- 220
- 431 061
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2019
I do tank reviews and stuff.
GET THE K-91 BEFORE IT'S GONE... Here's Why! | WoTB
Today I will be reviewing the K91. A tank that is almost gone from the blitz auction. Get it now for an amazing price before it's gone!
Join my discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
Join my discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
มุมมอง: 1 005
You Can ONLY Get These in CRATES? Huh... | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.4K12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
In today's video I will spend my life savings to try to get the new Deadmau5 attachments... oh boy.. Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
NEW Mau5Tank is VERY Weird... OP or Nah? | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.5K14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
This NEW Tank is super strange. But how does it play? Find out in today's video! Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
มุมมอง 1.8K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
In today's video I will showcase and rank all the tier 10 snow globe reward tanks in Blitz! Which ones are good and which are not? Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
Played 20K Battles? Get This For FREE! | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.1K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
If you have 20k battles played, you can get this brand new tier 8 for free! Just login to Blitz and win 1 battle! Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
This NEW Tank is AMAZING! But... | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.6K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
In today's video I will be reviewing the Lion. This tier 10 has so many good things going for it but there is one problem. It's crazy expensive... Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
EVERYONE Gets The LT 432 For FREE! | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.5K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
You all can get the LT for free by simply logging into the game and playing a battle for the next 25 days! DO IT!! Join my Discord: discord.gg/WZXfdefv4d
You CAN'T Get This On NA... But WHY? | WoTB
มุมมอง 2K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
You CAN'T Get This On NA... But WHY? | WoTB
The "NERFS" Actually BUFFED it?... Here's why! | WoTB
มุมมอง 2K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
The "NERFS" Actually BUFFED it?... Here's why! | WoTB
Better Than The Tier 10... It's OP?! | WoTB
มุมมอง 2.9K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Better Than The Tier 10... It's OP?! | WoTB
The Buffed E6 is INSANE... & Cheap! | WoTB
มุมมอง 2.6K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
The Buffed E6 is INSANE... & Cheap! | WoTB
I Played 100 Battles in The NEW "Worst" T10... | WoTB
มุมมอง 1.9K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
I Played 100 Battles in The NEW "Worst" T10... | WoTB
Want The NEW Kpz 07P(E)? | Good Luck...
มุมมอง 2.1Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Want The NEW Kpz 07P(E)? | Good Luck...
"Paid Actor" Gives FREE DMG...💀| Stream Highlights WoTB
มุมมอง 1.8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
"Paid Actor" Gives FREE DMG...💀| Stream Highlights WoTB
CRAZY 1V5 & 8.6K DMG?! | Best of Blitz ep.2
มุมมอง 1.7K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
CRAZY 1V5 & 8.6K DMG?! | Best of Blitz ep.2
FIRST Tier 8 to Get THIS... | Does it Help?
มุมมอง 2.5K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
FIRST Tier 8 to Get THIS... | Does it Help?
They BUFFED The Pancake... | It's INSANE!
มุมมอง 2.2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
They BUFFED The Pancake... | It's INSANE!
NEW Souleater Tank is Built Different 😎 | Buy Now or Nah?
มุมมอง 2.2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
NEW Souleater Tank is Built Different 😎 | Buy Now or Nah?
Why Did The T22 Get This... | It's Actually Insane!
มุมมอง 2.3K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Why Did The T22 Get This... | It's Actually Insane!
NEW Quetzal Tank is MASSIVE... and Useless?
มุมมอง 4.8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
NEW Quetzal Tank is MASSIVE... and Useless?
NEW Argonaut Tank is So WEIRD... | Good or Trash?
มุมมอง 2.9K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
NEW Argonaut Tank is So WEIRD... | Good or Trash?
The NEW Most Goofy Tier 9... | LKpz.70 K
มุมมอง 1.5K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
The NEW Most Goofy Tier 9... | LKpz.70 K
NEW Projet Murat is Here... But is it Good?
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
NEW Projet Murat is Here... But is it Good?
From TRASH... to OP?! | Must Have Heavy
มุมมอง 3.1K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
From TRASH... to OP?! | Must Have Heavy
is This Tank REALLY Worth Buying.. or Nah?
มุมมอง 3.2K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
is This Tank REALLY Worth Buying.. or Nah?
like.. why you guys even watching PC players.. this is a mobile game
Could you make a video on tanks that could appear next in the auction , mostly tier 10s. I am asking it cz i have limited gold and i really want a good ROI with the gold i spend. My choice is to get a tier 10 that has strong stats, can play tournaments as well. I missed the chieftain mk6 in the first round. It was really great tank , i need kind of similar to that. K91 is a steal definitely but it matches mostly with t10s and they easily find a way to overpower it. Though against t8s it is quite formidable.
I think it'll still be in stock until the next price drop, and 8000 gold flat is the lowest it'll go before it's removed from the auction whether sold out or not. I suggest waiting just a few more hours before picking it up, but 8750 gold is a great price as well.
I agree. K91 is definitely one of my favorite tier 9's.
This thing has to be exposed for 7s to unload its clip. The 752 only needs 4s.
😂 so true
Free Player no clan tricks for credits.. Do daily missions.. Play 2X tanks.. Limit consumables and gold amo.. Aim..! 😊
As much as I want the k91, I would still hold out for potential amx m6 or the vk 90p. Been my dream on getting either of those.
op review on the k91. Kpz 70 is also really fun, being able to bonk someone with 560 damage feels really nice. Anyways, too bad I’m f2p and have like a total of 1 gold xdddd.
funny, just got it from a draw today for like 700 gold...
Is the Svear worth it? So far it's the only tank in the auction house that I don't have. Should I wait to see if something else comes up? I've never really participated in the auction before.
Just play the leo, this is just a premium version of it. Also 4.5k is expensive for a tier7 tank.
Leo is free because all you can do is grind. I don't see a reason you should buy the Svear, unless you like collecting tanks
Sold this like 5 month ago
752 when you want to be more tanky, k-91 when you want more DPM.
How it compares to the 752? I sold the K-91 a long time ago to buy a tier 10.
Different playstyles 752 is way easier to play with But if you master the autoloader playstyle K-91 could be more efficient for you
Both tanks have good turret armour. Even if the 752 proves to do better on hulldown, it still has some weakspots on the turret, like the cupolas. K-91 is a decent tank for everyone because it deals more damage on its mag despite having 80 less Alpha.
Better than the 752. I wish the inter-clip was like 3s because 3.53s is quite long
Something looks different about Flossie today🤔
The only Soviet tank that provided me wrong... It, is a legend.
This tank is the definition of shell velocity
I pretty much got close to the best stats in the k-91 from all the tanks i have 213 games played 70% winrate and 2400 average damage
I already have 752, so k91 still a good pick ?
Imo yes, k-91 is a bit more mobile and accuracy/dpm bit better with less alpha, also has super high shell velocity
They have different playstyles 752 is way easier to play with and overpowered in anyone's hands K91 needs more skill and a different playstyle
I'm subbed and I like your videos, keep it up!
flossie for me M-V-YOH is most overpowered one in my opinion
Fair enough. I do think this tank is more reliable, but the double shot on the yoh is crazy lol
i already have the k-91 and its a great tier 9, i perform on it better than the obj 752
Yeah, it honestly can be more effective in some situations
Shut i wait for next week of auctions and by a tier ten, or buy the K-91 now?
I'd say to go ahead and get the K91 now if u want a guaranteed good tank. There is not a guarantee that a good tier X will make it into the auction next week
@@TheGulagMaster agreed
I don't know if you shut bro
Tank: You Think Your The King AMM THE KING *tank blow up*
Need it video, thanks. I still believe Carro 45 is better then Lion. Also, as for me, this round of Snowglobes event was very dissapointed. My fav. one: Strv K!
got it like 9 times from boxes. It sucks anyway
Bro actually put the VK 90 in Meh 😂😂😂. like whaaat
Yeah, compared to what it was its meh. after the changes to Cali + tanks just getting more pen, dpm etc, its not what it used to be imo.
@flossie___3584 i mean its just the lower plate that is weaker but .u gotta mention that its one of the most reliable HT gun in T10 still rly good at pushing and holding
i won this tank just a while ago.. i bought 15 mystery box1 worth 5k gold, the gold i used is also from mystery box1 i won 100,000 gold just the other day ago
Thanks for the nice review! Liked and subscribed, cheers!
Thanks bro! Appreciate it
You really look up to the high quality of Droodles intro eh... aye, it's exhilarating stuff
Jesus loves you guys
W stream
I wish they wouldd bring back oldschool gravity mode.
I miss it too
gravity games VKs
Well I'm a steamroller baby....Gonna roll all over you !!!! Yeah baby sing it !!
Yo !
Forcing kids to gamble is sooo evil and criminal is absolutely disgusting this is not illegal…I know a kid who dropped 500$ chasing a crate he was 11 he won’t be online till he’s 21 now he got grounded for a long time… but if you walked into a casino and did the same thing, the casino would be shut down immediately. The owners would be questioned, scrutinized fined and jailed.
you disappointed your teamate that gave you that thumb down. but you couldve manuevered out of that spot sooner.
He disappointed me by doing 700 dmg in a tier 10 🤣
Loool, I'm just his cooler twin 😎
I just want attachments for my lion 😢
bro is not droodles
@@dami7996no way!
One quick note on the 3 shell auto gun. DON"T USE IN GRAVITY MODES! By the time it fires the 3rd shell, the tank is pointing straight up in the air! So you typically only do 160 damage!
@@jamesphillips7946 LOOOOL
Is it a credit machine ?
I like attachments
Theres an offer to buy the mau5 for 86cad$..
60$ usd...
Cool vid, thanks for the info!
The muzzle legitimately looks like the barrel of a Volkite weapon from WH40K (They were basically disintegration ray weapons that were used during the Horus Heresy and some are still used by some Space Marine chapters and the Mechanicus)