I enjoy it so far and it was great seeing everyone at my table today thank goodness I didn’t get a break because of all of this stuff I had going to do today
I enjoy your time in my class life and my life cause I had to wait till the day I got this to go At least I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson
I enjoy your company you are welcome to join us if you want to you can send me a picture please send me your address please send the money to you my dear friend and my phone is going on with thanks for your time and help you with that one knows how to you get home I forget
Kunutu o utloa bohloko ka tahlehelo ea ngoana! Oa itebatsa hore o entse eng ka Smaki😮 o lebala ka pele kea mmona
Yes because rats carry the plague
Brp the first clip tf
He forgot to say true off the gas and then do what he said
One more get a wet taweltl bato it in thefire
That's why you avoid open blades unless absolutely necessary; use a riving knife whenever possible.
The volcom guy needs to give up.
all amateur work, it all depends on the way u hold the wood. Clearly they all hold it wrong.
traffic traffic TRAFFIC!! CLIMB CLIMB CLIMB NOW CLIMB NOW(or descend)
Ascend permantly :skull
bro why am i heaving flashbacks
Ascend permanently 💀💀💀💀
"Ascend permanently" 💀💀💀
"or else everyone on board might ascend permanently" 💀
The f they're big
Aint nk way he copied zack's script
Nah this is not copied. I didn't find this on zack vdos
This guy makes insane video not gonna trust any one else🎉
dang the melons
Alr only Chinese dousnt have small eyes and stoo copy other yt or else we will have a talk little boy
ascend permanently💀
I enjoy it so far and it was great seeing everyone at my table today thank goodness I didn’t get a break because of all of this stuff I had going to do today
I enjoy the most of the future of the future
I enjoy the rest of the most important thing is that the only thing I can get a chance to win the game.
“I enjoy my house”😭
I enjoy your day
I enjoy it is the who are not going to be in a position
I enjoy the same thing that you know how much as well you are you have to participate participate
I enjoy your mom
I enjoy your time in my class life and my life cause I had to wait till the day I got this to go At least I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson to make sure I had a math lesson
I enjoy the rest of us to go now back
I enjoy to be the devil of the hell
As a boy, if you have a crush on them... Just make the first move. We are either usually too scared or clueless to make a move first.
I enjoy my time with you guys and I hope you have a good weekend
I enjoy the music of the world and I am so🅒🅞🅞🅛 happy and healthy and I am so proud
I enjoy your family
I enjoy the wall and pins and needles in my arms. WTF
I enjoy being around you and your family are doing good and you can come home to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow is the first day of school
I enjoy…
Bro none of this is true
i enjoy
I enjoy the fact that you are a good person
i enjoy
I enjoy the rest of the above
I enjoy your day with your dad
I enjoy your company you are welcome to join us if you want to you can send me a picture please send me your address please send the money to you my dear friend and my phone is going on with thanks for your time and help you with that one knows how to you get home I forget
I enjoy the idea that you are not the one that is going through the process of making the decision