Out of Love. Deuteronomy 28:68 He, the boy is Hebrew Israelite from the Tribe of Juda/Judah. He is NOT A COLOR. Read Deuteronomy 28 which is the Blessing and the Curses and the Cures match the People. The Negors of America USA match 100%. 1492 Spanish Inquisition expelled over 160,000 Jews not Jewish and called them NEGROS. Negro in Spanish means BLACK. 1747 maps of Negroland on the Slave Coast you’ll see the Kingdom of JUDA/JUDAH. From there Deuteronomy 28:68 slavery in America, United States m. My people are from Louisiana. The firsts Ports of the Tribe of Juda/ Judah New Orleans . Hebrews arrived on Slave ships just like Deuteronomy 28:68
Out of Love. Deuteronomy 28:68 He, the boy is Hebrew Israelite from the Tribe of Juda/Judah. He is NOT A COLOR. Read Deuteronomy 28 which is the Blessing and the Curses and the Cures match the People. The Negors of America USA match 100%. 1492 Spanish Inquisition expelled over 160,000 Jews not Jewish and called them NEGROS. Negro in Spanish means BLACK. 1747 maps of Negroland on the Slave Coast you’ll see the Kingdom of JUDA/JUDAH. From there Deuteronomy 28:68 slavery in America, United States m. My people are from Louisiana. The firsts Ports of the Tribe of Juda/ Judah New Orleans . Hebrews arrived on Slave ships just like Deuteronomy 28:68