Based on my Wikipedia research, compared to the William G Stewart version... - everyone gets three questions in round 1, simply -1 life for each wrong answer (so still "one correct answer needed to survive") - in round 2, otherwise the same nomination round, everyone gets an extra life to start, so their cap is four. - in round 3, On Monday-Thursday, the top TWO scores advance to a Friday final (2 contestants from 4 episodes fills the eight podiums). Each TOP score in an episode also starts with a 4th, extra life in the Friday final. Between that and the extra life gained in round 2, that's how one player can have up to five lives.
Why do they have 5 lights instead of 3?
Based on my Wikipedia research, compared to the William G Stewart version... - everyone gets three questions in round 1, simply -1 life for each wrong answer (so still "one correct answer needed to survive") - in round 2, otherwise the same nomination round, everyone gets an extra life to start, so their cap is four. - in round 3, On Monday-Thursday, the top TWO scores advance to a Friday final (2 contestants from 4 episodes fills the eight podiums). Each TOP score in an episode also starts with a 4th, extra life in the Friday final. Between that and the extra life gained in round 2, that's how one player can have up to five lives.
Imponerande, men vart är Sydsudan?
Sean min brush, vilken kiiiiing. ljug inte,´. shit svär