yOU want to make money thru views. but yu are stupid to put down the viewers. It is the job of the director and his crew to show the viewers that the story makes sense. It is not the job of audience to work hard for the story makers, which yu take it in the wrong way here. You need grow your brain -- too sad, too bad.
yOU want to make money thru views. but yu are stupid to put down the viewers. It is the job of the director and his crew to show the viewers that the story makes sense. It is not the job of audience to work hard for the story makers, which yu take it in the wrong way here. You need grow your brain -- too sad, too bad.
胡說八道. 我資產到了. 睡到自然醒, 買東西不看價錢. 我也不理解
那叫Hip Wave 臀波动
其實是Ty常換戰術 令所有球員打到手感 又突然被換下
库里是更不容易,但是你说欧文运气好,你得问欧文了,公开场合发言表面,碰上詹姆斯欧文可没有觉得幸运。 欧文就没服过詹姆斯,明眼人一看就知道。这么些年,近距离接触都觉得詹姆斯不如科比,只能说欧文嫉妒,要不就是觉得詹姆斯被高估,成天被詹姆斯摸头让他特别想出走。但人家就敬佩科比,因为啥,科比更大心脏更tough不软,技术更好,不走步。 上来就是状元,一直没受大伤,还是詹姆斯运气更好。