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Epic Slideshows and Videos
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 11 พ.ค. 2019
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Limerick Ireland
มุมมอง 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?q=ireland limerick&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=d31344bcc906bdee&sxsrf=ADLYWIJdxuMJE6uSYjleRG4bPzPCmBVCuA:1737385084903&ei=fGSOZ5fwNvS8kPIP27r4iAI&oq=ireland limerick&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhBpcmVsYW5kIGxpbWVyaWNrMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEC4YgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIJEAAYFhjJAxg...
Alghero Sardinia Italy
มุมมอง 69 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?sca_esv=57834bb84b4c7b3e&tbs=sur:cl&q=alghero sardinia&source=lnms&fbs=ABzOT_CWdhQLP1FcmU5B0fn3xuWpA-dk4wpBWOGsoR7DG5zJBjnSuuKZNj-6zieDk_gkn6CyymgG_tEVFNWvBwycIom9TRG7smYbSnNoAFzpABQ7uzXzx6ekRMUiYBESMsqilUflxiUoc47ra4NKnYrVBQh0PoHevbPeiLqq2WRWPKc2RqcOAxMX_GQDVnqL34dhmfguSzwM92eaEsHK3gI1q-eQjMZK9f1alBLq1_BYnAZITATrBM...
Starbucks Coffee
มุมมอง 216 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican City Italy
มุมมอง 1419 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Honolulu Hawaii
มุมมอง 1919 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
👇 More Infos 👇 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilton_Hawaiian_Village www.google.com/search?q=hilton hawaiian village waikiki beach resort wiki&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=ALiCzsaqqJwPghZARk8-Kttf1gnF-3Ob7w:1667841895074&ei=Zz9pY-6OBIekptQP-cyb2Ac&hotel_occupancy=2&oq=hilton hawaiian village resort wi&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIICAAQFhAeEAoyBQgAEIY...
History of IN-N-OUT Burger
มุมมอง 99วันที่ผ่านมา
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Time Square New York
มุมมอง 27วันที่ผ่านมา
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Dragsholm Castle Denmark
มุมมอง 3014 วันที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=9e4b05bd29650fc0&sxsrf=AHTn8zqUQA0bJIcTYdwRmdN2bpa-kNispg:1737935573939&q=Dragsholm castle interior&source=lnms&fbs=ABzOT_BwhWbvgbq2-ldlJF_Xac4lwl4ZcQUKTNIEuq5aS_Zepj3qrSaXICRsYV5N74W3tzTisuiBtKCDKh-TT3j2P9Rx1nYejEaTAaQHLvdyJx7xN7wsqFvJYjppptjIkRMbg-3uEEBjiKp0LLdkGWTguOSnqCM...
Hill of crosses Lithuania
มุมมอง 2014 วันที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=caa91a4bbc2a1568&sxsrf=ADLYWIInxwjreYf6AqwyQIGA4MbfoYWopA:1737370191195&kgmid=/m/06clsc&q=Hill of Crosses&shndl=30&source=sh/x/loc/act/m4/2#ebo=0 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON THANK YOU AND HIGHLY APPRECIATED
Zvíkov Castle is haunted by a demonic imp, etc.
มุมมอง 5214 วันที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?q=zvikov castle why its haunted&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gIyCQgIECMYJxjqAjIJCAkQIxgnGOoCMgkIChAjGCcY6gIyCQgLEC4YJxjqAjIJCAwQIxgnGOoCMgkIDRAjGCcY6gIyCQgOECMYJxjqAjIRCA8QABgDGEIYjwEYtAIY6gIyD...
Parissa Santorini Greece
มุมมอง 914 วันที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tbP1TcwNCw0tigoN2D04ksvSk1NTlUoSC3KLC5OBAB9gwlB&q=greece perissa&oq=greece perrissa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEC4YDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAuGA0YgAQyCggCEAAYBRgNGB4yCggDEAAYCBgNGB4yCggEEAAYCBgNGB4yCggFEAAYCBgNGB4yCggGEAAYCBgNGB4yCggHEAAYCBgNGB4yCggIEAAYCBgNGB4yCggJEAAYCBgNGB4yCggKEAAYCBgNGB4yCggLEAAYCBgNGB4yC...
Positano Italy
มุมมอง 10714 วันที่ผ่านมา
For More Information (Please Click The Link Down Below) 👇 www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwrEzKsjRg9OIryC_OLEnMy1cAkjmVAHK7CPc&q=positano italy&oq=posi&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEggBEC4YQxiDARixAxiABBiKBTIOCAAQRRgnGDsYgAQYigUyEggBEC4YQxiDARixAxiABBiKBTIGCAIQRRg5MgwIAxAAGEMYgAQYigUyDAgEEAAYQxiABBiKBTIGCAUQRRg8MgYIBhBFGDwyEwgHEC4YrwEYxwEYugIYgAQYjgUyCggIEAAYsQMYgAQyCggJEAAYsQMYgAQyCggKEAAYsQMYg...
AI Ai Oh
I was utterly disappointed when I discovered there's nothing to do in this building. No restaurant, no observatory deck, nothing.
Why, from the 38 minute mark, are there no more pictures of CW? Even though the narrator is talking about aspects of CW, pictures are shown of a brick building in some city, Richmond? Doesn't make sense.
Me ballet brought me here
stunning 😁
Que bonito arbol😮hasta parece de cristal
ᑭяỖmo𝓼𝐦 😪
I just went there today
TH-cam link:sourl.cn/Eue2hb
Is it okay to use Creative Commons video commercially after source notation?
Yes but some you need to add credits.
@@epicslideshows How can I do it? Can I write the TH-cam channel name?
@@내아이디어때 I suggest to ask TH-cam directly. m.th-cam.com/users/tcontact_us?noapp=1
No, ask them how.
LOVE the Chrysler building. Your electronic narration is ANNOYING. Disliked.
The Hopkins family was obviously surrounded by Kate's abusive life style with her husband in charge of scaring them all out of town. They didn't like it that Kate was a cannibal and that John was her husband, who showed no signs of trauma to his head from her sadistic life style of obesity and witchy behavior. There is no evidence that John was not abusive to her but there is evidence that he was abusive to the children they stold from town. The Hopkins family didn't like it they called that home.
Help. I think i'm obsessed with this building
There is a lot of information given here but I find it very insulting that the pronunciation of Sliema is incorrect. It is many years since I visited and I have always known it as Sleema. Maybe this has changed but I sincerely hope not. This is historic.
I love an old building that much history. What ever happened to the real janitor charlie? Was he really gross looking? Why did he murdered the children? 👻🎃
I’m sorry I have no further information to share but you can check at their website. Link ➡️ www.frightsite.com/thedentgazette/thestory.html
Good video. New follower for you 😍
Collective excitement and anxiety.
The Chrysler building is not the us’s most iconic building its the Empire State Building
No it was the world trade twin towers
@@markgriffin2087 nope
Dreadful, soulless narration.
Very annoying repetition of Slyma;who taught the narrator how to speak?
een van mijn bloedvaders,was een abt in deze .deze was johannes van vlierden .een ander wijze voorvader was geheimschrijver van careolus.wanneer je niets weet van geschiedenis,heb je ook niets te zoeken in de toekomst vrgr.frits van vlierden
It’s pronounced Sleema not slyma
Bad video camera jumping all over the place . Not watching
canh dep la mat toi
No robot robots allowed. Do not watch.
I'm actually into this. It makes it all a little more unnerving.
Одеса 👍 Odesa 😘
A arquitetura nos EUA está em outro nível.
I had an experience there myself
Was it scary?
1st view woooOoooo