The drums were not helpful
So cool
I think Diocesan also has to take vows of Simplicity
Can you do one for nun vs sister?
Love the music!
parang fiestahan caravan ang music
Too much noise. too much drums.
The drums did get a tad annoying but thank you very much this helped me in my discernment
Hey man, thanks for the vid but pls no more drums
drums sound is terrible
Camilo G.S thank you for your input.
Drums terrible
The drums sucks
Music made it impossible to focus on what you were saying; had to stop watching.
Thank you this heLps me tremendously
One small correction, Diocesan Priest make no vows, the make promises of Chastity and obedience.
Stupid drums sound is annoying
It is the sound of the Novus Ordo Missæ.
Timothy Freeman Only the Trads understand this.
Thanks for that! :)
the drums made this video a diamond!
The drums were not helpful
So cool
I think Diocesan also has to take vows of Simplicity
Can you do one for nun vs sister?
Love the music!
parang fiestahan caravan ang music
Too much noise. too much drums.
The drums did get a tad annoying but thank you very much this helped me in my discernment
Hey man, thanks for the vid but pls no more drums
drums sound is terrible
Camilo G.S thank you for your input.
Drums terrible
The drums sucks
Music made it impossible to focus on what you were saying; had to stop watching.
Thank you this heLps me tremendously
One small correction, Diocesan Priest make no vows, the make promises of Chastity and obedience.
Stupid drums sound is annoying
It is the sound of the Novus Ordo Missæ.
Timothy Freeman Only the Trads understand this.
Thanks for that! :)
the drums made this video a diamond!