This song has stuck on me quite. There is something new and creative found there despite the projected turbulent Kronos background. I can expand with both analyse and thinking. Torn e ro in Swedish is torn ger ro. It can suggest height gives rest and power, but the singers voice is different in the thiing around. It is that the verse and the main thing connects to me in different language in a combined way. I say Torndelnay Tornahatadii, Lovedelmealla, Lovegetidi I also think this song sings about remembering your smile. Even if you forget I can give it back to you. We can remember things together.
As a Romanian, i have been taught by Greek friends about the meme-ful nature of this song. On a serious note, brings back memories from the mid to late 2000s when this was popular here :)
nu pot sa cred ca arogantul/narcisistul/vedeta asta stearsa mai are sustinatori. tin sa va anunt, dragi imbecili, ca imputitul asta preda ore de canto la niste afoni care s au prezentat pe la XFactor si s au facut de tot cacatul. ia banii oamenilor si isi bate joc de ei; poate ca el isi da silinta (ce sa zic...) dar cand le iei banii timp de cativa ani si le spui ca au o capacitate vocala desavarsita, in timp ce realitatea e complet alta.. sa nu mai mentionez prostiile pe care le face pe social media (facebook, snapchat). si a pierdut farmecul imediat dupa Eurovision.
this would have won imo that year if lordi with hard rock hallelujah wasn't the opponent. stop complaining about worst, she was not singing that year. be relevant!
2024 hi
Still amazing in 2024
2024 still listening😃tornero torneai lalalalala
Banger - awesome. Mihai makes it look so effortless
Never forgett❤
Love back to you.
This song has stuck on me quite. There is something new and creative found there despite the projected turbulent Kronos background. I can expand with both analyse and thinking. Torn e ro in Swedish is torn ger ro. It can suggest height gives rest and power, but the singers voice is different in the thiing around. It is that the verse and the main thing connects to me in different language in a combined way. I say Torndelnay Tornahatadii, Lovedelmealla, Lovegetidi I also think this song sings about remembering your smile. Even if you forget I can give it back to you. We can remember things together.
As a Romanian, i have been taught by Greek friends about the meme-ful nature of this song. On a serious note, brings back memories from the mid to late 2000s when this was popular here :)
Only 1 million views ??? Suach a pitty...
Pula ,pizda ,coaieleeee :)) #ValahiaForever!!
2018 still love it. ❤️❤️
too bad nobody likes him anymore..
After so many years it still is amazing. One of the very reason i was like eurovision in my childhood~
θα μπορουσε να γινει ο υμνος των τορναδόρων
2018 te pup robica
2018 ? Mai e cnv ? 😍😍😍
I want to kill my self thank you...
Ma pis pe mine de ras
Hoshi La Pai daca esti prost
Είναι δυνατόν να κέρδισαν τα τέρατα και όχι αυτό????
0:37 Thor nero la' Vitaa :)
Nu mai postezi pe canalul asta?
Cum erai înainte şi cum eşti acum . Bravo Traistariule
Rau melodie care vazut la mine #ARdeal
2018 !
nu pot sa cred ca arogantul/narcisistul/vedeta asta stearsa mai are sustinatori. tin sa va anunt, dragi imbecili, ca imputitul asta preda ore de canto la niste afoni care s au prezentat pe la XFactor si s au facut de tot cacatul. ia banii oamenilor si isi bate joc de ei; poate ca el isi da silinta (ce sa zic...) dar cand le iei banii timp de cativa ani si le spui ca au o capacitate vocala desavarsita, in timp ce realitatea e complet alta.. sa nu mai mentionez prostiile pe care le face pe social media (facebook, snapchat). si a pierdut farmecul imediat dupa Eurovision.
Σάκης του Πειραιά...μόνο στην Ελλάδα..
I love you Mihai, είσαι τέλειος!!
Singura melodie bună a lui Traistariu
Melodia copilăriei mele . 2018 careva ?
26 jan 2018 Still love this song
Pesma Evrovizije 2006
this would have won imo that year if lordi with hard rock hallelujah wasn't the opponent. stop complaining about worst, she was not singing that year. be relevant!
Cel mai mare artis al epocii noastre!!!!!!😍😍😍😘😘😘💞💖💕💞💞💞💖💖💖💖=))))))))))))))
Pesma Evrovizije 2006
o spiros mpimpilas xaxaxa
Θέλω τώρα να σας κάνω ένα τορνερο απτή γιουροβιζιον
La mia vita qifsha robt.
He s so hooooot
Ενας ρουμανος που το ακούμε τώρα μαζί μου λέει ότι το ρεφραίν δεν είναι στα ρουμάνικα. Ξέρετε σε ποιά γλώσσα είναι?
Οκ τελικά είναι στα Ιταλικά
Team vazur cantind live azi la Palace Hotel Resort
2017 😍 Nice Song!!
sigur daca trestariu pleca din romania la vremea aia era foarte sus , dar asta e :((
2017? xD
La eurovision ,pe scena de ce purtai TENISI??? Nu ai gasit si tu niste pantofi???
Oh yeah