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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2020
Hafa Adai! I am Gumi!! I was born and raised in the beautiful U.S. Territory Island of Guam. I've lived here all my life. I love Guam! Let me share my island with you.
Sigua Falls Guam | Guam Hike | グアム | Yona, Guam | Tank Farm
Hafa Adai Everyone!!
We found Sigua Falls!! We took our time and stopped for many breaks because this hike was pretty extreme for us. This hike took us a total of 8 hours!! We brought gloves which helped us protect our hands. Please bring lots and lots of water. We ended up running out of water on our way back which made us miserable. The view and the falls were totally worth the hike though! But would I go again?… Nope!!
We found Sigua Falls!! We took our time and stopped for many breaks because this hike was pretty extreme for us. This hike took us a total of 8 hours!! We brought gloves which helped us protect our hands. Please bring lots and lots of water. We ended up running out of water on our way back which made us miserable. The view and the falls were totally worth the hike though! But would I go again?… Nope!!
มุมมอง: 84
Pagat Cave | Pagat Coastal View | Guam | Hike on Guam | Historical Site Guam | グアム
มุมมอง 124ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! BRING WATER, GLOVES, and BUG SPRAY!! Today we hiked Pagat Cave! We didn’t go inside the cave, but we went to the beautiful coastal view and ate our snacks. The hike was intense for us!! Please be safe and never hike alone!! “Pågat, one of Guam's most treasured cultural sites, contains remains of prehistoric structural stone foundations, known as lattes, freshwater caves, med...
Madofan Falls Guam | Guam Hike | グアム
มุมมอง 1502 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! We attempted to find Madofan Falls in Agat, Guam. We were only able to make it to the top of the waterfall. You definitely will need gloves, bug spray, lot of water and wear long sleeve since there are a lot of sword grass on the trail. Hike at your own risk. Please be careful and never hike alone. Anyone ever make it to the bottom of the waterfall?? Help!! We need some tips...
Traveling to Japan during COVID | Narita, Japan | Flying to Japan | Airport in Japan | Enter Japan
มุมมอง 1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai! Just wanted to share my experience flying into Narita, Japan during covid. I flew with United Airlines. I’m not sure if the requirements are different for other airlines/agencies. I had to submit a negative covid PCR (nose swab or saliva) 72hours before departure, questionnaire QR code, signed pledge to obey quarantine, download 3 government apps on your smart phone (if you don’t hav...
Marbo Cave Guam | Mangilao, Guam | Guam Hikes | グアム | Things to do in Guam | Explore Guam |
มุมมอง 2573 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today’s adventure is to Marbo Cave in Mangilao, Guam!! Enjoy!! #guam #グアム #marbocave Music by www.Bensound.com Video footage by Kai SN, Dar S, Connie S, Gumi O
1,000 Steps Guam | Fadi’an Point | Tagu’an Point | Mangilao, Guam | Guam Hikes | Take a Hike
มุมมอง 3863 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today’s adventure is to 1,000 Steps aka Fadi’an Point aka Tagu’an Point. Not too sure what the real name is but google came up with these 3. Bring some bug spray and lots of water! #guam #1000steps #taguanpoint #fadianpoint Music by www.bensound.com Edit by iMovie Footage by Kaila SN, Dar S, Connie S, Gumi O. Directions: www.postguam.com/island_life/spots_on_the_rock/1-000-s...
Inarajan Market *HIDDEN GEM* poke bowls | Inalahan, Guam | グアム | My favorite poke bowl on Guam |
มุมมอง 2563 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone!! Just wanted to share this *hidden gem*. Inarajan Market sells delicious poke bowls and they are my favorite so far. Check them out if you get a chance!! #guam #inarajan #pokebowl Edit by iMovie
Ague Cove Part 2 | Dededo Guam | Take a Hike | Guam Hike | Ague Cove Guam | グアム
มุมมอง 5053 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today’s adventure is to Ague Cove again since we weren’t able to swim the first time we went. Hike is short, but intense. Bring lots of water, snacks, and a first aid kit!! #guam #aguecove #グアム *EXCUSE THE CUSSING* Edit by imovie Music by www.bensound.com “Elevate” Footage by Sylvia S, Connie S, Darlene S, Kaila SN, Gumi O
Sella Bay | Taelayag Bridge | Old Spanish Bridge from 18th Century | Agat, Guam | グアム | Umatac, Guam
มุมมอง 5923 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Everyone!! Today’s adventure is to the old Spanish bridge at the Sella Bay in the beautiful village of Umatac!! This hike is rated easy/medium, but we are just beginners so we rate it medium HARD! It took us about 45 minutes one way. Don’t forget to bring mosquito repellent!!! Lots and lots of mosquitoes!!! Don’t forget safety first as well!! This bridge was built in the 18th century serve...
Ague Cove | Dededo, Guam | Take a hike | Guam Hikes | Guam Beaches |
มุมมอง 1.4K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today’s adventure is to Ague Cove in the beautiful village of Dededo! The hike is short, but pretty intense. Lost of slipping and sliding because of the tiny rocks. Bring lots of water and a first aid kit, just in case! Happy Sunday! EXCUSE THE CUSSING #guam #aguecove #guamhikes Edit by iMovie Music by www.Bensounds.com Energy, Clear Waters, Rumble, Endless Motion Footage by...
Tarzan Falls Guam | Cross Island Yona, Guam | Take A Hike | グアム | Guam Waterfalls | Guam Hike |
มุมมอง 6813 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today’s adventure will be to Tarzan Falls!! Such a beautiful waterfall!!!There are a few hills to walk up and down so we grade this as moderate-hard because we are not super physically fit. It was still a lot of fun! Make sure you bring lots of water and snacks! Enjoy!! Music by www.bensound.com Happy Rock Creative Minds Edit by iMovie Footage by Connie S, Mikaila SN, Darlen...
Fonte Dam Guam | Asan, Guam | Nimitz Hill | グアム | Fonte River | 1910 Fresh water source
มุมมอง 6233 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone!! Today we will be exploring the jungles of Nimitz Hill in the beautiful village of Asan to search for Fonte Dam. Fonte Dam was built in 1910 using real red bricks and was used as a fresh water source from the Fonte River during the early century. For more information: www.postguam.com/island_life/spots_on_the_rock/follow-the-river-to-famous-fonte-dam/article_39f76c68-01a0-11...
Fouha Rock | Umatac Guam | Cradle of Creation | Puntan and Fu’una | Gods of Creation | グアム
มุมมอง 6543 ปีที่แล้ว
Fouha Rock is located in the southern village of Umatac. The resting place for the gods of creation who sacrificed themselves to create the universe. For more information please visit: www.guampedia.com/fouha-bay-cradle-of-creation/ www.visitguam.com/blog/post/2791/ #guam #umatacguam #グアム Edit by iMovie Music by Bronze Falcon “Weekender” imovie POP Creative director/ Actress: Connie S and Mikai...
Tinago Falls Guam | Guam’s Garden of Eden | Inarajan, Guam | グアム | Guam waterfall | Guam hike
มุมมอง 1.1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone!! Today we will be hiking to Tinago Falls in the village of Inarajan!! Guam’s very own Garden of Eden. Bring a flower to plant at the garden💜. We definitely will next time we visit. Park near the Inarajan Middle School and the entrance to the jungle will have a yellow fire hydrant (ish thing?). Go right, then right again at the fork, then through the river, and right again at...
Mount Lamlam | Guam | Umatac | Agat | Mount Jumullong Manglo | グアム | highest mountain on earth
มุมมอง 7423 ปีที่แล้ว
Hafa Adai Everyone! Today we will be hiking Mount LamLam. My first Mount Lamlam video was actually Mount Jumullong Manglo. For those interested in taking the hike. There will be small white crosses along the way. Cross #12 splits the way for Mount Lamlam or Mount Jumullong Manglo. Take the left for Mount Lamlam (tallest peak on the island) and take the right for Mount Jumullong Manglo (where al...
Mount Jumullong Manglo | Mount LamLam | Umatac Guam | Agat Guam | Guam Hike | グアム | Highest Peak
มุมมอง 4743 ปีที่แล้ว
Mount Jumullong Manglo | Mount LamLam | Umatac Guam | Agat Guam | Guam Hike | グアム | Highest Peak
Dededo, Guam | Dededo Flea Market | Payless Supermarket | Santa Barbara Church | Stroll Guam | グアム
มุมมอง 6K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Dededo, Guam | Dededo Flea Market | Payless Supermarket | Santa Barbara Church | Stroll Guam | グアム
Asan Beach Park | Asan Beach Unit | Asan, Guam | World War 2 | Guam History | グアム | U.S. Military
มุมมอง 5643 ปีที่แล้ว
Asan Beach Park | Asan Beach Unit | Asan, Guam | World War 2 | Guam History | グアム | U.S. Military
Mañenggon Memorial Park | Yona, Guam | Mañenggon Concentration Camp | WW2 | Things to do in Guam グアム
มุมมอง 2083 ปีที่แล้ว
Mañenggon Memorial Park | Yona, Guam | Mañenggon Concentration Camp | WW2 | Things to do in Guam グアム
Gadao’s Cave | Inarajan, Guam | Guam Legend | グアム | things to do in Guam | Guam history
มุมมอง 5674 ปีที่แล้ว
Gadao’s Cave | Inarajan, Guam | Guam Legend | グアム | things to do in Guam | Guam history
Piti Guns Unit Guam | Piti, Guam | World War 2 | Guam History | things to do in Guam | グアム
มุมมอง 2264 ปีที่แล้ว
Piti Guns Unit Guam | Piti, Guam | World War 2 | Guam History | things to do in Guam | グアム
San Ramon Japanese Caves Guam | Hagatna Guam | things to do in Guam | World War 2 | Guam History グアム
มุมมอง 7134 ปีที่แล้ว
San Ramon Japanese Caves Guam | Hagatna Guam | things to do in Guam | World War 2 | Guam History グアム
Hagatña, Guam | weight loss journey | Plaza de España | Guam Museum | Cathedral グアム
มุมมอง 3614 ปีที่แล้ว
Hagatña, Guam | weight loss journey | Plaza de España | Guam Museum | Cathedral グアム
Tumon Bay Guam | Weight loss journey diary | Guam | weight loss motivation | diet and exercise | グアム
มุมมอง 1K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Tumon Bay Guam | Weight loss journey diary | Guam | weight loss motivation | diet and exercise | グアム
Snorkeling and having a good time on Guam
มุมมอง 1334 ปีที่แล้ว
Snorkeling and having a good time on Guam
Can you please send me the link to
Hafa adai, y’all r funny ! Loved it and al the nature and exotic beauty of you guys and the reflective and beautiful island of Guam ! Biba Guahan
I'm super happy this video exists I spent my past live as a fox here and I just can't stop rewatching.
Hinde bah mainit dyan sa guam alin bah ang mainit sa pinas or guam tnx
....nice video...Hello from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷...we are also part of the United States...like guam is too...
Sweet views! No place like the Marianas🤙
did you park at the road right by the entrance of the gate? went there just completely left the rain kind of made it seem like it would be such a troublesome hike.
Hi! Yup! We parked on the grass next to the gate entrance. It was definitely super super muddy. We needed gloves because of all the sword grass so we weren’t able to make it to the bottom of the falls.
Nice video and music background 👍🏻👍🏻🇬🇺
It was said that our ancestors would host "fiestas" there every year and would retell the story of Fo'na and Pontan. Amazing
That IS amazing💜. Thanks for sharing
I wonder if your back yet, but stay safe. Covid still exist!
Hello. I’ve been going to that area but never find these . Would you please help which side of the road should I go to?
I believe the street is called San Ramon. It’s on the cliff behind the court and before McDonald’s
Thankyou.. The government app such as mysos do we register before arrival? it is not accepting my flight number
You can do it at the airport when you arrive. There’s staff there to help you
ya but I heard do it ahead of time would get you into the fast track. I solved the mysos problem now i am stuck with cocoa
Omg I live in Guam Right now
Very very COOL! I did a lot of Boonie Stompin in my time on Guam 20 yrs ago! I never took this trek, though. Looking at my GooMaps, I was definitely right there. I miss GU and will definitely return very soon!!!!
Enjoy my friend💜And stay safe!!!Edit, I guess you are back already🤣😅
Very strong women 👍 and very brave hearts 👍
I appreciate you!
👍😂😃☺️ you girls are awesome and totally funny having a great fun time hahaha you be careful
Thank you for your support💜. Have a great day!
Too dangerous high tide no floaters drown you will drown no problem if you're a good swimmer
Funny 😂☺️
Double wow that's great jumping off
Awesome job right tough chicks
That is so cool you girls did it awesome 👍👍🙂
Thank you😆💜
Love it!! Have fun ✨💛
Yay! Thank you💜
👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾💕💕stay safe ladies!!
Awesome video ladies & your poses too cool! Stay safe ladies!! Be sure to have some kinda taser with you for the just one case situations. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Thank you! We appreciate you
Chelu u should go to tarague beach in yigo
Hi!! I wish!! Need to have base access right?
Do we need to get permission??
Hi! Thank you for watching💜. We got permission from a family member before going.
Keep on hiking🤙🏾🤙🏾
Thank you so much!!
Oh yes!!
Hahahaahha we were so scared
I'm looking at your video and remembering Guam.👍👍👍
Thank you for watching!!
Awesomeness!! Loved them hikes while I was in Guam.
Thank you!!! Which spots were your favorite??
i love seeing shops from other places!!!!That looks so good Gumi!!!!!That egg!!!!!
Hiii guys! Thank youuu
You gals have done some awesome hikes! Have you tried geocaching? Search it up in Guam.. you’ll be amazed of the sights & hikes. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
That sounds super fun! Thank you!!
We have eaten there many times after swimming at the pools👍🏾👍🏾
Cooool!!! Have you had anything else besides the poke?
Sending love and support
Honored to be the first one to liked your video. Awesome!
Thank you for watching my video!
hi ma'am, do u have ladies dormitory near the premium stores?
Hi MikMik Okada! I’m not too sure if have any dorms here in Guam besides the University. We used to have one facility, but it’s used as a homeless shelter now. Maybe you can check Airbnb.com? Hope that helps! Have a nice day
can u recommend walking distance to and from gpo please.
@@mikmikokada4230 Recommend a place to stay? Onward Hotel, Sheraton Laguna Resort, and Santa Fe are the hotels that are closest to GPO. Santa Fe is probably the most affordable. I know there are a few motels, but I’m not sure if it’s safe. Airbnb.com probably has affordable home/rooms listing. You can choose from the map and see which units are closest to GPO on the Airbnb website.
@@gumi_tours6946 thank u very much, i really appreciate ur prompt reply...see u after the long quarantine period is lifted..💋💋💋
@@mikmikokada4230 you’re very welcome. Safe travels!
Someone go back and get the snorkel 😂 What a beautiful spot! Go Gumi! Yay! 💦*Splash* I hike to snack too lol. I love plain Fritos toooo!! Their also gluten free lol. Perfect day Gumi!
Hi Jessica!! Thank you for watching!
Hi Gumi! The water looks so pretty! Hi Mr. 🦀 Beautiful fun!
Thank you Katie!!!
This little bridge is like a fairytale❤️❤️
Thank you for watching!
bro if you know what this bridge is that comment is messed up😭😭
I know Your niece Alice
This is so Beautiful and cool I love Guam
Thank you so much💜💜
It’s like an unboxing of the bag 😂😂😂😂
That’s my favorite part 🤣🤣🤣 she’s so funny!!!
Eeeeeeeeeee sooo cute and fun gals!!! Connie and her bag!
Was your car okay? I heard a lot of cars got broken into there.
Hi!! Yes, our car was ok. We were nervous about that too, but we took a chance. There were about 5 other groups that were there at different times today. So maybe all the people coming in and out at different times scared them away🤞🏿. Thanks for watching💜. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Lol! Trip to Ross! 😁 I love how you all start so early. The crack of dawn makes it feel so good! Haha I didn’t know there was going to be comedy too! Hahahaha So pretty at the top. Woah🌊🌊🌊 yeah that’s cove was wild!
🤣🤣 My friend is hilarious!! Ross on Guam is THE HOT SPOT to shop. There isn’t a huge variety of stores here like in the states so you’ll be surprised to see the line at Ross here in Guam actually wraps around the store 🤣. Thanks for your support and watching my video💜💜💜.