- 4 397
- 979 363
Vigorun--remote control lawn mower manufacturer
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2016
Vigorun Tech, a leading manufacturer of remote control lawn mower in China, mainly focuses on remote control lawn mower with crawler and wheels. we have our own Technical Research and Development Department, a team of workers with fifteen years of production experience, a professional quality inspection team, quality assurance, and an after-sales service team with great service awareness.
Official website: vigorun.cn
To buy lawn mower: 801@ssrbot.com
Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160
Official website: vigorun.cn
To buy lawn mower: 801@ssrbot.com
Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160
косачка за трева с дистанционно управление, косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление
Китай направи безжична косачка с дистанционно управление ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление
Официален сайт: vigorun.cn/bg/
Имейл: 801@ssrbot.com
Whatsapp/WeChat: +86 181 6208 4899
Здравейте, любители на тревата! Готови ли сте да срещнете суперзвездата в поддръжката на тревни площи? Това не е нищо друго освен косачка за трева с безжично дистанционно управление от Vigorun Tech, най-доброто решение за всичките ви проблеми с косенето на трева.
Нашата косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление не е просто обикновена косачка за трева. Той идва с цял набор от функции, които го правят да стои над всички останали. Първо и най-важно, той гордо притежава CE сертификата, който е като златен билет за европейския и американския пазар. Това означава, че отговаря на най-строгите стандарти за безопасност и качество, което ви дава пълно спокойствие.
Задвижването на този невероятен косачка за трева с безжично дистанционно управление е висококачествен двигател, произведен от реномираната марка Loncin. Тези двигатели са не само надеждни, но и екологични, отговарящи на стандартите за емисии Euro 5 или EPA. Така че, докато карате вашата тревна площ да изглежда изчистена, вие също давате своя принос за планетата. Това е като да имате зелен воин в задния си двор, който тихо се бори срещу замърсяването на въздуха, докато без усилие се справя с тревата.
Основни спецификации косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление:
Модел: VTLM800/ VTLM600/VTW550-90/VTC550-90
Скорост на ходене: 0-4km/h/ 0-6Kkm/h
Работна степен: 0-60°/ 0-45°/ 0-35°
Регулируема височина на косене: 10~180mm/ 20/40mm/ 10~150mm
Минимален просвет: 20 мм
Обхват на дистанционното управление: 200м
Ширина на косене: 800 мм/ 600 мм/ 550 мм
Тип гориво: Бензин
Марка: Loncin
Емисионен стандарт: Euro5/ EPA
Тип двигател: едноцилиндров, четиритактов
Резервоар за гориво: 7L/ 2L
Работно време: 4ч/ 2ч
Метод на стартиране: Старт с дърпане, Електрически старт, Старт с дистанционно управление
Мощност / Емисии: 16Hp / 452cc, 9Hp / 224cc
Ходещ мотор
Тип мотор: Серво мотор/ Четка/ Безчеткова електрическа тяга
Напрежение / Мощност: 48V 1000W, 24V / 350W, 24V / 1000W/
Батерия: 48V 20Ah/ 24V 12Ah
Динамо: 56V 4000W/ 28V 1500W
Косачки по поръчка, произведени от Vigorun
Производител на радиоуправляема косачка за трева в Китай - обратна връзка с клиентите
Vigorun RC Mower - основни компоненти, които използвахме
Верижна косачка за храсти с дистанционно управление (VTLM800 със снегорин)
Безчетков резервоар за косене с дистанционно управление (VTLM600)
Китай направи безжична косачка с дистанционно управление ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление
селскостопански роботизиран бензинов самозахранващ се динамо безжичен фреза за наклони
Китай произвежда верижна косачка с дистанционно управление на ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска косачка с дистанционно управление за хълмове
мощен бензинов двигател с 500 мм ширина на рязане радиоуправляема косачка за трева
Произведена в Китай дистанционна косачка на ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска r/c косачка за трева
висока трева, растителна защита на склона на магистрала, хълм, планински склон, овощни градини, пасторал, двор, тръстика, жилищен район, насип на река, дига на река, лесен за използване, по-голям размер, футболно игрище, гора, горска ферма, преден двор, градинска морава ,градини,самоходни,самоходни,CE,EPA,CE сертификация,край пътя,игрище за ръгби,фиданки,храсти,наклон,насипи по склонове,футболно игрище,стръмен наклон,блато,терасиране,гъст храст,зеленчуци,вилна морава, пустош, плевели, влажни зони, диви пасища.
#дистанционна косачка #косачка #косачка #косачки #робот косачка #roboticlawnmower #lawnmaintenance #remotecontrollawnmower #remotecontrolledlawnmower #kosiarki #kosiarkastokowa #cortacéspedremoto #Tagliaerba # Rasaerba #Falciatrice #ラジコン草刈機 #tondeuse #tondeuseàgazon #tondeusedepente # cortacésped #cortadordehierba
Официален сайт: vigorun.cn/bg/
Имейл: 801@ssrbot.com
Whatsapp/WeChat: +86 181 6208 4899
Здравейте, любители на тревата! Готови ли сте да срещнете суперзвездата в поддръжката на тревни площи? Това не е нищо друго освен косачка за трева с безжично дистанционно управление от Vigorun Tech, най-доброто решение за всичките ви проблеми с косенето на трева.
Нашата косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление не е просто обикновена косачка за трева. Той идва с цял набор от функции, които го правят да стои над всички останали. Първо и най-важно, той гордо притежава CE сертификата, който е като златен билет за европейския и американския пазар. Това означава, че отговаря на най-строгите стандарти за безопасност и качество, което ви дава пълно спокойствие.
Задвижването на този невероятен косачка за трева с безжично дистанционно управление е висококачествен двигател, произведен от реномираната марка Loncin. Тези двигатели са не само надеждни, но и екологични, отговарящи на стандартите за емисии Euro 5 или EPA. Така че, докато карате вашата тревна площ да изглежда изчистена, вие също давате своя принос за планетата. Това е като да имате зелен воин в задния си двор, който тихо се бори срещу замърсяването на въздуха, докато без усилие се справя с тревата.
Основни спецификации косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление:
Модел: VTLM800/ VTLM600/VTW550-90/VTC550-90
Скорост на ходене: 0-4km/h/ 0-6Kkm/h
Работна степен: 0-60°/ 0-45°/ 0-35°
Регулируема височина на косене: 10~180mm/ 20/40mm/ 10~150mm
Минимален просвет: 20 мм
Обхват на дистанционното управление: 200м
Ширина на косене: 800 мм/ 600 мм/ 550 мм
Тип гориво: Бензин
Марка: Loncin
Емисионен стандарт: Euro5/ EPA
Тип двигател: едноцилиндров, четиритактов
Резервоар за гориво: 7L/ 2L
Работно време: 4ч/ 2ч
Метод на стартиране: Старт с дърпане, Електрически старт, Старт с дистанционно управление
Мощност / Емисии: 16Hp / 452cc, 9Hp / 224cc
Ходещ мотор
Тип мотор: Серво мотор/ Четка/ Безчеткова електрическа тяга
Напрежение / Мощност: 48V 1000W, 24V / 350W, 24V / 1000W/
Батерия: 48V 20Ah/ 24V 12Ah
Динамо: 56V 4000W/ 28V 1500W
Косачки по поръчка, произведени от Vigorun
Производител на радиоуправляема косачка за трева в Китай - обратна връзка с клиентите
Vigorun RC Mower - основни компоненти, които използвахме
Верижна косачка за храсти с дистанционно управление (VTLM800 със снегорин)
Безчетков резервоар за косене с дистанционно управление (VTLM600)
Китай направи безжична косачка с дистанционно управление ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска косачка за стръмен наклон с дистанционно управление
селскостопански роботизиран бензинов самозахранващ се динамо безжичен фреза за наклони
Китай произвежда верижна косачка с дистанционно управление на ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска косачка с дистанционно управление за хълмове
мощен бензинов двигател с 500 мм ширина на рязане радиоуправляема косачка за трева
Произведена в Китай дистанционна косачка на ниска цена за продажба, най-добрата китайска r/c косачка за трева
висока трева, растителна защита на склона на магистрала, хълм, планински склон, овощни градини, пасторал, двор, тръстика, жилищен район, насип на река, дига на река, лесен за използване, по-голям размер, футболно игрище, гора, горска ферма, преден двор, градинска морава ,градини,самоходни,самоходни,CE,EPA,CE сертификация,край пътя,игрище за ръгби,фиданки,храсти,наклон,насипи по склонове,футболно игрище,стръмен наклон,блато,терасиране,гъст храст,зеленчуци,вилна морава, пустош, плевели, влажни зони, диви пасища.
#дистанционна косачка #косачка #косачка #косачки #робот косачка #roboticlawnmower #lawnmaintenance #remotecontrollawnmower #remotecontrolledlawnmower #kosiarki #kosiarkastokowa #cortacéspedremoto #Tagliaerba # Rasaerba #Falciatrice #ラジコン草刈機 #tondeuse #tondeuseàgazon #tondeusedepente # cortacésped #cortadordehierba
มุมมอง: 0
селскостопански роботизиран бензинов самозахранващ се динамо безжичен фреза за наклони #slopemower
селскостопански роботизиран бензинов самозахранващ се динамо безжичен фреза за наклони Официален сайт: vigorun.cn/bg/ Имейл: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 Задвижващият вал на двигателя е произведение на изкуството. Ние го персонализирахме специално, за да гарантираме първокласно качество и безопасност. Можете да се доверите, че този задвижващ вал е създаден да издържи. Всъщно...
Affordable remote controlled rubber track slasher mower for sale with best price #commercialmower
มุมมอง 54 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Affordable remote controlled rubber track slasher mower for sale with best price Official website: vigorun.cn Email: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 This remote controlled rubber track slasher mower is a powerhouse when it comes to tackling tough terrains. The gasoline engine packs a punch, making it suitable for all kinds of wild grasses and slopes. Let's say you have a hilly ...
China made pond weed cutter low price for sale, Chinese best slope mower price #lawnmowerrobot
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China made pond weed cutter low price for sale, Chinese best slope mower price Official website: vigorun.cn Email: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 Our best slope mower is a marvel of modern engineering. What sets it apart is its unique hybrid power system. All of our models are equipped with a combination of a gasoline engine and electricity. There's a built - in generator that...
petrol working degree 40° walking speed 0~6Km/h remote control grass cutter lawn mower #slopemower
มุมมอง 134 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
petrol working degree 40° walking speed 0~6Km/h remote control grass cutter lawn mower Official website: vigorun.cn Email: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 Hey there, lawn enthusiasts! Are you tired of the old - fashioned, labor - intensive ways of keeping your grass in check? Well, it's time to meet the game - changing petrol remote control grass cutter lawn mower from Vigorun ...
bensiinimootoriga kiire umbrohutõrje roomik juhtmevaba raadiojuhtimine järsul kallakul muruniiduk
มุมมอง 337 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Loncin 452CC bensiinimootoriga kiire umbrohutõrje roomik juhtmevaba raadiojuhtimine järsul kallakul muruniiduk Ametlik veebisait: vigorun.cn/et/ E-post: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 Mõelgem golfiväljakule. Maastikupidajad saavad kasutada meie raadiojuhtimine järsu kallakuga muruniiduk-d faarvaatide ja griinide hooldamiseks. Nad saavad seda kaugjuhtida, tagades, et muru niide...
Müüa madala hinnaga Hiinas valmistatud tiigi umbrohulõikur, Hiina parim raadioga juhitav muruniiduk
มุมมอง 187 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Müüa madala hinnaga Hiinas valmistatud tiigi umbrohulõikur, Hiina parim raadioga juhitav muruniiduk Ametlik veebisait: vigorun.cn/et/ E-post: 801@ssrbot.com Whatsapp/WeChat: 86 181 6208 4899 parim raadiojuhtimisega muruniiduk-l on piisavalt hobujõudu, et tulla toime igasuguse metsiku ja rahutu rohuga, isegi kallakutel. Kui teil on kaldse muru ja umbrohuga maamaja, teeb meie puldiga niidurobot s...
petrol servo motor and controller adjustable cutting height 10-150mm RC controlled lawn mower
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petrol servo motor and controller adjustable cutting height 10-150mm RC controlled lawn mower
Where to buy Vigorun VTLM800 remote control caterpillar weed reaper online #remotecontrolmower#mower
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Where to buy Vigorun VTLM800 remote operated track-mounted weed trimmer online #remotecontrolmower
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It's a slope mower, show what it can do mowing a steep slope going horizontal
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We do have many mowing videos, We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. You may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. You may see many customer feedback on various terrains on our website: vigorun.cn/category/info/gallery
Contact please
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
What's the price for the lawn mower I want to know the price for it
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Whether it is available in India?
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
que medidas tiene la base metalica? y que costos tiene de envio a mexico?
Gracias por su reconocimiento. Somos un fabricante de cortadoras de césped a control remoto y vehículos de transporte de China. Puede comprarlas directamente con nosotros. Podemos hablar por Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 para obtener más detalles. O también puede enviarme un correo electrónico: 801@ssrbot.com para obtener un catálogo y una lista de precios. Para obtener más información sobre los productos, visite nuestro sitio web: vigorun.cn
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Boa noite. Gostaria de saber preços e condições. Obrigado
Obrigado pelo seu reconhecimento. Somos um fabricante de cortadores de grama de controle remoto da China, você pode comprar diretamente de nós. Podemos falar pelo Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 para mais detalhes. Ou você também pode me enviar um e-mail: 801@ssrbot.com para obter um catálogo e lista de preços. Para mais informações sobre produtos, visite nosso site: vigorun.cn
Gde moze da se nabavi i koliko kosta
Hvala vam na vašem priznanju. Mi smo proizvođač kosilica za travu na daljinsko upravljanje iz Kine, možete kupiti izravno od nas. Možemo razgovarati putem Whatsappa: +86 18162084899 za više detalja. Ili mi također možete poslati e-mail: 801@ssrbot.com da dobijem katalog i cjenik. Za više informacija o proizvodima posjetite našu web stranicu: vigorun.cn
INTERESSANTE da acquistare
Grazie per il tuo riconoscimento. Siamo un produttore di tosaerba telecomandati dalla Cina, puoi acquistare direttamente da noi. Possiamo parlare su Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 per maggiori dettagli. Oppure puoi anche inviarmi un'e-mail: 801@ssrbot.com per ottenere un catalogo e un listino prezzi. Per maggiori informazioni sui prodotti, visita il nostro sito Web: vigorun.cn
How much does a 452cm3 machine cost and do you ship to Serbia, how much would it cost with delivery? Is there any warranty on the machine? 
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. All our machines have one year warranty. We do provide to door shipping service. Also we have distributors in Europe. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
How much is each
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
How much and how to order
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
How much where to order
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Giá bán xao bạn
Cảm ơn sự ghi nhận của bạn. Chúng tôi là nhà sản xuất máy cắt cỏ điều khiển từ xa từ Trung Quốc, bạn có thể mua trực tiếp từ chúng tôi. Chúng ta có thể trao đổi qua Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 để biết thêm chi tiết. Hoặc bạn cũng có thể gửi cho tôi E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com để nhận danh mục và bảng giá. Để biết thêm thông tin về sản phẩm, vui lòng truy cập trang web của chúng tôi: vigorun.cn
love it
Thank you dear
I need that How to I get this??
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalog and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Cant wait to get one
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Is it available in india
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
y qué uso,tienen estos vehículos?
Gracias por su reconocimiento. Somos un fabricante de cortadoras de césped a control remoto de China, puede comprarlas directamente con nosotros. Podemos hablar por Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 para obtener más detalles. O también puede enviarme un correo electrónico: 801@ssrbot.com para obtener un catálogo y una lista de precios. Para obtener más información sobre los productos, visite nuestro sitio web: vigorun.cn
Good product I am from Malaysia how can I be the distributor
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Great Product
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Vorrei vedere un filmato che mostri bene il taglio di erba di un campo di almeno 500 mq . Grazie
For prompt reply and mowing videos, you can add my WhatsApp: +86 181 6208 4899.
In Ali express sale???
Köszönjük elismerését. Távirányítós fűnyírók gyártója vagyunk Kínából, közvetlenül tőlünk vásárolhat. Az Aliexpressen nem árulunk, de van Alibaba online boltunk. További részletekért Whatsappon tudunk beszélni: +86 18162084899. Vagy küldjön nekem e-mailt: 801@ssrbot.com, hogy megkapja a katalógust és az árlistát. További termékinformációkért látogasson el weboldalunkra: vigorun.cn
How much?
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Hello How ro set workinf speed in menu Original serringa have just little sifference between low and high speed I want to ser loweer working speed .
Tutorial for your reference on our official website. vigorun.cn/category/support
what is the price?
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Aloha, I will be a distributor here in Hawaii.
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
How much ?
Visit our official website to get more details and quotation for our remote control lawn mower: vigorun.cn
Hi, please send me your contact details. I am interested in distributing your mowers in Poland. I run a business related to the maintenance of green areas. I work with devices from companies such as Orec, Stihl, Husqvarna. Regards
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
do you have distributors in indonesia?
Hi dear, now we don't have a distributor in Indonesia. You can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
I want order from Indonesian. Vtc800
You're really discerning to choose our VTLM800 model. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
nice looking machine
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Nice. But it looks like chopping knives keep operating while snow plowing. It produces the same noice as by lawn mowering (as well as shaking). I would expect less shaking and less noice. Then I would consider it a really great universally usable machine.
Now I can see that the machines featured in the video actually differs. The 2nd one doing better regarding noice and shaking.
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Wie viele kostet??
Tatsächlich haben wir jetzt einen Vertriebspartner in Deutschland. Für weitere Informationen können wir uns per WhatsApp unter der Nummer +86 18162084899 unterhalten. Sie können mir auch eine E-Mail senden: 801@ssrbot.com, um einen Katalog und eine Preisliste zu erhalten. Weitere Produktinformationen finden Sie auf unserer Website: vigorun.cn/de/
What’s the degrees that your mower does?
We have different models with various max mowing degrees for many terrains. The VTLM800 model can work on slope under 60 degrees. You may learn more on our website: vigorun.cn/product-category/mower
This is what I need
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Hi can I be a distributor here in Barbados
We're looking for distributors all over the world and now we already have distributors in Europe. You're welcomed to be our partner in Barbados. We can talk more details by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com
Looking good
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
can I try one 😂
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Thats tight!!! I would love one of these!! I would love to sell these make a market and capitalize on it!
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
About time u can sit in house and mow lawn
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
I'm interested from Nigeria.
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Interesting machine
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
nice work 👍
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Plese give me yur whats up Number Thankyu
Look nice, what is the price?
Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 18162084899 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Wonder if it could go through my wetlands brush
Yes, of course. The rubber track mower was specially designed for mowing on slopes, wetland, sand lands and so on. So it can absolutely mow your wetland bush. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by Whatsapp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. Or you may also send me E-mail: 801@ssrbot.com to get a catalogue and price list. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Not a dealer, but I could see this working well in a few areas I know.
Thank you for your recognition. You are very discerning. Our machines can indeed mow grass in various complex terrains, such as mountains, steep slopes, sandy areas, swamps, ponds, orchards, etc. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us. We can talk by WhatsApp: +86 183 64648160 for more details. For more products information, please visit our website: vigorun.cn
Wie Viele kostet die Maschine?? Und Das albeit Benzin oder diesel ,oder ilekris?
Do you have this in Philippines?@@Vigorun--vigorunlawnmower
Es ist ein Hybrid aus Benzinmotor und selbstladenden Batterien. An der Maschine ist ein Dynamo installiert.
Im impressed! What about warranty and delivery Price for my country (Italy) of this machine?