Totally understand what Dayo said at the end. Years ago when I was a little kid, my grandma lined up to get oatmeal and clothes. She also picked vegetable pieces from the garbage at a vegetable wholesale market... Since I graduated from college, I started to repay the kindness given to me by giving to others. Although I can't give a lot, but 深 深 體 會 甚 麼 是 施 比 受 更 有 福
Totally understand what Dayo said at the end. Decades ago when I was a little kid, my grandma lined up to get oatmeal and clothes from a church. She also picked vegetable pieces in the garbage at the vegetable wholesale market for us to eat. Since I graduated from college, I started to repay the kindness given to me by giving to others. Although I can't give a lot, but 深 深 體 會 甚 麼 是 施 比 受 更 有 福.
They accept donations through Paypal, so even if you're not in HK, you just need a debit/credit card to donate. Only a little more than $1 USD per meal~~
You can talk so good n reasonable !🍉 2:30
我特別向無兒無女和環保主義者黃子華先生致敬! 我咁喜歡知名藝人黃子華先生! 最大原因是您的正直、體諒底層人士生存不易! 當有人體諒我幫助我的時候! 我非常感謝! 問題是當我體諒別人幫助別人的時候! 人家就覺得奉旨了。睇下深水埗某些居民! 越窮就越生! 越生就越窮! 造個人仔出來好容易! 教導做個正直又善良嘅人就好難了! 我沒有一天忘記過苦難! 安隱思危! 一個沒有正直和同理心的人! 好極都有限!
Actually not just celebrities, if there are more normal ppl like him, the society/world would look so different …
He has a big heart. Love him
support you <3
I really admire 黄子華,他有心去幫助有需要的人,I want to work in Food Angel too
You are doing right and good. Hope you will keep up your work with these poor old people and kids. May God Bless You.
...我好慚愧>< 我乜都無為社會做過><
dislike for what???
Totally understand what Dayo said at the end. Years ago when I was a little kid, my grandma lined up to get oatmeal and clothes. She also picked vegetable pieces from the garbage at a vegetable wholesale market... Since I graduated from college, I started to repay the kindness given to me by giving to others. Although I can't give a lot, but 深 深 體 會 甚 麼 是 施 比 受 更 有 福
Totally understand what Dayo said at the end. Decades ago when I was a little kid, my grandma lined up to get oatmeal and clothes from a church. She also picked vegetable pieces in the garbage at the vegetable wholesale market for us to eat. Since I graduated from college, I started to repay the kindness given to me by giving to others. Although I can't give a lot, but 深 深 體 會 甚 麼 是 施 比 受 更 有 福.
Contrary to the image Dayo portraits himself in his comedy shows, the real Dayo is genuine and kind-hearted. Wish more people are like him. Support!
it is 2013 already, there are still thousands of senior citizens living in those "cage rooms"!? what the fxxk is the government doing?
子華 你做o既野好有意思呀.. 支持你=]<3
I am so proud of you, I wish i am in HK now so i can offer some help.
They accept donations through Paypal, so even if you're not in HK, you just need a debit/credit card to donate. Only a little more than $1 USD per meal~~
Thank you so much
xyoungwx 好似喺拍溥儀和他的五個老婆電視劇時節食後就係咁
Tsang Annl 一
咁而家就係仲有會浪費食物既人呀嘛 如果無就當然就最好啦 咁撚野叫意念同行動相違背呀 而家係個班志願機構既人士有意無意食剩好多野之後再將食剩D野回收D咩?? 如果係咁 就係行動意念相違背啦 違背??違mud諗野背呀 諗清楚先講野啦
幾十歲人扮後生, 嘔
we yj
2801 5333
我覺得現在既香港政府已經離唔開官商勾結呢樣野 新界東北發展已經係好好既例子 起商場,吸引內地強國既人尼香港促進經濟 所使用既支出已經可以食飽好多人 除左呢樣,仲有高鐵收地 被收地既村民會唔會都會好似同伯伯一樣過住差不多既生活呢? 我好主觀咁諗,現在香港既趨勢就係富(政+商)越富,貧(市民)越貧 希望有多啲有黃子華咁樣既心地既人
他們的意念同行動並不雙違背, 宣揚珍惜食物令人減少浪費, 將浪費的食物交到有需要的人手上,減少浪費的同時又幫到人 退一萬步再說,沒有了浪費食物的人,也可從捐費中買食物去幫有需要的人 再說,沒有了浪費食物的人並不等於沒有被浪費的食物 超市裏快將過期的食物,自助餐剩下的食物或多或少總會有些 考慮問題時一定要夠全面,如果唔係就會被字面或表面所蒙蔽
無名英雄未必係講緊黃子華既 都可以話員工既姐
珍惜食物的義意是 make the best use of the food. 可以選擇不浪費,亦可選擇用來幫助別人。
咁只係你將珍惜食物的定義定得太窄, 將多餘食物給有需要的人士都係珍惜食物的表現! 可能你未必知其實有些大機構會將佢地認為唔新鮮, 但是其實可以食用的食物都當圾垃咁捨棄
我有一個好無聊既問題就係呢個機構宣揚珍惜食物 而且又從浪費食物既人到收集食物經處理送比有需要既人 咁假設呢班浪費食物既人學懂珍惜食物,食物又從那裡來>< 意念同行動雙違背,不過我當然唔會深究呢個問題,因為不竟都係做緊好事幫助社會,咁樣既熱心機構/人士好值得大家去支持!!!
黃子華都係一個有需要幫助的人 瘦到皮包骨....
咁都叫''無名''英雄?? 哈哈
以呢種簡單既拍攝手法去講呢樣野我覺得好好 感覺好寫實..最重要係佢真係以背景內容為重點 黃子華唔會變左做主角 唔似一D電視台咁..拍個主持多過內容 搞到好似旅遊節目咁