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Dustin Spivey
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 24 มิ.ย. 2020
RiffTrax Replica Funny Scene
มุมมอง 1512 ปีที่แล้ว
A scene from the movie Replica, with some excellent commentary from RiffTrax.
Washington State CDL, Class A, 90 Degree/Alley Dock Maneuver, L&T Truck Driver Training
มุมมอง 42K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Washington State CDL, Class A, 90 Degree/Alley Dock Maneuver, L&T Truck Driver Training
Sam Harris: Stop Resisting Arrest
มุมมอง 4004 ปีที่แล้ว
The audio was excerpted from Sam Harris' podcast, episode #207
Hey don’t make this weird bro! Lol
Any honest cop will tell you that from the start of the academy they are trained to yell "Stop Resisting" even if the person is not resisting. This is done especially when cameras are present. Try and find a video of someone being cuffed, anyone and the cops are not saying "stop Resisting" bet you have a heck of a time, they don't exisit.
Hopefully this isn’t true, or universally true. I do know from first hand conversation with a trainee who ended up dropping out of a particular sheriffs office training program that he felt that he was being trained to be, in his opinion, overly harsh. I’ll be the first to say that I think that police as an occupation receive far more than their fair share of abuse, disrespect, and deception from the people they interact with.
Thank you for one awesome video to help me on becoming a safe effective and reliable trucker🙏🏾
you are handsome i am arab truck driver in boston my name is rachid and i am looking for friends truck drivers thanks
Good job
Very helpful, i did everything right in road test but failed in backing. This explains alot, one thing i didnt do was get out and look. Not a day goes by without thinking about it
Hi... Congratulation bro....i would like to become a goodbest driver like you
Hello my friend, I hope I did not bother you, can I get your driver's license and also obtain a work contract as a truck driver from one of the transportation companies in America, knowing that I live outside the United States, I hope for your help, thank you
Nice 👍 Boss I your sponsorship
Holy shit I think I’m deaf I can’t hear shit
No insurance man worth his salt would ever buy this car "accident " in a million years!
i am about take my tex againg any points the 90 alley dock
You got out and explained how to maneuver in exactly all the places I needed help! Thank you!
This is an awesome video thank you!
Great video, I like how he displayed how to fix the trajectory when you're too close to either side of the spot you're backing into. These are important things to know.
Wow...this audio is horrible
It's painful that this isn't blatantly obvious to a lot of people.
I think Ben Stiller should stop committing armed robbery. Especially when Sam Harris is nearby.