Safari Giants
Safari Giants
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What to pack for your African Safari
Annie Sowden, co-owner of Safari Giants gives you a detailed list and insider tips on what to pack for your African Safari.
For a specific segment, please fast-forward to times below:
1) Luggage - 40 seconds
2) Shirts - 1 minute & 58 seconds
3) Trousers & Shorts - 2 minutes & 34 seconds
4) Layering - 3 minutes & 30 seconds
5) Scarves - 4 minutes & 52 seconds
6) Shirt Dress & Swimsuit - 5 minutes & 38 seconds
7) Shoes - 6 minutes & 30 seconds
8) Hats - 8 minutes & 13 seconds
9) Rain Coat - 9 minutes & 38 seconds
10) Light Dress - 10 minutes & 15 seconds
11) Pajamas & Toiletries - 10 minutes & 52 seconds
12) Good to Bring - 12 minutes & 13 seconds
13) In your Purse - 15 minutes & 1 second
มุมมอง: 579


Travel & Safety information when travelling on your African Safari
มุมมอง 383 ปีที่แล้ว
Annie Sowden, co-owner of Safari Giants chats to the GM of Tintswalo Atlantic, Melissa du Rand on frequently asked health and safety questions when travelling through Africa.


  • @WildflowerNJ1
    @WildflowerNJ1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you......great tips!