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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2013
歌詞:Step by step, I move forward with care,
Chasing the faint light guiding me through the dark air.
Sweat drenches every dawn I greet,
Perseverance makes my dreams firm and concrete.
I’ve stumbled, I’ve felt despair,
But never once thought of letting go or staying there.
My goal shines bright in the distance afar,
Courage drives me beyond every scar.
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
Every fall teaches me to stand tall,
Every challenge fuels hope, answering the call.
With my goal in sight, I’ll never feel lost,
Dreams will carry me no matter the cost.
The struggles carve smiles on my face,
The journey’s effort fills my heart with grace.
Dreams are my faith, my undying flame,
Guiding me forward, unafraid of fate’s game.
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
The goal ahead leaves no room for fear,
No matter how far, I’ll persevere.
Every drop of sweat proves dreams are real,
Dreamfly, there’s nothing we cannot feel!
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
Dreams take flight, the voice within,
Leads me to heavens of infinite possibility.
Dreamfly, this is our time,
We strive, we shine, let our dreams climb high!
歌詞:Step by step, I move forward with care,
Chasing the faint light guiding me through the dark air.
Sweat drenches every dawn I greet,
Perseverance makes my dreams firm and concrete.
I’ve stumbled, I’ve felt despair,
But never once thought of letting go or staying there.
My goal shines bright in the distance afar,
Courage drives me beyond every scar.
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
Every fall teaches me to stand tall,
Every challenge fuels hope, answering the call.
With my goal in sight, I’ll never feel lost,
Dreams will carry me no matter the cost.
The struggles carve smiles on my face,
The journey’s effort fills my heart with grace.
Dreams are my faith, my undying flame,
Guiding me forward, unafraid of fate’s game.
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
The goal ahead leaves no room for fear,
No matter how far, I’ll persevere.
Every drop of sweat proves dreams are real,
Dreamfly, there’s nothing we cannot feel!
Dreams take flight, soaring through the skies,
Through the storm, embracing the melody of triumph high.
Every step I take is filled with might,
Dreamfly, we create miracles with our light!
Dreams come true, igniting life’s glow,
With persistence, we pen a story only we can know.
Dreams take flight, the voice within,
Leads me to heavens of infinite possibility.
Dreamfly, this is our time,
We strive, we shine, let our dreams climb high!
มุมมอง: 133
มุมมอง 13321 วันที่ผ่านมา
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มุมมอง 85ปีที่แล้ว
探索陽榮生態農場 親子共享的奇幻之旅! 在陽榮生態農場,你和家人能夠度過一個令人難以忘懷的親子時光。這裡擁有豐富多樣的活動,讓孩子們盡情體驗大自然的美妙。當你踏入農場,迎接你的是一片綠意盎然的景色和迷人的農村氛圍。 首先,你可以和孩子一起嘗試撈魚。在清澈的池塘旁,你們將投入小漁網,靜靜等待魚兒上鉤的刺激時刻。當你們成功捕獲一條漂亮的魚時,喜悅和成就感將充滿你們的心頭。 接著,釣青蛙成為另一個刺激的冒險。在青蛙池旁,你和孩子可以觀察並嘗試捕捉這些可愛的小生物。與青蛙近距離接觸,學習它們的習性,絕對是一次富有教育價值的體驗。 不僅如此,你還可以帶著孩子去撿珍貴的雞蛋。把它們輕輕地撿起,感受到蛋殼的溫暖,這種親密接觸讓孩子們更加了解食物的來源。 此外,你們還可以摸蜆仔,探索沙灘上的秘密。小小的蜆仔躲在沙子中,你們可以用雙手輕輕挖掘,發現這些迷你貝殼。感受沙灘的觸感,享受與大自然的親密接觸。...
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我非常想念你,每一天都有你的存在在我的心中。我希望你知道,我們過去的時光是美好而珍貴的,我們經歷了許多值得懷念的時刻。 不知道你是否能夠感受到,但我時常回想起我們在一起的笑聲、分享的秘密和彼此支持的時刻。那些回憶對我來說如此寶貴,它們讓我感受到我們之間特殊的連結。即使你不在身邊,我希望你知道,你的存在和影響仍然在我的生活中繼續著。 我們的友誼對我來說意義非凡。你總是在我身邊支持著我,給予我力量和勇氣。無論是歡笑還是眼淚,你都是我可以信 和依靠的人。我永遠不會忘記我們在一起度過的美好時光,這些回憶成為我生命中最寶貴的寶藏。 儘管你已經離開了,我希望你能夠安心。我將努力過好我的生活。你的離開讓我意識到生命的脆弱,並教會了我珍惜每一個當下。 請相信,無論發生什麼事,你永遠都在我的心中。我的思念和愛永遠與你同在,無論我們身處何方。希望你在那個世界中過得幸福,我期待有一天能夠再次相聚。 想你...
水喔 我們假日也有去農場 桃園ㄉ
雖然不太懂 總覺得刻骨銘心