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Jocelyn Saltmarsh
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 14 พ.ค. 2018
I like to make vlogs about my life
GRWM vlog
Estate sale haul, animals, food, concerts, friends and doing my makeup.
I chat it up while I get ready for the pumpkin patch
I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching
I chat it up while I get ready for the pumpkin patch
I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching
มุมมอง: 42
on a cruise as a nanny
มุมมอง 81914 วันที่ผ่านมา
I went on my first cruise as nanny to help out with the kids (5 of them) We went to the Bahamas (CocoCay), St. Maarten and St. Thomas It was a cool experience! Thanks for watching -Joc
มุมมอง 88หลายเดือนก่อน
I ate lots of yummy food, hung out with friends and played with my pups. Spring was a 10/10 Thanks for watching -Jocie
มุมมอง 4683 หลายเดือนก่อน
A week in Hawaii! Lots of food, beaches and singing (lol) Happy (early) b-day Zia !
yoga and juice shots
มุมมอง 308 หลายเดือนก่อน
I was on a yoga kick and took many juice shots. All of these videos are very sporadic and were taken within the past few months I hope you enjoy! -jocie
a friends cabin trip! (very chaotic)
มุมมอง 889 หลายเดือนก่อน
A weekend cabin trip with my friends! we played games, danced, sang songs, and had some drinks. we played in the snow and went on a trail. It was such a fun weekend. thanks for watching! -jocie
Happy New Year
มุมมอง 5210 หลายเดือนก่อน
vlog: grwm x2, food, friends, pups and food I hope you enjoy thanks for watching! - jocie
มุมมอง 9610 หลายเดือนก่อน
A short vlog with puppies, cooking, Christmas lights, makeup, friends, a Christmas party and gingerbread houses! I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching! Joc
making vegan twix bars
มุมมอง 5311 หลายเดือนก่อน
vlog: baking and cooking food thanks for watching -joc
มุมมอง 16611 หลายเดือนก่อน
My 2023 Christmas haul! So grateful for my family and friends I hope you guys had a very merry Christmas Thanks for watching! -Joc
Vlog: Grwm and chat to go get sushi
มุมมอง 14311 หลายเดือนก่อน
Trying on clothes, doing my makeup and eating the best sushi.
Weekly vlog: Halloweekend, cleaning, hanging w/friends, cooking & more!
มุมมอง 7211 หลายเดือนก่อน
These were taken over a span of two weeks! I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching -Jocie
Vlog: Work, puppies and target & nike haul
มุมมอง 8011 หลายเดือนก่อน
A short little vlog I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching!
A chaotic vlog: grwm, friends and skin/hair care
มุมมอง 17611 หลายเดือนก่อน
Doing my makeup routine, hanging with friends and doing my skin & hair care! I hope you enjoy, thanks for watching!
A week in my life!
มุมมอง 61ปีที่แล้ว
My week included homeschooling, baking, cleaning and a mini haul! I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching! (10/2-10/5)
this looks so fun but i am afraid of crusises:)
I was nervous because I've gotten seasick, but it really wasn't too bad.
@@jocelynsaltmarsh nice
I’m a nanny too. Do they pay for your cruise and still pay you for watching the kids on top of that?
They make sure on the trip I don't pay for anything and paid for the trip, but I don't get paid on top of the expenses being paid for. They did give me some spending money which was super sweet!
you have 5 kids
11:22 definitely get a drink at both, past bekah
the hot tub fit goes crazy
7:07 that isn’t me
promo sm
Getting cheated out of that pong game keeps me up at night
HAHAHA I figured you’d appreciate that rant <3
This is my favorite vlog
I’m famous
5:32 I think you and Dottie might have to spend more time in math class🫢
That’s crazy because when you weren’t looking Eli told me I was the prettiest sexiest biggest booty girl he’s ever seen
Bekah it’s not nice to lie
So underrated great vlog I love watching small TH-camr vlog 💘
Archie’s villain origin story 😔
STOP IT I love him just as much
Best day ever
2:17 made me laugh
the back of your head HAHAHA
Not the puke on the bed
It has happened three times now
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Literally I talk about it way too much
You slayed my fav TH-camr now
“The kids wanted to be as bad as they possibly could be” Goldie: 👁️👄👁️
Can you make me apple fritter bread
Anything for you