Taj Mahal Dubrovnik
Taj Mahal Dubrovnik
  • 1
  • 736
TAJ MAHAL Restaurant Dubrovnik Bosnian Cuisine
VISIT - www.tajmahal-dubrovnik.com/
We opened our doors for the first time in 2004. Back then our only advertisement was the comforting and inviting smell spreading from our grill and stove in the Old Town restaurant’s tiny kitchen were we first started sharing our cooking traditions.
With it, we finally got the space and freedom to present to our guests what Bosnian cuisine is really about. The moment you step in, you are surrounded by a home-like atmosphere, Sevdah music, and stories we love to share with you in an ambient that blends the modern comfort with staple features of the Bosnian architecture-all of this becomes part of your experience.
Taj Mahal very soon became one of the favorite places to dine out in Dubrovnik. If you have a desire to try a cuisine that is a tribute to the Eastern lifestyle and eats, food with soul - then we welcome you to our world!
Since the time of the ancient Romans, the geographical location of Bosnia and Herzegovina has made it a hub where various cultures and customs met. The old Kingdom of Bosnia was engaged in the trading business with major powers in the Mediterranean through the Republic of Ragusa. As Ottoman Empire and later Austro-Hungarian Empire established their power over Bosnian territory, they also left their signature in the Bosnian cookbook.
Here in our restaurant, this rich history is cherished to this very day.
Naša vrata smo po prvi put otvorili 2004. godine. Tada nam je jedina reklama bio ugodan i privlačan miris koji se širio s našeg roštilja i pećnice u maloj kuhinji našeg restorana u staroj gradskoj jezgri, gdje smo prvi put počeli dijeliti svoju tradicionalnu kuhinju.
Uz to, konačno smo dobili prostor i slobodu predstaviti našim gostima što je to prava bosanska kuhinja.
Čim biste zakoračili unutra, bili biste okruženi atmosferom koja podsjeća na dom, uz note sevdaha i priče koje volimo podijeliti s vama u ambijentu koji kombinira modernu udobnost s glavnim značajkama bosanske arhitekture - i tada sve to zapravo postaje dio vašeg iskustva.
Taj Mahal je vrlo brzo postao jedno od omiljenih gastro mjesta u Dubrovniku. Ako imate želju probati kuhinju koja je posveta istočnjačkom načinu života i hrani s dušom - onda vam želimo dobrodošlicu u naš svijet!
Od vremena starih Rimljana, geografski položaj Bosne i Hercegovine pretvorio ju je u središte susreta različitih kultura i običaja. Staro Kraljevstvo Bosna bavilo se trgovačkim poslom s glavnim silama na Sredozemlju kroz Republiku Ragusa. Kako su Osmansko carstvo i kasnije Austro-Ugarsko Carstvo uspostavili svoju vlast nad bosanskim teritorijom, oni su također ostavili svoj potpis u bosanskoj kuharici.
Ovdje u našem restoranu ta se bogata povijest njeguje do dan danas.
มุมมอง: 736
