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기화기(베이퍼라이져)LPG차량,첫시동 어렵고,안됩니까.Carburetor (vaporizer) LPG vehicle, difficult to start, won't start?
베이퍼라이져 장착차량 첫시동 안되나요?
정상적인 차량 이라면,첫시동이 잘 됩니다.
하지만,어디가 비정상적으로 정비가 되지않았다면.
이런 문제가 발생 하게 됩니다.
영상으로 올렸으니 참고 하시구요.
진단,검진이 우선이니 꼭 정확하게 검사 먼저 받고
그다음 부품,부속을 교환 해도 됩니다.
감사 합니다.
Does a vehicle equipped with a vaporizer not start properly?
If it is a normal vehicle, it will start properly.
However, if there is something that is not maintained properly,
this problem will occur.
I uploaded it as a video, so please refer to it.
Diagnosis and inspection are the priority, so please get an accurate inspection first,
and then you can replace the parts and accessories.
Thank you.
มุมมอง: 271


오토밋션 가속더딤 등 발생하여 기계적인문제인지 전기적인문제인지?Isuch as the automatic transmission acceleration lag, occurring?
มุมมอง 65114 วันที่ผ่านมา
오토미션 차량들이 간헐적으로 가속이 안 된다면 이 영상을 참고하세요. 오토 미션오일과 슬러지 한번 점검해 보세요. 지금 하지 않는다면, 오토미션을 교환할 수도 있습니다. 감사 합니다. If your automatic transmission vehicle is intermittently not accelerating, please refer to this video. Check the automatic transmission oil and sludge. If you don't do it now, you may need to replace the automatic transmission. Thank you.
자동차,히터 바람이 앞쪽에 안나와.Car heater wind does not come out to the front.
มุมมอง 64821 วันที่ผ่านมา
자동차의 히터,에어컨. 위치 모드라는 액츄레이터모터가 작동을 합니다. 그런데 그 액츄에이터 모드가 고장이 난다면 일정 위치 모드가 고정이 되어 바람이 나오질 않습니다. 원인을 찾는다고 해도 부품이 위치가 난이도가 높은 곳에 있다면 결코 쉽게 작업하기가 어려울 것입니다. 이번 영상은 간단한 공구를 만들어서 어렵지 않게 작업하는 영상입니다 참고하시고 영상 즐겁게 시청하세요. 감사합니다. The heater and air conditioner of the car. The actuator motor called the position mode operates. However, if the actuator mode is broken, the position mode is fixed and the wind doe...
lpg자동차 시동지연..LPG car start delay..
มุมมอง 1.9K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
자동차 시동 관련. 자동차 종류는 참 많습니다. 특히 LPG 차량들은 LPG 특성상 조건에 맞아야 시동성 문제가 발생하지 않습니다. 혹시라도 내 차가 잘 시동이 안 된다면 정비 업소에서 먼저 부품을 교환하지 마시고 고장 원인이 무엇인지 를 먼저 검사를 해 봐야 될 것입니다. 이제는 검사 진단 후 확진 확진이 된 다음에 고장난 부품을 교환하셔야 합니다. 다시 한번 말씀드리지만 검사 먼저 받고 다음 고장난 부품을 교환해야 됩니다. 감사합니다. Regarding car starting. There are many types of cars. In particular, LPG vehicles do not have starting problems if they meet the conditions due to th...
가스차량,기화기장착차량,꼭 봐야 합니다.Gas vehicles, carburetor-equipped vehicles, must see.
มุมมอง 614หลายเดือนก่อน
가스차량은 혼합비 잘맞어야 하는데,그중 감압하는 기화기 1차 압력 체크 꼭 해야 됩니다. 영상으로 올린 것이니 참고 하시고 내차가 기화기장착 차량이라면 도움 됬으면 좋겠습니다. 감사 합니다. Gas vehicles need to have a good mixture ratio, and among them, you must check the 1st pressure of the carburetor that reduces pressure. Since it is uploaded as a video, please refer to it. If your car is equipped with a carburetor, I hope it helps. Thank you.
겨울,내차가 시동안되 뭐가 문제야? It's winter, my car won't start, what's the problem?
มุมมอง 1.2Kหลายเดือนก่อน
자동차 시동안되면 꼭.엔진접지,차체접지. 밧데리 충전량.알터네이터 점검 해야 합니다. 영상으로 올린 것이니 참고 하시고 즐거운 차생활 하세요. 감사 합니다. When the car starts, be sure to ground the engine, ground the body, and check the battery charge and alternator. I uploaded it as a video, so please refer to it and enjoy your car life. Thank you.
자동차 히터가 약해,더운바람이 안나와 이유가 뭘까?My car heater is weak and doesn't blow hot air. Why?
มุมมอง 1.8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
자동차 히터는 냉각수 관리가 가장 우선이겠죠! 꼭,자동차 엔진구동 의 핵심적인 물 관리 먼저 하셔야 됩니다. 위,영상은 잘 관리가 안된 차량의 고장 이유 입니다. 참고 하시고 내차는 고장 안나게 좋은 정비사를 만나면 냉각수 플러싱 작업을 의로해 보세요. 감사 합니다. The car heater must be managed with coolant first! You must first manage the water that is the core of the car engine operation. The video above shows the reasons for the breakdown of a poorly managed vehicle. Please refer to it and if you meet a ...
다마스.라보정비 이렇게 하면 됩니다.Damas. Labo maintenance can be done like this.
มุมมอง 918หลายเดือนก่อน
Damas. Labo maintenance can be done like this. 다마스.라보정비.
자동차 운행~중 고속도로에서 시동이 꺼진다면.If your car engine stalls while driving on the highway.
มุมมอง 1.2Kหลายเดือนก่อน
자동자 고장이 낫다면 무엇을 어떻게 고쳐야 할지 참~막연 합니다. 쉬운방법이 있습니다. 첨단 진단 장비로 검사를 해보는 겁니다. 위,영상은 그렇게 고치는 과정를 올렸으니 참고 하세요. 감사 합니다. If your car breaks down, what and how to fix it It's really vague. There's an easy way. You can check it with advanced diagnostic equipment. The video above shows the process of fixing it, so please refer to it. Thank you.
라보,다마스헤드정비 .자동차정비.프코스코프진단정비.Labo, Damas. Automobile maintenance. Pseudoscope diagnostic maintenance.
มุมมอง 320หลายเดือนก่อน
피코스코프 진단정비. 자동차고장 정확하게 진단정비 해야 합니다. 영상시청. 감사 합니다 . PicoScope Diagnostic Maintenance. Car failures must be diagnosed and maintained accurately. Watch the video. Thank you.
자동차부품교환 언제까지 할것인가!이제 그만!How long are we going to keep exchanging auto parts? Stop it now!
มุมมอง 1.5K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
요즘 들어 부품을 교환 했는데,고장수리가 안된다 하는 차들이 입차 되는데 시대정신에 맞지 않는것 같습니다. 이젠 기능적인 수리전 기술적인 접근이 필요 할 때 입니다. 그런 정비샵 찾아내는 것 또한 여러분들의 몫 입니다. 감사 합니다. Recently, I have been getting cars that say they can't be repaired even after replacing parts. It seems to be out of sync with the times. Now is the time to take a technical approach before functional repairs. It is also your job to find such repair shops. Thank you.
자동차기화기수리 제대로 할 곳이 없다고요.!There is no place that does car carburetor repairs properly!
มุมมอง 1.1K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
자동차기화기수리 제대로 할 곳이 없다고요.!There is no place that does car carburetor repairs properly!
자동차시동안되! 이것 먼저 확인해야 한다.!Before starting the car! You should check this first!
มุมมอง 1.8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
여러분 자동차 시동안되면 뱃데리먼저 교체 하시죠? 이제는 충전전류 먼저 확인 해야 합니다. 자동차가 이제 우리 생활속에 깊이 들어와 함께 있는시간이 많아지면서 전류 차에서 전기사용량이 늘고 있습니다. 시동이 안되는 원인중 하나가 밧데리 충전량(전류) 입니다. 일반적으로 밧데리 방전상태 에서 전압만 체크 하는데 절대 그러게 점검 하면 얼마 못가 또 밧데리를 교환 해아 하는 일이 발생 하게됩니다. 이영상을 참고 하시고 꼭 전압,전류,방전상태를 진단후 장비 하길 바래 봅니다. 감사 합니다. If your car doesn't start, you should replace the battery first, right? Now, you should check the charging current first. A...
자동차 냉각수교환 할때 입니다.이젠 이렇게 하면 됩니다.It's time to change your car's coolant. Now, here's how to do it.
มุมมอง 3.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
자동차 냉각수교환 해야 하는데.생각한번 해보고 교환 해야지 생각없이 한다면 누가봐도 안됩니다. 위 영상은 확실한 교환 영상 이니 참고하세요. 감사 합니다. I need to change the coolant in my car. I think about it before I change it. If I do it without thinking, it will be bad for anyone. The video above is a definite replacement video, so please refer to it. Thank you.
SM520 이것 때문에 폐차 시켜야 하나?SM520 Should I scrap this car because of this?
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
자동차 정비 부품이 없어요.! 어떻게 할까요? 맞습니다. 방법을 찾아야 하지요. 선명한 사람은 방법을 찾습니다. 영상으로 올린 내용 이니 참고 하세요. 감사 합니다. I don't have any auto repair parts! What should I do? That's right. I have to find a way. A clear person finds a way. This is the content uploaded in the video, so please refer to it. Thank you.
자동차도 이젠, 검진이 먼저다.
มุมมอง 4742 หลายเดือนก่อน
자동차도 이젠, 검진이 먼저다.
@k5lpi 엔진떨림 고장진단 잘못 하면 돌파리 기술인된다.@k5lpi If you diagnose engine vibration fault incorrectly
มุมมอง 1.8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
@k5lpi 엔진떨림 고장진단 잘못 하면 돌파리 기술인된다.@k5lpi If you diagnose engine vibration fault incorrectly
@라보,다마스 엔진오일누유,상태!@Labo, Damas engine oil leak, condition!
มุมมอง 4583 หลายเดือนก่อน
@라보,다마스 엔진오일누유,상태!@Labo, Damas engine oil leak, condition!
@자동차 관리.중고차 관리 이렇게 정비하기.@Car maintenance. How to maintain a used car like this.
มุมมอง 1.4K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
@자동차 관리.중고차 관리 이렇게 정비하기.@Car maintenance. How to maintain a used car like this.
@그랜드스타렉스 에어컨(간혈적)안됨.@Grand Starex air conditioner (intermittent) not working.
มุมมอง 6393 หลายเดือนก่อน
@그랜드스타렉스 에어컨(간혈적)안됨.@Grand Starex air conditioner (intermittent) not working.
@LPG자동차.엔진부조,구조변경차량 고장원인은?@LPG car. What causes engine assistance and structural modification
มุมมอง 4443 หลายเดือนก่อน
@LPG자동차.엔진부조,구조변경차량 고장원인은?@LPG car. What causes engine assistance and structural modification
@LPG자동차 엔진부조구조변경차량 고장원인?(1부)@LPG Automobile Engine Auxiliary Structure Change Vehicle Failure Cause
มุมมอง 2.7K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
@LPG자동차 엔진부조구조변경차량 고장원인?(1부)@LPG Automobile Engine Auxiliary Structure Change Vehicle Failure Cause
@라보&다마스 헤드,타이밍밸트교환 정비.
มุมมอง 4175 หลายเดือนก่อน
@라보&다마스 헤드,타이밍밸트교환 정비.
@라보,다마스 타이밍벨트교환.@Labo, Damas timing belt replacement.
มุมมอง 1.8K5 หลายเดือนก่อน
@라보,다마스 타이밍벨트교환.@Labo, Damas timing belt replacement.
@다마스&라보 에어컨이 안되~?!.@Damas&Labo The air conditioner isn't working~?!
มุมมอง 1.1K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
@다마스&라보 에어컨이 안되~?!.@Damas&Labo The air conditioner isn't working~?!
@헤드&냉각수진단.다마스.라보정비.@Head & Coolant Diagnosis. Damas. Labo Maintenance.
มุมมอง 9026 หลายเดือนก่อน
@헤드&냉각수진단.다마스.라보정비.@Head & Coolant Diagnosis. Damas. Labo Maintenance.
@자동차 엔진 냉각수 확인하자.@Check the car engine coolant.
มุมมอง 1.4K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
@자동차 엔진 냉각수 확인하자.@Check the car engine coolant.
@SM520,삼성차 르노코리아 LPG차량 기화기수리.@SM520, Samsung Motors Renault Korea LPG vehicle carburetor repair.
มุมมอง 5748 หลายเดือนก่อน
@SM520,삼성차 르노코리아 LPG차량 기화기수리.@SM520, Samsung Motors Renault Korea LPG vehicle carburetor repair.
@SM5 ABS장치 점검 정비.
มุมมอง 1.5K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
@SM5 ABS장치 점검 정비.
@디젤차량 인젝터,동와샤,터보카본크리닝 기본정비.@Diesel vehicle regular maintenance, injector, copper washer.
มุมมอง 1.4K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
@디젤차량 인젝터,동와샤,터보카본크리닝 기본정비.@Diesel vehicle regular maintenance, injector, copper washer.