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Heirloom Cacao Preservation Fund
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 1 ธ.ค. 2019
We are a not-for-profit organization in collaboration with United States Department of Agriculture. Together, chocolate industry professionals, chocolate makers, farmers, and chocolate enthusiasts from around the world are determined to save the quickly diminishing Theobroma cacao trees that produce the most high quality, flavorful chocolate and identify the farmers who grow them. To that end, we have designated trees on a number of farms around the globe as Heirloom Cacao.
Collecte des données partie 5.3 Hybrides
Une fois que les arbres à fort potentiel ont été identifiés, une évaluation quantitative peut permettre d'estimer le rendement et d'évaluer la saveur en même temps.
มุมมอง: 24
Collecte des données partie 5.2 Étiquetage des arbres
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L'étiquetage des arbres est important à la fois en pépinière et sur le terrain.
Collecte des données partie 5.1
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Pour la cartographie agricole, les dessins à la main, les feuilles de calcul Excel et les images aériennes utilisés pour la planification agricole sont également utiles pour la gestion agricole, la tenue de registres et la collecte de données.
Séchage partie 4.2 Processus de séchage
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Apprenez les meilleures pratiques pour sécher correctement le cacao.
Séchage partie 4.1 Infrastructure de séchage
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L'importance du séchage est souvent négligée, mais il est presque aussi important pour la qualité que le processus de fermentation lui-même.
Fermentation partie 3.3 Enregistrement des données et des temperatures
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Pour comprendre les variations saisonnières et naturelles de la production de cacao d'une année à l'autre et pour procéder à des ajustements après la récolte afin de maximiser la qualité, il est essentiel de tenir un registre de chaque récolte.
Fermentation partie 3.2 Prétraitement, drainage et chargement
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Les procédés de prétraitement consistent en une série de méthodes visant à éliminer une partie de la pulpe afin d'augmenter le taux de fermentation.
Fermentation partie 3.1 Protocoles
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Cette vidéo met en évidence les protocoles essentiels pour une bonne fermentation du cacao.
La parcelle 2.5 Taille des plantules et ombrage
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Les agriculteurs apprendront les meilleures pratiques pour la taille des cacaoyers et des arbres d'ombrage.
La parcelle 2.4 Nutrition et arrosage
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Este vídeo describe los pasos necesarios para nutrir y regar correctamente los árboles de cacao.
L'intrigue partie 2.3 L'ombre
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Los agricultores aprenderán cuáles son los árboles de sombra temporales y permanentes más idóneos para plantar cacao en función de su ubicación.
L'intrigue partie 2.1 Sélection du site
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Les agriculteurs apprendront ce qu'il faut prendre en compte lors du choix d'une zone de culture.
La pépinière partie 1.3 Greffage et entretien
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Dans cette vidéo, les producteurs exploreront trois techniques de greffage et apprendront les meilleures pratiques pour entretenir les greffons.
La pépinière partie 1.2 Installation et entretien des plants
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Cette vidéo décrit les meilleures pratiques pour l'installation et l'entretien des lits de semences en pépinière.
La pépinière partie 1.1 Construire une pépinière
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Cette vidéo décrit les meilleures pratiques pour la construction d'une pépinière de cacao. Cette pépinière et cette exploitation sont situées à Waialua, sur la côte nord d'Oahu. Les méthodes et pratiques établies à Kamananui Estate peuvent être utilisées et adaptées pour créer et gérer une pépinière qui produit des plants de cacao sains ou des arbres greffés pour l'établissement de fermes dans ...
La parcelle partie 2.2 Systèmes agroforestiers
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La parcelle partie 2.2 Systèmes agroforestiers
Recogida de Datos Parte 5.2 Etiquetado de Árboles
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Recogida de Datos Parte 5.2 Etiquetado de Árboles
Secado Parte 4.1 Infraestructura de Secado
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Secado Parte 4.1 Infraestructura de Secado
Fermentación Parte 3.7 Temperatura y Observación
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Fermentación Parte 3.7 Temperatura y Observación
Fermentación Parte 3.6 Mover los Granos
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Fermentación Parte 3.6 Mover los Granos
Fermentación Parte 3.5 Protocolos de Volteo
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Fermentación Parte 3.5 Protocolos de Volteo
Fermentación Parte 3.4 Registro de Datos
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Fermentación Parte 3.4 Registro de Datos
Fermentación Parte 3.3 Inspección y Carga
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Fermentación Parte 3.3 Inspección y Carga
Fermentación Parte 3.2 Pretratamiento y Drenaje
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Fermentación Parte 3.2 Pretratamiento y Drenaje
Saludos amigo tan interesante pero no se olle bien
GO!!!GO!!!GO!!! Davao de Oro!!!
Thank you
Good job my friend,,,,new friend,🙏
Would love to visit and learn about positive eco compatible cocoa cultivation, would love to do the same in india.
Excelente webinario. Yo estoy colecionando variedades ancestrales aqui en Los Andes de la region del sur de lago Maracaibo en Venezuela. Lo estoy integrando a 70hcts de Fundación agroecologico en policultivos agroforestales de forma regenerativa. Hay un pequeño Renacimiento de interes en las razas ancestrales aqui, con el apoyo del banco de germoplasmas de cacao ancestral del INIA en San Juan de Lagunillas, en Santa Barbara, por la panamericana Merideña, y por una organizacion llamado Cacao Catatumbarí. En Gran parte gracias a ellos, tengo ahorita mas de 20 distintas variedades, en lotes aislados, entre ellos pentafilos de origen regional, y Guasares que se dice ser el origen de la genetica del criollo. Los estoy adaptando a mayor altitud para impartir aun mayor calidad al grano. Hay variedades antiguas aqui bien adaptadas hasta 1400msnm, que he visto producir mas de 10kg por arbol por año en esa altitud. Tambien voy adaptando Macambo y Copuazú, que ya tengo bien establecidos. Recien me entero de HCP. Me alegra mucho ver su trabajo. Ojala todos los que estan haciendo este trabajo pueden juntarses para compartir material y conocimiento.
I've been on the same path here in the true Cuna del criollo, in pie de monte, Sur de Lago, Venezuela. I'm collecting criolles, porcelains, pentagonums, etc .... I'm really interested in the work your doing. I've been planning on a trip to Yucatan. I notice there is a town called Cacao between Calakmul and Bacalar on the border. Any tips?
There is virtually no cacao in the Yucatan peninsula. Some rare heirloom varieties have been found inside cenote caves though. Cacao in Mexico is to be found in Tabasco and Chiapas (99% of the total) mainly and also some in Oaxaca and Guerrero.
hello Miss Anne❤
Congratulations Alejandro! I can’t wait to return to Mexico 🇲🇽 for more exploration of Mexican cacao! ¡Felicidades y buenas fortunas! Antonio
We have Cacao de Indio or Cacao Esmeralda (Emerald Cacao, Theobroma angustifolia) wild in the forest here in Costa Rica. I have four new trees in production, pruned correctly. The chocolate tastes like chocolate with coffee with peanuts with PECANS - amazing. Compared to regular chocolate it is like capuccino compared to black coffee. They have no Monilia disease like most cacao here. I got 5 kilos of dried beans from two trees., and have maybe 15 younger trees planted out, and a couple hundred in bags. If anybody wants to plant the favorite chocolate of the royalty of Spain, let me know!
Good job Jacob🍫😉 amazing to see what you have been able to accomplish.
Nice video
The CCN-51 "objective" doesn't make any sense at all.
Very interesting. Now I want to go and visit -- and try their cacao.
This is so interesting, great job Alexandro and Alejandro. I am rooting for you, keep up the good work.
Very impressive work! Sounds dangerous but glad you are taking the time to find the rarest cacao out there! Bravo Alejandro and team!
Kudos to all the people doing the work to find and source fine cocoa.
I visited Finca la Hoja in 2007 on part of my cacao y arqueológico tour that I co-led. We did a tour of the plantation and hacienda and got to try the frutas y chocolate. Wonderful visit. When I recently found out that Clara has passed and the finca went abandoned I was saddened. Very good to hear that Clara’s younger relative is now growing the cacao Blanca!
Muy interesante! I listened to the podcast on cacao from this narrator and finally get to see a vid of the expedition into the Chiapas jungles!! Thanks HCP!!
I wish to preserve my grandpas super aromatic and flavorful white beans cacao variety (probably criollo) with high butter content which he planted after WW2. I wish to join HCP and get some help in reviving my grandpas cacao
Congratulations hcp #17
That's the key. Finding the quality which does exist, and getting it out there to makers. It's there! Excited to see the fruits of your labour.
Congratulations HCP family!❤🎉
El Pataxtle cosa bella!
The value chain of Chocolate (cacao) is disconnected. The culture, and commodity markets are now coming together.
Can I be put in contact with the flavor lab in Cameroon?
We are working on a pilot project with objective of organizing Cocoa farmers in the South West region of Cameroon. I will like to be put in contact with Cocoa and cocoa product buyers you may have in your contact list or maybe some advice on how to get in contact with them.Our intention is to take in to consideration their needs from our early stages (planning, sensitization, training and reorganization of the cooperatives and we are more than glad to share more details about our objectives and workplan with you if interested , thanks. Best regards
My hat is off to Alyssa the video and editing talent who produced this informative youtube clip. Three people in the know are mixed to tell the Mexican story of cacao. The b clips are informative, colorful and almost deliver the flavor of Mexico City's love of chocolate.
Beautiful work :)
Nice. I live in benque and I am part of an environmental youth group for friends for conservation and development. We are trying to build a nursery as we always do reforestation activities. It would be nice to get some of these seedlings to plant in our community.
Heirlooms do have a good taste. Mine was planted by my grandpa during the 2nd world war. It had floral and wine accents to it. I dunno but I don't find Forastero as something like an abomination. On another note Mr. Pearson, your resource person looks a lot like Walter White.
Beautiful Film!! So proud of y'all
Wow! Well done video. Tears from this chocolate geek!
This is so cool!
I've had heirloom chocolate and it's an experience of a lifetime and has become rare and hard to find. Big business has turned the majority of chocolate into a flavorless commodity with fine flavored cacao becoming rare. Heirloom Cacao Preservation Fund is a non profit 501(c)(3) that is dedicated to cultivating and preserving amazing, unique, sustainable, fine flavored cacao such as Criollo. HCP directly assists cacao farmers to preserve, grow and distribute these precious lines of cacao before they are gone. Not for profit, but for the love of fine chocolate! Please consider donating and helping preserve amazing flavored chocolate!! hcpcacao.org/donate-now/
Thank you for your support, Paul!