we the original buyers are so shafted. Where is the help and justice for shafted Buyers. Are they willing to really uphold their commitment?? Reach out and give them what they have dreamed in the First Purchase!!! As agreed.
Jeffrey appears to be very nervous, which he seemed to pick up in his teenage years, and I feel this has held him back because if he doesn't look comfortable on the stage, then it makes the audience edgy too which is a distraction. A shame to a degree as he has such a beautiful and expressive voice and I could listen to him all day but maybe performing is not his thing deep down and he would prefer to sing for the pure pleasure of it. What better reason is there!
Nossa como ele cresceu.Quando o vi pela primeira vez cantando ele tinha 13 anos,que talento.Gostaria que ele soubesse que tem mais um fã aqui de Belém do Pará(Norte do Brasil)Parabens Jeffrey Li.
Growing up voice change no much different just great. Like it. That's human everything n time keep changing. Just do your best. That's matter. 😊❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉
Por ond anda vc Jeffrey lli meu cantor lindoque voz linda vc tem❤❤❤❤❤🇧🇷
Simon of BGT would be proud of you.❤.
we the original buyers are so shafted. Where is the help and justice for shafted Buyers. Are they willing to really uphold their commitment?? Reach out and give them what they have dreamed in the First Purchase!!! As agreed.
Ele cresceu ta un tapaz
Eu sempre me emociono quando o vejo cantando. parabéns Jeffrey li vc é incrível
Ele creceu e continua com a mesma sensibilidade de antes. cantando e tocando nossos coraçoes, menino de luz Deus o abençoe .
我也很希望看到凌波跟金漢 真的大家都老了 但凌波還是好漂亮喔❤
Good for office
凌波哭 金漢一定哭❤
不要哭 你是最偉大的 上天會保護你 永遠的建康 快樂
愛你 凌波❤
Jeffrey appears to be very nervous, which he seemed to pick up in his teenage years, and I feel this has held him back because if he doesn't look comfortable on the stage, then it makes the audience edgy too which is a distraction. A shame to a degree as he has such a beautiful and expressive voice and I could listen to him all day but maybe performing is not his thing deep down and he would prefer to sing for the pure pleasure of it. What better reason is there!
李成宇 你唱的太好听
Nossa como ele cresceu.Quando o vi pela primeira vez cantando ele tinha 13 anos,que talento.Gostaria que ele soubesse que tem mais um fã aqui de Belém do Pará(Norte do Brasil)Parabens Jeffrey Li.
Parabéns Jeffrey Li Continue cantando. Deus Abençoe ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙌🙌💖💞💖💞🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💗💗💗
君海棠,字小娟,15歲嫁富商,隨生子,騙到彩禮後,跑路香港,四處找短工無果,未几,食不果腹。遇好心人何冠昌,提攜到邵氏公司做幕後配音,月薪300包食宿,小娟感激涕零,欲獻身何冠昌,昌曰:吾非登徒子,豈可與你苟且? 說的小娟羞愧難當,只好潛心工作,何冠昌也暗自慚愧,不該羞辱這位可憐的小姐,於是乎偶然機會推薦給李翰祥,出演梁山伯,之後邁入正式演員行列,不久,李翰祥去台灣組建國聯,小娟曰:汝乃我師,我愿同往,萬死不辭! 李翰祥泣淚曰:忠義小娟,真如此,甚好!我們去台灣開疆擴土 啟程那天,小娟變卦,曰:我師手頭連十萬現金都沒有?如何養我?又如何成大事?因此,臨陣脫逃。 李翰祥歎氣曰:此女不可教也。乃攜江青等人離去。 之後陸續和何冠昌鬧矛盾,被李翰祥罵白眼狼,和養母打官司,1977、78年已邁入中年之際和胖頭魚金漢兩人隔岸大罵李翰祥,醜態百出,在後來,步入老年,時而走穴唱樓台會捫錢,與靜婷因分成發生矛盾。。。。。。 這就是小娟荒唐的一生。
Wow it's Blackpink song ❤
Super 👏👏👏
變聲了 但曾經輝煌過就很讚了 至少紅過了 很多人都沒有過 開始找屬於自已的工作吧
Is he so famous in China?
Who is she??
If I Built a School - Kids Books Read Aloud |Bed Time Story - By: Chris Van Dusen
Jeffrey, your are a pure talent!
Ломка голоса
#波姐 有情 有義 心心念念 感恩梁山伯+觀眾的恩情。其實是波姐前世修來的大福報。喜愛妳的觀眾或許是前生受妳恩德的眾生 今生喜愛妳久久不忘 也算是對妳的感恩回報吧~
@@史堉挺 真的,天天打吗啡,这都是报应啊,没办法的。要多做善事,积口德
God bless!...use your talent for the Lord
波姐是影迷永遠的梁兄哥 不管歲月給妳留下多少的痕跡 觀眾一樣敬愛妳。大家都成為老人家了。 哈哈 波姐是更大福報的人🎉。
我不希望乐蒂影迷去黑凌波,往事成烟,乐蒂在生前谈凌波的文章里有很好的见地,很有风度的赞赏。 凌波个人在节目接受乐蒂相关的问答与采访,我本人不敢苟同!另如若还有凌波粉丝黑乐蒂的可以和我对线!随时奉陪。
Voice change but still great 👏👍👏👍love it. ❤❤keep going.
Growing up voice change no much different just great. Like it. That's human everything n time keep changing. Just do your best. That's matter. 😊❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉