, there's no helping that An android with spinning springs; Garbage, delinquent, nuisance, melancholy I want you to know, know everything, So I'm taking your hand and heading back Singing about these things and that, We're on a ghost ship with our eyes peeled Forward and back soon to be no more, So then just forget it all... Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! To the solar system's center we march; Take a plunge, reach out on one, two, and three Tear down the doors along the railway; I'm telling it how it is, so believe it Shout all the way back to your tonsils; See, look how riled up they all get It's a good luck charm from long past, But make the most of it while it lasts... Make the most of it while it lasts... Let 3000 years of grudges fly, Hop, leap, everyone with a megaphone Tear down the doors along the railway; It's the truth, so believe it The ghost ship scatters hatred; Look at it - it's degraded into a riot this time It's a good luck charm from long past, But know it's just an awful lie... Know it's just an awful lie...
我居然看成了文豪野犬......對不起我眼瞎 話說這部是?
ありがとう……オクタ最高だよ、好き大好き ジェイドゲス顔ありがとうかあいいよぉ
What is the name of this song?
オートファジー といいます
ヤバイ好き……3章だ……好き…… オクタの表情が好きすぎる……
主様のアズールくんがちょっと可愛めに描かれてるのがめちゃくちゃ好きです、、、! 1番のサビ前のアズールくんのゲス顔見た瞬間ぶっ倒れました()
アズの表情可愛すぎる( ´ཫ` *) リーチも……いや、オクタ3人の絡みが神 終曲
めちゃくちゃほんと……何回みても(꜆꜄꜆˙꒳˙)꜆꜄꜆ スコスコスコスコスコスコ……オクタ尊すぎる……理解がありすぎてやばい……
何回みても尊い( ´ཫ` *)うぽつですm(*_ _)m