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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 14 ธ.ค. 2007
Vocation. Life. Meaning.
Pope Benedict XVI Visits America
มุมมอง 6K16 ปีที่แล้ว
April 15, 2008 - Pope Benedict XVI arrived in America. A documentary short of the Holy Father's historic visit to the United States of America. NYPRIEST.COM
Ven y Verás: Hispanic Day for Vocations
มุมมอง 1.8K17 ปีที่แล้ว
"There comes the great moment of decision, in a twofold choice: firstly, concerning one's state of life, and secondly concerning one's profession. It is about providing an answer to the question: what do I do with my life?" - Pope Benedict XVI NYPRIEST.COM
Love this video! Excellent message. Whoever is the voice of this video has one that touches the soul.
It is Cardinal Timothy Dolan's voice. God bless you!
@@stogskk thank you for letting me know. I just love this video!
Lindo demais!! Tenho muito orgulho de ser Católica!!! Parabéns!
E essa homilia , de arrepiar
The Pope dont fly on a 747!!! LOL
So you're going to continue calling me a papist despite my explanation that it is offensive, then you're going to message me a multiple-page, angry, anti-Catholic rant in which you bold facedly lie multiple times(adelphos ALWAYS means brother despite no Greek scholar on the planet supporting your notion?), and then block me so you don't have to hear me? Well if that isn't the adult version of a temper tantrum, I don't know what is. When you actually want to talk instead of spew filth, find me.
I did my history. A breaking off, as the Copts did, is not the same thing as a schism. A schism is a technical term. And you say the Greek is clear - really - what IS the Greek? I would bet you don't actually know it. And actually, it is NOT found in a twisting of 1 Cor. You may have been Catholic, but you sure as heck weren't paying attention in class. So I guess you're right about one thing - we are done. As long as you can't get Church beliefs straight, there's nothing ot discuss.
Do your history back in 451,the Copts split from rome (this is why they have a Pope separate from Rome), then came the great Schism of 1056,and then of course the God breathed,God blessed Reformation of the 1500's. Mary, the greek is clear, you catholics like to twist!Furthermore, as one who grew up in the whore of Babylon,I can assure you that Purgatory is mentioned according to Catholic theologians in my Bible, it is found in a twisting of 1 Cor. 3:15, shows you do not study, thus we are done.
Uh, Christ divinely instituted a Church, not Rome. There has been one schism, not 3. Neither the Coptics nor Luther were involved in any schism. Also, scripture doesn't claim Peter as bishop of Rome. Jesus makes him pope in Matthew 16:18, though, and the pope is traditionally the bishop of Rome. As for Mary ever virgin - I cannot place this in just 500 characters, but I will say that the word "until" does not quite mean what you think it means. Purgatory isn't in your ABRIDGED bible.
First of all, papist is a derrogatory term on par with the N-word, so I would highly recommend you not use it again. Second, perhaps some clergy made mistakes. (though there is no evidence B16 or JP2 were involved) But making one mistake does not make a person a wolf. If that were the case, we would ALL be wolves because we have all messed up. You are throwing out the baby with the bath water and willfully ignoring all the good done.
Can't tell if sarcasm is meant (which I am assuming it is given you are a papist catholic), but if it's not then disregard what comes next. The church failed, Ratzinger acknowledged this, and that being said, all the clergy who did not do what was right (including the pope, "blessed" John Paul II) are wolves!
What a reasonable, logical, and not emotion-fueled response!
When the church is willing to sweep it under the rug as it did, ALL THE BISHOPS, INCLUDING THE BISHOP OF ROME AT THOSE TIMES, SHOULD NOT BE SHEPHERDS, THEY ARE WOLVES!
If Christ divinely instituted Rome, than there would not have been 3 schisms! The Schism of the 400's (with the Coptic church), the schism of 1050's with east, and the much needed reform of Martin Luther in the 1500's! Show me where Scripture claims Peter as Bishop of Rome, or show me where history says this. Show me where Scripture teaches that Mary was ever virgin, when all Matthew 1 says is that Joseph did not have sex until after she gave birth. Show me where Scripture talks about purgatory!
Is there anywhere I can get this whole homily?
You clearly have not looked because 4,392 is the number of priests accused, not convicted or admitted, just accused. The number convicted is less than 1000. In contrast, in America, roughly 200 protestant pastors a year are found guilty of child molestation, so in 5 years they pass what priests have done in 30. So please, look again, and read more carefully too. Being accused of a crime is not the same as actually doing the crime.
Already looked around, i.e. I decided to seek the truth, while Catholics hide it. The Catholic church hid more child rapists than any institution in our lifetime. They admitted they hid 4,392 pedophile priests in their own John Jay report. In Philly, they admitted they hid 35 known pedophile priests, but they paid $11 million to keep one of the main pedophile protectors, Msgr Lynn, out of jail on a technicality. Catholics protect child rapists like parents protect children.
Perhaps you should actually look around before you make ridiculous accusations like that. Try actually searching for statistics on pedophilia and coverups in other religions.
That's an absolute lie. The Catholic church is BY FAR the biggest pedophile protection program in our lifetime. No one else is even close. Seek the truth. Look at the Catholic church's own John Jay report for proof. You are just making things up, which is what you learned from your lying leaders.
Ok, your point is...?
@patrickomalleyy That would be the unkind thing to say.
Five potential pedophiles added to the world's most powerful pedophile protection program. God, save our children.
@iloveamerica007 You should become an Ordinariate Priest! Perfect! At least your ordination would not be invalid. I'm sorry to burst your bubble friend, though.....
@LDellaPeruta Anglican priest yep and im 18 now so it's becoming clear
@iloveamerica007 My friend, convert! Just a joke. Do you want to be an Anglican priest or a Catholic Priest?
@CircusofPython All good things to those who wait. Besides, patience is a virtue. OK, now that I am done choking you with weak and cliched platitudes you must wait. Holy Mother Church doesn't desire impulse to the priesthood, she wants a steady, well discerned, loving process beforehand. The priesthood involves enormous responsibilities and sacrifices, so you must be prepared.
@solomonoftm Good luck, my friend!
well the whole thing is messed up then because the "ihs" is backwards on the alb and the deacon's stole is on the wrong side, it should be on his left shoulder.
@topblknavy probably a flipped image after the video was shot... ...his call trumps our 'curriculum vitae'...
This is SO beautiful!
The archbishop of New York is the biggest (in more ways than one) hypocrite in the catholic church in America. He was involved in one priest abuse of children crime after another. This catholic propaganda should be see for what it is...bullshit.
At time 1:02... what is wrong with that picture? Assuming that is the Archbishop, why is he wearing his episcopal ring on his left hand and not his right?
What a sacred call
As a Catholic i was taught sound doctrine,faith and love When i went to high school i met Protestants for the first time,they were full of rancid hate and weak doctrine.I see they are now on YT. God bless the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ever faithful to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@doothless May the grace of God and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
@iloveamerica007 don't get caught up with the Hollywood style flowery speech and music, it's not Godly. Go to CofE parish priest, contact the vocations officer on diocese web site and talk to them or call CPAS. The Lord's work is Spirit filled because God will be with 'you', here on earth (not away with the fairies on some kind of power trip) hard work, real, involves people their burdens, pain. The reality of it is far removed from this emotive 'advert'.
Same here. Cant wait.. Archdiocese of Los Angeles
10 years later, are you a priest now? :)
I love this. I want to be a priest and am currently a Senior in High School. It hurts to wait...
@Shiranui115 Thank you I don't think I'd convert to catholicism because I want to get married, have kids, that sorta stuff and also there are some theological things I don't really agree with when it comes to the Roman Catholic Church. I want to talk to you about your plans in the ministry. If it is ok you can message me and I will provide my email so I can talk to you about the ministry and the church. Looking forward to hearing from you since we are the same age and I want you perspectiv
@iloveamerica007 You have plenty of time to become a priest. In the Catholic world, in some seminaries (most? IDK exactly) you have to have your bachelor's degree before you can go to the seminary. IDK what it's like for Anglican seminaries, however. If you want to become Catholic, go to your local parish and ask about RCIA; I completed my conversion to the Catholic Church just this past Easter, and I was 16 at the time, now 17 :) May God bless you, and may Our Lord keep you close to Him. :)
@Franciscan26 They Are instruments of God, you should respect them because they devote their whole life towards Christ
Becoming a priest must be Epic!
@iloveamerica007 you can convert. there's not much of a difference between anglicanism and catholocism or become an anglican priest?
God bless the Catholic Church, the tide is turning and we will overcome the liberal secular world. We have to thank Popes JP II, and Pope Benedict XVI for standing strong against secularism, God bless these wonderful Popes and our wonderful priests.
@iloveamerica007 You follow the call by returning home to His Church, the Catholic Church. :)
I wana become a priest....but im 17....what can i do? and im not catholic...im anglican
This is so beautiful, inspiring, amazing..simply amazing
Awsome, Priesthood is a give for all humanity. I pray for them
May the lord help this noble man follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and Convert all those who deny the TRUTH.
Very nice - what's the song?