Njogu Karani
Njogu Karani
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Njogu wa Mbuthia-Kirira kia mugikuyu
มุมมอง: 32 673



  • @Dan13Speed
    @Dan13Speed 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Watching from Atlanta, GA, in the heart of Babylon. I ask Ngai Mwenye Nyaga to open the eyes of his people, and restore our culture. As Mugo wa Kabiru said, we will undergo untold pain and suffering in the hands of a diabolical enemy who will take our land, destroy our culture, and you can see today our people have forgotten the "Murungu" and they call themselves Christians. They pray to a fake Jesus, a concept that was concocted in Nicea in 325 AD. Look at all the suffering of the people on our land. This is what happens when you abandon your God and adopt a foreign God. You pay a heavy price. I abandoned Christianity 20 years ago, when I found out the truth, that this was all one big lie by the Romans under Constantine, to rule the world with a false religion. It was not easy, as these lies were taught to me since childhood, with fear of a fake devil and a fake hell. Growing up in America, I discovered, that all this was nonsense. They laugh at us for believing the lies they created for us. We Africans have become even more Christian than those who invented the lie. Churches in Europe and America are empty. They fulfilled their purpose, of fooling the world, and helping the White man conquer the entire earth. Now that he has taken over the world and stolen all the wealth of the plant, he no longer needs this fake religion, so that is why the churches in Europe and America are empty. It's time to wake up. I want to learn more about my culture as a Kikuyu, and help my son who is a young Gikuyu American of 10 years old. I want him to know his culture, and understand that we come from a great legacy. As Mugo wa Kabiru said, that the young generation will restore the House of Mumbi to its greatness. We will be coming to Kenya soon, and my son is very excited to climb the Mountain of God. Please continue with the good work of educating the Gikuyu community world wide. We are thousands of us in Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston and in many places. We want to know more. Your videos have a great impact, and we are very grateful. Thaayo Thaayo

  • @guzman9270
    @guzman9270 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Alienated Kikuyu teacher, He uses the knowledge of the Bible to try and explain Kikuyu tradition. Ucio ni muhunjia ti mwenjeri Kirira kia Ugikiyu.

  • @Peabody388
    @Peabody388 ปีที่แล้ว

    There's another THEORY that states Gikuyu, Meru and Embu and Kamba were the sons of King Menelik of Ethiopia - Grandfather King Solomon. When Gikuyu aspired leadership roles, he was advised to travel far away and sojourn on a mountain with God. Gikuyu and brothers traveled all the way to Mt Kenya and the rest is holy legend. Look for John Kamau videos.

  • @abelwachira
    @abelwachira ปีที่แล้ว


  • @yussufgithenjikagesho1604
    @yussufgithenjikagesho1604 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Unduiri witu uturii, thaai thaii thathaya Ngai thai

  • @marthangenge8241
    @marthangenge8241 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mtu akieza taka kuongea na guka wagikuyu anaweza saidika aje pliz

  • @jacksonkamuhu1053
    @jacksonkamuhu1053 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nii thayuu

  • @njorogekimemia7841
    @njorogekimemia7841 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mùgìkùyù ndahoyaga jesu..tiga gutukania andù

  • @wilsonkabira1372
    @wilsonkabira1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Akristiano matingihota gutauukuo ni uhoro uyu tondu nimwahingiruo maitho ni kirira kwa nyakeru...I have been researching this for over 10 years and the truth is beyond your comprehension. Read the “book” openly and independent...question every verse and you’ll find the truth. Kanitha ka muthungu ni pure confusion cause it’s a maze.

  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looks like BAHATI FARM is still A WHITE MAN'S LAND! Why are all the COLONIAL BUILDINGS and their edifices of colonialism STILL IN THAT PLACE? How much of LIMURU and GíK´UYÚ LAND is still in COLONIAL LANDS whether as CATHOLIC PROPERTY or IMPERIAL CENTRES? When is the LAND going back to the Gíkúyú?...WHY do Gíkúyú SUPPORT those who ACTED as TRIBAL GUARDS fighting against their own people? NANDI and L:UOS worked with the IMPERILISTS why do we not tell this history since the Nandi-Kalenjin CONTINUE TO COLONISE the ENTIRE RIFTVALLEY keeping OTHER TRIBES OUT yet Rift Valley was NEVER their original homeland?... IN HAITI the FRENCH did this VERY THING of HANGING BLACKS on specific RITUAL TREES even after independence using the PUPPET GOVERNMENTS that they set up!-th eplaces where they HANG BLACK PEOPLE were considered RITUAL SITES---whyis that still the SAME 60yrs AFTER we supposedly got independence?

  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    THREE COVENANTS that Gíkúyú KNEW from CREATION: Agíkúyú móoí 1) ÚTHAMAKI-DOMINION-Genesis 1:28 through 2) ÚCIARI-Genesis 1:28: 3 KEEDA ageeterere na 3) REST-MÚGÚA JA(thahu wa kwaga WATHO WA NGAI úkagúa JA úgakua!) and it was SATURDAY níkeio Gíkúyú gíítaga SUN day KIUMIA-the COMING OUT form the REST-KUUMA ihurúko. Gíkúyú did NOT know MANY NGAI hence NGAI is a NUMERICALLY SINGULAR TERM, all others ní Míhianano-IDOLS! na icio ti NGAI ní MÍHIANANO!...NGAI(as a Pural term) is Christian doctrine of God(plural as a FAMILYof TWO or THREE!) NGAI DÚIRE, MÚRÚNGA WATHO are all numerically singular terms like I, ME, HE, HIM, HIMSELF etc NOT "human" or "Race" because NGAI darí MÚTUMIA na daciaraga todú ní múdú múka ÚCIARAGA The SABBATH TRUTH is in the COUNTING SYSTEM of the Gíkúyú Í-MÚE I-gírí, I-thatú I-nya,I-thano, I-thatha-tú, MÚGÚA-JA(completely different it doesnt start with "I-")I-nyanya, KEEDA(geeterere-9months gestation in pregnancy) then "I" returns I-KÚMI...so the SABBATH and ÚCIAR are both the EARLIEST COVENANTS between MAN and NGAI--that was HIDDEN AND PRESERVED inthe COUNTING SYSTEM like BIRTH and the 9month gestation. MEnstruation is MÚÍ-ERÍ-the period when a woman can be EERÍ-TWO and it was 30days, when normal enablign the MONTHLY system to be reckoned by 30day MONTHbased onMÚGÚAJA- 7DAY week.In Hebrew SHEBA(7)SHABBAT(7th day REST) also has a PROHIBITION to WORK-therefore FALLOUTSIDE WATHO WA NGAI na MÚDÚ AGAKUA ee JA YA WATHO úcio wa NGAI. So this CATHOLIC POLYTHEISIM of "ngai IGÍRÍ na ITHATU' and SUN day keeping is PAGAN Indo-Euro-Greek THEOLOGY

  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    NÚÚ MA ÚMÚHEENETIE, NÍGETHA ATUUNYE GÍKÚYÚ IGAI RIAKE ta ÚRIA NABOTH atunyirúo ní Jezebel(synagogue of satan/whore) MÚGÚDA WAKE AHEETÚO WÍ IGAI RÍKE NÍ ITHE-na NGAI?>>>NÚÚ MA ÚHENETIE GÍkÚYÚ ÚÚ MAA!?....SOO SAD! CRATER is the OPENING of a VOLCANIC Mountain its NOT a European persons NAME! so much BASIC ERROR!--and it doesnt mean Kíríma kía NGAI...KÍrÍma kíarí kía NGAI before the NILE LOTS(Ja Ruú), ASSYRIANS(Rubúa), & CUSHITES(Úkabi) in the figure of the BANTU they intermarried with CAME! When the G íkúyú are DEAD they ARE DEAD like LAZARUS, as RIGHTEOUS dead they beleived in IRIÚKO-they NEVER believed in SPIRIT "bodies" atí mathiíte GATIGITHÚ-INÍ which is a relgious ethno-anthropological MADNESS of the VOLCANIC FIRE as HELL-so it was EASY to CONFUSE the KIKUYU that their DEAD are IN HELL=GATIGITHÚ-DIGITHÚ YA MWANKI!--so much FOOLISHNESS from these Christian anthropologists!!--AROGI NOO OO meetaga NGOMI--thats whythey were CHASED FORM KIKIUYU COMMUNITY they became GIRIAM-AGIRIA MA!-the people who REFUSE TRUTH. NGOMI are THE DEAD and THEY NEVER SPOKE to ANYONE thats why there is NO TERMINOLOGY for "spirits" or GHOSTS in Gíkúyú!--what the elder si saying is Christain-IDEOLOGYof HELL and the "PIRITS" of the dead! that go there MAHENI MA MÚFÍA!! Múgíkúyú AIKAGÍRIA KíBA HITI todú TI A SPIRIT BODY who goes to A HELL or HEAVEN but a complete person who DIED and only awaited RESURRECTION---A GAS(Life) TANK(body) that RUNS OUT after BODY is destroyed-PUNCTURED or WHEN ONE IS OLD---mau ní maúdú ma SANGOMA=SANTARIA=CANDOMBLE na VODOO MÚRAFUDITHIRIO Ní christain ethno-anthropologists!--so the WHOLE CONCEPT OF GATIGITHÚ KA MWAKI wa HELL is a EUROPEAN CATHOLIC CONCEPT of HELL!NOT Gíkúyú!--ROHO is already a SWAHILI TERM NOT a Gíkúyú term! that tells youthere was NO this GREEK ideologyof SEPARATION of BODY and SOUL! the BODY was CLAY(TANK) full of 120yr GAS(LIFE) and when GAS(Life) RAN OUT, the CLAY COLLAPSED- VOICES are those of DEVILS or EUROPEANS trying to LIE TO PEOPLE with RADIO TECHNOLOGY!:-)--NGOMI is the VOODOO LIE that Gíkíu´yu and other Bantu have bought into!. NGO(Shiled)-ya(of)-MA(TRUTH)--NGOMI is THE SLEEPING DEAD like LAZARUS was said to be ASLEEP but was in fact DEAD. This poor elders are SO MISGUIDED by the CHRISTIAN-both CATHOLIC&PENTECOSTAL & PRITESTANT Ethno-Anthropoogist PRIEST & PASTORS!...so saad! KÚHOYA KÍRÍRA NGOMI(the DEAD) is a PAGAN PRACTICE that was FORBIDDEN in GÍkúyú!! AROGI NOO OO MATHIAGA GÚCIETHA NGOMI(kucheza ngomi/ngoma!! ti AHOI NGAI) THAT is a SIMPLE FACT known to ALL KIKUYUS except the MISGUIDED ELDERS here. This Elders are MISGUIDED by their HANDLERS the PAGAN SOCIALIST-COMMUNISTS who practice and support ALL WITCHCRAFT TRIBES and also practice their HUMAN (& SELF) SACRIFICING DOCTRINE in the Constantinian Christianity & the Synagogue of Satan-chronicled in Revelation 2:6-15 ff! THE CRUCIFIXION-MURDER of JESUS(1 Thessalonian 2:14-16; Matthew 21:37-39; Mark 13:34-37; Luke 19:12-27; John 7:19, 25) WAS NOT a RIGHTEOUSLY ORDAINED SACRIFICE because VEGETABLES like CAIN & HUMAN SACRIFICES like AHAZ(2 Chron 28:3=rationalized like Abraham-Isaac though Abraham NEVER SACRIFICED Isaac-but same rationale-in MICAH 6:6), were AN ABOMINATION to NGAI Himself-Jer 7:31! The symbol of the CROSS by which CONSTANTINE CONQUERED the APOSTOLIC CHURCH, is a PAGAN OBJECT & SYMBOL of MURDER and VENERATION of THE DEAD. It is called the NICOLAITAN doctrine of HUMAN SACRIFICE that the Constantinian Roman CHRISTIANITY and the Jewish SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN introduced into the APOSTOLIC CHURCH that God Himself HATED SO MUCH: IT is the INAPPROPRIATE SACRIFICE of VEGETABLES like CAIN or the INAPPROPRIATE SACRIFICE of HUMANS like the PAGANS(Sumeria, Egypt, Babylon, Inca, Aztec, Maori,etc ) that GOD PROHIBITED ALL ISRAEL AND HUMANS in GENERAL fROM THE BEGINNING but which they RETURNED TO in REBELLION against GOD: Read 2 Chronicles 28:3=2 Kings 11:3; 1 Kings 11-Kings Solomon sacrificed ANIMALS but to IDOLS of the HEATHEN nations; Pslams 106:34-39=Jer 7:31=MICAH 6:6 this NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE being the STUMBLING BLOCK like of BALAAM and hence CAIAPHAS(John 11:48-54), which took place in SMYRNA, PERGAMOS(heartland of MITHRAISM-MIZRAIM-KHEMTISM-AZTEC) THYATIRA, SARDIS, in the apostolic CHURCH

  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    TÚTHEERERIE: GÍKÚYÚ(Ngotho)-na MÚÚBI(Múúbi NGAI)--múdú múúka ATANOKA!. WOMEN are called Múúka-one who CAME..ti múúbi-BOTH MAN & WOMAN is Múúbi na Múubani=as PRO-CREATORS not as NGAI-CREATOR! GUBA na DÚRÚFÚ matiarí bere ya gíkúyú, Guba ní ANTHROPOLOGY na ETHNOGRAPHY ya AFRIKAANERS ti MA!...just POLYTICS of CONTROL of the SMALL PEOPLE nations! GíKÚYÚ ACIARÍIRÚO KÍRÍNYAGA after the PANGEA-CONTINENTAL DRIFT when PELEG was BORN EBER(Hebrew) moved SOUTH into ITURI- and this is where JOKTAN(father of 13 SONS) was BORN. ARABS and MIDIANITES(Medes of Persia-Sumeria) are NOT the children of JOKTAN-these are the children of HAGAR(Egyptian)&ABRAHAM(ISHMAELITES &)KETURAH(medianite)&ABRAHAM these are the middle eastern ARABS. JOKTAN is the FATHER of ALL BANTU of so-called "Afrika"-but PROPERLY ITÚÚRI(land of the ANCIENT ONES). YOH! SO MUCH religious ethno-anthropological ERRORS--SO SAAD!--MENE NGAI was NEVER a MAASAI word! ETYMOLOGICALLY it is simpley KÍríma kía MWENE(GIthogo/Ngotho) NGAI-Mountain of the WORSHIPPERS of NGAI. NAIKURU is NA IKURU ta ría nyagathanga--Gíkúyú noo oo matuire na ikúrú ikuru ti Ja Luo(cia Rúo-aría maregire irua-ní kúrega RÚO!--tTHE LUO are NUBIAN-KARAMOJONG peoples and theyhad NOT EVEN ENTERED Rift VAlleny when the KIKUYU was LAREADY in KENYA and going to ITURI-FOREST to COLLECT and MAKE IRON WEAPONS-MAFANGA na THECI na RÚHIÚ-the LUO are part of the KARAMOJONG, ACHOLI and such NILE peoples of SOUTH SUDAN they had NOT arrived in KENYA whenthe KIKUYU were farming in Na IKURU-IKURU-INIÍ CIA MAAI! THE KALENJIN also had NOT ARRIVED in RIFT VALEY form ASSYRIA and they were still IN ETHIOPIA when the Gíkúyú WERE FARMING IN RIFT VALLEY...the DOROBO and GUBA were HUNTERS who cvame fromthe BATWA PYGMIES of CONGO. The PYGMIES were REMNANTS of the SOUT EAST ASIAN & SOUTH AMERICA(yello-red-black peoples) INCA COLOMBIANS etc when the CONTINENTAL DRIFT happened after PELEG was BORN. These REMNANTS intermarried with the 13 sons of JOKTAN-ADÚ-Gíkúyú-PELEG being ba antú aitú(our people too)BUT NOT the PYGMY-ASIANS. thats why all the Pygmies of ITURI KNOW they did not originally BELONG in ITURI but were par to foSOUTH AMERICA, like Chinese today-but were LEFT BEHIND and became HUNTERS since ITÚÚRI, was NEVER their continent; this continent-so-called "Africa"/of Afrikaaners-mixed races, by Romans was of JOKTAN. JOKTAN gave birth to 13 sons and these ARE THE TRIBES of this ITÚ ÚRI-ITURI continent before the IMPERIALIST ROMANS(Dragon)&ARAB-EDOMITES (Leopardlike)arrived and CHANGED its NAME to their own MIXEDRACES called AFRIKAANER(Hellenic-Victorian farmers) races-hence AFRIKA. Na maasai ní maa thaa ii-GLEANERS who Gleaned in Kikuyu farms because they were pastoralists and when FAMINE hit the men left to look for green pastorues and their WOMEN came to GLEAN in KIKUYU FARMS for FOOD-hence MAATHA II--I MAATHI-they could only glean for food; OGIEK=ÚGIÍKI-were women married to HUNTER GATHERERS and were therefore ALWAYS in LACK-AGIÍKI here and there!) That Gíkúyú had DAUGHTERS ONLY is a RELIGIOUS ETHNO-ANTHROPOLOGICAL ERROR again--Gíkúyú AAKIRE THINGIRA NÍGETHA AHITHE IHÍÍ kiuma kúrí airítu so as to PUT A PROHIBITION about SIBLING intermarriages just like Adam had to do in the beginning of the NATIONS. MÚTUMIA AKÍÍRA múrúme THINGÍRA IHÍÍ NYÚBA úCIEHERIE RIKO so that theywould NOT intermingle with the girls BEFOREHAND, and thats how the SEPARATION happened and the PROHIBITION about KINSMAN Marriages BECAME CONFIRNED. GÍKúYÚ as ITÚÚRI(the ANCIENT ONES) KNEW what ADAM-EVE had done to ENFORCE this PROHIBITION of SIBLING intermarriages after the initial marriages. Gíkúyú like ADAM & Eve had SONS, Níkío maakire THINGIRA houses in the forest to RAISE SONS away from DAUGHTERS so that when they come of age-MAARUA, they would be BROUGHT as if they were FOREIGNERS and NOT brothers, so as TO PROHIBIT henceforth the INTERMARRIAGE between BROTHER&SISTERS!... Then after conceiving of THINGIRA, to SEPARATE the BOYS fromthe GIRLS because they were ORIGINALLY BROTHER&SISTERS, Gíkúyú established MÍHÍRÍGA(clans) according ot the MOTHERS because WOMEN are THE ONLY ONES who can KNOW her REAL CHILDREN, men can't be sure. SO MÍHÍRÍGA were meant to SEPARATE FURTHER the FAMILIES so that they DO NOT INTERMARRY with their MOTHERS CHILDREN!... FUNDITHIA II GÍKÚYÚ ti Jewish-Indo-European religious ethno-anthropology NÍ THAYÚ--noo gúthathaúra hau....we need to CHALLENGE these Religious Ethno-Anthropological IMPERIALISM in our KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTS. The IMPERIALISTIC LIES are told in order to ROB THE LAND from BANTU peoples and give it to CUSHITIC-ARABIC(Hellenic-Victorian)-SLAVE-RAIDER IMPERIALISTS-controlling LIMURU, MúRANG'A and NYIRÍ DISCOURSES OF SOCIALIST-DEMOCRACY LIES they themselves DONT PRACTICE, but are for the CODE NOIR-COntrol of the BANTU Race around the world including in Afrikan American socialist democracy...JUST A CONTROL MACHINE system that AB-USES "culture" as a means to CONTROL PEOPLE where the people are TOLD WHO THEY ARE instead of BEING WHO THEY KNOW THEMSELVES to BE!--this is WHY they are ERASING GÍkÚYÚ CULTURE by ERASING the LANGUAGE and supplanting it with ENGLISH-an ANGLO-DUTCH-GERMANIC-NORDIC a Jewish-Latin language in order to INTRODUCE ERROR and LIES, to make it DISTASTEFUL to the YOUNGER GENERATIONS MATUÍKE WAKOSA MILA ni KUKOSA KABILA!--so they SPEAK AND USE ENGLISH NAMES & CULTURE and THROW AWAY the LANGUAGE that TELLS THEM WHO THEY REALLY ARE! so aS TO BE EASILY MANIPULATED AND CONTROLLED AND OF COURSE ROBBED OF THEIR INHERITANCE ITÚÚRI-ITURI-so-called "Africa"!...THE ÚDUIRE people are the CONDUIT by which the IMPERIALISTS matúmíríte thru FALSE CULTURE by which IRONICALLY--RÚÍ RÚRATEO MÚKARO!-múrang'a, Nyírí, Kiabuu ARE IN THE STRANGLEHOLD of these ROBBERS OF OUR PEOPLE thats whythey are ROBBING EVEN NYADARÚA RIGHT out of the NYÍRÍS HANDS!giving it to RUBWA NA UKABI NA JA RUÚ...nainyuí mnúgetíkania na maheni mau!!makama propagate for THEM!

    • @evansonndungu6040
      @evansonndungu6040 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ni ngatho ni utauri

    • @kim1570
      @kim1570 ปีที่แล้ว

      You need to start a youtube channel or Telegram group and teach all of these things because clearly you have a lot of information that the rest of us Andu a Nyumba aren't aware of. If you have all of his knowledge, you owe it to us to teach us.

    • @Miss-fx1qs
      @Miss-fx1qs ปีที่แล้ว

      Where can I get this knowledge please, andu a nyumba thayu

  • @nikinai4374
    @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    NÚÚ wathaga NYEUTHI-cia 4C HAIR-yaani AGÍKÚYÚ othe thíí yoothe todú noo oo aa 4C HAIR thí íno? macokio mee DANIEL 2: IRON-MIRAY CLAY small city state EMPIRES oona múaheyo CONTINENT NG’IMA ya 4C HAIR YOOTHE múkímíeederia “Africa na Afrikaaner” but which was properly ITÚÚRI(land of the ANCIENT ones)-ITURI; AYA NÍ; IRON-Roma(Empire ya Gypsies cia India)-DEMOCRACY, ÚDÚIRE wa maheni-todú Múgíkúyú ní rúrírí rwa JOGU-tanií(Joktan) múrú wa ithe na PELEG MAKENYITITHANIA na CIANA CIA HAM maregete rúrírí rúao rúa SHEM, magatuo na magatuíka na údúire wa IREGI cia WATHO WA NGAI wa SHEM-ARPHAXAD-SALAH-EBER na PELEG múrú wa ithe na nyina! IRON=the DRAGON-PHARAOH King of Egypt(Daniel 2:33ff=Daniel 8:23-25=Ezek 25-Egypt; Ezek 29:1-6=ROMA íría ya hídí ya jísú) who was succeeded by Rome which is modern day EU, RULES MÚRANG’A(with communism & socialism-social justice and false culture-cia ngúgí wa thiong’o na boniface mwangi na acio angí, na úhoyi wa ngoma/ngomi-CIA NGOMA(sa-ngoma) na ÚRO na ÚROGI!-- NA NYÍRÍ with democracy ya AUNGUMANIA-gay rights/social-capitalism!) na úrogi na údúire wa kumatúara úrogi-iní na waara úría wíí-Daniel 8:23-25-ino níyo Roman Constantinian Catholicism a PAGAN religion of MITHRAISM(MIZRAIM-Egyptology-Khemetism-Ubuntuism-pan(god)-Afrikanism), ahoi NGO(shield) mútooreki(múcinga=aberration from Mujinga!)-íí MA(truth)YAO-atí waregana na pax romana makúúrage!!-níkío adú aría mafogothire gíkúyú ta kíu kía “nyita! múcinga!(shika!!-mujinga!) mahoyaga múdú úyú ee Mú-THÚ-ngú=(Mú=person; THÚ-ENEMY-ngú(firewood-firespitting wood which is a WOODEN GUN) hence worshipping the GUN(ngú)-MAN(Mú)-THÚ(enemy--makeeheria THÚ magatigia Mú-ngÚ=Gun-Man noo atí ti THÚ!!)-these are the WORSHIPPERS aa MÚ-ngÚ=the Roman, Arab, & Indian earliest colonialist ENEMY slave traders & raiders as GUN MAN=Mú-ngÚ MWEN(y)E NGÚ-VU===Mú-ngú mwenye ngú vú!!)-aya nío ROBBERS OF THY PEOPLE Daniel 9-maiyaga údúire wa adú makaúfogothia na rúthiomi oo rúao moore mate údúire wa maa mamarúmíríre meecirítie ní údúire wao múrúmíríire-makíiyaga ID yao-ta AFRIKAANER na AFRIKAN(a mixed race of Indo-Arabic-beduin-berber BAntu so-called of the NILE(Nile lot))-KHAN(rulers)) nía?? todú ti BANTU?-meedaga adú mítukanio nao gúthodeka gene pool yao ya úirú wa juírí mirú-mirú-ta úkafi, úgiíki, rubwa matukaníte na gíkúyú-thakame ya adú airú-mahane ta cumaarí na acio aa horn africa na W.A. aría airú(ti igbo!-acio ní únyakerú!) onookorúo aya nío mee thakame ya únyaker´u uumaga múdúiní múirú-blue-eye-blond! MIRY CLAY(ciana cia Edom(Isaiah 63:=Obaddiah; Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28:2 agatuíka Isaiah 28:12ff; Rev 2 na 17 -JEZEBEL the MOTHER of all these other HARLOT daughters), na Ephraim-Samaria nyúba ya the ABOMINATION of PHRAIM who is JOINED TO IDOLS-Míhianano-ya BAAL, BAALIM, BAAL-PEOR-in which he offended AND DIED-Hosea --9:10--; 10:9-10; Hosea 13:1-6, na Dan aici na ahoi teraphim-míhianano ya magongona ma mícií-household ALTARS for these IDOLS, na IREGI cia Benjamin atharia acio)-aya nío THUNAGOGU wa CIA AITANI-Rev 2:6-15 kúría cia aitani arí gítí kínene kúu Pergamos, abíríirie na doctrine of the Nicolaitans of the PAGAN-“daily”(Daniel 8:11-12) human sacrifice, which turned the CRUCIFIXION into a righteously ordained SACRIFICE for the people and the nation-(Doctrine yaa Balaam ya rúmíríirúo n´CAIAPHAS as a STUMBLING BLOCK in the APOOSTOLIC CHURCHES of Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis-haría kanitha warí hakuhí gúkua tiga ní philadelphia!-AYA nío BABAYLON the GREAT MOTHER of HARLOTS aría meethaga Jísú mamúrage dakamareherere ÚTHINGU matigane na wathani waa thí íno meeingíranítie naguo na Aroma na akananie. Aya ní Eastern Russian & Istanbul-COnstantinople Orthodox and Catholic ARIAN churces of the East including Islam-created by the same people!-oothe meetagúo THE TABERNACLES OF EDOM etc-in Psalms 83 mahúranaga na nyúba ya DAUDI díkanarúgame yathane na maa. Onao MAHOYAGA NGO(shield) íí ta MA(truth) YAO!-Edom arathimirúo ní ithe TO RULE WITH HIS SWORD(Rúhiú, na NGO íí MA yake!-with which to get his “social-civic justice” from Israel-JUDAH-David & Rome!-hence ee HEROD aikaríire gítí kía DAUDI as the usurper he became thats why-as HEROD=the HELLENIC Jews- he pursued the TRUE KING OF JUDAH-Matthew 2)= 1 Thes 2:14-18. Aya nío the LEOPARD-like BEAST and the FALSE PROPHETS of Jewry-the Evening Ravening WOLVES mataburaga aría maretha NGAI na maheni ma theology atí todú bibiria yadíkítúo na gíkúao!-AYA MATHAGA ALL PROTESTANT(Ephraim-Samaria, Dan, Benjamin) & COUNTER-REFORMATION SJ-PROTESTANTS(Edom-Idumia=Herod=Jezzebel NYNA WAA AYA ANGÍ IREGI cia nyúba ya Israeli EE MAAMA WAO!)-nao mathanaga Kírínyaga, na airítu aa nyírí,, aa Ebu na gíkúyú kía rift valleykíría gítukanu-todú meedaga maudú ma inter-racialism mathodeke gene pool yao ya únyakerú- meeyonanagia na matabaya maya maa dachi -idonesia- at í oo ní GOLDILOCKS-YLLO-YELLO! ní athaka gúkíra airítu oothe airú! marutage mawíra ma úmemerekia níúthaka wa únyakerú na úrimú wa túmunguna!-thakame yao ní ya úmunguna na weerú úthabagia nyeuthi ta jiki úkaunina cwa!-anini ní mairaga noo matúraga mee túmunguna!ta túa kongo na dúrúfú! Ríu aya nío Daniel 2, 8, 9, 11 yaragia úhoro wao-nío athani thí íno nginya hídí íría túí nyúba ya POTTERS CLAY(nyúba yaa Múúbi NGAI-Daniel 2:41) túkeihúria túrúee íno bara túí kídú kímúe ta IHIGA RÍRÍRA ría-rí múhukoiní wa DAUDI, ríonanítio DaNIEL 2 RÍÍ KÍGÚTHA múhianano úría Nebuchadnezzar na Daniel oonire oota úría DAUDI ooyire IHIGA RÍU RÍMÚE AKÍNINA NGO-RIA-THÚ!! níguo TÚKARÚGAMA TÚTUÍKE KÍRÍMA KÍNENE MÚNO KÍA MWENE NYAGA TÚATHANE THÍ-OO ÍNO!túauma ICEERA matuiní míaka ngiri, nígetha túthoma ÚIRA WA KÍHOOTO GITÚ-TÚCOOKE THÍ ÍNO TÚRÍ AATHANI aa THÍ CIOTHE cia GALAXY IITÚ! Múgíkúyú aumíte nyúba ya JOKTAN-JOGU-TANIÍ todú arí MÚNENEN MÚNO(Y-DNA ya NUBIA-BERBER peoples úrihu na únene) ee múrú wa ithe na PELEG in who’s day the PANGEA-EARTH was DIVIDED PELEG magítigara MIDDLE EAST n´JOKTAN agíciarírúo HORN AFRIKA AGÍIKÚRÚKA- ARABS ti ciana cia JOKTAN ní ciana cia ISHMAEL(Saudi-HAGA&ABRAHAM and KETURAH(medes-medianites=na ABRAHAM) kuoguo hisoty ÍYO YEEDAGA KÚHITHA BANTU tÚRÍ AA After the FLOOD-nígetha matútúrie in a STATE OF IDENTITY CRISIS!) NÍKÍO Kírínyaga, Ebu na míírú maugana atí oona Peleg ní adú ba/va itú (ba n Tu=ní wa TÚ= a-DÚ-A ITÚ taithuí)except the house of Edom eehia enytithania na nyúba cia akaananie na later ciana icio IREGI cia Israeli-túgítigithúkanio nao magítuíka gentile-hence NO Jew no Gentile because they HELLENISED(imbibed Canaanite&Greek culture). THE IRON + MIRY CLAY are now the HELLENIC(Hellenised Jews & Greeks)-VICTORIAN(Indo-Euro-Asians) last EMPIRE before the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD supplants them permanently! but they are NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! TÚAMENYA MA MA NÍIGATÚHONOKIA! Hujiai maa tiganaai na kúrúmíríra ADÚ MOORÍRE TENE ona NGAI dameetaga adú-ameetaga NYAMÚ CIA THÍ ÍNO agatúha acinine akirie túnua túu túathanaga na maheni na múítío!-Dan 7:7(Dragon=Tares&Weeds nyúba cia Ham na Japhethi-Indo-Asiatic-orientals=RIAA); Dan 7:9(MAN of SIN powers cia nyúba iria cia tuíkire IREGI cia ÚNGAI wa maa ona mee ahibrania ní mítukano na adú aathí aa mehia!)! THAAI THATHAIYAGIAI NGAI-Múúbi wa thí na igúrú na ti wa múdú oo wothe, wa kírínyaga kana wa jakubu ee wiki!, ní wa ADÚ OOTHE aría mooí ma. tiganai na údúire wa úro-na úrogi false culture pursuits cia DRAGON kana LEOPARDlike beast kna evening ravening wolves CIOTHE NÍ NYAMÚ CIOAGÚTE MÚDÚ WA NGAI!!!

  • @kevinkahugu6930
    @kevinkahugu6930 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kìrìra kìu nì kìagìra mùno na no njuge atìrìrì, ndikuona bata wa kùgerekania ùndùire na ndini cia mùthùngù tondù ona mùthùngù ùcio wa thahirie kìgongona kìa mùgìkùyù arì oo mùkiristiano. Oùcio mùkiristiano nowe woragaga rùrìrì nìùndù wagwitia wiyathi,tììri na kìgongona gìake. Naake mùbìa kana mùhunjia ùngì wa ndini icio cia nyakerù ndarì handù arùgamire akiuga andù matige kùùragùo. Mùthuri ùcio nìauga wega mùno tùoe maundù marìa mega ma mùthùngù na tùtigane na marìa morù na tùcokie ùndùire witù. Namo maùndù marìa mega nì ùùgi wa mùthùngu ta nenda ici tùrahùthìra kùaranìria no ti ùngai kana ùndùire wa mùthùngù tondù maùndù macio meerì nìmo matùmire mùgìkùyù araihìrìrie Mùrungu na hau na hau agìtunywo tììri na agìtùùra ahùragùo mbaara nì ngomi ciao. Oguo noguo Cege wa Kìbirù atùathite atì tútikoe úngai kana úndúire wa nyakerú no notuoe úgì wake. Ngìrìkìrìripa njuge nìtuona ciama iria Mùrungu aringagìra rùrìrì na nìkuga atì ùngai witù warì mùkinyanìrù na ndùabataraga gùcenjio nì nyakerù tùreherùo ukiristiano tondù ona ciama iria ciithe tuonaga na ukiristiano cikoragùo cia maheeni (fake miracles) na maùndù mangì maingi. Kwoguo ngoiga tùcokerere ùndùire witù na noguo ùngai witù tùtigane na ndini na ngai cia nyakerù.

  • @movieman5176
    @movieman5176 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    These are either confusing or confused

  • @mugowamwaura1133
    @mugowamwaura1133 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @naphtalinjoroge1201
    @naphtalinjoroge1201 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahoya mau ti ma mugikuyu, ni undu wa kugweta Kristo,

  • @cytkl
    @cytkl 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yesu caitani muthungu ( cesare borgia) arotoma ucio Mission allies mahenirie andu mahoyage niguo mamatunye indo. Muthungu niwe caitani gutiri caitani ungi

    • @andrewmukuru6357
      @andrewmukuru6357 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      wewe ndio umeharibiwa na shetani,JESU wama akuhonokie!

  • @kennethmunga8207
    @kennethmunga8207 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gîkûyû ahoyaga ang'etheire kîrînyanga arûngiî na ambararîtie moko make...haha mwangi nîmwogora

    • @Miss-fx1qs
      @Miss-fx1qs ปีที่แล้ว

      They are facing kirinyaga this menengai crater

  • @samuelnjara879
    @samuelnjara879 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a student, ready and willing to learn my history and way of life. Ndingitura ndi ngombo ya ndini ya muthungu,,aca ni ndarega. I'm sure most people have started this journey, Rui tucokie mukaro.

  • @steveirungu3132
    @steveirungu3132 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a born again Christian by conviction and knowledge and I'm not ignorant and I will never be so help me God in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 by Steve Irungu Jermaine

    • @brandongitonga4688
      @brandongitonga4688 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Imagine if the missionaries never docked on our continent.Thing would be much much better.

  • @wangash6144
    @wangash6144 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gikuyu are Hebrews

    • @KenyaSoft
      @KenyaSoft 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      No we are not.

    • @kevinkahugu6930
      @kevinkahugu6930 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wewe no wayy. We are a people on our own and need not compare ourselves with anyone.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      NÚÚ wathaga NYEUTHI-cia 4C HAIR-yaani AGÍKÚYÚ othe thíí yoothe todú noo oo aa 4C HAIR thí íno? macokio mee DANIEL 2: IRON-MIRAY CLAY small city state EMPIRES oona múaheyo CONTINENT NG’IMA ya 4C HAIR YOOTHE múkímíeederia “Africa na Afrikaaner” but which was properly ITÚÚRI(land of the ANCIENT ones)-ITURI; AYA NÍ; IRON-Roma(Empire ya Gypsies cia India)-DEMOCRACY, ÚDÚIRE wa maheni-todú Múgíkúyú ní rúrírí rwa JOGU-tanií(Joktan) múrú wa ithe na PELEG MAKENYITITHANIA na CIANA CIA HAM maregete rúrírí rúao rúa SHEM, magatuo na magatuíka na údúire wa IREGI cia WATHO WA NGAI wa SHEM-ARPHAXAD-SALAH-EBER na PELEG múrú wa ithe na nyina! IRON=the DRAGON-PHARAOH King of Egypt(Daniel 2:33ff=Daniel 8:23-25=Ezek 25-Egypt; Ezek 29:1-6=ROMA íría ya hídí ya jísú) who was succeeded by Rome which is modern day EU, RULES MÚRANG’A(with communism & socialism-social justice and false culture-cia ngúgí wa thiong’o na boniface mwangi na acio angí, na úhoyi wa ngoma/ngomi-CIA NGOMA(sa-ngoma) na ÚRO na ÚROGI!-- NA NYÍRÍ with democracy ya AUNGUMANIA-gay rights/social-capitalism!) na úrogi na údúire wa kumatúara úrogi-iní na waara úría wíí-Daniel 8:23-25-ino níyo Roman Constantinian Catholicism a PAGAN religion of MITHRAISM(MIZRAIM-Egyptology-Khemetism-Ubuntuism-pan(god)-Afrikanism), ahoi NGO(shield) mútooreki(múcinga=aberration from Mujinga!)-íí MA(truth)YAO-atí waregana na pax romana makúúrage!!-níkío adú aría mafogothire gíkúyú ta kíu kía “nyita! múcinga!(shika!!-mujinga!) mahoyaga múdú úyú ee Mú-THÚ-ngú=(Mú=person; THÚ-ENEMY-ngú(firewood-firespitting wood which is a WOODEN GUN) hence worshipping the GUN(ngú)-MAN(Mú)-THÚ(enemy--makeeheria THÚ magatigia Mú-ngÚ=Gun-Man noo atí ti THÚ!!)-these are the WORSHIPPERS aa MÚ-ngÚ=the Roman, Arab, & Indian earliest colonialist ENEMY slave traders & raiders as GUN MAN=Mú-ngÚ MWEN(y)E NGÚ-VU===Mú-ngú mwenye ngú vú!!)-aya nío ROBBERS OF THY PEOPLE Daniel 9-maiyaga údúire wa adú makaúfogothia na rúthiomi oo rúao moore mate údúire wa maa mamarúmíríre meecirítie ní údúire wao múrúmíríire-makíiyaga ID yao-ta AFRIKAANER na AFRIKAN(a mixed race of Indo-Arabic-beduin-berber BAntu so-called of the NILE(Nile lot))-KHAN(rulers)) nía?? todú ti BANTU?-meedaga adú mítukanio nao gúthodeka gene pool yao ya úirú wa juírí mirú-mirú-ta úkafi, úgiíki, rubwa matukaníte na gíkúyú-thakame ya adú airú-mahane ta cumaarí na acio aa horn africa na W.A. aría airú(ti igbo!-acio ní únyakerú!) onookorúo aya nío mee thakame ya únyaker´u uumaga múdúiní múirú-blue-eye-blond! MIRY CLAY(ciana cia Edom(Isaiah 63:=Obaddiah; Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28:2 agatuíka Isaiah 28:12ff; Rev 2 na 17 -JEZEBEL the MOTHER of all these other HARLOT daughters), na Ephraim-Samaria nyúba ya the ABOMINATION of PHRAIM who is JOINED TO IDOLS-Míhianano-ya BAAL, BAALIM, BAAL-PEOR-in which he offended AND DIED-Hosea --9:10--; 10:9-10; Hosea 13:1-6, na Dan aici na ahoi teraphim-míhianano ya magongona ma mícií-household ALTARS for these IDOLS, na IREGI cia Benjamin atharia acio)-aya nío THUNAGOGU wa CIA AITANI-Rev 2:6-15 kúría cia aitani arí gítí kínene kúu Pergamos, abíríirie na doctrine of the Nicolaitans of the PAGAN-“daily”(Daniel 8:11-12) human sacrifice, which turned the CRUCIFIXION into a righteously ordained SACRIFICE for the people and the nation-(Doctrine yaa Balaam ya rúmíríirúo n´CAIAPHAS as a STUMBLING BLOCK in the APOOSTOLIC CHURCHES of Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis-haría kanitha warí hakuhí gúkua tiga ní philadelphia!-AYA nío BABAYLON the GREAT MOTHER of HARLOTS aría meethaga Jísú mamúrage dakamareherere ÚTHINGU matigane na wathani waa thí íno meeingíranítie naguo na Aroma na akananie. Aya ní Eastern Russian & Istanbul-COnstantinople Orthodox and Catholic ARIAN churces of the East including Islam-created by the same people!-oothe meetagúo THE TABERNACLES OF EDOM etc-in Psalms 83 mahúranaga na nyúba ya DAUDI díkanarúgame yathane na maa. Onao MAHOYAGA NGO(shield) íí ta MA(truth) YAO!-Edom arathimirúo ní ithe TO RULE WITH HIS SWORD(Rúhiú, na NGO íí MA yake!-with which to get his “social-civic justice” from Israel-JUDAH-David & Rome!-hence ee HEROD aikaríire gítí kía DAUDI as the usurper he became thats why-as HEROD=the HELLENIC Jews- he pursued the TRUE KING OF JUDAH-Matthew 2)= 1 Thes 2:14-18. Aya nío the LEOPARD-like BEAST and the FALSE PROPHETS of Jewry-the Evening Ravening WOLVES mataburaga aría maretha NGAI na maheni ma theology atí todú bibiria yadíkítúo na gíkúao!-AYA MATHAGA ALL PROTESTANT(Ephraim-Samaria, Dan, Benjamin) & COUNTER-REFORMATION SJ-PROTESTANTS(Edom-Idumia=Herod=Jezzebel NYNA WAA AYA ANGÍ IREGI cia nyúba ya Israeli EE MAAMA WAO!)-nao mathanaga Kírínyaga, na airítu aa nyírí,, aa Ebu na gíkúyú kía rift valleykíría gítukanu-todú meedaga maudú ma inter-racialism mathodeke gene pool yao ya únyakerú- meeyonanagia na matabaya maya maa dachi -idonesia- at í oo ní GOLDILOCKS-YLLO-YELLO! ní athaka gúkíra airítu oothe airú! marutage mawíra ma úmemerekia níúthaka wa únyakerú na úrimú wa túmunguna!-thakame yao ní ya úmunguna na weerú úthabagia nyeuthi ta jiki úkaunina cwa!-anini ní mairaga noo matúraga mee túmunguna!ta túa kongo na dúrúfú! Ríu aya nío Daniel 2, 8, 9, 11 yaragia úhoro wao-nío athani thí íno nginya hídí íría túí nyúba ya POTTERS CLAY(nyúba yaa Múúbi NGAI-Daniel 2:41) túkeihúria túrúee íno bara túí kídú kímúe ta IHIGA RÍRÍRA ría-rí múhukoiní wa DAUDI, ríonanítio DaNIEL 2 RÍÍ KÍGÚTHA múhianano úría Nebuchadnezzar na Daniel oonire oota úría DAUDI ooyire IHIGA RÍU RÍMÚE AKÍNINA NGO-RIA-THÚ!! níguo TÚKARÚGAMA TÚTUÍKE KÍRÍMA KÍNENE MÚNO KÍA MWENE NYAGA TÚATHANE THÍ-OO ÍNO!túauma ICEERA matuiní míaka ngiri, nígetha túthoma ÚIRA WA KÍHOOTO GITÚ-TÚCOOKE THÍ ÍNO TÚRÍ AATHANI aa THÍ CIOTHE cia GALAXY IITÚ! Múgíkúyú aumíte nyúba ya JOKTAN-JOGU-TANIÍ todú arí MÚNENEN MÚNO(Y-DNA ya NUBIA-BERBER peoples úrihu na únene) ee múrú wa ithe na PELEG in who’s day the PANGEA-EARTH was DIVIDED PELEG magítigara MIDDLE EAST n´JOKTAN agíciarírúo HORN AFRIKA AGÍIKÚRÚKA- ARABS ti ciana cia JOKTAN ní ciana cia ISHMAEL(Saudi-HAGA&ABRAHAM and KETURAH(medes-medianites=na ABRAHAM) kuoguo hisoty ÍYO YEEDAGA KÚHITHA BANTU tÚRÍ AA After the FLOOD-nígetha matútúrie in a STATE OF IDENTITY CRISIS!) NÍKÍO Kírínyaga, Ebu na míírú maugana atí oona Peleg ní adú ba/va itú (ba n Tu=ní wa TÚ= a-DÚ-A ITÚ taithuí)except the house of Edom eehia enytithania na nyúba cia akaananie na later ciana icio IREGI cia Israeli-túgítigithúkanio nao magítuíka gentile-hence NO Jew no Gentile because they HELLENISED(imbibed Canaanite&Greek culture). THE IRON + MIRY CLAY are now the HELLENIC(Hellenised Jews & Greeks)-VICTORIAN(Indo-Euro-Asians) last EMPIRE before the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD supplants them permanently! but they are NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! TÚAMENYA MA MA NÍIGATÚHONOKIA! Hujiai maa tiganaai na kúrúmíríra ADÚ MOORÍRE TENE ona NGAI dameetaga adú-ameetaga NYAMÚ CIA THÍ ÍNO agatúha acinine akirie túnua túu túathanaga na maheni na múítío!-Dan 7:7(Dragon=Tares&Weeds nyúba cia Ham na Japhethi-Indo-Asiatic-orientals=RIAA); Dan 7:9(MAN of SIN powers cia nyúba iria cia tuíkire IREGI cia ÚNGAI wa maa ona mee ahibrania ní mítukano na adú aathí aa mehia!)! THAAI THATHAIYAGIAI NGAI-Múúbi wa thí na igúrú na ti wa múdú oo wothe, wa kírínyaga kana wa jakubu ee wiki!, ní wa ADÚ OOTHE aría mooí ma. tiganai na údúire wa úro-na úrogi false culture pursuits cia DRAGON kana LEOPARDlike beast kna evening ravening wolves CIOTHE NÍ NYAMÚ CIOAGÚTE MÚDÚ WA NGAI!!!

    • @wangash6144
      @wangash6144 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nikinai4374 waooo I need more teaching from you,cz I need to understand more

  • @josephjameskamara3155
    @josephjameskamara3155 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    mugikuyu ndahoyaga ainamitie maitho, kana ahingiite maitho

  • @Giithiomi
    @Giithiomi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hau ha Ngai gutuma athuri ndina nganja

  • @kjohns4442
    @kjohns4442 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You said nothing

  • @kjohns4442
    @kjohns4442 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is desagree from the word go.atî mwoyo wa tene na tene?...jisikize kwanza..do you believe Adam or Gikiyu? Stop contradiction.

    • @Giithiomi
      @Giithiomi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I doubt Gikuyu and Mumbi existed.

    • @wangash6144
      @wangash6144 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Giithiomi but you believe Adam and eve cz is the white man said haah

    • @KenyaSoft
      @KenyaSoft 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are just misleading their followers

    • @wangash6144
      @wangash6144 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@KenyaSoft they are not Do you know it only Kikuyu used to follow all the comandments of God, na tabia za mkikuyu ni same na za real israelite, and do some research and you will see how the came to Africa

    • @samuelnjara879
      @samuelnjara879 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ndungu we na unini waku niwoneka nduri na uugi..

  • @KenyaSoft
    @KenyaSoft 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    misinformation is a danger

  • @mawama6719
    @mawama6719 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kikuyu never closed their eyes while praying

    • @wangash6144
      @wangash6144 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      that's how it's supposed to be

  • @samuelwangui9700
    @samuelwangui9700 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nî thayû Awa

  • @beatricewanjiku706
    @beatricewanjiku706 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Waa giki ni kirira