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Louis O
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 2 มิ.ย. 2012
最懷念高以翔的微笑~Godfrey Gao
มุมมอง 35K5 ปีที่แล้ว
高以翔的碓是留下很多美好回憶給每一個愛他的人。雖然他離開了差不多兩個月的時間, 但他的親切和真誠的笑容卻永遠不會忘記。在他逝世後的這段時間,我回看了很多他生前的節目片段, 發覺他是一個既謙和又實務的演藝人。有些節目看了甚至有令我想哭的難過,是因為如他這樣有心思出色的藝人,如他有更長的命途, 他的志向一定會更廣闊, 對社會貢獻更大。他雖然只是活了35年的人生, 但他好像比一般人活了好幾輩子的時間一樣。他是演員也是模特兒, 他是籃球員也可以是出色的廚師, 他是服裝店老闆也可以是的士高的打碟員...總之高以翔就是一個多才多藝,刻苦學習的成功人士。當然他的高大帥氣也是他整個完美形象上劃上更完美的符號💗。 在以翔離世不久時已上載了一次他的紀念影片, 看見很多人有很多正面及不舍的回應。於是我又再蒐集更多以翔過往親切可愛的相片和片段, 集合成一個音樂影片供諸同好。希望大家喜歡🧡!! music b...
高以翔 Godfrey Gao (1984~2019)
มุมมอง 154K5 ปีที่แล้ว
高以翔是我一路以來也不曾留意的男明星, 我只知道他是一個帥氣不凡, 高大威猛的一個明星。但只此而已, 並沒有追看他的劇集, 我一路都覺得追劇很廢時, 也沒有特別一個明星令我有需要追看。但自從高以翔離開後, 看過很多關於他過去影片無論跟朋友, 共事的藝人甚至一些跟他不相熟的人都一致說他是一個好有禮貌, 很謙虛, 和善, 富有愛心, 很平實...的一個人。很遺憾這麼遲認識一個這麼真實的高以翔, 我亦很肯定這世上不會再有另一個人好像高以翔一樣那麼純真完美的人。所以我特意在這數天從不同的媒體上收集不同的影片及圖片去製作此片作悼念。希望可以借此令更多人感受以翔曾在人間遺留的愛與真誠, 畢竟在娛樂圈裏大多數都是爭名逐利, 真心待人少之又少。或者好像以翔這樣的純真男孩根本就不屬於娛樂圈, 甚至不屬於爾虞我詐的現代都市。 12月是我最喜歡的月份, 也是以翔喜歡的聖誕節,卻因為他的離開添加了一份無形的...
Flow rider surfing
มุมมอง 2K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Handsome man is playing surfing board on flowrider @ Voyager of the Seas
Paul Walker semi-anniversary tribute 2014
มุมมอง 8K10 ปีที่แล้ว
I've long wishing to make a tribute clip of Paul Walker. As most of you know Paul is a true humanitarian, he loves people, wildlife, ocean, and those victims who suffered from natural disaster. Today is the date he passed away semi-anniversary, I want to share this clip to remember every funny and meaningful moment he had in his life. His beautiful smile, figure and generosity is gonna be misse...
Semua manusia akan mati kalau waktu nya tiba hanya tuhan yang tau kematian jodah dan rezeki itu tuhan yg menentukan, begitu juga godfrey sudah takdirnya meninggal semoga tuhan menerima amal baiknya Aamiin
Quel dommage qu'il est fini sa vie avec Bella. 😢😢 J'aurais préféré JJY mais il a choisit 😢😢😢😢
We missed you so much Godfreygao your alwsys in our hesrt forever we never forget you GG love you forever🙏♥️♥️♥️🇵🇭
I miss him!
I missed you so much Godfreygao your always in my heart never forgotten your memories remain in our heart forever love you my king GG❤️❤️❤️🙏🇵🇭
Heaven taken Godfrey's away from the chinese community. There must be a good reason. Is it a sign lack of kindness and self reflection.
Godfrey GAO you are our brightness star in the sky in I'am you light I love you missing you always My Angel in heaven ❤️❤️❤️🙏🇵🇭
A pesar de su paso tan fugaz por esta vida creo que vivió con tanta pasión y alegría en todo lo que amo y pasan los años desde que se nos adelantó, sigue tan presente aún entre los que valoran cada acto y gestos que tuvo con cada uno. Ruego por su eterno descanso y sea la paz a su flia . Bendiciones desde Argentina ❤. Mi querido Goyfrey Gao . Sigo mirando tus logros y puedo decir que tú propósito en este paso por la vida fue dejar un legado de humildad, belleza , talento he inspiración para muchos , que tú luz sea perpetua y tu sonrisa permanezca por siempre entre nosotros los que te amamos más allá de todo límite y distancia ❤ RECORDANDO A LICHUAN fue tu broche de oro en actuación y bien merecido se lo tenían tú y JJ . Pero tú existir y transcurrir es tu mayor logro guapo hombre inolvidable.
The more I watch & see your photos, the more I miss you and hypnotize by your kind and gentle face. We LOVE YOU and MISSED you a lot GODFREY GAO.
😢 🇧🇷🇧🇷 Eterno GG ❤
What a beautiful collection of photos. GG had no idea how short his life would be. I remember thinking nothing can happen to me at his age. RIP dear man and I pray for your families peace.
Ce regard qui tue ,quelle expression dans celui-ci !!!😢❤
You're always still remembered until now GG.There is a reason why Our Almighty father give you a short life here on earth. Eternal Rest. 🙏❤❤❤❤
🥰😇Remembering Lichuan in 38 EP made me cry . I first watched 2 EP from the beginning , then last EP only the part like it ends in the book . I was thinking that there is happy end . Therefore I decided to view all EP , crying at the end ... This series really made women very much attached to him . Did he enjoy this fame ? Did it brought him peace and happiness in real life ? NO! Ladies, please understand that LIFE IS NOT REALITY SHOW = life is short , for Godfrey Gao only 35 eathly years ... Even in this interview he said : Enjoy life...Life is short...As if he knew intuitively that he will live only 35 years ... Some 30 years ago Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (Buddhist teacher and also filmmaker ) asked us : What would you do if you had only 3 days to live?! (Art of enlightened warriorship, Adriatic sea, March 1994) . Lets contemplate this question again ... I pray that all of you who wrote comments bellow this video find true love, peace and happiness in your life asap . After longer consideration my conclusion is : Godfrey Gao was victim of entertainment and film industry . Artists should not become properties of agencies, managers and shows . True ARTISTS must be sovereign , because he/she is mindful what legacy he/she will leave in the world . Definitely Godfrey Gao has great potentials and great presence like the rays of the Sun . May he keep on his spiritual journey toward enlightenment in Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Sukhavati . Love and blessings to all . 😇🥰
以前也沒有留意他的消息,現在看,真的太遲了,Godfrey RIP❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
GG you're very special in your own ways, never thought that when i found you in Remembering LiChuan, you were gone 4 years ago but it's better late than never. You have many fans when you were alive but you also have new fans even when you were gone. I can only look back to know more of you and treasure your work that you left to be cherished. RIP GG. Memories of you stay forever. Thanks to all the fans who shared all of GG's memories. ❤❤❤
You will always live on in my heart Godfrey. Love you forever 🌹💖🌹💖🌹💖🌹💖🌹💖🌹
Missed you Godfrey Gao, now that you’re in heaven…..may you rest in peace. We still watch your movie & series. Please show us more of his movie. The first one I saw Remembering Lichaun. I cried, laugh, and true love always there.♥️♥️♥️
We missed u...Rest in Peace.❤❤❤
Bello en todos sus videos y su mascota hermosa 💕😇💕😇💕🙏😇🙏💚🙏💚🙏💚🙏💚🇸🇻🇸🇻
Well to be honest,he was a handsome guy.
He’s too young to go and he looks so healthy I still don’t understand 😭
懷念獨一無二的以翔, 懷念以翔的溫暖貼心善良帥氣魅力,難忘的笑容和迷人的眼神, 超棒的籃球高手,謙虛努力的藝人.感謝你和我們分享以翔珍貴的影片和難忘感人的回憶❤️❤️❤️
Lisa hand ✋31
Love 💘 thuggish brand ✋ side effects d
Tks Louis, keep Godfrey's videos coming. Wonderful memories!
懷念以翔溫暖磁性的嗓音, 好感人的感覺❤️❤️❤️
當我看著以翔和聽著這首Sayonara 的歌時,我的眼淚不停的流下,為以翔突然的離開傷心難過心疼和萬萬的不捨得失去以翔,太突然了,好難接受從此以後再也沒有了孝順善良完美貼心的以翔,永遠想念懷念著你❤️❤️❤️
很感謝你與我們分享以翔珍貴的照片和視頻, 真的非常的難過和不捨得以翔, 每次想到看到以翔也會特別的難受尤其是當想到以翔的父母親, 他們都比全部人都更加的難過心疼心痛… 也很可惜沒來的及和以翔說再見, 永遠想念懷念完美善良體貼的以翔❤️
Ah güzel evlat ışıklar içinde uyu Allah'a emanet ol😔💙🇹🇷🙋
真的希望以翔一直都還在❤️❤️❤️ 剛剛看了勝女的代價…. 好想念以翔,他帶給我們滿滿的溫暖貼心和難忘的笑容…非常的難過傷心不捨…感到很惋惜…以翔就這樣突然的離開了❤️
Forever Ever Truly Deeply Missing Godfrey So So Much ❤️❤️❤️
感謝與我們分享以翔最美麗動人的笑容和超迷人的眼神…非常的難過和不捨……以翔真的好帥氣給人的感覺好溫暖貼心,擁有令人難忘的笑容迷人的眼神, 無法抗拒以翔無敵的魅力 ❤️❤️❤️感謝你以翔,永遠都愛你想念懷念你❤️❤️❤️
會喔! 是好喜歡好喜歡你喔❤️❤️❤️ 同時也非常的心痛不已,那麼突然的失去了你, 看到了你的善良隨和友善對待別人和喜愛動物, 也看到了你的幽默風趣生動活潑同時也是一個令人難忘的多才多藝出色的演員和籃球高手, 永遠永遠都會想念你永遠永遠都會懷念著你也會永遠永遠的愛著你, 感謝獨一無二完美無瑕的以翔❤️❤️ 感謝你的陪伴感謝你的付出和努力 感謝你帶給我們滿滿難忘感人的回憶 謝謝你, 永遠最帥的以翔❤️❤️❤️
Godfrey ❤
Gracias por los videos 🙏❤️🇻🇪
A.....prohibido olvidar 🥰😇🌟🙏❤️🌻🇻🇪
Simplemente inolvidable dulce y tierno 🥰😇🌟🙏❤️🌻🇻🇪