Howard Jeffrey Bender
Howard Jeffrey Bender
  • 16
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String Theory
This video gives an overview of String Theory - why do we need it, how does it work, and what can it answer. It also includes the reasons it's considered the best chance for the "Theory of everything".
Applications String Theory may help to answer include supersymmetry, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, how our universe and others can be created, active galaxies, creating matter and energy, dwarf galaxies, the origin of light, quantum entanglement, and how galaxies repeat their shapes. Even your consciousness and personality may be affected, possible leading to a form of eternal life!
มุมมอง: 125


The Origin of Light - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 571หลายเดือนก่อน
Is light a particle or a wave, or both? Where does light come from, besides that switch on the wall? A view of String Theory answers these questions, and others, that have been keeping Quantum Mechanics in the dark.
Eternal Life - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 20หลายเดือนก่อน
You have a personality, but did you know that identical twins and cloned animals have different personalities? And there's even been serious research with hard-to-refute data on reincarnation! All this suggests that your personality may not die with your physical body, but may live on in future individuals through a process that may be done by String Theory. If you're interested in a possible e...
Dwarf Galaxies - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 150หลายเดือนก่อน
This video explains how dwarf galaxies. those associated with large galaxies, have the characteristics that make astrophysicists concerned about Dark Matter and why these dwarfs have orbital characteristics like their parent. The focus is on the Andromeda galaxy dwarfs that have appeared in those concerned papers.
Active Galaxies - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 73หลายเดือนก่อน
Active galaxies are some of the most spectacular images we see in space. They include radio galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, and Quasars. They're also some of the most mysterious, with astronomers actively researching how such features could happen. This presentation suggests a view of String Theory that provides reasons for the events we see, and it also may explain the newly-discovered low-surface...
Supersymmetry - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 227หลายเดือนก่อน
Physics has identified matter particles (such as the electron) and force particles (such as the photon). To describe how everything interacts, both the Standard Model and String Theory need to show one-to-one relationships between matter and force. In other words, every matter particle must have a corresponding force particle, and vice versa. That is supersymmetry. At this time none of those co...
Creating Universes - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 178หลายเดือนก่อน
Our universe has a huge amount of material, with over 100 billion galaxies and more. Astronomers say it all came from a Big Bang, but where did it come from before that? String Theory suggests an answer that also leads to a different view of how galaxies are formed.
Dark Energy - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 104หลายเดือนก่อน
Physicists say that over 70% of the universe is Dark Energy. This video describes how String Theory offers a different perspective of what may be happening.
Relationship Analysis Approach to Natural Language Understanding
มุมมอง 17ปีที่แล้ว
The amount of information out there is more than overwhelming - it’s frightening. Search tools use only the most common meaning of each word, which is why your searches too often are exercises in frustration. It’s even worse for organizations that get millions of documents but only want the important ones. This video presents a better way to find what you need - the Relationship Analysis Approa...
Coronavirus Using Your DNA Against You
มุมมอง 29ปีที่แล้ว
This video discusses how coronaviruses may attack cells and why the most dangerous, MERS, SARS, and SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), are so infectious. Independent research has found multiple nucleotide sequence matches be-tween all the coronaviruses and the human genome. For the more infectious coronaviruses, some of those sequences are the same as the T-loops of hu-man tRNA, and they are matched with t...
Domain-Specific Nucleotide Sequences Suggesting The History of Life
มุมมอง 61ปีที่แล้ว
A research project to find a unique DNA nucleotide sequence that occurs in every living thing and that couldn’t have formed by chance was unsuccessful, but individual sequences specific to the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota domains were found. Further investigation showed that all those sequences are the T-Arm in tRNA. None of those specific sequences occur in Viruses. The analysis was done f...
Consciousness - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 7992 ปีที่แล้ว
What is consciousness? Everyone has it, so why don’t we know what it is? Scientists have a lot of trouble dealing with unseen phenomena like consciousness. Many people think it’s more like an emotion or even a philosophy. Unlike the physical sciences where a theory can be quickly discarded as experiments are repeated, unseen phenomena are more a person’s opinion. Nobody can say for certain who’...
Quantum Entanglement - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 2.1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Quantum Entanglement is perhaps the strangest phenomenon in physics. The name is scary enough, but it means that some small particles may communicate with each other instantly and over vast distances. How can that happen? This video will show you what's going on and what ideas try to explain it, including a new one using String Theory.
Repeating Galaxies - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 473 ปีที่แล้ว
Aren't galaxies beautiful? Astronomers say there are four basic shapes - spiral, barred spiral, elliptical, and irregular. How did they get those shapes, and how did they form in the first place? A view of String Theory suggests that three of them - spiral, barred spiral, and elliptical - are really the same bunch of stars in different structures depending on the central core. And the central c...
Dark Matter - A String Theory Way
มุมมอง 2.5K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Dark Matter is one of the most mysterious features in our universe, apparently essential for keeping stars in the galaxies. This video presents the various ways researchers are looking for this so-far unknown component, with a special emphasis on how a view of String Theory can explain it.
Heidi Julia Bender
มุมมอง 1545 ปีที่แล้ว
Heidi Julia Bender


  • @zhavlan1258
    @zhavlan1258 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Здравствуйте, спасибо интересно. Да, если слишком много слушать слова, да ещё через шумы в этом направлении, этого мало. Но если через новые опыты, точнее их результаты на это смотреть. Да предлагаю *пробовать* чистым взглядом смотреть на обнаженную Вселенную без шумовых загрязнений. При детектирование гравитационных волн, детектором LIGO, полезный сигнал 0,2% на шум приходится 99,8%. По другому можно сказать. - Если случайно совпадают шумы (мусор), на двух или трёх детекторах, то выдадут это за гравитационные волны, используя шаблоны. На “ГИБРИД оптическом гироскопе" при регистрации, квантов гравитации оптом. Возможно полезные сигнал получим 74% и на шумы 26%. - Вам выбирать рулетку, что измеряет Вселенную и из чего, главное она состоит. Итак садимся в автотранспорт или самолёт и в нём выполним опыт Майкельсона-Морли, определяя им прямолинейную скорость. - О таком опыте мечтал ещё Эйнштейн. Но мы, возможно будем наблюдать постулаты "Свет это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов. Доминантные гравитационные поля управляют скоростью света в вакууме". Есть предложение на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа из некруглых, ДВУХ катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной из фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной», где - свет в каждом плече проходит по 16000 метров при этом, не превышает параметры 0,4/0,4/0,4 метра и вес - 4кг. Предприятия по выпуску "Волоконно-оптических гироскопов" может выпускать ГИБРИД гироскопы, для учебно практического применения. Изобретатель Жавлан.

  • @shawns0762
    @shawns0762 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    There is no evidence of higher dimensions, if they existed there would be evidence. Higher geometric dimensions are interesting to think about, but they are illogical, nature is not illogical. Here is the explanation for galaxy rotation curves/dark matter SHORT VERSION - General Relativity predicts dilation, not singularities. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass including the centers of very high mass stars and the centers of the overwhelming majority of galaxies. The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated, in other words that mass is all around us. LONG VERSION - Einstein is known to have repeatedly said that singularities are not possible. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" he wrote - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of G.R predicting singularites) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters (star clusters) whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light." He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is just one aspect of dilation, it's not just time that gets dilated. A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. There is no singularity at the center of our galaxy. It can be inferred mathematically that dilation is occurring there. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate that we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. More precisely, everywhere you point is equally valid. The "missing mass" needed to explain galaxy rotation curves is dilated mass. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has recently been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter, in other words they have normal/predictable star rotation rates. This also explains why all planets and all binary stars have normal rotation rates, not 3 times normal. There was clarity in astronomy before television and movies popularized singularities beginning in the 1960's. The concept of singularities was not taught in colleges prior to 1960. Nobody believed in them when Einstein was alive including Planck, Bohr, Schrodinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Feynman etc.

  • @Stigmata195
    @Stigmata195 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you ! Looking forward to your other presentations !

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You're quite welcome. The String Theory presentation included screen shots of other TH-cams I've done on String Theory applications. Enjoy.

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 หลายเดือนก่อน

    PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS: Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements: I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2). Chemical Element #119 (8s1): #119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it's outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom's outer shell. Chemical Element #120 (8s2): #120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it's outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it's outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it's outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it's possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars. When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it's the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way. In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically). If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it's not totally 100% true. And if it's all 100% true, then all the better. (Except of course for those who might be in the way of a periodic nova or supernova. They might have a no good, very bad, horrible day.)

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 หลายเดือนก่อน

    IN THE INTEREST OF FINDING THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING: SOME THINGS MODERN SCIENCE DOES NOT APPARENTLY KNOW: Consider the following: a. Numbers: Modern science does not even know how numbers and certain mathematical constants exist for math to do what math does. Surely the very nature of reality has to allow numbers and mathematical constants to actually exist for math to do what math does in this existence. (And nobody as of yet has been able to show me how numbers and certain mathematical constants can come from the Standard Model Of Particle Physics). b. Space: Modern science does not even know what 'space' actually is nor how it could actually warp and expand. c. Time: Modern science does not even know what 'time' actually is nor how it could actually warp and vary. d. Gravity: Modern science does not even know what 'gravity' actually is nor how gravity actually does what it appears to do. And for those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime, see 'b' and 'c' above. e. Speed of Light: 'Speed', distance divided by time, distance being two points in space with space between those two points. But yet, here again, modern science does not even know what space and time actually are that makes up 'speed' and they also claim that space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary, so how could they truly know even what the speed of light actually is that they utilize in many of the formulas? Speed of light should also warp, expand and vary depending upon what space and time it was in. And if the speed of light can warp, expand and vary in space and time, how then do far away astronomical observations actually work that are based upon light and the speed of light that could warp, expand and vary in actual reality? f. Photons: A photon swirls with the 'e' and 'm' energy fields 90 degrees to each other. A photon is also considered massless. What keeps the 'e' and 'm' energy fields together across the vast universe for billions of light years? And why doesn't the momentum of the 'e' and 'm' energy fields as they swirl about not fling them away from the central area of the photon? And why aren't photons that go across the vast universe torn apart by other photons, including photons with the exact same energy frequency, and/or by matter, matter being made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy, quarks and electrons being considered charged particles, each with their respective magnetic field with them? Electricity is electricity and magnetism is magnetism varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. So why doesn't the 'e' and 'm' of other photons and of matter basically tear apart a photon going across the vast universe? Also, 'if' a photon actually red shifts, where does the red shifted energy go and why does the photon red shift? And for those who claim space expanding causes a photon to red shift, see 'b' above. Why does radio 'em' (large 'em' waves) have low energy and gamma 'em' (small 'em' waves) have high energy? And for those who say E = hf; see also 'b' and 'c' above. (f = frequency, cycles per second. But modern science claims space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary. If 'space' warps and expands and/or 'time' warps and varies, what does that do to 'E'? And why doesn't 'E' keep space from expanding and time from varying?). g. Energy: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." How exactly is 'energy' eternally existent? h. Existence and Non-Existence side by side throughout all of eternity. How? * ADDED NOTE: My current TOE idea can potentially answer all of these above items, and more, in a logical, coherent and inter-related manner. And wouldn't one expect the true TOE of existence itself to be able to do that? What other TOE idea in known existence can currently do that? Surely not the General or Special Relativity Models nor even the Standard Model of Particle Physics. TOE IDEA: (Short version): [currently dependent upon the results of my gravity test]: The 'gem' photon is the eternally existent energy unit of this universe. The strong and weak nuclear forces are derivatives of the electromagnetic ('em') interactions between quarks and electrons. The nucleus is a magnetic field boundary. 'Gravity' is a part of electromagnetic radiation, gravity acting 90 degrees to the 'em' modalities, which of course act 90 degrees to each other. 'Gravity' is not matter warping the fabric of spacetime, 'gravity' is a part of spacetime that helps to make up matter. The gravity and 'em' modalities of matter interact with the gravity and 'em' modalities of spacetime and the gravity and 'em' modalities of spacetime interact with the gravity and 'em' modalities of matter. I am open to any and all theory of everything ideas that can potentially answer all those above items in a logical, coherent and inter-related manner. Currently, as far as I am currently aware of, there are no others but my own. GRAVITY TEST: (Short Version): Direct a high powered laser 90 degrees through an electric field and magnetic field polarized as such to nullify the 'em' of the laser. "IF" my current TOE idea is correct, a gravitational black hole would become evident. (The 'gem' photon being the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything else in existence in this existence.)

  • @Drawn_Cup
    @Drawn_Cup หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fantastic content 💚

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Glad you liked it. Using concepts from String Theory, I've created a variety of TH-cams that have tried to suggest real answers to problems that have stymied researchers.

  • @michaelslifecycle
    @michaelslifecycle หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @shawns0762
    @shawns0762 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is no dark energy. There is only one reason to postulate it to explain the exponential expansion rate of the universe. Electricity is drawn towards potential and the universe as a whole behaves the same way. Electricity comes into our homes because the neutral circuit provides the potential. If something accelerates at a constant rate it will get faster and faster. If a ship travels at a constant 1g acceleration rate it would achieve about 95% light speed in 1 year. Physicists in the last century did not postulate dark energy because they understood that the expansion is a fundamental property of the universe. The fact that the expansion is accelerating does not invalidate their reasoning, it's what the known laws of physics would predict provided gravitational forces are not strong enough to counteract the process. All studies to find dark energy have been fruitless because it doesn't exist. To say there is dark energy is to say there is 5 fundamental forces, there is 4

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If expansion is a fundamental property of the universe, why is the expansion increasing? You've seen in my analysis that I think we've misinterpreted effects on light waves. What is your reason for the supposed increase? Please include data that support it.

    • @shawns0762
      @shawns0762 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 Again, if something accelerates at a constant rate it will get faster and faster. Plank, Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Feynman and every other physicist in the last century did not postulate dark energy for the reasons I stated. It's not a matter of opinion, it doesn't exist

  • @MicroUrb
    @MicroUrb 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So are you suggesting the Earth is not a living thing? The Sun is not a living thing. Friend you are teaching the toe in the water approach to Quantum Physics but holding on to Cartesian logic for dear life as if that is what will save you from the scary waters of having to accept that atoms colliding in CERN's Hadron collider make a conscious choice every single time. Are they living things to you? Probably not and by the way Quantum Physics has its own math, so its not just a philosophy. Goodbye.

  • @iramkumar78
    @iramkumar78 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Explain quantum entanglement with string theory? Give two hypothesis and nothing else Hypothesis 1: String Entanglement - In string theory, fundamental strings can become entangled, linking their quantum states in a manner analogous to the entanglement of particles in quantum mechanics. Hypothesis 2: Holographic Entanglement - String theory's holographic principle suggests that the information within a region of space can be encoded on its boundary. Hypothetically, entanglement between strings in this context might involve information encoded on boundary surfaces. ChatGPT

  • @iramkumar78
    @iramkumar78 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Explain consciousness with string theory? Give two hypothesis and nothing else Hypothesis 1: Consciousness as a Product of String Vibrations Hypothesis 2: Information Processing via String Network Interactions ChatGPT

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      My explanation of consciousness comes from work by Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff. Also note that as a potential Theory of Everything, String Theory involves more than strings. Strings are for material things such as electrons and quarks.

    • @iramkumar78
      @iramkumar78 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 ok

  • @iramkumar78
    @iramkumar78 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can string theory explain dark matter? State 2 points without adding any caveats and only positive String theory can potentially explain dark matter in the following ways: 1. Extra Dimensions: String theory posits the existence of extra spatial dimensions beyond the familiar three dimensions. These additional dimensions could provide a natural framework for hidden or compactified spaces where dark matter particles might reside, offering a new perspective on their origin and properties. 2. Exotic Particle States: String theory allows for the existence of a variety of exotic particles and extended objects beyond the standard model of particle physics. Some of these particles, such as axions or hidden sector particles, could serve as viable candidates for dark matter, enhancing our understanding of its nature within the framework of string theory. ChatGPT

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As you saw in the TH-cam, my view of String Theory re: Dark Matter is that some of the jitter surrounding annihilating strings/anti-strings sticks around for a fraction of an instant before returning to the quantum foam. That instant appears to us as matter, via E = mc2. But since it's only for an instant, we can't find a particle. The quantum foam constantly produces such situations, making Dark Matter seem to appear everywhere. We only see it in galaxies because normal matter is affected by it, while little normal matter appears elsewhere. I'm not a big fan of exotic particles, and I also think the extra dimensions in String Theory are beyond spatial. Just my thoughts.

  • @iramkumar78
    @iramkumar78 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    10:50 Thanks for explaining dark matter

  • @DanBray0
    @DanBray0 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Everything we can observe, is entirely mathematically and follows our laws of physics, however, mathematics and our laws of physics do not explain consciousness. If consciousness is not mathematical and is non-physical, then we just need to reverse concepts. The inverse to our laws of physics, should logical apply to what is non-physical. Everything we understand about what is physical, we should be able to understand by simply reversing what we know. The inverse to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, states that consciousness is compelled to selflessly reduce non-physical entropy within all conscious awareness. This means we are simply compelled to reduce chaos within our awareness. This laws is extremely flexible and even explains free will, considering there are many ways for us to reduce chaos within conscious awareness. We can make excuses not to solve problems by choosing to become lazy, weak and less aware; or we can go above and beyond to actually solve the problems. This law even defines the concept "purpose" and is flexible enough to explain how we can assign purpose to inanimate objects. A screwdriver has the purpose to tighten screws because loose screws can cause chaos within conscious awareness, due to a loose screw being a perceived as mess or possible even a danger. Therefore, a screwdriver, can be used to reduce non-physical entropy. The First Law in reverse, explains how consciousness can become stronger and weaker, and even survive through non-existence (non-rem sleep, even death). Everything physical is finite, therefore, consciousness must be infinite. The soul is just non-mathematical information outside of spacetime. Mathematics is not conscious because the fundamentals of mathematics can never be redefined, therefore redefining our own fundamentals causes us to be consciously aware of the changes. Spacetime constraints prevent zero being iterated infinite times to reach something finite. If it were possible, an awareness of everything the zero was, would be essential to resolve the ambiguities that would occur. The fundamentals of mathematics would change, which is impossible. Outside spacetime, there can only be precisely 0x information. Infinite iterations can happen instantly. This cannot produce x information, because mathematical information cannot exist outside spacetime. The only answer that makes sense, is an awareness of x. Random energy fluctuations can cause certain neurons aligned for consciousness to fire. If my theory is correct, our consciousness causes those energy fluctuations. There is no mathematical pattern because consciousness is not mathematical, but neither is "purpose", therefore, we can act with purpose without producing mathematical patterns within the fluctuations. Since it has purpose, it's reducing non-physical entropy, despite anything mathematically random causing mathematical complexities. Therefore, the total entropy (physical and non-physical) stay constant. This means quantum fluctuations are not an event without a cause, they are caused by the constant changes within conscious awareness. Information cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore, at the time of the big bang, all there can be is fundamentally nothing without any fundamentals. This seems like a paradox, considering "fundamentally nothing", has the fundamental "fundamentally nothing", but the paradox can easily be resolved considering nothing must be everything when there isn't anything else. Numbers that don't refer to anything, simply do not exist. Therefore, all uncountable infinity decimal numbers, are really just precisely nothing. A conscious awareness of nothing, can't exist either. Consciousness can only exist, if there is something to be consciously aware of. Considering the opposites do not exist, combining them would be nothing and would require nothing. The cause of that happening, is simply the paradox that would occur if that didn't happen. The result, is simply an awareness of everything. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the big bang! It appears information exists but it's only a very real illusion. Nothing is truly everything, when there isn't anything else. The universe must always remain in perfect balance though, considering, information can never be created nor destroyed. The big bang seems like such a chaotic event, simply because the non-physical entropy started extremely high. However, the Second Law Of Thermodynamics shows the physical entropy to start at 0. Ever since the beginning, purpose has been to reduce non-physical entropy. My theory seems to show the universe exists in a quantum superposition of opposite states. Opposite in every single way! Everything it is, it also isn't. It remains nothing by being everything, considering being everything includes not being everything that it is. This means information can exist without every being created! Existence is therefore just a very real illusion.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can see my view of consciousness on the TH-cam "Consciousness - A String Theory Way" at You'll see that my view conforms to and extends the research on consciousness by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff.

  • @michaelccopelandsr7120
    @michaelccopelandsr7120 ปีที่แล้ว

    How about this? Dark Energy is EQUAL to Energy plus TIME, for our purposes here, "HEAVY TIME." Mira, look, if we look at any form of energy or whatever you want to call it. We see this electron orbit however many times a minute. We set that as our base or 0 reading, right? For our plain of existence, anyway. However, in this pocket of "heavy time" we get readings of a billion times a minute because time is HEAVY here and passes faster. Or, energy where there shouldn't be energy / dark energy / Heavy Time. See, in that same minute that electron aged a million times faster and therefore has given off readings of a million instead of our base readings. Dark energy IS "HEAVY TIME." It's the difference in TIME that we're seeing! Maybe. The light from these galaxies have been aged by going through pockets of dark energy or "heavy time." Numbers used for reference only. TI-I-I-IME IS ON MY SIDE! YES, IT IS! Now we look at the other side of the coin, dark matter. Pockets of dark matter are actually pockets of "LIGHT TIME." Mira, look, if heavy time is, "full," it stands to reason, light time would be "starving," right? Now this light time is slower. Making our base 0 electron seem to stand still. Get a pocket full of seemingly motionless nothing and you get a pocket of starving dark matter. In this case "starving" is the same as creating a vacuum in space. Since this pocket of "Light time" is "starving" and everything outside this pocket of dark matter is in a "heavier time," it makes it appear dark matter is attracting when really it's just a vacuum, in time, trying to equalize. Making it stand to reason, by my, "I'm not smart enough to give anything more than this simplified reasoning, that Dark Matter is "LIGHT TIME" and Dark Energy is "HEAVY TIME." Maybe. Now think about this. As light travels through the universe and passes through these pockets of Heavy Time or Light Time. Does that "age" or "distort" that particular beam of light? Does that beam of light that is say 40 million light years away now look like it's 100 million light years away? If I'm right, it would explain why these 6 "old" galaxies are being discovered. Also if I'm right and someone proves it, you must name it after me and give me a cut of the Nobel prize winnings. Pass it on please. and thank you. Don't worry, where I come from crazy is a compliment. As it should be P.S. I may have gotten the names backwards and thanks again ;-P

  • @thomas-gw3xf
    @thomas-gw3xf ปีที่แล้ว

    if you have a power source of electricity and run a wire all around the earth to a box next to the power source --- you have a light bulb in the box when you hit the on button you get light instantaneously ------- if electrons actually traveled from power source around the earth to the light it would take seconds at a minimum to get light -------------------- if it were the distance across the universe then electrons travel way faster than speed of light -------------- but it is just entanglement of atoms sending energy faster than the snap of a finger ------------ the whole fc-n universe works in this manner --- ther is no fc-n invisible jelly holding things it is just pure entanglement of all the rocks their energy and the other rocks and suns and their energy -- omg it isn't some deity doing this shit either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Thaz72398
    @Thaz72398 ปีที่แล้ว

    I finally have a name to what goes on in my mind

  • @quantumofspace1367
    @quantumofspace1367 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A hybrid of quantum space, this is the theory of ether + theory of quantum strings = quanta of membranes (such as rosebuds). It will turn out 1) the quantum Universe from chaos. 2) Universe from quantum fractals. 3) The visible Universe is on the border between fractal and chaos. Volume - the quantum space of the Universe, depends on the seasonally opening working quantum of membranes, so that any quantum particle through the chaos of the quantum of membranes is washed away simultaneously in the entire Universe, but through the fractals of the quantum of the membrane, smooth spaces, you can determine the place where the quantum is likely to very often be particle.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm a bit confused how your response relates to quantum entanglement. Please clarify.

  • @GrantCastillou
    @GrantCastillou 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's becoming clearer that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with primary consciousness will probably have to come first. The thing I find special about the TNGS is the Darwin series of automata created at the Neurosciences Institute by Dr. Edelman and his colleagues in the 1990's and 2000's. These machines perform in the real world, not in a restricted simulated world, and display convincing physical behavior indicative of higher psychological functions necessary for consciousness, such as perceptual categorization, memory, and learning. They are based on realistic models of the parts of the biological brain that the theory claims subserve these functions. The extended TNGS allows for the emergence of consciousness based only on further evolutionary development of the brain areas responsible for these functions, in a parsimonious way. No other research I've encountered is anywhere near as convincing. I post because on almost every video and article about the brain and consciousness that I encounter, the attitude seems to be that we still know next to nothing about how the brain and consciousness work; that there's lots of data but no unifying theory. I believe the extended TNGS is that theory. My motivation is to keep that theory in front of the public. And obviously, I consider it the route to a truly conscious machine, primary and higher-order. My advice to people who want to create a conscious machine is to seriously ground themselves in the extended TNGS and the Darwin automata first, and proceed from there, by applying to Jeff Krichmar's lab at UC Irvine, possibly. Dr. Edelman's roadmap to a conscious machine is at

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your point is well-taken that there are lots of theories of consciousness and little substance to back them up. But I disagree that higher-order consciousness is restricted to humans because of language for two reasons: 1) What is higher-order consciousness? Edelman suggests it involves conscious thought and/or self-awareness, but lots of animals exhibit those attributes. The standard definition of consciousness is being aware of your surroundings. 2) In my opinion, language has nothing to do with consciousness. Brain myelination proceeds from the brain stem towards the pre-frontal cortex, where grammar is kept and when babies start to be able to talk. But they've been conscious all the time before that. Edelman might be right, but so might Roger Penrose.

    • @GrantCastillou
      @GrantCastillou 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 I don't know if consciousness requires a biological basis. But if a conscious machine can be created it will have to be based on the only thing we know has consciousness, the biological brain. Therefore, it will require a correct theory of how the brain works physically. No other theory has been used to create anything as convincing as the Darwin automata, imo.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think we have a fundamental difference of opinion because I think every cell in a living thing is conscious and the overall collection is our consciousness, as described in the TH-cam and further explained in my book. This expands the work of Penrose & Hameroff who only considered the brain.

    • @GrantCastillou
      @GrantCastillou 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 Do you think human level conscious machines are possible?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Possible, sure, but we're nowhere close to anything like it. F'instance, the little nematode C. elegans has 302 neurons and we've mapped all of them, but we still don't know how that simple network gives rise to a working nervous system. Good luck with making a human-level conscious machine.

  • @peepdawg8995
    @peepdawg8995 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice insight

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you liked it. String Theory is quite powerful, permitting novel ways to describe some of the strange phenomena we see. QE is one of them and I have more than a dozen TH-cams for others, including Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Creating Universes, etc. Have fun!

  • @investbo
    @investbo 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like your theories. Just a quick couple of questions: Why no possibility of hidden variables, per Quantum Physicists? Who and why? What do “hidden variables” look like (theoretically or even hypothetically)? Just curious. Also, I concur and agree about canceling out deterministic universe. Could you elaborate on your theory behind Electromagnetism? I understand it stands because it acts outside of space, but could you elaborate further?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you like my theories. When strange things happen, and especially when superstars like Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen object but they turn out to be true anyway, you sometimes need strange ideas to explain them. Your explanations also have to be consistent with other strange things. That's what I've tried to do. The problem with hidden variables is the constraint that for separate parts, one part must instantly influence the other, no matter how far apart they are. As Bell wrote later, "If [a hidden-variable theory] is local it will not agree with quantum mechanics, and if it agrees with quantum mechanics it will not be local." Bell's ideas have been demonstrated many times. Here's an example: It was found that ice cream sales cause crime because when those sales went up, so did crime. But more ice cream is sold in warmer months when more crooks are out. You have to understand the context and what else may be happening. Einstein has shown that the maximum speed in space is the speed of light, which isn't infinite. So for QE to work, it has to work outside of space to be consistent with the Theory of Relativity. I chose electromagnetism because it's not in space and involves waves rather than particles. True, all particles are also part wave, but QE has only been demonstrated for the lightest particles, which I speculate are really more wave than particle. It really comes down to, if QE is real and the speed of light is real, where can QE happen?

  • @forestdecember9661
    @forestdecember9661 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, Electrons can behave as particles or as waves. As a wave, electron has no boundaries. Taking this into consideration, electrons sit on top of each other. There is no distance between them. The information does not travel any distance whatsoever therefore is instantaneous. Where am I wrong?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      All particles (protons, neutrons, etc.) have characteristics of both particles and waves, but the wave attributes are easier to see in electrons because they're so light, with a mass of 1/1836 of a proton. You might be confusing electrons with photons (light) and that nasty fight between Newton (particle) and Hooke (wave). It was finally resolved by Thomas Young with his famous double-slit experiment, showing that light is both. Anyhow, from a QE perspective, whether it's a particle or a wave the max speed is the speed of light. How QE gets around that is an area of active research and lots of folks, including me, have their ideas. Hope that helps.

  • @radinelaj3932
    @radinelaj3932 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    , sorry, you didn't find out any thing,you just maximized the problem, but didn't found the point ( the essence) you just extend the problem, you just carried the problem to another ( smaller) size ,you should find the edge between particles and strings, the connection between them, ( in that connection there is another edge, in that edge there is another edge..and so on...deeper and deeper on the edge there is another edge and deeper there is another edge and deeper there is another edge...and so on , how many edges are?! Where did this process ends ?! this is the point ,hope you understand

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      My thoughts on Dark Matter have nothing to do with particles. I'm suggesting that when string/antistring annihilations occur a bit of the jitter surrounding these strings may persist for a fraction of an instant, and the vibration power in that temporary jitter is seen by us (via E=mc**2) as mass. It functions for its tiny existence as pseudo mass, everywhere all the time, keeping the real mass of stars within their galaxies. Your point about the "edge" (connection?) between strings and their particles is a different theoretical physics question.

  • @aarashnavabi4749
    @aarashnavabi4749 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, I think I have a good explanation of dark matter and I have some math to show my theory but I am a chemical engineer and I need a partner like you to help me with the math. Let me know if you might be interested. I found you while reading your comment on dark matter you post recently. There are three laws that affect my theory: 1: Avery particle has mass 2: dark matter is evident by its mass 3: in empty scape things are made and disappear. And finally the lowest temperature in the CMB is never zero K. Why? Temperature means that something is vibrating in that space. How could empty space have absolutely no vibrating matter in it and yet be 0 K. I need help proving that mathematically the barions made in space at one time create gravity. Dark gravity and we can’t see them but because they still exist empty space can’t be 0K. It’s always 0.2K

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm sorry, but I'm not your math guy. Good luck in finding the right person.

    • @aarashnavabi4749
      @aarashnavabi4749 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for your reply

  • @robertschlemmer5039
    @robertschlemmer5039 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your suggestion of string resonance with specialized subcellular protoplasmic tendrils is exciting. Might Brownian motion be a better explanation?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for your comment. In this case, Brownian motion is not applicable because that's random and affects only particles while these vibrations are at the quantum level, much much smaller and very regular. The cell microtubules resonance at 8 megahertz, or approx. 3.3 x 10**-8 electron volts, and while the published research was only on brain cells, I suggest this resonance is in all cells and comes from a string dimension. Of course the exciting part is that, perhaps, the collection and combination of all these microtubule resonances is what we see as consciousness.

  • @iurk0_streaming
    @iurk0_streaming 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If virtual particles can become Hawking radiation at the event horizon of black holes, with one half of the pair traveling to the gravitational singularity and the other traveling in the opposite direction as Hawking radiation, is it possible that some unobserved particles are the byproduct of virtual strings pairs failing to annihilate by some event-horizon-like effect at the plank level?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Let's start with a caveat that the separation of particles/antiparticles at event horizons and all of String Theory have significant support but are still speculative. But getting to your question, it's very probable that all the "new" particles formed by virtual strings (or virtual particles) in this way will be unobserved because we have no technology capable of seeing them. If you're suggesting these unobserved particles are Dark Matter, a big problem is that they're only formed at Black Holes and the "hidden" matter keeping galaxies together must be all over the galaxy.

    • @iurk0_streaming
      @iurk0_streaming 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 I hadn't thought of that, thank you for the explanation.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you're interested in what might be happening with these newly formed string-particles at event horizons, my TH-cam, Creating Universes - A String Theory Way at suggests a novel explanation.

  • @redstarkatchina
    @redstarkatchina 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    this was my reply that i think was delete by Australian police because of accusations of criminal harassment i have brought upon them i can teach you about thermal dynamic creation galaxies born out of oceans of liquid gas know as god nut to note the god tefnut is god of the states of matter,. Osiris is the electric charge married to the goddess Isis she is the black hole, during these freezing cold super conductive period Osiris electric charge was found all over space known as the goddess nemphys and osiris created matter by electrolysis , set or seth who is radiation was jealous because he wanted to dominate space know as goddess nemphys and radiation wanted her all for himself . eventually radiation won warming up the universe and oceans of liquid gas became gas thus chopping of Osiris penis his ability to create matter through electrolysis and banished him to the under world to rule as the electron where he still married to isis seen as black hole magnetic field torus set radiation was out of control and was about to ruin everything destroying the cymatic order of thoth , so horus had to be created, horus is red shift magnetic field the red chromosphere around the sun that slows radiation and the red shift spectrum around black hole that contains radiation, but because set cannot be stopped only slowed he escapes as Hawkins radiation i could reference the dogons for faster than light tachyon string, but i shall use the vedas the kama sutra quantum entangled threads and we will use sexual imagery to describe quarks position attraction and spin and let us not forget avatar varah the boar that metaphorically brings the the planets from oceans of liquid gas , while the galaxies is metaphorically churned on kurma the turtles back in this superfluid media while the devas and asuras battle for the amrita of life, who was Galileo's publisher ? plus i didnt even finish year ten high school and even though i have a brilliant memory for some reason im spelling dyslexic

  • @redstarkatchina
    @redstarkatchina 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    the speed of light is a dimensional limit , but its not the limit of the multidimensional universe, dimensional boundaries are folded with in each other

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you have a published reference for your statements?

    • @redstarkatchina
      @redstarkatchina 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 they deleted my reply

  • @robertflynn6686
    @robertflynn6686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just going to add a new comment to you, Dr Jeffrey Bender, PhD. Liked book on applied string theory. String theory or m-theory phenomenology. Its what the book is. Need a true link. Phenomenology. Where can this link come from or come about. Mathematically, m- theory is a duality of magnetic field reality math, compared to electronic field reality and math . Tied to spacetime of some dimensions. Magnetic dimensions are fractional ie the origins of true m-theory!! Like solving a set of linear equations turned to inverse coordinates and functions. So, the phenomenology aspects of strings and supersymmetry lie in the magnetic backgrounds ie soliton inverse spectral models(topology). I think lhc devices scatter away the objects ie strings. So, never seen. To complete your book one has to envision a small cold ultra collider technology . Say, one from nanotechnology. This way the strings will absorb into the physics of the device. So, can be observed. So the Link for string theory phenomenology i say lies in making 'Soliton inverse methods ' into a small collider object at very low temperature with magnetics. I see it in my mind. If dark energy and dark matter have a string theory phemonology in life and mind its at low relative Temps not high like lhc is. What do think.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you liked the book. My goal in this work has been to find possible reasons for unexplained observed phenomena, with those reasons consistent throughout. IMHO, String Theory concepts do that, with explanations for Dark Energy, quantum entanglement, universe creation, etc. all being compatible with each other. Besides not being able to experiment on the strings, physicists hate that the math involved seems so "convenient". I'm wondering if a new type of math needs to be developed by some genius, like what Newton had to do by inventing calculus to formulate his theories. In the meantime, perhaps ideas like yours to "see" strings interacting would be a solid start.

    • @robertflynn6686
      @robertflynn6686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 i had that thought after I left my job in software 🙃. It is to " see " symbolically and modify calculus symbolism to recognize I see.. symbolically. Its like imagining were in the Penrose model of 'something ' flowing inside the back side of nerves. Electronics flowing in the other in brain. So, the calculus must duplicate our brains process in a way. Its the magnetics of this dark or backside process which i conjecture is dark energy and dark-matter flowing inside the backside of the brains process. How to show these? The phenomenology of m-theory. Its real in our brain lets ---assume:( On IAI programs they call this "analytical metaphysics/idealism".

  • @robertflynn6686
    @robertflynn6686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A timely video and good. I believe in string theory but I need something like primes in numbers. Indivisibles that vibrate and spin to generate strings. The indivisible bits ill accept as dark information but solid; everything else from strings out are not solid( Bohms concepts). Bits of complex infinity is one choice i like then the universe of the complete whole is a complex 2d surface, but bounded like a dark hole. In one sense the whole is an infinite operating system of dark energy to create matter from itself, informationally only but not solid. I'm just a software person who likes to see it like software then thats really real. Even if dark its ok 👌 🙂. Book on way

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course the ultimate success would be a theory that handles all observational events, common or strange. The Standard Model hopes to do that but is stuck, for now anyway, on gravity. String Theory also hopes to do that, but scientists hate concepts they can't see or test. In your case, you have to show your ideas are consistent and don't blow up when (for example) dwarf galaxies associated with large galaxies don't form the way Dark Matter says they should. You have to explain how your ideas handle things like that. In my work I've tried to address such issues, from quantum entanglement to Dark Energy to supersymmetry to how universes are formed, etc. If errors in my work are found by you or others, they must be fixed or my view of String Theory becomes just another daydream.

    • @robertflynn6686
      @robertflynn6686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 i agree. Got your book on order to me and ill see how you obtain life for example . Software is my interest. I noticed that David Deutsch is similar to my thinking. I made 2 patents in 2002 to test in nanotechnology how a software in dark energy affects light. We had a minn. Company in 1990-2002 to get $$ but no one had that. So I just moved forward and studied how a real dark energy in the background is accessed by living things. No current model i know of except possibly you bring life and consciousness about. So I'll read how you are going to do. All pretty interesting. Thanks for you thoughtful comments Dr. Bender.😇

  • @robertflynn6686
    @robertflynn6686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'll read your book first then let's chat, ok. I and you think alike and I do agree to Penrose and hameroff too. It would be most interesting if the greatest proof of strings and gravity are in life. That was my thought inb1985. Thank you. Robert

  • @cmac8169
    @cmac8169 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is exactly what I was thinking, thank you for sharing this. Took me forever to find this. So frustrating when you have an idea and you can not get it to the public.

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you liked my (our) view on Dark Matter! String Theory may be able to explain many difficult areas and I have 13 TH-cams about them. I think the ones with the most observational support are Dark Energy - A String Theory Way, Creating Universes - A String Theory Way, and Dwarf Galaxies - A String Theory Way. Hope you see some positive ideas in them, too.

  • @tomphillips3253
    @tomphillips3253 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, Howard. I looked at many TH-cam videos on the subject of Quantum Entanglement. I like yours very much. I am not a scientist, but a Electronic Engineer. I would like to know HOW do particles get entangled in the first place. What exact process is used? I read where two electrons, for example, get entangled when they hit one another. If true, then no partial or substance can get entangled with another unless they collide with one another……do I get this right? Can you elaborate a bit on how things get entangled? Regards Tom

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, Tom - Glad you liked my explanation, which really focused on how entanglement can be perceived as going faster than the speed of light. Your question, how particles get entangled in the first place, is the question all such physicists ask themselves. I dodge that in the TH-cam by saying the form entanglement takes is unknown. I'm sorry, but these things are spooky action at a distance for now. As you probably know, the math used in String Theory can give very different answers depending on initial assumptions, something that drives non-believers nuts. Newton had to invent calculus to create his laws of motion, and it may be time for another new form of math to be invented to settle not only String Theory, but some troublesome questions like quantum entanglement. Electronic engineers are good at math - now's your chance! Cheers, Howard

    • @tomphillips3253
      @tomphillips3253 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@howardjeffreybender8345 Thanks, Howard. I’m afraid my math works well with Frequency=1 over 2pie x the Square Root of LC and a few others🙂. May I ask one more question? Is it true to say that 2 particles can never be entangled if they remain far apart, like one of them being on some distant galaxy, and the other being on another distant galaxy? Or one in your office and one in my office? Could such separation ever get them entangled somehow?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Entangled particles react no matter how far apart they are. But if your question is do particles have to be close to initiate entanglement, research efforts continue to find this out.

    • @tomphillips3253
      @tomphillips3253 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, I know what is said about reaction no matter how far apart, buy how close do they have to be to initiate entanglement was my question. That is why I said if one particle is on the opposite side of the universe and the other is on the other side, or if one particle is in your office and the other is non my office, would they be able to entangle? I am watching lots of TH-cam videos about this, and the explanations seem to say that they have to be manipulated to be entangled, that entanglement does not occur in the universe. That I find puzzling. The other puzzling thing is that a number of TH-cam videos seem to imply that entanglement is done in the “Consciousness”. IE: you have to be Observing it and by observation entanglement happens, even if done by a electronic detector, the Mind is where it happens when observing the results of the Detector. Well, anyways, Howard, thank you for responding. I could go on with lots more questions but I appreciate your reply’s from your busy schedule. I’ll look forward to your next TH-cam. Be safe!! Regards Tom

  • @freddyplunkett6281
    @freddyplunkett6281 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very interesting theory, I just have 1 query. Since the dark matter is to the quantum foam, and I assume the quantum foam is universal and of constant properties throughout the universe, then what is the explanation for dark matter not having universal density and in fact existing in clumps? Why is it not the case that equal consistent amounts of this essentially virtual matter exist throughout the universe?

    • @howardjeffreybender8345
      @howardjeffreybender8345 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The quantum foam is still an evolving concept, with lots to be figured out. For example, when the universe was younger and smaller, the foam may have been more dense than it is now. I take that position in another TH-cam, Dark Energy - A String Theory Way. Also, I suggest Dark Matter is residual and temporary jitter energy from string/antistring annihilations, with that jitter energy returning to the foam. In other words, Dark Matter isn't in the foam but appears as an artifact of those annihilations. However, that artifact appears to us as real matter (from E=mc2), although fleeting. Do you have another view? I'm always open to making my stuff better!

  • @roccoma
    @roccoma 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    A most courageous young woman.