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UNDP Timor-Leste
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2013
Since 1999, UNDP has been supporting the Timorese people move from post-conflict recovery towards sustainable development, aiming to build the foundations for lasting peace, resilience to climate induced natural disasters, and poverty reduction.
Youth Entrepreneurship EXPO 2024 - UNDP #YESS Project
🎥Esplora klean liu tan FEIRA EMPREENDEDORIZMU FOINSA’E 2024!
Mai hamutuk ho ami bainhira MPME sira ne'ebé lidera hosi foinsa'e sira hatudu sira nia kriatividade, rede konesaun, no susesu liuhosi atividade sira hanesan aprezentasaun produtu oioin, mentorizasaun, no oportunidade finansiamentu.
🌟Haree video AGORA no asiste futuru empreendedorizmu nian iha asaun!
🎥Dive into the highlights of the Youth Entrepreneurship EXPO 2024!
Join us as youth-led MSMEs showcase their creativity, network, and thrive through activities like product showcases, mentoring, and funding opportunities.
🌟Watch now and witness the future of entrepreneurship in action!
#YEES #FeiraEmpreendedorizmuFoinsae2024 #TimorLeste #UNDP
Mai hamutuk ho ami bainhira MPME sira ne'ebé lidera hosi foinsa'e sira hatudu sira nia kriatividade, rede konesaun, no susesu liuhosi atividade sira hanesan aprezentasaun produtu oioin, mentorizasaun, no oportunidade finansiamentu.
🌟Haree video AGORA no asiste futuru empreendedorizmu nian iha asaun!
🎥Dive into the highlights of the Youth Entrepreneurship EXPO 2024!
Join us as youth-led MSMEs showcase their creativity, network, and thrive through activities like product showcases, mentoring, and funding opportunities.
🌟Watch now and witness the future of entrepreneurship in action!
#YEES #FeiraEmpreendedorizmuFoinsae2024 #TimorLeste #UNDP
มุมมอง: 26
UNDP CIReP Project Introduction
มุมมอง 203หลายเดือนก่อน
UNDP Community Infrastructure for Resilience Project (CIReP) aims to safeguard rural communities by improving the resilience of community infrastructures and access to basic services for health, education, water, and sanitation which are vital assets to enhance people’s lives and livelihoods. Listen to the real voices of the project beneficiaries in the rural areas, as well as the Minister of t...
The Pacific Green Transformation Project in Rai Mutin Manatuto
มุมมอง 98หลายเดือนก่อน
Discover how solar panel kits and improved cooking stoves are transforming lives in the remote villages of Timor-Leste through the Pacific Green Transformation Project. Hear the voices of the community members about the impact energy can have on their daily lives and shape the future. is a multi-country project funded by the Government of Japan and implemented by UNDP to promote the countries' ...
Solar Energy ACCESS
มุมมอง 25หลายเดือนก่อน
The Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequalities (ACCESS) project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, has recently celebrated a significant milestone with the inauguration of a solar water pump in Hatuermera, Laclo, in Manatuto. This project is financially supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), in par...
Make Irrigation benefit Women
มุมมอง 282 หลายเดือนก่อน
Water supply schemes are designed for various purposes, including irrigation, to meet women’s needs for domestic water and lessen the time they spend fetching water. Our irrigation scheme in Bahadatu directly benefits 174 households (Women: 534, Men: 487). This scheme helps women provide water for horticultural crops, rice seedling nurseries, and domestic use. This program enables women to prov...
Coffee Talks | Ep. 10 Ferdiana Gonçalves | Kafé, fetu no prosperidade ekonomia
มุมมอง 1612 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ami-nia host ba episodiu #10 husi Coffee Talks podcast mak RossMerry, ami-nia ODS 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth Champion ne'ebé nu'udar emprezáriu foin-sa'e no ko-fundador ida husi Kios Matenek, loja kafé ida-ne'ebé sustentavel ho ekonómiku. Hamutuk ho Ferdiana Goncalves, peritu kafé ida esplora dalan kriativu sira atu maximiza benefísiu husi produtu esportasaun boot liu iha Timor-Leste: ...
Coffee Talks | Ep. 9 Joel Sousa | Haluan Kampu Servisu iha Setor Agrikultura
มุมมอง 6792 หลายเดือนก่อน
Iha episode #9 husi ami-nia podcast Coffee Talks, ami selebra Loron Nasional Foin-sa'e sira ho konversa hamutuk Angel Lucky, ami-nia kampiaun ODS 8 (Servizu decente no krescimentu ekonomiko), ho Joel Sousa, líder foin-sa'e ida ne'ebé iha vizaun iha setór agrikultura Timor-Leste nian! Joel inklina aan iha Grupu ba Dezenvolvimentu iha Setór Agrikultura (GDSA), plataforma ida ne'ebé dedika atu hak...
Coffee Talks | Ep. 8 Maria Abrantes | Foin-sa'e kria paz no halo mudansa pozitivu
มุมมอง 1.1K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Foin- sa'e la'ós de'it futuru - sira nu'udar agente mudansa hahú agora. Iha epizódiu ida-ne'e, ami kontente tebes dada-lia ho Maria Abrantes! Hamutuk ho ami nia moderador, Zefreus Ricardo hanesan Youth Conversations Champion ba ODS 17, hodi halo diskusaun kona-ba foin-sa'e nia papél krusiál hodi harii dame no kria impaktu pozitivu iha Timor-Leste. 🌍🎙️ Maria nia esperiénsia sira sai hanesan insp...
Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequalities
มุมมอง 453 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequalities (ACCESS) project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, has recently celebrated a significant milestone with the inauguration of a solar water pump in Hatuermera, Laclo, in Manatuto. This project is financially supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), in par...
Viajen Politika | Ep. 6 | International Peace Day w/ Otávio da Conceição Presidente KRAM
มุมมอง 3.9K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Iha episode neen husi Politika viajen, Konversasaun Juventude konvida Prezidente Komisaun Reguladora Arte Marsial, Sr. Otavio da Conceicao. Haree ba Loron Internasional Pas nian, ami diskute ona kona-ba KRAM nia papél importante atu mantein pás no armonia entre organizasaun juventude oin-oin iha Timor-Leste. - No sexto episódio do Viajen Politika, as Conversas de Jovens convidam o Presidente da...
Demokrasia Bis - Empowering Youth, one stop at a time!
มุมมอง 994 หลายเดือนก่อน
Empowering Youth, one stop at a time!
Demokrasia Bis iha Parlamento dos Jovens
มุมมอง 1334 หลายเดือนก่อน
Demokrasia Bis iha Parlamento dos Jovens
Advancing Equality and Inclusion: Fostering Human Rights Capacities in Timor-Leste | TPP
มุมมอง 455 หลายเดือนก่อน
Video highlighting UNDP Timor-Leste's collaboration with the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) through the "Advancing Equality and Inclusion: Fostering Human Rights Capacities in Timor-Leste" project. As part of the TriPartite Partnership (TPP) supported by UNDP, OHCHR, GANHRI, and funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this initiative focuses on enhancing human rights...
Youth Leading the Way | International Youth Day '24 w
มุมมอง 535 หลายเดือนก่อน
UNDP Timor-Leste partnered with the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts, and Culture (MoYSAC/MJDAC) to commemorate International Youth '24 featuring a week-long series of activities designed to engage young people in digital innovation and sustainable development. Watch the Co-creation Sessions with testimonies from the Parliament, Government and participants & the Festival Kor celebrations with RR...
Coffee Talks | Ep. 7 Natalino Ximenes | Inspira Foin-sa'e liu husi muzika
มุมมอง 1355 หลายเดือนก่อน
Iha episode #7 husi ami-nia podcast Coffee Talks, Angel Lucky, ami-nia kampiaun ODS 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), ko'alia ho Natalino Ximenes, múziko no emprezáriu ida husi projetu NAFEX ART. Joven na'in rua esplora emprendorismu no múzika, diskute oinsá kultura bele lori oportunidade servisu foun ba foin-sa'e sira no ajuda kreximentu ekonómiku Timor-Leste nian. - No episódio #7 do nosso...
Viajen Politika | Ep. 5 Ministro da Juventude, Desporto, Arte e Cultura, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento
มุมมอง 2275 หลายเดือนก่อน
Viajen Politika | Ep. 5 Ministro da Juventude, Desporto, Arte e Cultura, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento
Viajen Politika | Ep. 4 Francisco Soares, Diretor Geral do Ambiente, Min. do Turismo | Economia Azul
มุมมอง 3706 หลายเดือนก่อน
Viajen Politika | Ep. 4 Francisco Soares, Diretor Geral do Ambiente, Min. do Turismo | Economia Azul
Coffee Talks | Ep. 5 Deputadu José Virgílio Ferreira (Agio)
มุมมอง 2556 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 5 Deputadu José Virgílio Ferreira (Agio)
Coffee Talks | Ep. 6 Natalino Guterres | Hamenus Dezigualidade
มุมมอง 1636 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 6 Natalino Guterres | Hamenus Dezigualidade
Coffee Talks | Ep. 4 Terezinha Teme & Dedi Kayaka | Hau nia Tasi, hau nia Timor
มุมมอง 3837 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 4 Terezinha Teme & Dedi Kayaka | Hau nia Tasi, hau nia Timor
Coffee Talks | Ep. 3 Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos (Boraluli) | Importansia husi Descentralizasaun
มุมมอง 7808 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 3 Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos (Boraluli) | Importansia husi Descentralizasaun
Making Our Future New Directions for Human Development In Asia and the Pacific
มุมมอง 328 หลายเดือนก่อน
Making Our Future New Directions for Human Development In Asia and the Pacific
Viajen Politika | Ep. 3 Ministro da Administração Estatal Tomás Cabral | Descentralização
มุมมอง 15K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Viajen Politika | Ep. 3 Ministro da Administração Estatal Tomás Cabral | Descentralização
Viajen Politika | Ep. 2 Secretario Estado Florestas Fernandino Vieira da Costa | Earth Day
มุมมอง 1.5K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Viajen Politika | Ep. 2 Secretario Estado Florestas Fernandino Vieira da Costa | Earth Day
Coffee Talks | Ep. 2 Ego Lemos | Tropa ba Mudansa Klimatica
มุมมอง 3969 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 2 Ego Lemos | Tropa ba Mudansa Klimatica
Coffee Talks | Ep. 1 Vee Caminha | Joven feto iha kareira
มุมมอง 65810 หลายเดือนก่อน
Coffee Talks | Ep. 1 Vee Caminha | Joven feto iha kareira
Feto mosu mai husi Mozambique durante 24 anos...durante funu sira moris diak hela iha Maputu....agora mai aproveita los Fretelin hodi aproveita no goja sira nia moris...koita feto timor sira seluk terus hela deit....
Bom dia senhora Deputada ami husi ba senhora bele ajuda ami kona ba idade reforma, tan ami idade reforma liu ona, ami bulu ho idade 70 anos ba leten ladauk iha lei ida hodi regula ba lei reforma nee,hau husu senhora Deputada wain hira iha debate ruma iha Parlamentu halo favor ha too ba Menistra da Edukasaun onrigado.
Mana nurima hu pesoal gosta itaboot Nia interpretação iha uma fukun ne'e hu gosta Tan kolia ba ema barak Nia dk.... parabéns e kontinua sai Liman ain no matan ba povu hotu Laos husi itaboot Nia partidu...
Excellent ❤
Koalia tama ho liafuan english nee seidauk maduru lolos atu konsidera ema seluk nia kbiit.
Familia alkatiri beikten Brani harii tok partido para dhan imi mos makaas Labele subar iha Fretilin mk ikun naruuk
O matenek hira fali mk kokotek...iha Avo Nana Nia partido okos ne mk kokotek ne..phuiii
Ema matenek nafatin matenek Laos Tamba harii partido hodi Manan Mak Dhan Ema né matenek Cnrt dt manan Tamba Figura no drama Indosiar Mak figura ho Drama indosia laiha mos hnsan dt.. Haree eskola didiak atu sai ema nebe matenek itoan hodi harii rasik partido hodi sente rasik lai Ita boot Mak loron kalan bidon mamuk hnsan né dt
Esplikasaun Diak los, Mana Nurima
Folin fos vs bazar baratu❤❤
ema sira b la gosta Fretilin gosta deit halo komparasaun entre feto ih partidu nia laran...mb Fretilin duru imi buka atu kompleta malu...imi mesak feto pontesia abut ba timor be la nakadoko.basa nia abut hatur no hakait metin ih foho Ramelau no matebian❤❤❤
aceito,Feto potensia e mais duro ih partidu f.ni Timor Leste ❤
Ha'u Marito B.Vilela,rona no hatene sra.Nurima Alkatiri matenek.
Parabéns biin Nurima Alkatiri.
Lossss bin❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mama timor bonita ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
So deputada ida ne mk matenek iha Fretilin. Restu mesak bidon mamuk..
Furak loss tiha ona...se furak liu aumenta tan ho naska.....husi youtuber Venisia Martins...kontinua ❤🎉
Bambang Tri Hasta : Timor Leste
f ' (t) } { f " (t) dV = - V(x) ) ( dM = - w(x) dx a1v1 = a2v2 ></ aksi = - reaksi
R.Fitriyanto Brotowasana Ayah : drs Saryadi Ibu : R.Ngt.Endang Sri Sumasti BEA CUKAI INDONESIA
f ' (t) } { f " (t) f ' (y,t) } { f " (y,t) f ' (x,y,z,t) } { f " (x,y,z,t)
Oecusse furak no mos,obrigada PAX nbe servisu ho koalidade
and now he's running the country
Puji tuhan Oecusse skrng tambah maju mungkin 5 tahun atau 10 tahun yang akan datang pokoknya Oecusse maju pesat Oecusse paling bersih hebatnya pemimpinnya slm dri Sulawesi tenggara
Oecusse furak no mos,Viva PAX,
Oe Cusse is the best ❤
forsa nafatin mm.
All rights thank you very much welcome Sir
You are wonderful beautiful lovely very nice excellent glorious really thank you very much Sir Hello how are you I am fine
Thank you very much welcome
No no I'm
সুদ খোর ডাঃ
hau gosta laku tobe !
🥺😭 hau saudades rai furak ne 🥺🥰💝